Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the hub's incoming method calls.
        /// </summary>
        protected override Task OnReceived(IRequest request, string connectionId, string data)
            HubRequest hubRequest = _requestParser.Parse(data, _serializer);

            // Create the hub
            HubDescriptor descriptor = _manager.EnsureHub(hubRequest.Hub,

            IJsonValue[] parameterValues = hubRequest.ParameterValues;

            // Resolve the method

            MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor = _manager.GetHubMethod(descriptor.Name, hubRequest.Method, parameterValues);

            if (methodDescriptor == null)
                // Empty (noop) method descriptor
                // Use: Forces the hub pipeline module to throw an error.  This error is encapsulated in the HubDispatcher.
                //      Encapsulating it in the HubDispatcher prevents the error from bubbling up to the transport level.
                //      Specifically this allows us to return a faulted task (call .fail on client) and to not cause the
                //      transport to unintentionally fail.
                IEnumerable <MethodDescriptor> availableMethods = _manager.GetHubMethods(descriptor.Name, m => m.Name == hubRequest.Method);
                methodDescriptor = new NullMethodDescriptor(descriptor, hubRequest.Method, availableMethods);

            // Resolving the actual state object
            var tracker = new StateChangeTracker(hubRequest.State);
            var hub     = CreateHub(request, descriptor, connectionId, tracker, throwIfFailedToCreate: true);

            return(InvokeHubPipeline(hub, parameterValues, methodDescriptor, hubRequest, tracker)
                   .ContinueWithPreservedCulture(task => hub.Dispose(), TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously));
Example #2
        private Task InvokeHubPipeline(IHub hub,
                                       IJsonValue[] parameterValues,
                                       MethodDescriptor methodDescriptor,
                                       HubRequest hubRequest,
                                       StateChangeTracker tracker)
            // TODO: Make adding parameters here pluggable? IValueProvider? ;)
            HubInvocationProgress progress = GetProgressInstance(methodDescriptor, value => SendProgressUpdate(hub.Context.ConnectionId, tracker, value, hubRequest), Trace);

            Task <object> piplineInvocation;

                var args = _binder.ResolveMethodParameters(methodDescriptor, parameterValues);

                // We need to add the IProgress<T> instance after resolving the method as the resolution
                // itself looks for overload matches based on the incoming arg values
                if (progress != null)
                    args = args.Concat(new[] { progress }).ToList();

                var context = new HubInvokerContext(hub, tracker, methodDescriptor, args);

                // Invoke the pipeline and save the task
                piplineInvocation = _pipelineInvoker.Invoke(context);
            catch (Exception ex)
                piplineInvocation = TaskAsyncHelper.FromError <object>(ex);

            // Determine if we have a faulted task or not and handle it appropriately.
            return(piplineInvocation.ContinueWithPreservedCulture(task =>
                if (progress != null)
                    // Stop ability to send any more progress updates

                if (task.IsFaulted)
                    return ProcessResponse(tracker, result: null, request: hubRequest, error: task.Exception);
                else if (task.IsCanceled)
                    return ProcessResponse(tracker, result: null, request: hubRequest, error: new OperationCanceledException());
                    return ProcessResponse(tracker, task.Result, hubRequest, error: null);
Example #3
        public HubRequest Parse(string data, JsonSerializer serializer)
            var deserializedData = serializer.Parse <HubInvocation>(data);

            var request = new HubRequest();

            request.Hub             = deserializedData.Hub;
            request.Method          = deserializedData.Method;
            request.Id              = deserializedData.Id;
            request.State           = GetState(deserializedData);
            request.ParameterValues = (deserializedData.Args != null) ? deserializedData.Args.Select(value => new JRawValue(value)).ToArray() : _emptyArgs;

Example #4
        private Task ProcessResponse(StateChangeTracker tracker, object result, HubRequest request, Exception error)
            var hubResult = new HubResponse
                State  = tracker.GetChanges(),
                Result = result,
                Id     = request.Id,

            if (error != null)

                var hubError = error.InnerException as HubException;

                if (_enableDetailedErrors || hubError != null)
                    var exception = error.InnerException ?? error;
                    hubResult.StackTrace = _isDebuggingEnabled ? exception.StackTrace : null;
                    hubResult.Error      = exception.Message;

                    if (hubError != null)
                        hubResult.IsHubException = true;
                        hubResult.ErrorData      = hubError.ErrorData;
                    hubResult.Error = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Error_HubInvocationFailed, request.Hub, request.Method);

            Trace.TraceVerbose("Sending hub invocation result to connection {0} using transport {1}", Transport.ConnectionId, Transport.GetType().Name);

Example #5
        private Task SendProgressUpdate(string connectionId, StateChangeTracker tracker, object value, HubRequest request)
            var hubResult = new HubResponse
                State    = tracker.GetChanges(),
                Progress = new { I = request.Id, D = value },
                // We prefix the ID here to ensure old clients treat this as a hub response
                // but fail to lookup a corresponding callback and thus no-op
                Id = "P|" + request.Id,

            return(Connection.Send(connectionId, hubResult));