Example #1
 public static void CreateStatistics()
     string[] stats = { "steps taken" };
     //{"Obtained BP", "Ride used", "Eggs hatched", "Evolutions", "Moves learned", "Caught Pokemon", "Blackouts", "[53]Status booster used", "[25]Vitamins used", "TMs/HMs used", "[17]Medicine Items used", "[22]Evolution stones used", "[42]Repels used", "Cut used", "Surf used", "Fly used", "Strength used", "Waterfall used", "Flash used", "Rock smash used", "Whirlpool used", "Items found", "GTS Trades", "Wondertrades", "Battle Spot battles", "Trades", "PVP battles", "[2006]Berries picked", "[85]Apricorns picked", "Moves learned", "[4]Poké Balls used", "Wild battles", "Trainer battles", "Safari battles", "Bug-Catching contest battles"}
     for (var i = 0; i <= stats.Length - 1; i++)
         APICall APICall = new APICall();
         APICall.SetStorageData(GetKey(stats[i]), "0", false);
        public static void Start()
            if (API.LoggedIn && Status != "WaitingForCheck")
                Logger.Debug("Starting session...");

                Status = "WaitingForCheck";

                var apiCall = new APICall(CheckedSession);
        public static void Close()
            if (API.LoggedIn)
                Logger.Debug("Closing session...");

                var apiCall = new APICall();

                LastPing       = DateTime.Now;
                SessionStarted = false;
Example #4
        public static void Track(string statName, int addition)
            if (CanTrack(statName) == true)
                APICall APICall = new APICall();

                if (statName.ToLower() == "steps taken")
                    addition  = TempSteps;
                    TempSteps = 0;

                APICall.UpdateStorageData(GetKey(statName), addition.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), "add", false);
                Logger.Debug("Track online statistic: " + statName + " (" + addition.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + ")");
        public static void CheckedSession(string result)
            var list = API.HandleData(result);

            var apiCall = new APICall();


            Status = "WaitingForOpen";

            LastPing = DateTime.Now;

            if (list[0].Value == "true")
                Logger.Log(Logger.LogTypes.Warning, "SessionManager.vb: Tried to log in with an already logged in account!");
        public static void Ping()
            int diff = Convert.ToInt32((DateTime.Now - LastPing).Seconds);

            if (diff >= 30)
                Logger.Debug("Ping session...");

                LastPing = DateTime.Now;

                if (API.LoggedIn)
                    var apiCall = new APICall();
                    apiCall.CallFails += Kick;
Example #7
        public static void GetStatisticValue(string statName, Action <string> resultFunction)
            var apiCall = new APICall(resultFunction);

            apiCall.GetStorageData(GetKey(statName), false);