Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the <see cref="PKM"/> data into an importable set format for Pokémon Showdown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pkm">PKM to convert to string</param>
        /// <returns>Multi line set data</returns>
        public static string GetShowdownText(PKM pkm)
            if (pkm.Species == 0)

            string[]    Forms = PKX.GetFormList(pkm.Species, types, forms, genderForms, pkm.Format);
            ShowdownSet Set   = new ShowdownSet
                Nickname   = pkm.Nickname,
                Species    = pkm.Species,
                HeldItem   = pkm.HeldItem,
                Ability    = pkm.Ability,
                EVs        = pkm.EVs,
                IVs        = pkm.IVs,
                Moves      = pkm.Moves,
                Nature     = pkm.Nature,
                Gender     = genders[pkm.Gender < 2 ? pkm.Gender : 2],
                Friendship = pkm.CurrentFriendship,
                Level      = PKX.GetLevel(pkm.Species, pkm.EXP),
                Shiny      = pkm.IsShiny,
                FormIndex  = pkm.AltForm,
                Form       = pkm.AltForm > 0 && pkm.AltForm < Forms.Length ? Forms[pkm.AltForm] : string.Empty,
                Format     = pkm.Format,

            if (Set.Form == "F")
                Set.Gender = string.Empty;

Example #2
        public static string getShowdownText(PKM pkm)
            if (pkm.Species == 0)

            string[]    Forms = PKX.getFormList(pkm.Species, types, forms, new[] { "", "F", "" }, pkm.Format);
            ShowdownSet Set   = new ShowdownSet
                Nickname   = pkm.Nickname,
                Species    = pkm.Species,
                Item       = pkm.HeldItem,
                Ability    = pkm.Ability,
                EVs        = pkm.EVs,
                IVs        = pkm.IVs,
                Moves      = pkm.Moves,
                Nature     = pkm.Nature,
                Gender     = new[] { "M", "F", "" }[pkm.Gender < 2 ? pkm.Gender: 2],
                Friendship = pkm.CurrentFriendship,
                Level      = PKX.getLevel(pkm.Species, pkm.EXP),
                Shiny      = pkm.IsShiny,
                Form       = pkm.AltForm > 0 && pkm.AltForm < Forms.Length ? Forms[pkm.AltForm] : "",

            if (Set.Form == "F")
                Set.Gender = "";
Example #3
        public static string getShowdownText(PKM pkm)
            if (pkm.Species == 0) return "";

            string[] Forms = PKX.getFormList(pkm.Species, types, forms, new[] {"", "F", ""}, pkm.Format);
            ShowdownSet Set = new ShowdownSet
                Nickname = pkm.Nickname,
                Species = pkm.Species,
                Item = pkm.HeldItem,
                Ability = pkm.Ability,
                EVs = pkm.EVs,
                IVs = pkm.IVs,
                Moves = pkm.Moves,
                Nature = pkm.Nature,
                Gender = new[] { "M", "F", "" }[pkm.Gender < 2 ? pkm.Gender : 2],
                Friendship = pkm.CurrentFriendship,
                Level = PKX.getLevel(pkm.Species, pkm.EXP),
                Shiny = pkm.IsShiny,
                Form = pkm.AltForm > 0 && pkm.AltForm < Forms.Length ? Forms[pkm.AltForm] : "",
            if (Set.Form == "F") Set.Gender = "";
            return Set.getText();
Example #4
File: Main.cs Project: kwsch/PKHeX
        // Misc Options
        private void clickShowdownImportPKM(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!formInitialized)
            if (!Clipboard.ContainsText())
            { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Clipboard does not contain text."); return; }

            // Get Simulator Data
            ShowdownSet Set = new ShowdownSet(Clipboard.GetText());

            if (Set.Species < 0)
            { WinFormsUtil.Alert("Set data not found in clipboard."); return; }

            if (Set.Nickname != null && Set.Nickname.Length > SAV.NickLength)
                Set.Nickname = Set.Nickname.Substring(0, SAV.NickLength);

            if (DialogResult.Yes != WinFormsUtil.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "Import this set?", Set.getText())) 
            { return; }

            if (Set.InvalidLines.Any())
                WinFormsUtil.Alert("Invalid lines detected:", string.Join(Environment.NewLine, Set.InvalidLines));

            // Set Species & Nickname
            CB_Species.SelectedValue = Set.Species;
            CHK_Nicknamed.Checked = Set.Nickname != null;
            if (Set.Nickname != null)
                TB_Nickname.Text = Set.Nickname;
            if (Set.Gender != null)
                int Gender = PKX.getGender(Set.Gender);
                Label_Gender.Text = gendersymbols[Gender];
                Label_Gender.ForeColor = Gender == 2 ? Label_Species.ForeColor : (Gender == 1 ? Color.Red : Color.Blue);

            // Set Form
            string[] formStrings = PKX.getFormList(Set.Species,
                Util.getFormsList("en"), gendersymbols, SAV.Generation);
            int form = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < formStrings.Length; i++)
                if (formStrings[i].Contains(Set.Form ?? ""))
                { form = i; break; }
            CB_Form.SelectedIndex = Math.Min(CB_Form.Items.Count-1, form);

            // Set Ability
            int[] abilities = SAV.Personal.getAbilities(Set.Species, form);
            int ability = Array.IndexOf(abilities, Set.Ability);
            if (ability < 0) ability = 0;
            CB_Ability.SelectedIndex = ability;
            ComboBox[] m = {CB_Move1, CB_Move2, CB_Move3, CB_Move4};
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) m[i].SelectedValue = Set.Moves[i];

            // Set Item and Nature
            CB_HeldItem.SelectedValue = Set.Item < 0 ? 0 : Set.Item;
            CB_Nature.SelectedValue = Set.Nature < 0 ? 0 : Set.Nature;

            // Set IVs
            TB_HPIV.Text = Set.IVs[0].ToString();
            TB_ATKIV.Text = Set.IVs[1].ToString();
            TB_DEFIV.Text = Set.IVs[2].ToString();
            TB_SPAIV.Text = Set.IVs[4].ToString();
            TB_SPDIV.Text = Set.IVs[5].ToString();
            TB_SPEIV.Text = Set.IVs[3].ToString();

            // Set EVs
            TB_HPEV.Text = Set.EVs[0].ToString();
            TB_ATKEV.Text = Set.EVs[1].ToString();
            TB_DEFEV.Text = Set.EVs[2].ToString();
            TB_SPAEV.Text = Set.EVs[4].ToString();
            TB_SPDEV.Text = Set.EVs[5].ToString();
            TB_SPEEV.Text = Set.EVs[3].ToString();

            // Set Level and Friendship
            TB_Level.Text = Set.Level.ToString();
            TB_Friendship.Text = Set.Friendship.ToString();

            // Reset IV/EVs
            ComboBox[] p = {CB_PPu1, CB_PPu2, CB_PPu3, CB_PPu4};
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                p[i].SelectedIndex = m[i].SelectedIndex != 0 ? 3 : 0; // max PP
            if (Set.Shiny) BTN_Shinytize.PerformClick();
            pkm = preparePKM();