Example #1
        private void pbBoxSlot_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            int slot = getSlot(sender);
            int offset = getPKXOffset(slot);

            // Check for In-Dropped files (PKX,SAV,ETC)
            string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);
            if (Directory.Exists(files[0])) { loadBoxesFromDB(files[0]); return; }
            if (pkm_from_offset == 0)
                if (files.Length > 0)
                    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(files[0]);

                    // Detect if PKM/PKX
                    if ((fi.Length == 136) || (fi.Length == 220) || (fi.Length == 236) || (fi.Length == 100) || (fi.Length == 80))
                        byte[] input = File.ReadAllBytes(files[0]);
                        var Converter = new pk2pk();
                        if (!PKX.verifychk(input)) Util.Alert("Invalid File Loaded.", "Checksum is not valid.");
                        try // to convert past gen pkm
                            byte[] data = Converter.ConvertPKM(input, savefile, savindex);
                            Array.Copy(PKX.encryptArray(data), 0, savefile, offset, 0xE8);
                        { Util.Error("Attempted to load previous generation PKM.", "Conversion failed."); }
                    else if (fi.Length == 232 || fi.Length == 260)
                        byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes(files[0]);
                        if (fi.Extension == ".pkx" || fi.Extension == ".pk6")
                            data = PKX.encryptArray(data);
                        else if (fi.Extension != ".ekx" && fi.Extension != ".ek6")
                        { openQuick(files[0]); return; } // lazy way of aborting

                        byte[] decdata = PKX.decryptArray(data);
                        if (!PKX.verifychk(decdata))
                            Util.Alert("Attempted to load Invalid File.", "Checksum is not valid.");
                            Array.Copy(data, 0, savefile, offset, 0xE8);
                            getQuickFiller(getPictureBox(slot), decdata);
                            getSlotColor(slot, Properties.Resources.slotSet);
                    else // not PKX/EKX, so load with the general function
                    { openQuick(files[0]); }
                if (ModifierKeys == Keys.Alt && slot > -1) // overwrite delete old slot
                    byte[] cleardata = new Byte[0xE8];

                    // Clear from slot picture
                    getQuickFiller(getPictureBox(pkm_from_slot), cleardata);

                    // Clear from slot data
                    Array.Copy(PKX.encryptArray(cleardata), 0, savefile, pkm_from_offset, 0xE8);
                else if (ModifierKeys != Keys.Control && slot > -1)
                    // Load data from destination
                    byte[] swapdata = new Byte[0xE8];
                    Array.Copy(savefile, offset, swapdata, 0, 0xE8);

                    // Swap slot picture
                    getQuickFiller(getPictureBox(pkm_from_slot), PKX.decryptArray(swapdata));

                    // Swap slot data to source
                    Array.Copy(swapdata, 0, savefile, pkm_from_offset, 0xE8);
                // Copy from temp slot to new.
                Array.Copy(pkm_from, 0, savefile, offset, 0xE8);
                getQuickFiller(getPictureBox(slot), PKX.decryptArray(pkm_from));

                pkm_from_offset = 0; // Clear offset value

            savedited = true;
Example #2
        private void loadBoxesFromDB(string path)
            if (path == "") return;
            int offset = SaveGame.Box;
            int ctr = CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex * 30;
            int pastctr = 0;

            // Clear out the box data array.
            // Array.Clear(savefile, offset, size * 30 * 31);
            DialogResult dr = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, "Clear subsequent boxes when importing data?", "If you only want to overwrite for new data, press no.");
            if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel) return;
            if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
                byte[] ezeros = PKX.encryptArray(new byte[232]);
                for (int i = ctr; i < 30 * 31; i++)
                    Array.Copy(ezeros, 0, savefile, offset + i * 232, 232);
            string[] filepaths = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.*", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
            var Converter = new pk2pk();

            foreach (string t in filepaths)
                long len = new FileInfo(t).Length;
                if (len > 260)
                if (
                    len != 232 && len != 260 // 6th Gen
                    && len != 136 && len != 220 && len != 236 // 5th Gen
                    && len != 100 && len != 80) // 4th Gen
                byte[] data = new byte[232];
                switch (Path.GetExtension(t)) // Filter all files by extension
                    case ".pk5":
                    case ".pk4":
                    case ".pk3":
                    case ".3gpkm":
                    case ".pkm":
                        // Verify PKM (decrypted)
                        byte[] input = File.ReadAllBytes(t);
                        if (!PKX.verifychk(input)) continue;
                            try // to convert g5pkm
                            { data = PKX.encryptArray(Converter.ConvertPKM(input, savefile, savindex)); pastctr++; }
                            catch { continue; }
                    case ".pk6":
                    case ".pkx":
                        byte[] input = File.ReadAllBytes(t);
                        if ((BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0xC8) == 0) && (BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0x58) == 0))
                            if (BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0x8) == 0) // if species = 0
                            Array.Resize(ref input, 232);

                            if (PKX.getCHK(input) != BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0x6)) continue;
                            data = PKX.encryptArray(input);
                    case ".ek6":
                    case ".ekx":
                        byte[] input = File.ReadAllBytes(t);
                        Array.Resize(ref input, 232);
                        Array.Copy(input, data, 232);
                        // check if it is good data
                        byte[] decrypteddata = PKX.decryptArray(input);

                        if (BitConverter.ToUInt16(decrypteddata, 0xC8) != 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(decrypteddata, 0x58) != 0)
                            continue; // don't allow improperly encrypted files. they must be encrypted properly.
                        //else if (BitConverter.ToUInt16(decrypteddata, 0x8) == 0) // if species = 0
                        //    continue;
                        // We'll allow blank ekx files for those wanting to see the decrypted data.
                        if (PKX.getCHK(input) != BitConverter.ToUInt16(decrypteddata, 0x6)) continue;
                Array.Copy(data, 0, savefile, offset + ctr++ * 232, 232);
                setPokedex(PKX.decryptArray(data)); // Set the Pokedex data
                if (ctr == 30 * 31) break; // break out if we have written all 31 boxes
            if (ctr <= 0) return;
            // if we've written at least one pk6 in, go ahead and make sure the window is stretched.
            if (Width < Height) // expand if boxes aren't visible
                Width = largeWidth;
                tabBoxMulti.SelectedIndex = 0;
            string result = String.Format("Loaded {0} files to boxes.", ctr);
            if (pastctr > 0)
                Util.Alert(result, String.Format("Conversion successful for {0} past generation files.", pastctr));
Example #3
        private void openFile(byte[] input, string path, string ext)
            #region Powersaves Read-Only Conversion
            if (input.Length == 0x10009C) // Resize to 1MB
                Array.Copy(input, 0x9C, input, 0, 0x100000);
                Array.Resize(ref input, 0x100000);

            #region Saves
            if ((input.Length == 0x76000) && BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 0x75E10) == 0x42454546) // ORAS
                openMAIN(input, path, "ORAS", true);
            else if ((input.Length == 0x65600) && BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 0x65410) == 0x42454546) // XY
                openMAIN(input, path, "XY", false);
            // Verify the Data Input Size is Proper
            else if (input.Length == 0x100000)
                if (openXOR(input, path)) // Check if we can load the save via xorpad
                    return; // only if a save is loaded we abort
                if (BitConverter.ToUInt64(input, 0x10) != 0) // encrypted save
                { Util.Error("PKHeX only edits decrypted save files.", "This save file is not decrypted."); return; }

                string GameType = "XY"; // Default Game Type to load.
                if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 0x7B210) == 0x42454546) GameType = "ORAS"; // BEEF magic in checksum block
                if ((BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 0x100) != 0x41534944) && (BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 0x5234) != 0x6E69616D))
                    DialogResult dialogResult = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Save file is not decrypted.", "Press Yes to ignore this warning and continue loading the save file.");
                    if (dialogResult != DialogResult.Yes) return;

                    DialogResult sdr = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, "Press Yes to load the sav at 0x3000", "Press No for the one at 0x82000");
                    if (sdr == DialogResult.Cancel) return;

                    savindex = (sdr == DialogResult.Yes) ? 0 : 1;
                    B_SwitchSAV.Enabled = true;
                    open1MB(input, path, GameType, false);
                else if (PKX.detectSAVIndex(input, ref savindex) == 2)
                    DialogResult dialogResult = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Hash verification failed.", "Press Yes to ignore this warning and continue loading the save file.");
                    if (dialogResult != DialogResult.Yes) return;

                    DialogResult sdr = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, "Press Yes to load the sav at 0x3000", "Press No for the one at 0x82000");
                    if (sdr == DialogResult.Cancel)
                        savindex = 0;
                        return; // abort load
                    savindex = (sdr == DialogResult.Yes) ? 0 : 1;
                    B_SwitchSAV.Enabled = true;
                    open1MB(input, path, GameType, false);
                    B_ExportSAV.Enabled = true;
                    B_SwitchSAV.Enabled = true;
                    PKX.detectSAVIndex(input, ref savindex);
                    open1MB(input, path, GameType, false);
            #region PK6/EK6
            else if ((input.Length == 260) || (input.Length == 232))
                // Check if Input is PKX
                if ((ext == ".pk6") || (ext == ".ek6") || (ext == ".pkx") || (ext == ".ekx") || (ext == ".bin") || (ext == ""))
                    // Check if Encrypted before Loading
                    buff = (BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0xC8) == 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0x58) == 0) ? input : PKX.decryptArray(input);
                    Util.Error("Unable to recognize file." + Environment.NewLine + "Only valid .pk* .ek* .bin supported.", String.Format("File Loaded:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, path));
            #region PK3/PK4/PK5
            else if ((input.Length == 136) || (input.Length == 220) || (input.Length == 236) || (input.Length == 100) || (input.Length == 80)) // to convert g5pkm
                var Converter = new pk2pk();
                if (!PKX.verifychk(input)) Util.Error("Invalid File (Checksum Error)");
                try // to convert g5pkm
                    byte[] data = Converter.ConvertPKM(input, savefile, savindex);
                    Array.Copy(data, buff, 232);
                    Array.Copy(new byte[232], buff, 232);
                    Util.Error("Attempted to load previous generation PKM.", "Conversion failed.");
            #region Trade Packets
            else if (input.Length == 363 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0x6B) == 0)
                // EAD Packet of 363 length
                byte[] c = new byte[260];
                Array.Copy(input, 0x67, c, 0, 260);
            else if (input.Length == 407 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0x98) == 0)
                // EAD Packet of 407 length
                byte[] c = new byte[260];
                Array.Copy(input, 0x93, c, 0, 260);
            #region Box Data
            else if ((input.Length == 0xE8 * 30 || input.Length == 0xE8 * 30 * 31) && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 4) == 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt32(input , 8) > 0)
                Array.Copy(input, 0, savefile, SaveGame.Box + 0xE8 * 30 * ((input.Length == 0xE8*30) ? CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex : 0), input.Length);
                Width = largeWidth;
                Util.Alert("Box Binary loaded."); }
            #region injectiondebug
            else if (input.Length == 0x10000)
                int offset = -1; // Seek to find data start
                for (int i = 0; i < 0x800; i++)
                    byte[] data = PKX.decryptArray(input.Skip(i).Take(0xE8).ToArray());
                    if (PKX.getCHK(data) != BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 6)) continue;
                    offset = i; break;
                if (offset < 0) { Util.Alert(path, "Unable to read the input file; not an expected injectiondebug.bin."); return; }
                CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = 0;
                Array.Copy(input, offset, savefile, SaveGame.Box + 0xE8 * 30 * CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, 9 * 30 * 0xE8);
                Width = largeWidth;
                Util.Alert("Injection Binary loaded."); }
            #region RAMSAV
            else if (( /*XY*/ input.Length == 0x70000 || /*ORAS*/ input.Length == 0x80000) && Path.GetFileName(path).Contains("ram"))
                if (input.Length == 0x80000)
                    // Scan for FEEB in XY location, 3DS only overwrites data if file already exists.
                    for (int i = 0x60000; i < 0x64000; i+=4)
                        if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, i) == 0x42454546) { Array.Resize(ref input, 0x70000); break; }

                bool o = (input.Length == 0x80000);
                try { openMAIN(ram2sav.getMAIN(input), path, (o) ? "ORAS" : "XY", o, true); } catch { return; }
                ramsav = (byte[])input.Clone();
            #region Battle Video
            else if (input.Length == 0x2E60 && BitConverter.ToUInt64(input, 0xE18) != 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0xE12) == 0)
                if (Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Load Batte Video Pokémon data to " + CB_BoxSelect.Text + "?", "The first 24 slots will be overwritten.") != DialogResult.Yes) return;
                for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
                    Array.Copy(input, 0xE18 + 260 * i + (i / 6) * 8, savefile, SaveGame.Box + i * 0xE8 + CB_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex * 30 * 0xE8, 0xE8);
            #region Wondercard
            else if (input.Length == 0x108 && ext == ".wc6")
                new SAV_Wondercard(this, input).Show();
                Util.Error("Attempted to load an unsupported file type/size.", "File Loaded:" + Environment.NewLine + path, "File Size:" + Environment.NewLine + new FileInfo(path).Length.ToString("X8"));
        private void openFile(byte[] input, string path, string ext)
            #region Powersaves Read-Only Conversion
            if (input.Length == 0x10009C) // Resize to 1MB
                Array.Copy(input, 0x9C, input, 0, 0x100000);
                Array.Resize(ref input, 0x100000);

            #region Saves
            if ((input.Length == 0x76000) && BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 0x75E10) == 0x42454546) // ORAS
                openMAIN(input, path, "ORAS", true);
            else if ((input.Length == 0x65600) && BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 0x65410) == 0x42454546) // XY
                openMAIN(input, path, "XY", false);
            // Verify the Data Input Size is Proper
            else if (input.Length == 0x100000)
                if (openXOR(input, path)) // Check if we can load the save via xorpad
                    return; // only if a save is loaded we abort
                else if (BitConverter.ToUInt64(input, 0x10) != 0) // encrypted save
                { Util.Error("PKHeX only edits decrypted save files.", "This save file is not decrypted."); return; }

                string GameType = "XY"; // Default Game Type to load.
                if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 0x7B210) == 0x42454546) GameType = "ORAS"; // BEEF magic in checksum block
                if ((BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 0x100) != 0x41534944) && (BitConverter.ToUInt32(input, 0x5234) != 0x6E69616D))
                    DialogResult dialogResult = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Save file is not decrypted.", "Press Yes to ignore this warning and continue loading the save file.");
                    if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                        DialogResult sdr = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, "Press Yes to load the sav at 0x3000", "Press No for the one at 0x82000");
                        if (sdr == DialogResult.Cancel)
                        else if (sdr == DialogResult.Yes)
                            savindex = 0;
                            savindex = 1;

                        B_SwitchSAV.Enabled = true;
                        open1MB(input, path, GameType, false);
                else if (PKX.detectSAVIndex(input, ref savindex) == 2)
                    DialogResult dialogResult = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Hash verification failed.", "Press Yes to ignore this warning and continue loading the save file.");
                    if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                        DialogResult sdr = Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, "Press Yes to load the sav at 0x3000", "Press No for the one at 0x82000");
                        if (sdr == DialogResult.Cancel)
                            savindex = 0;
                            return; // abort load
                        else if (sdr == DialogResult.Yes)
                            savindex = 0;
                            B_SwitchSAV.Enabled = true;
                        else savindex = 1;
                        B_SwitchSAV.Enabled = true;
                        open1MB(input, path, GameType, false);
                    B_ExportSAV.Enabled = true;
                    B_SwitchSAV.Enabled = true;
                    PKX.detectSAVIndex(input, ref savindex);
                    open1MB(input, path, GameType, false);
            #region PK6/EK6
            else if ((input.Length == 260) || (input.Length == 232))
                // Check if Input is PKX
                if ((ext == ".pk6") || (ext == ".ek6") || (ext == ".pkx") || (ext == ".ekx") || (ext == ".bin") || (ext == ""))
                    // Check if Encrypted before Loading
                    buff = (BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0xC8) == 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0x58) == 0) ? input : PKX.decryptArray(input);
                    Util.Error("Unable to recognize file.", "Only valid .pk* .ek* .bin supported.");
            #region PK3/PK4/PK5
            else if ((input.Length == 136) || (input.Length == 220) || (input.Length == 236) || (input.Length == 100) || (input.Length == 80)) // to convert g5pkm
                var Converter = new pk2pk();
                if (!PKX.verifychk(input)) Util.Error("Invalid File (Checksum Error)");
                try // to convert g5pkm
                    byte[] data = Converter.ConvertPKM(input, savefile, savindex);
                    Array.Copy(data, buff, 232);
                    Array.Copy(new byte[232], buff, 232);
                    Util.Error("Attempted to load previous generation PKM.", "Conversion failed.");
            #region Trade Packets
            else if (input.Length == 363 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0x6B) == 0)
                // EAD Packet of 363 length
                byte[] c = new byte[260];
                Array.Copy(input, 0x67, c, 0, 260);
                input = c;
            else if (input.Length == 407 && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 0x98) == 0)
                // EAD Packet of 407 length
                byte[] c = new byte[260];
                Array.Copy(input, 0x93, c, 0, 260);
                input = c;
            #region Box Data
            else if ((input.Length == 0xE8 * 30 || input.Length == 0xE8 * 30 * 31) && BitConverter.ToUInt16(input, 4) == 0 && BitConverter.ToUInt32(input , 8) > 0)
            { Array.Copy(input, 0, savefile, SaveGame.Box + 0xE8 * 30 * ((input.Length == 0xE8*30) ? C_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex : 0), input.Length); setPKXBoxes(); Util.Alert("Box Binary loaded."); }
            #region injectiondebug
            else if (input.Length == 0x10000)
                int offset = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < 0x800; i++)
                    byte[] data = PKX.decryptArray(input.Skip(i).Take(0xE8).ToArray());
                    if (PKX.getCHK(data) == BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 6)) { offset = i; break; }
                if (offset < 0) { Util.Alert(path, "Unable to read the input file; not an expected injectiondebug.bin."); return; }
                C_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex = 0;
                Array.Copy(input, offset, savefile, SaveGame.Box + 0xE8 * 30 * C_BoxSelect.SelectedIndex, 9 * 30 * 0xE8);
                Util.Alert("Injection Binary loaded."); }

                Util.Error("Attempted to load an unsupported file type/size.", "File Loaded:" + Environment.NewLine + path);