public static PEDCalcValue GetPEDCValue(PwEntry pe, bool recursion) { if (!m_dPEDValues.ContainsKey(pe)) { string days_string = pe.ReadPEDCString(); PEDCValueEntry pve = new PEDCValueEntry(); pve.value = PEDCalcValue.ConvertFromString(days_string); if (pve.value.Inherit && (pe.ParentGroup != null)) { pve.valueinherit = pe.ParentGroup.GetPEDValue(true); } else { pve.valueinherit = new PEDCalcValue(PEDC.Off); } m_dPEDValues[pe] = pve; PluginDebug.AddInfo("Add PEDCValues to buffer", 0, "Entry: " + pe.Uuid.ToHexString() + " / " + pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField), "Value: " + pve.value.ToString(), "Value inherited: " + pve.valueinherit.ToString()); } if (recursion && m_dPEDValues[pe].value.Inherit) { return(m_dPEDValues[pe].valueinherit); } return(m_dPEDValues[pe].value); }
public override bool Initialize(IPluginHost host) { Terminate(); if (host == null) { return(false); } m_host = host; PluginTranslate.Init(this, KeePass.Program.Translation.Properties.Iso6391Code); PluginTranslate.TranslationChanged += (o, e) => { PEDCalcValue.SetTranslatedUnits(); }; Tools.DefaultCaption = PluginTranslate.PluginName; Tools.PluginURL = ""; m_iconActive = GfxUtil.ScaleImage(Resources.pedcalc, DpiUtil.ScaleIntX(16), DpiUtil.ScaleIntY(16)); m_iconInactive = ToolStripRenderer.CreateDisabledImage(m_iconActive); PwEntry.EntryTouched += OnEntryTouched; GlobalWindowManager.WindowAdded += OnWindowAdded; Tools.OptionsFormShown += Tools_OptionsFormShown; PEDCValueDAO.StartLogging(); m_host.ColumnProviderPool.Add(m_cp); AddMenu(); return(true); }
private void OnButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ItemOrButtonClick != null) { PEDCalcValue pcv; PEDC unit = PEDC.Days; PEDCListItem i = m_cbUnit.Items[m_cbUnit.SelectedIndex] as PEDCListItem; unit = i.Unit; int dummy = -1; if (!int.TryParse(m_tbValue.Text, out dummy) || (dummy == -1)) { pcv = new PEDCalcValue(PEDC.Inherit); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Converted expiry value", 0, "Given: " + m_tbValue.Text, "Converted: " + pcv.unit.ToString()); } else if (dummy <= 0) { pcv = new PEDCalcValue(PEDC.Off); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Converted expiry value", 0, "Given: " + m_tbValue.Text, "Converted: " + pcv.unit.ToString()); } else { pcv = new PEDCalcValue(unit, dummy); } QuickActionEventArgs qe = new QuickActionEventArgs(pcv); ItemOrButtonClick(this, qe); } }
internal static void RecalcExpiry(this PwEntry pe, bool forceRecalculation) { if (!pe.Expires) { return; //password does not expire: nothing to do } if (!forceRecalculation && !RecalcRequired(pe)) { return; } PEDCalcValue days = GetPEDValue(pe, true); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Recalc expiry date", pe.Uuid.ToString(), "Force: " + forceRecalculation.ToString(), "Old: " + pe.ExpiryTime.ToString("YYYYMMddTHHmmssZ"), "New: " + days.NewExpiryDateUtc.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ"), "Recalc required: " + (days.Specific && (pe.ExpiryTime != days.NewExpiryDateUtc)).ToString()); if (!days.Specific) { return; } if (days.NewExpiryDateUtc == pe.ExpiryTime) { return; } pe.ExpiryTime = days.NewExpiryDateUtc; pe.Touch(true, false); Tools.RefreshEntriesList(true); }
private void OnItemClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ItemOrButtonClick != null) { PEDCalcValue value = new PEDCalcValue(((sender as ToolStripMenuItem).Tag as PEDCalcValue).unit); QuickActionEventArgs qe = new QuickActionEventArgs(value); ItemOrButtonClick(this, qe); } }
private ToolStripMenuItem CreateMenuItem(string sText, PEDCalcValue pcv) { ToolStripMenuItem tsmi = new ToolStripMenuItem(sText); tsmi.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; tsmi.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; tsmi.Click += OnItemClick; tsmi.Tag = pcv; return(tsmi); }
internal static void SavePEDCString(this PwGroup pg, PEDCalcValue days) { pg.CustomData.Remove(Configuration.DaysField); if (days.Inherit) { pg.CustomData.Remove(Configuration.Interval); } else { pg.CustomData.Set(Configuration.Interval, days.ToString()); } PEDCValueDAO.Invalidate(pg); }
internal static void SavePEDCString(this PwEntry pe, PEDCalcValue days) { pe.Strings.Remove(Configuration.DaysField); if (days.Inherit) { pe.Strings.Remove(Configuration.Interval); } else { pe.Strings.Set(Configuration.Interval, new ProtectedString(false, days.ToString())); } PEDCValueDAO.Invalidate(pe); }
internal static PEDCalcValue ReadPEDCString(this ProtectedStringDictionary psd) { string sPEDC = psd.ReadSafe(Configuration.DaysField); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sPEDC)) { sPEDC = psd.ReadSafe(Configuration.Interval); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sPEDC)) { return(PEDCalcValue.ConvertFromString(sPEDC)); } return(null); }
internal void SetValue(PEDCalcValue pcv) { FontStyle fs = DropDown.Items[0].Font.Style & ~FontStyle.Bold; Font f = new Font(DropDown.Items[0].Font, fs); Font fActive = new Font(DropDown.Items[0].Font, fs | FontStyle.Bold); DropDown.Items[1].Font = pcv.Off ? fActive : f; DropDown.Items[3].Font = pcv.Inherit ? fActive : f; if (KeePassLib.Native.NativeLib.IsUnix()) //Mono does not support changing the fontstyle { DropDown.Items[0].Text = DropDown.Items[1].Text.Replace("-> ", ""); DropDown.Items[1].Text = DropDown.Items[3].Text.Replace("-> ", ""); if (pcv.Off) { DropDown.Items[1].Text = "-> " + DropDown.Items[1].Text; } if (pcv.Inherit) { DropDown.Items[3].Text = "-> " + DropDown.Items[3].Text; } } DropDown.Items[0].Image = pcv.Off ? PEDCalcExt.m_iconActive : PEDCalcExt.m_iconInactive; DropDown.Items[2].Image = pcv.Inherit ? PEDCalcExt.m_iconActive : PEDCalcExt.m_iconInactive; if (pcv.Specific) { m_tbValue.Text = pcv.value.ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < m_cbUnit.Items.Count; i++) { PEDCListItem pli = m_cbUnit.Items[i] as PEDCListItem; if (pli != null && pli.Unit == pcv.unit) { m_cbUnit.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } } else { if (KeePass.Program.Config.Defaults.NewEntryExpiresInDays > 0) { m_tbValue.Text = KeePass.Program.Config.Defaults.NewEntryExpiresInDays.ToString(); } m_cbUnit.SelectedIndex = 0; } DropDown.Items[DropDown.Items.Count - 4].Image = !pcv.Off && !pcv.Inherit ? PEDCalcExt.m_iconActive : PEDCalcExt.m_iconInactive; m_b.CheckState = !pcv.Off && !pcv.Inherit ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked; }
private void CheckShowNewExpireDate() { if (m_pweForm == null) { return; } Label lNewExpireDate = (Label)Tools.GetControl("PEDCalc_NewExpireDate", m_pweForm); if (lNewExpireDate == null) { return; } lNewExpireDate.Visible = false; CheckBox cbExpires = (CheckBox)Tools.GetControl("m_cbExpires", m_pweForm); PEDCalcValue ped = m_pweForm.EntryRef.GetPEDValue(true); //Automatic recalculation required? if (ped.Off && (m_iSelectedEntries == 1)) { return; } //Entry does not expire => Don't show calculated expiry date if ((cbExpires == null) || !cbExpires.Checked) { return; } //Check for manual change of expiry date DateTimePicker dtExpireDate = (DateTimePicker)Tools.GetControl("m_dtExpireDateTime", m_pweForm); if ((dtExpireDate.Value != m_pweForm.EntryRef.ExpiryTime.ToLocalTime()) && m_pweForm.EntryRef.Expires) { return; } //Check for change of password SecureTextBoxEx password = (SecureTextBoxEx)Tools.GetControl("m_tbPassword", m_pweForm); ProtectedString psOldPw = m_pweForm.EntryRef.Strings.GetSafe(PwDefs.PasswordField); if ((password == null) || password.TextEx.Equals(psOldPw, false)) { return; } lNewExpireDate.Visible = true; }
internal static PEDCalcValue GetPEDValue(this PwGroup pg, bool recursion) { string days_string = pg.ReadPEDCString(); PEDCalcValue PEDValue = PEDCalcValue.ConvertFromString(days_string); if (PEDValue.Inherit && recursion && pg.ParentGroup != null) { return(GetPEDValue(pg.ParentGroup, true)); } if (PEDValue.Inherit && pg.ParentGroup == null) { PEDValue.unit = PEDC.Off; } return(PEDValue); }
private void OnPEDMenuOpening(object sender, EventArgs e) { ToolStripMenuItem tsmi = sender as ToolStripMenuItem; if (tsmi == null) { return; } if (tsmi.DropDown == null) { return; } PEDValue_QuickAction pqaActions = tsmi.DropDown.Tag as PEDValue_QuickAction; if (pqaActions == null) { return; } if ((tsmi == m_ContextMenuEntry) || (tsmi == m_MainMenuEntry)) { PwEntry[] pe = m_host.MainWindow.GetSelectedEntries(); PEDCalcValue pcvInherit = pe[0].GetPEDValueInherit(); pqaActions.SetInheritValue(pcvInherit); pqaActions.SetValue(pe[0].GetPEDValue(false)); } else if ((tsmi == m_ContextMenuGroup) || (tsmi == m_MainMenuGroup)) { PwGroup pg = m_host.MainWindow.GetSelectedGroup(); PEDCalcValue pcvInherit = pg.GetPEDValueInherit(); pqaActions.SetInheritValue(pcvInherit); pqaActions.SetValue(pg.GetPEDValue(false)); } else if (m_pweForm != null) { PwEntry pe = m_pweForm.EntryRef; m_pweForm.UpdateEntryStrings(true, true); PEDCalcValue currentValue = m_pweForm.EntryStrings.ReadPEDCString(); if (currentValue == null) { currentValue = pe.GetPEDValue(false); } pqaActions.SetInheritValue(pe.GetPEDValueInherit()); pqaActions.SetValue(currentValue); } }
public static string GetPEDCValueString(PwEntry pe) { if (!m_dPEDValuesString.ContainsKey(pe.Uuid)) { PEDCalcValue pcv_entry = pe.GetPEDValue(false); bool bInherit = pcv_entry.Inherit; if (bInherit) { pcv_entry = pe.GetPEDValue(true); } string sUnit = pcv_entry.ToString(true); m_dPEDValuesString[pe.Uuid] = sUnit + (bInherit ? "*" : string.Empty); PluginDebug.AddInfo("Add PEDCValue-string to buffer", 0, "Entry: " + pe.Uuid.ToHexString() + " / " + pe.Strings.ReadSafe(PwDefs.TitleField), "Value: " + m_dPEDValuesString[pe.Uuid]); } return(m_dPEDValuesString[pe.Uuid]); }
private void OnPEDCalcEntryForm(object sender, QuickActionEventArgs e) { ToolStripDropDown tsdd = (sender as PEDValue_QuickAction).DropDown; if (tsdd == null) { return; } m_pweForm.EntryStrings.Remove(Configuration.DaysField); if (e.Value.Inherit) { m_pweForm.EntryStrings.Remove(Configuration.Interval); } else if (e.Value.unit != PEDC.SetExpired) { m_pweForm.EntryStrings.Set(Configuration.Interval, new ProtectedString(false, e.Value.ToString())); } m_pweForm.UpdateEntryStrings(false, true); if (e.Value.Off) { return; } ExpiryControlGroup ecg = (ExpiryControlGroup)Tools.GetField("m_cgExpiry", m_pweForm); PEDCalcValue pcv = e.Value; if (!e.Value.Specific) { pcv = m_pweForm.EntryRef.GetPEDValueInherit(); } if (!pcv.Off) { ecg.Checked = true; if (e.Value.unit == PEDC.SetExpired) { ecg.Value = PEDCalcValue.UnixStart; } else { ecg.Value = pcv.NewExpiryDateUtc; } } }
public static PEDCalcValue ConvertFromString(string stringValue) { PEDCalcValue result = new PEDCalcValue(PEDC.Inherit); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringValue)) { return(result); } string[] s = stringValue.Split(m_Sep); int val = 0; if (s.Count() < 1) { return(result); } if (!int.TryParse(s[0], out val)) { //Ok, it's nothing like '5 days' //So it better is one of the defined values for enum PEDC try { PEDC unit = (PEDC)Enum.Parse(typeof(PEDC), s[0], true); result.unit = unit; } catch { } return(result); } result.value = val; try { PEDC unit = (PEDC)Enum.Parse(typeof(PEDC), s[1], true); result.unit = unit; } catch { } return(result); }
internal void SetInheritValue(PEDCalcValue pcvInherit) { DropDown.Items[3].Text = string.Format(PluginTranslate.OptionsInherit, pcvInherit.ToString(true)); }
private void OnEntrySaving(object sender, KeePass.Util.CancellableOperationEventArgs e) { if (!Configuration.Active) { return; } //try reading fields from password entry form //checking and update the expiry date this way will save //us from creating one more backup just for //changing the expiry date in the "Touched" event if (m_pweForm == null) { return; } PEDCalcValue days = m_pweForm.EntryRef.GetPEDValue(true); if (!days.Specific) { return; //Nothing to do } CheckBox expires = (CheckBox)Tools.GetControl("m_cbExpires", m_pweForm); if (expires == null) { return; //read failed } if (!expires.Checked) { return; //entry does not expire (any longer) } DateTimePicker expiryDate = (DateTimePicker)Tools.GetControl("m_dtExpireDateTime", m_pweForm); if (expiryDate == null) { return; //read failed } if ((TimeUtil.ToUtc(expiryDate.Value, false) != m_pweForm.EntryRef.ExpiryTime) && m_pweForm.EntryRef.Expires) { return; //expiry date was already changed by the user } SecureTextBoxEx password = (SecureTextBoxEx)Tools.GetControl("m_tbPassword", m_pweForm); if (password == null) { return; //read failed; } byte[] pw_new = password.TextEx.ReadUtf8(); byte[] pw_old = m_pweForm.EntryRef.Strings.GetSafe(PwDefs.PasswordField).ReadUtf8(); if (MemUtil.ArraysEqual(pw_new, pw_old)) { return; //password was not changed } //calculate new expiry date and write back to form field if (expiryDate.Value.Kind == DateTimeKind.Local) { expiryDate.Value = days.NewExpiryDateUtc.ToLocalTime(); } else { expiryDate.Value = days.NewExpiryDateUtc; } }
internal QuickActionEventArgs(PEDCalcValue value) { Value = value; }
public override string ToString() { return(PEDCalcValue.GetTranslatedUnit(Unit)); }
private void OnFormShown(object sender, EventArgs e) { PwEditMode m = PwEditMode.Invalid; PropertyInfo pEditMode = typeof(PwEntryForm).GetProperty("EditModeEx"); if (pEditMode != null) //will work starting with KeePass 2.41, preferred way as it's a public attribute { m = (PwEditMode)pEditMode.GetValue(m_pweForm, null); } else // try reading private field { m = (PwEditMode)Tools.GetField("m_pwEditMode", m_pweForm); } PluginDebug.AddSuccess("Entryform shown, editmode: " + m.ToString(), 0); if ((m != PwEditMode.AddNewEntry) && (m != PwEditMode.EditExistingEntry)) { return; } CustomContextMenuStripEx ctx = (CustomContextMenuStripEx)Tools.GetField("m_ctxDefaultTimes", m_pweForm); if (ctx != null) { ctx.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); ToolStripMenuItem tsmiPED = CreatePEDMenu(false, true); ctx.Items.Add(tsmiPED); PluginDebug.AddSuccess("Found m_ctxDefaultTimes", 0); } else { PluginDebug.AddError("Could not find m_ctxDefaultTimes", 0); } PEDCalcValue ped = m_pweForm.EntryRef.GetPEDValue(true); CheckBox cbExpires = (CheckBox)Tools.GetControl("m_cbExpires", m_pweForm); DateTimePicker dtExpireDate = (DateTimePicker)Tools.GetControl("m_dtExpireDateTime", m_pweForm); DateTime expiry = ped.NewExpiryDateUtc.ToLocalTime(); if (m == PwEditMode.EditExistingEntry) { cbExpires.CheckedChanged += (o, e1) => CheckShowNewExpireDate(); dtExpireDate.ValueChanged += (o, e1) => CheckShowNewExpireDate(); SecureTextBoxEx password = (SecureTextBoxEx)Tools.GetControl("m_tbPassword", m_pweForm); password.TextChanged += (o, e1) => CheckShowNewExpireDate(); Label lNewExpireDate = new Label(); lNewExpireDate.Name = "PEDCalc_NewExpireDate"; string sDate = string.Empty; m_iSelectedEntries = (int)m_host.MainWindow.GetSelectedEntriesCount(); if ((Tools.KeePassVersion >= Configuration.KeePassMultipleEntries) && (m_iSelectedEntries > 1)) { PropertyInfo piMultiple = typeof(KeePass.Resources.KPRes).GetProperty("MultipleValues"); if (piMultiple != null) { sDate = piMultiple.GetValue(null, null) as string; } else { sDate = "?"; } } else if (dtExpireDate.Format == DateTimePickerFormat.Long) { sDate = expiry.ToLongDateString(); } else if (dtExpireDate.Format == DateTimePickerFormat.Short) { sDate = expiry.ToShortDateString(); } else if (dtExpireDate.Format == DateTimePickerFormat.Time) { sDate = expiry.ToLongTimeString(); } else { sDate = expiry.ToString(dtExpireDate.CustomFormat); } lNewExpireDate.Text = PluginTranslate.PluginName + ": " + sDate; lNewExpireDate.Left = dtExpireDate.Left; lNewExpireDate.Top = dtExpireDate.Top + dtExpireDate.Height + 2; lNewExpireDate.Width = dtExpireDate.Width; ToolTip tt = new ToolTip(); tt.ToolTipTitle = PluginTranslate.PluginName; tt.ToolTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Info; tt.SetToolTip(lNewExpireDate, PluginTranslate.NewExpiryDateTooltip); dtExpireDate.Parent.Controls.Add(lNewExpireDate); int h = dtExpireDate.Parent.ClientSize.Height; if (h < lNewExpireDate.Top + lNewExpireDate.Height + 2) { h = lNewExpireDate.Top + lNewExpireDate.Height + 2 - h; } else { h = 0; } try { dtExpireDate.Parent.Parent.Height += h; } catch { } CheckShowNewExpireDate(); } if (m == PwEditMode.AddNewEntry) { if (ped.Off) { return; } if ((cbExpires == null) || (dtExpireDate == null)) { Tools.ShowError(string.Format(PluginTranslate.ErrorInitExpiryDate, expiry.ToString())); return; } m_pweForm.EntryRef.ExpiryTime = dtExpireDate.Value = expiry; m_pweForm.EntryRef.Expires = cbExpires.Checked = true; PwEntry peInitialEntry = (PwEntry)Tools.GetField("m_pwInitialEntry", m_pweForm); if (peInitialEntry != null) { peInitialEntry.Expires = true; peInitialEntry.ExpiryTime = expiry.ToUniversalTime(); } } }