public static bool simulatePayment(debtStats student) { int pay = randNum.Next(0, 2); if (pay == 1) { int payment = randNum.Next(500, 5001); student.makePayment(payment); } return(student.loanDecrease); }
static void Main(string[] args) { const int numStudents = 5; debtStats[] debtArray = new debtStats[numStudents]; initialize(debtArray); GoToSchool(debtArray); printStudentInfo(debtArray); }
public static int calcAmortization(debtStats student, int years) { int amortization = student.loanTotal() / years; return(amortization); }
public static bool testThreshold(debtStats student, int threshold) { return(student.testThreshold(threshold)); }
static void Main() { debtStats[] studentDebts; int[] testStuIDs; Console.Write("Please enter the number of students you wish to manage: "); debtStatsDriver functions = new debtStatsDriver(); int numStudents = functions.randomNumStu(); Console.Write(numStudents); //numStudents = randomNumStu(); studentDebts = new debtStats[numStudents]; testStuIDs = new int[numStudents]; Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Please enter the debt threshold: $"); int debtThresh = randomMoney(); int tempMoney = randomMoney(); studentDebts[COUNT_START] = new debtStats(); studentDebts[COUNT_START].DebtCap = tempMoney; Console.Write(tempMoney); int studentCount = new int(); studentCount = COUNT_START; Console.WriteLine(); foreach (debtStats element in studentDebts) { Console.WriteLine(); studentDebts[studentCount] = new debtStats(); Console.Write("Enter the student ID for student "); Console.Write(studentCount + COUNT_OFFSET); Console.Write(": "); int tempID = functions.generateID(); studentDebts[studentCount].StudentID = tempID; Console.Write(tempID); Console.WriteLine(); testStuIDs[studentCount] = tempID; Console.Write("Enter the matriculation date for student "); Console.Write(studentCount + COUNT_OFFSET); Console.Write(" (YYYYMMDD): "); int tempMatr = randomMatr(); studentDebts[studentCount].Matriculation = tempMatr; Console.Write(tempMatr); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Enter the anticipated graduation date for student "); Console.Write(studentCount + COUNT_OFFSET); Console.Write(" (YYYYMMDD): "); int tempGrad = randomGrad(); studentDebts[studentCount].OrigGrad = tempGrad; Console.Write(tempGrad); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Enter the loan amount for student "); Console.Write(studentCount + COUNT_OFFSET); Console.Write(": $"); int tempLoan = randomMoney(); studentDebts[studentCount].OrigLoan = tempLoan; Console.Write(tempLoan); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Enter the grant amount for student "); Console.Write(studentCount + COUNT_OFFSET); Console.Write(": $"); int tempGrant = randomMoney(); studentDebts[studentCount].OrigGrant = tempGrant; Console.Write(tempGrant); Console.WriteLine(); ++studentCount; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the ID of the student whose loan amount you with to update: "); //int tempID = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); studentCount = COUNT_START; //if (studentDebts[studentCount].idMatch(tempID)) Console.ReadKey(); }