private void BuildOwaProc()
            // build the structure (class instance) that represents the main procedure call

            OwaProcedure owaProc = new OwaProcedure();

            owaProc.CheckForDownload          = true;
            owaProc.BeforeProc                = DadConfig.BeforeProcedure;
            owaProc.AfterProc                 = DadConfig.AfterProcedure;
            owaProc.RequestValidationFunction = DadConfig.RequestValidationFunction;
            owaProc.IsSoapRequest             = IsSoapRequest;

            if (IsFlexibleParams)
                // flexible parameter mode (name/value collections)
                owaProc.MainProc       = ProcName;
                owaProc.MainProcParams = ":b1, :b2";
            else if (IsPathAlias)
                // path aliasing (forward URL to PathAlias procedure)
                owaProc.MainProc = DadConfig.PathAliasProcedure;

                // no request validation needed/wanted for PathAliasProcedure
                owaProc.RequestValidationFunction = "";

                if (DadConfig.PathAliasIncludeParameters)
                    // forward querystring and form parameters as well as URL
                    owaProc.MainProcParams = ":b1, :b2, :b3";
                    // standard mod_plsql behaviour (just forward the URL)
                    owaProc.MainProcParams = ":b1";
            else if (IsDocumentPath)
                // download procedure via DocumentPath folder (no parameters, procedure is expected to identify file using get_cgi_env)
                // see
                owaProc.MainProc = DadConfig.DocumentProcedure;
            else if (IsXdbAlias)
                // XDB resource will be fetched by separate call
                owaProc.MainProc         = "null";
                owaProc.CheckForDownload = false;
                owaProc.MainProc = ProcName;

                string sqlParams  = "";
                int    paramCount = 0;

                foreach (NameValuePair nvp in _requestParams)
                    paramCount = paramCount + 1;
                    sqlParams  = StringUtil.AppendStr(sqlParams, nvp.Name + " => :b" + paramCount.ToString(), ", ");

                    if (logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                        logger.Debug("Parameter " + paramCount.ToString() + ": " + nvp.Name + " = " + nvp.DebugValue);

                if (sqlParams.Length > 0)
                    owaProc.MainProcParams = sqlParams;
                    owaProc.MainProcParams = "";

            OwaProc = owaProc;
Example #2
        public bool ExecuteMainProc(OwaProcedure owaProc, List <NameValuePair> paramList, bool describeProc, string procName)
            int[] bindBucketLengths = _dadConfig.BindBucketLengths;
            int[] bindBucketWidths  = _dadConfig.BindBucketWidths;

            NameValueCollection procParams = new NameValueCollection();
            string dataType    = "";
            bool   paramExists = false;

            string sql = "";

            int paramCount = 0;

            if (describeProc)
                procParams = DescribeSingleProc(_dadName, procName);
                sql        = owaProc.BuildSQLStatement(procParams, paramList);
                sql = owaProc.BuildSQLStatement();

            OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, _conn);

            OracleParameter pReturnValue = null;
            OracleParameter pIsDownload  = null;

            if (owaProc.RequestValidationFunction.Length > 0)
                OracleParameter pName = cmd.Parameters.Add("p_proc_name", OracleDbType.Varchar2, PLSQL_MAX_STR_SIZE, procName, ParameterDirection.Input);

            if (owaProc.IsSoapRequest)
                pReturnValue = cmd.Parameters.Add("p_return_value", OracleDbType.Clob, ParameterDirection.Output);

            foreach (NameValuePair nvp in paramList)
                if (describeProc)
                    paramExists = (procParams.GetValues(nvp.Name) != null);
                    if (paramExists)
                        dataType = procParams.GetValues(nvp.Name)[0];
                    paramExists = true;
                    dataType    = "";

                if (paramExists)
                    paramCount = paramCount + 1;

                    if (nvp.ValueType == ValueType.ArrayValue || dataType == "PL/SQL TABLE")
                        OracleParameter p = cmd.Parameters.Add("b" + paramCount.ToString(), OracleDbType.Varchar2, ParameterDirection.Input);
                        p.CollectionType = OracleCollectionType.PLSQLAssociativeArray;
                        p.Value          = nvp.ValuesAsArray;
                        //p.Size = nvp.Values.Count();
                        p.Size = GetNextValidSize(nvp.Values.Count, bindBucketLengths);
                        if (nvp.Value.Length > PLSQL_MAX_STR_SIZE || dataType == "CLOB")
                            OracleParameter p = cmd.Parameters.Add("b" + paramCount.ToString(), OracleDbType.Clob, nvp.Value.Length, nvp.Value, ParameterDirection.Input);
                            OracleParameter p = cmd.Parameters.Add("b" + paramCount.ToString(), OracleDbType.Varchar2, GetNextValidSize(nvp.Value.Length, bindBucketWidths), nvp.Value, ParameterDirection.Input);
                    logger.Warn(string.Format("Mismatch between metadata ({0} parameters) and actual invocation ({1} parameters): Parameter '{2}' was not found in metadata, and was skipped to avoid errors.", procParams.Count, paramList.Count, nvp.Name));

            if (owaProc.CheckForDownload)
                pIsDownload = cmd.Parameters.Add("p_is_download", OracleDbType.Int32, ParameterDirection.Output);

            logger.Debug("Executing SQL: " + cmd.CommandText);

                _lastError     = "";
                _lastErrorCode = 0;
            catch (OracleException e)
                if (logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                    logger.Debug("Command failed: " + e.Message);
                _lastError     = e.Message;
                _lastErrorCode = e.Number;

            if (owaProc.CheckForDownload)
                int isDownload = (int)(OracleDecimal)pIsDownload.Value;
                IsDownload = (isDownload != 0);
                if (logger.IsDebugEnabled && IsDownload)
                    logger.Debug("  IsDownload = True");

            if (owaProc.IsSoapRequest)
                if (pReturnValue.Status == OracleParameterStatus.NullFetched)
                    _soapReturnValue = "";
                    OracleClob tempClob = (OracleClob)pReturnValue.Value;
                    _soapReturnValue = tempClob.Value;
