Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Contains methods that are called when game action messages are received.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is invoked whenever someone (either local or from the server) performs a
        /// peel action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actionSender">The person who performed the dump action</param>
        /// <param name="IsSenderLocal">If the person performing the peel action is local (not from server) or not</param>
        public async void PeelActionReceived(string actionSender, bool IsSenderLocal = true)
            var serverProxy = ServerProxy.GetInstance();
            var roomManager = RoomManager.GetInstance();
            var viewModel   = GameBoardViewModel.GetInstance();

            // If there are enough tiles left, then do a peel.  Otherwise, if there are not enough
            // tiles, then actionSender has won the game.

            if (_tileManager.GetPileCount() >= (roomManager.RoomMembers.Count + _localPlayers.Count - 1))
                var tiles = _tileManager.PerformPeelAction(roomManager.RoomMembers.Count + _localPlayers.Count - 1);

                if (null == tiles)

                // Update the hands of all of the players with one of the returned tiles from the peel.
                // If it's the human player's hand, update the UI too with the returned tile.

                foreach (IPlayer player in _localPlayers)
                    if (player.Alias == _humanPlayer.Alias)
                        OnPeelOccurred(tiles[0].TileContents, actionSender);

                    // ToDo: This line can possibly throw an out of bounds exception.

                // Update UI.

                await App.Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                    // Subtract total online players + bots.  Subtract one b/c the human player is
                    // double counted.

                    viewModel.TilePileCount -=
                        (roomManager.RoomMembers.Count + _localPlayers.Count - 1);

                // If the person performing the peel is local, then send a message to the server informing
                // of the peel.  Otherwise, if it came from the server, then don't send a message
                // to the server.

                if ((serverProxy.messageSender != null) && IsSenderLocal)
                    // ToDo: This will send the incorrect message to the server if a bot has peeled and not the client.
                    await serverProxy.messageSender.SendMessage(PacketType.c_Peel);

                // Log the Peel event

                _gameDataLogger.LogMove(actionSender, viewModel.GameTime, Storage.MoveType.Peel);
                if ((serverProxy.messageSender != null) && IsSenderLocal)
                    await serverProxy.messageSender.SendMessage(PacketType.c_Victory);
