public MiniCopterOptionsConfig(MiniCopterOptions plugin)
                this.plugin = plugin;

                GetConfig(ref fuelPerSec, "Fuel per Second");
                GetConfig(ref liftFraction, "Lift Fraction");
                GetConfig(ref torqueScalePitch, "Pitch Torque Scale");
                GetConfig(ref torqueScaleYaw, "Yaw Torque Scale");
                GetConfig(ref torqueScaleRoll, "Roll Torque Scale");
                GetConfig(ref storageContainers, "Storage Containers");
                GetConfig(ref storageLargeContainers, "Large Storage Containers");
                GetConfig(ref restoreDefaults, "Restore Defaults");
                GetConfig(ref reloadStorage, "Reload Storage");
                GetConfig(ref dropStorage, "Drop Storage Loot On Death");
                GetConfig(ref largeStorageLockable, "Large Storage Lockable");
                GetConfig(ref largeStorageSize, "Large Storage Size (Max 42)");
                GetConfig(ref flyHackPause, "Seconds to pause flyhack when dismount from heli.");
                GetConfig(ref autoturret, "Add auto turret to heli");
                GetConfig(ref autoturretBattery, "Auto turret uses battery");
                GetConfig(ref landOnCargo, "Allow Minis to Land on Cargo");
                GetConfig(ref turretRange, "Mini Turret Range (Default 30)");
                GetConfig(ref allowMiniPush, "Allow minicopter push");
                GetConfig(ref addSearchLight, "Light: Add Searchlight to heli");
                GetConfig(ref lightTail, "Light: Add Nightitme Tail Light");

        void Loaded()
            _instance = this;

            if (config.lightTail)
                time    = TOD_Sky.Instance;
                sunrise = time.SunriseTime;
                sunset  = time.SunsetTime;

                time.Components.Time.OnHour += OnHour;