public PrtEventBuffer CloneAndResolve(StateImpl s) { PrtEventBuffer x = Clone(); x.Resolve(s); return(x); }
public PrtSpecMachine Clone(StateImpl app) { var clonedMachine = MakeSkeleton(); //base class fields clonedMachine.instanceNumber = this.instanceNumber; foreach (var fd in fields) { clonedMachine.fields.Add(fd.Clone()); } clonedMachine.eventValue = this.eventValue; clonedMachine.stateStack = this.stateStack.Clone(); clonedMachine.invertedFunStack = this.invertedFunStack.Clone(); clonedMachine.continuation = this.continuation.Clone(); clonedMachine.currentTrigger = this.currentTrigger; clonedMachine.currentPayload = this.currentPayload.Clone(); clonedMachine.currentStatus = this.currentStatus; clonedMachine.nextSMOperation = this.nextSMOperation; clonedMachine.stateExitReason = this.stateExitReason; clonedMachine.sends = this.sends; clonedMachine.renamedName = this.renamedName; clonedMachine.isSafe = this.isSafe; clonedMachine.stateImpl = app; //spec class fields clonedMachine.observes = this.observes.ToList(); clonedMachine.currentTemperature = this.currentTemperature; return(clonedMachine); }
public void Resolve(StateImpl state) { foreach (var f in funStack) { f.Resolve(state); } }
/// <summary> /// Add <paramref name="this"/> to abstract successors if <paramref name="this"/> satisfies the invariants. /// </summary> /// <param name="currIndex"></param> /// <param name="pred"></param> /// <param name="abstract_succs"></param> /// <param name="abstract_succs_SW"></param> void AddToAbstractSuccessorsIfInvSat(int currIndex, StateImpl pred, HashSet <int> abstract_succs, StreamWriter abstract_succs_SW) { int p_hash = symmetryReduction ? pred.GetHashCode(true) : pred.GetHashCode(); int hash = symmetryReduction ? GetHashCode(true) : GetHashCode(); // Console.WriteLine(this.ToPrettyString()); if (mode == ExploreMode.Find_A_AP) // if we are locating a and ap { if (succHash == hash) { predHash = p_hash; throw new SuccessorFound(pred, this); } } if (invariant ? CheckAbstractStateInvariant(currIndex) && CheckTransInvariant(currIndex, pred) : true) { if (abstract_succs.Add(hash)) { if (FileDump) { abstract_succs_SW.Write(ToPrettyString()); abstract_succs_SW.WriteLine("=================================================="); } } } }
public PrtEventNode Clone_Resolve(StateImpl s) { PrtEventNode x = Clone(); x.Resolve(s); return(x); }
public PrtSpecMachine(StateImpl app) : base() { observes = new List <PrtEventValue>(); currentTemperature = StateTemperature.Warm; stateImpl = app; //Push the start state function on the funStack. PrtPushState(StartState); }
public virtual void Resolve(StateImpl state) { fields.ForEach(v => v.Resolve(state)); eventValue.Resolve(state); invertedFunStack.Resolve(state); continuation.Resolve(state); currentTrigger.Resolve(state); currentPayload.Resolve(state); }
public PrtSpecMachine(StateImpl app) : base() { observes = new List <PrtEventValue>(); IsHot = false; stateImpl = app; //Push the start state function on the funStack. PrtPushState(StartState); //Execute the entry function PrtEnqueueEvent(PrtValue.@null, PrtValue.@null, null); }
public PrtValue ExecuteToCompletion(StateImpl application, PrtMachine parent, params PrtValue[] args) { parent.PrtPushFunStackFrame(this, CreateLocals(args)); Execute(application, parent); if (parent.continuation.reason != PrtContinuationReason.Return) { throw new PrtInternalException("Unexpected continuation reason"); } return(parent.continuation.retVal.Clone()); }
public PrtImplMachine(StateImpl app, int maxBuff) : base() { this.instanceNumber = this.NextInstanceNumber(app); this.eventQueue = new PrtEventBuffer(); this.receiveSet = new HashSet <PrtValue>(); this.maxBufferSize = maxBuff; this.stateImpl = app; //Push the start state function on the funStack. PrtPushState(StartState); }
public PrtSpecMachine(StateImpl app) : base() { observes = new List <PrtEventValue>(); currentTemperature = StateTemperature.Warm; stateImpl = app; //Push the start state function on the funStack. PrtPushState(StartState); //Execute the entry function PrtEnqueueEvent(PrtValue.@null, PrtValue.@null, null); }
public override void Resolve(StateImpl state) { var list = keyToValueMap.ToList(); list.ForEach(tup => { tup.Key.Resolve(state); tup.Value.Resolve(state); }); keyToValueMap = new Dictionary <PrtMapKey, PrtValue>(); list.ForEach(tup => keyToValueMap.Add(tup.Key, tup.Value)); }
public PrtImplMachine(StateImpl app, int maxBuff, bool assume) : base() { this.instanceNumber = this.NextInstanceNumber(app); this.eventQueue = new PrtEventBuffer(); this.receiveSet = new HashSet <PrtValue>(); this.maxBufferSize = maxBuff; this.doAssume = assume; this.stateImpl = app; this.self = new PrtInterfaceValue(this, new List <PrtEventValue>()); //Push the start state function on the funStack. PrtPushState(StartState); }
public PrtMachine() { this.instanceNumber = 0; this.fields = new List <PrtValue>(); this.eventValue = PrtValue.NullValue; this.stateStack = new PrtStateStack(); this.invertedFunStack = new PrtFunStack(); this.continuation = new PrtContinuation(); this.currentTrigger = PrtValue.NullValue; this.currentPayload = PrtValue.NullValue; this.currentStatus = PrtMachineStatus.Enabled; this.nextSMOperation = PrtNextStatemachineOperation.EntryOperation; this.stateExitReason = PrtStateExitReason.NotExit; this.stateImpl = null; }
public void DbgCompare(StateImpl state) { Debug.Assert(implMachines.Count == state.implMachines.Count); for (int i = 0; i < implMachines.Count; i++) { implMachines[i].DbgCompare(state.implMachines[i]); } Debug.Assert(specMachinesMap.Count == state.specMachinesMap.Count); foreach (var tup in specMachinesMap) { Debug.Assert(state.specMachinesMap.ContainsKey(tup.Key)); tup.Value.DbgCompare(state.specMachinesMap[tup.Key]); } Debug.Assert(GetHashCode() == state.GetHashCode()); }
/// <summary> /// Compute the abstract successors caused by updating the queue of <paramref name="currIndex"/> machine. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="currIndex">The index for the machine about to explore</param> /// <param name="abstract_succs"></param> /// <param name="abstract_succs_SW"></param> void CollectAbstractSuccessorsFromList(int currIndex, HashSet <int> abstract_succs, StreamWriter abstract_succs_SW) { List <PrtEventNode> preDequeEvents = ImplMachines[currIndex]; // pre-dequeue events list var choiceVector = new List <bool>(); bool more; do { StateImpl succ = (StateImpl)Clone(); PrtImplMachine machineOfSucc = succ.ImplMachines[currIndex]; // the machine of successor indexing in currIndex PrtEventBuffer queueOfMachine = machineOfSucc.eventQueue; // the message queue of successor machine List <PrtEventNode> queueEvents =; // the events list of successor machine more = machineOfSucc.PrtRunStateMachineNextChoice(choiceVector); Debug.Assert(preDequeEvents.Count - queueOfMachine.Size() <= 1); // we have dequeued at most one event /// If dequeing was unsuccessful, then there is nothing left to do. /// No more nondeterministic choices to try if (preDequeEvents.Count == queueOfMachine.Size() || succ.CheckFailure(0)) // { return; // } int idxOfEventDequeuedFromSuffix = Math.Max(PrtEventBuffer.idxOfLastDequeuedEvent, PrtEventBuffer.p); PrtEventNode eventDequeuedFromSuffix = preDequeEvents[idxOfEventDequeuedFromSuffix]; /// <remarks>Choice 1: </remarks> The eventDequeuedFromSuffix, aka the last dequeued event, existed /// exactly once in the concrete suffix. /// Then it is gone after the dequeue, in both abstract and concrete. The new state abstract is valid. succ.AddToAbstractSuccessorsIfInvSat(currIndex, this, abstract_succs, abstract_succs_SW); /// <remarks>Choice 1: </remarks> The eventDequeuedFromSuffix, aka the last dequeued event, existed /// >= twice in concrete suffix. /// We need to find all positions where to re-introduce it in the abstract queue, and try them all /// non-deterministically. for (int pos = idxOfEventDequeuedFromSuffix; pos < queueOfMachine.Size(); ++pos) { // insert eventDequeuedFromSuffix at position pos (push the rest to the right) queueEvents.Insert(pos, eventDequeuedFromSuffix); succ.AddToAbstractSuccessorsIfInvSat(currIndex, this, abstract_succs, abstract_succs_SW); queueEvents.RemoveAt(pos); // restore previous state } queueEvents.Add(eventDequeuedFromSuffix); // finally, insert eventDequeuedFromSuffix at end succ.AddToAbstractSuccessorsIfInvSat(currIndex, this, abstract_succs, abstract_succs_SW); } while (more); }
public PrtMachine() { this.instanceNumber = 0; this.fields = new List <PrtValue>(); this.eventValue = PrtValue.@null; this.stateStack = new PrtStateStack(); this.invertedFunStack = new PrtFunStack(); this.continuation = new PrtContinuation(); this.currentTrigger = PrtValue.@null; this.currentPayload = PrtValue.@null; this.currentStatus = PrtMachineStatus.Enabled; this.nextSMOperation = PrtNextStatemachineOperation.ExecuteFunctionOperation; this.stateExitReason = PrtStateExitReason.NotExit; this.sends = new List <PrtEventValue>(); this.stateImpl = null; this.renamedName = null; this.isSafe = false; }
public PrtImplMachine Clone(StateImpl app) { var clonedMachine = MakeSkeleton(); //base class fields clonedMachine.instanceNumber = this.instanceNumber; foreach (var fd in fields) { clonedMachine.fields.Add(fd.Clone()); } clonedMachine.eventValue = this.eventValue; clonedMachine.stateStack = this.stateStack.Clone(); clonedMachine.invertedFunStack = this.invertedFunStack.Clone(); clonedMachine.continuation = this.continuation.Clone(); clonedMachine.currentTrigger = this.currentTrigger; clonedMachine.currentPayload = this.currentPayload.Clone(); clonedMachine.currentStatus = this.currentStatus; clonedMachine.nextSMOperation = this.nextSMOperation; clonedMachine.stateExitReason = this.stateExitReason; clonedMachine.sends = this.sends; clonedMachine.renamedName = this.renamedName; clonedMachine.isSafe = this.isSafe; clonedMachine.stateImpl = app; //impl class fields clonedMachine.eventQueue = this.eventQueue.Clone(); foreach (var ev in this.receiveSet) { clonedMachine.receiveSet.Add(ev); } clonedMachine.maxBufferSize = this.maxBufferSize; clonedMachine.doAssume = this.doAssume; clonedMachine.self = new PrtInterfaceValue(clonedMachine, this.self.permissions); return(clonedMachine); }
public abstract int NextInstanceNumber(StateImpl app);
public abstract void Execute(StateImpl application, PrtMachine parent);
public override void Execute(StateImpl application, PrtMachine parent) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public virtual void Resolve(StateImpl state) { }
public void Resolve(StateImpl state) { retVal.Resolve(state); retLocals.ForEach(l => l.Resolve(state)); }
public override void Resolve(StateImpl state) { fieldValues.ForEach(f => f.Resolve(state)); }
public override void Resolve(StateImpl state) { elements.ForEach(f => f.Resolve(state)); }
public void Resolve(StateImpl state) { locals.ForEach(l => l.Resolve(state)); }
public void Resolve(StateImpl state) { events.ForEach(n => n.Resolve(state)); }
public void Resolve(StateImpl state) { key.Resolve(state); }
public override void Resolve(StateImpl state) { mach = state.ImplMachines.First(m => m.renamedName == mach.renamedName && m.instanceNumber == mach.instanceNumber); }
public void Resolve(StateImpl state) { ev.Resolve(state); arg.Resolve(state); }