private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (button2.Enabled == true) { button2.Enabled = false; button3.Enabled = false; textBox1.Enabled = false; textBox1.Text = textBox2.Text = ""; textBox2.Focus(); } else { if (textBox2.Text.Length > 0) { imagen.espere(); acceso.agregar_pais(textBox2.Text); this.paisTableAdapter.Fill(this.programa2DataSet4.Pais); button2.Enabled = button3.Enabled = true; textBox1.Enabled = true; imagen.fin_espere(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Debe indicar el nombre del país"); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (button2.Enabled) { textBox1.ReadOnly = false; button2.Enabled = false; textBox1.Text = textBox2.Text = ""; button3.Text = "Cancelar"; } else { if (textBox1.Text.Length > 0 && textBox2.Text.Length > 0) { imagen.espere(); acceso.agregar_status(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text); textBox1.ReadOnly = true; button2.Enabled = true; button3.Text = "Eliminar"; acceso.grid_manstatus(ref dt, ref dataGridView1); imagen.fin_espere(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Debe escribir un código y un concepto"); } } }
private void resolucionesFavorablesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if ((dbpais.Length > 0) && (periodo.Length > 0)) { imagen.espere(); AccesoADatos acceso = new AccesoADatos(Application.StartupPath); acceso.accesapais(Application.StartupPath, periodo, dbpais); acceso.Resoluciones_favorables(periodo, dbpais, saveFileDialog1); imagen.fin_espere(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Debe seleccionar un período y un país"); } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { imagen.espere(); acceso.modificar_marca_en_expediente(periodo, dataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString(), textBox1.Text); acceso.grid_marca(ref dt, ref dataGridView1, periodo); imagen.fin_espere(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (button2.Enabled) { button3.Enabled = false; textBox1.Text = textBox2.Text = textBox4.Text = textBox5.Text = textBox6.Text = textBox7.Text = ""; checkBox1.Checked = false; comboBox1.Text = ""; button2.Text = "Cancelar"; } else { if (textBox1.Text.Length > 0 && textBox2.Text.Length > 0) { imagen.espere(); string pagado = "0"; if (checkBox1.Checked) { pagado = "1"; } if (comboBox2.Text.Equals("Cheque")) { acceso.agregar_pago(textBox1.Text, periodo, textBox2.Text, textBox5.Text, dateTimePicker1.Value.ToShortDateString(), comboBox1.Text, "", textBox6.Text, textBox7.Text, pagado); } else { acceso.agregar_pago(textBox1.Text, periodo, textBox2.Text, "", dateTimePicker1.Value.ToShortDateString(), comboBox1.Text, textBox5.Text, textBox6.Text, textBox7.Text, pagado); } textBox1.ReadOnly = true; button3.Enabled = true; button2.Text = "Eliminar"; acceso.grid_pagos(ref dt, ref dataGridView1, periodo); imagen.fin_espere(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Debe escribir un código y un concepto"); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (button2.Enabled) { button2.Enabled = false; button3.Enabled = false; comboBox1.Text = comboBox2.Text = textBox1.Text = textBox2.Text = ""; } else { if (comboBox1.Text.Length > 0 && comboBox2.Text.Length > 0 && textBox1.Text.Length > 0 && textBox2.Text.Length > 0) { imagen.espere(); acceso.agregar_ciudad(comboBox1.Text, comboBox2.Text, textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text); acceso.grid_ciudad(ref dt, ref dataGridView1); button2.Enabled = button3.Enabled = true; imagen.fin_espere(); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { imagen.espere(); Application.DoEvents(); if (!(acceso.guardar_resolucion(periodo, expediente, textBox9.Text, dateTimePicker5.Value.ToShortDateString(), textBox10.Text, textBox11.Text, textBox12.Text, textBox13.Text, textBox14.Text, dateTimePicker6.Value.ToShortDateString(), textBox15.Text, dateTimePicker7.Value.ToShortDateString(), dateTimePicker8.Value.ToShortDateString(), textBox16.Text, usuario, pais))) { MessageBox.Show("Ocurrió un error guardando la resolución. Revise que el expediente esté creado."); } Application.DoEvents(); imagen.fin_espere(); }
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBox1.Text.Length > 0) { imagen.espere(); tabControl1.Enabled = true; dataGridView2.Rows.Clear(); acceso.cuantitativo(ref dataGridView2, comboBox1.Text); dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); acceso.administrativo(ref dataGridView1, comboBox1.Text); imagen.fin_espere(); } else { tabControl1.Enabled = false; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int valor = 0, valor1 = 0; if (radioButton1.Checked) { if ((textBox1.Text.Length == 0) || (textBox2.Text.Length == 0)) { MessageBox.Show("Debe indicar los limites de los expedientes a procesar"); return; } if (!(int.TryParse(textBox1.Text, out valor)) || !(int.TryParse(textBox2.Text, out valor1))) { MessageBox.Show("Debe indicar valores numéricos en los limites de los expedientes a procesar"); return; } if (valor > valor1) { MessageBox.Show("El valor 'Desde' debe ser el numero mas bajo de los expedientes a procesar"); return; } } if (radioButton2.Checked) { if (dateTimePicker1.Value > dateTimePicker2.Value) { MessageBox.Show("La fecha 'Desde' debe ser la fecha mas baja de los expedientes a procesar"); return; } } if (!((radioButton5.Checked) || (radioButton6.Checked) || (radioButton7.Checked) || (radioButton8.Checked) || (radioButton9.Checked) || (radioButton10.Checked) || (radioButton11.Checked) || (radioButton12.Checked))) { MessageBox.Show("Indique el tipo de documento"); return; } if (radioButton5.Checked) { imagen.espere(); acceso.favorables_filtro(valor, valor1, dateTimePicker1.Value, dateTimePicker2.Value, periodo, pais, saveFileDialog1); //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("winword.exe", Application.StartupPath + "\\Documentos\\" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Resoluciones_favorables_"+pais]); imagen.fin_espere(); } if (radioButton6.Checked) { imagen.espere(); acceso.Justificante_filtro(valor, valor1, dateTimePicker1.Value, dateTimePicker2.Value, periodo, pais, saveFileDialog1); //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("winword.exe", Application.StartupPath + "\\Documentos\\" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Justificantes_" + pais]); imagen.fin_espere(); } if (radioButton7.Checked) { imagen.espere(); acceso.Resoluciones_desfavorables(valor, valor1, dateTimePicker1.Value, dateTimePicker2.Value, periodo, pais, saveFileDialog1); //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("winword.exe", Application.StartupPath + "\\Documentos\\" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Desfavorable_" + pais]); imagen.fin_espere(); } if (radioButton8.Checked) { MessageBox.Show("No implementado"); return; } if (radioButton9.Checked) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("winword.exe", Application.StartupPath + "\\Documentos\\" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Desestimiento_" + pais]); } if (radioButton10.Checked) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("winword.exe", Application.StartupPath + "\\Documentos\\" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Revision_Favorable_" + pais]); } if (radioButton12.Checked) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("winword.exe", Application.StartupPath + "\\Documentos\\" + System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Solicitud_Duplicada_" + pais]); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { imagen.espere(); filtro = ""; /*if (textBox1.Text.Length > 0) * { * if (filtro.Length > 0) * filtro += " AND "; * filtro += "NumExp like '%" + textBox1.Text + "%'"; * } * if (textBox2.Text.Length > 0) * { * if (filtro.Length > 0) * filtro += " AND "; * filtro += "Pasaporte like '%" + textBox2.Text + "%'"; * } * if (textBox3.Text.Length > 0) * { * if (filtro.Length > 0) * filtro += " AND "; * filtro += "Apellidos like '%" + textBox3.Text + "%'"; * } * if (textBox4.Text.Length > 0) * { * if (filtro.Length > 0) * filtro += " AND "; * filtro += "Nombres like '%" + textBox4.Text + "%'"; * } * if (comboBox1.Text.Length > 0) * { * if (filtro.Length > 0) * filtro += " AND "; * filtro += "Medio like '%" + comboBox1.Text + "%'"; * }*/ if (textBox1.Text.Length > 0) { if (filtro.Length > 0) { filtro += " AND "; } filtro += "solicitudes.NumExp like '%" + textBox1.Text + "%' "; } if (textBox2.Text.Length > 0) { if (filtro.Length > 0) { filtro += " AND "; } filtro += "solicitudes.Pasaporte like '%" + textBox2.Text + "%' "; } if (textBox3.Text.Length > 0) { if (filtro.Length > 0) { filtro += " AND "; } filtro += "solicitudes.Apellidos like '%" + textBox3.Text + "%' "; } if (textBox4.Text.Length > 0) { if (filtro.Length > 0) { filtro += " AND "; } filtro += "solicitudes.Nombres like '%" + textBox4.Text + "%' "; } if (comboBox1.Text.Length > 0) { if (filtro.Length > 0) { filtro += " AND "; } filtro += "solicitudes.MedioSolicitud like '%" + comboBox1.Text + "%' "; } if (radioButton1.Checked) { acceso.grid_expedientes(ref dt, ref dataGridView1, comboBox2.Text, filtro, 1); } if (radioButton2.Checked) { acceso.grid_expedientes(ref dt, ref dataGridView1, comboBox2.Text, filtro, 2); } if (radioButton3.Checked) { acceso.grid_expedientes(ref dt, ref dataGridView1, comboBox2.Text, filtro, 3); } /*try * { * dt.DefaultView.RowFilter = filtro; * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * dt.DefaultView.RowFilter = ""; * }*/ textBox5.Text = dataGridView1.Rows.Count.ToString(); imagen.fin_espere(); }
private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (button5.Text.Equals("Cancelar")) { button5.Text = "Eliminar"; button3.Enabled = button6.Enabled = true; textBox9.Enabled = true; textBox6.Enabled = true; } else { if (MessageBox.Show("El expediente que se muestra será eliminado completamente. Está seguro?", "Eliminar registro", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { imagen.espere(); acceso.eliminarRegistro(periodo, textBox9.Text, textBox6.Text); actualizar_historico(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text); foreach (Control c in this.Controls) { try { if ((c is TextBox) || (c is ComboBox)) { c.Text = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } foreach (Control c in groupBox1.Controls) { try { if ((c is TextBox) || (c is ComboBox)) { c.Text = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } foreach (Control c in groupBox2.Controls) { try { if ((c is TextBox) || (c is ComboBox)) { c.Text = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } foreach (Control c in groupBox3.Controls) { try { if ((c is TextBox) || (c is ComboBox)) { c.Text = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } foreach (Control c in groupBox4.Controls) { try { if ((c is TextBox) || (c is ComboBox)) { c.Text = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } foreach (Control c in tabPage1.Controls) { try { if ((c is TextBox) || (c is ComboBox)) { c.Text = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } foreach (Control c in tabPage2.Controls) { try { if ((c is TextBox) || (c is ComboBox)) { c.Text = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } foreach (Control c in tabPage3.Controls) { try { if ((c is TextBox) || (c is ComboBox)) { c.Text = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } foreach (Control c in tabPage4.Controls) { try { if ((c is TextBox) || (c is ComboBox)) { c.Text = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } try { dataGridViewFamiliares.Rows.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { } try { dataGridViewHistorico.Rows.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { } try { dataGridViewIngresos.Rows.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } imagen.fin_espere(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { imagen.espere(); filtro = ""; txt_filtro = ""; if (textBox1.Text.Length > 0) //lugar de nacimiento { if (filtro.Length > 0) { filtro += " AND "; txt_filtro += " Y "; } filtro += "solicitudes.LugarNac like '%" + textBox1.Text + "%' "; txt_filtro = "Lugar de nacimiento = " + textBox1.Text; } /*if ((textBox2.Text.Length > 0) || (textBox3.Text.Length > 0) || (textBox4.Text.Length > 0) || (textBox5.Text.Length > 0) ) //lugar de residencia * {*/ /*filtro2 = ""; * filtro += " ( ";*/ if (textBox2.Text.Length > 0) { if (filtro.Length > 0) { filtro += " AND "; txt_filtro += " Y "; } filtro += "solicitudes.Domicilio like '%" + textBox2.Text + "%' "; //filtro2 = "."; txt_filtro += " Domicilio = " + textBox2.Text; } if (textBox3.Text.Length > 0) { if (filtro.Length > 0) { filtro += " AND "; txt_filtro += " Y "; } /* if (filtro2.Length > 0) * { * filtro += " OR "; * txt_filtro += " O "; * }*/ filtro += "solicitudes.Localidad like '%" + textBox3.Text + "%' "; //filtro2 = "."; txt_filtro += " Localidad = " + textBox3.Text; } if (textBox4.Text.Length > 0) { if (filtro.Length > 0) { filtro += " AND "; txt_filtro += " Y "; } /* if (filtro2.Length > 0) * { * filtro += " OR "; * txt_filtro += " O "; * }*/ filtro += "solicitudes.Ciudad like '%" + textBox4.Text + "%' "; //filtro2 = "."; txt_filtro += " Ciudad = " + textBox4.Text; } if (textBox5.Text.Length > 0) { if (filtro.Length > 0) { filtro += " AND "; txt_filtro += " Y "; } /* if (filtro2.Length > 0) * { * filtro += " OR "; * txt_filtro += " O "; * }*/ filtro += "solicitudes.Estado like '%" + textBox5.Text + "%' "; txt_filtro += " Estado = " + textBox5.Text; } //filtro += " ) "; //} if (comboBox1.Text.Length > 0) { if (filtro.Length > 0) { filtro += " AND "; txt_filtro += " Y "; } string nummes = Convert.ToString(comboBox1.SelectedIndex); if (nummes.Length == 1) { nummes = "0" + nummes; } filtro += "Month(solicitudes.FSolic)=" + nummes; txt_filtro += " Mes = " + comboBox1.Text; } if (radioButton1.Checked == true) //aprobadas { if (filtro.Length > 0) { filtro += " AND "; txt_filtro += " Y "; } filtro += "(solicitudes.IdStatus='06' OR solicitudes.IdStatus='08') "; txt_filtro += " Aprobadas"; } if (radioButton2.Checked == true) //denegadas { if (filtro.Length > 0) { filtro += " AND "; } filtro += "solicitudes.IdStatus<>'06' AND solicitudes.IdStatus<>'08' "; txt_filtro += " Denegadas"; } if (txt_filtro.Length > 70) { txt_filtro.Insert(70, "\n"); } if (txt_filtro.Length > 140) { txt_filtro.Insert(140, "\n"); } acceso.grid_expedientes(ref dt, ref dataGridView1, periodo, filtro, 4); dataGridView1.Columns[0].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[2].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[5].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[6].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[7].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[8].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[10].Visible = false; dataGridView1.Columns[11].Visible = false; for (int i = 16; i < 63; i++) { dataGridView1.Columns[i].Visible = false; } label2.Text = dataGridView1.Rows.Count.ToString(); imagen.fin_espere(); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (button1.Enabled) { //Vamos a modificar el registro imagen.espere(); string activo = ""; if (radioButton1.Checked) { activo = "1"; } if (radioButton2.Checked) { activo = "2"; } if (radioButton3.Checked) { activo = "3"; } if (radioButton4.Checked) { activo = "4"; } try { acceso.modificar_periodo(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text, Double.Parse(textBox3.Text), Double.Parse(textBox4.Text), Double.Parse(textBox5.Text), Double.Parse(textBox6.Text), Double.Parse(textBox7.Text), Double.Parse(textBox8.Text), Double.Parse(textBox9.Text), Double.Parse(textBox10.Text), Double.Parse(textBox11.Text), Double.Parse(textBox12.Text), Double.Parse(textBox13.Text), Double.Parse(textBox14.Text), Double.Parse(textBox15.Text), Double.Parse(textBox16.Text), Double.Parse(textBox17.Text), Double.Parse(textBox18.Text), activo, checkBox1.Checked, usuario.ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Ocurrio un error. " + ex.Message); } this.periodoTableAdapter.Fill(this.programa2DataSet.Periodo); dataGridView1_SelectionChanged(sender, e); imagen.fin_espere(); } else { //Vamos a agregar un registro imagen.espere(); string activo = ""; if (radioButton1.Checked) { activo = "1"; } if (radioButton2.Checked) { activo = "2"; } if (radioButton3.Checked) { activo = "3"; } if (radioButton4.Checked) { activo = "4"; } try { acceso.agregar_periodo(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text, Double.Parse(textBox3.Text), Double.Parse(textBox4.Text), Double.Parse(textBox5.Text), Double.Parse(textBox6.Text), Double.Parse(textBox7.Text), Double.Parse(textBox8.Text), Double.Parse(textBox9.Text), Double.Parse(textBox10.Text), Double.Parse(textBox11.Text), Double.Parse(textBox12.Text), Double.Parse(textBox13.Text), Double.Parse(textBox14.Text), Double.Parse(textBox15.Text), Double.Parse(textBox16.Text), Double.Parse(textBox17.Text), Double.Parse(textBox18.Text), activo, checkBox1.Checked, usuario.ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()); button3.Text = "Eliminar"; textBox1.Enabled = false; button1.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Ocurrio un error. " + ex.Message); } this.periodoTableAdapter.Fill(this.programa2DataSet.Periodo); dataGridView1_SelectionChanged(sender, e); imagen.fin_espere(); } }