Example #1
            public static SourceEntity Create(ProductEntity product,
                                              string name, DateTime on, string user)
                string goodDefinitionAvailability  = "e.g. successful requests, as measured from the laod balancer metrics, Any HTTP status othen than 500-599 is considered successful.";
                string totalDefinitionAvailability = "e.g. All requests measured from the load balancer.";

                string goodDefinitionLatency  = "e.g.  request that return in minus specific time";
                string totalDefinitionLatency = "e.g. All requests measured from the load balancer.";

                string goodDefinitionExperience  = "e.g. successful requests, as measured from the laod balancer metrics, means application errors ";
                string totalDefinitionExperience = "e.g. All requests measured from the load balancer.";

                SourceEntity entity = new SourceEntity();

                entity.Name = name;
                entity.GoodDefinitionAvailability  = goodDefinitionAvailability;
                entity.TotalDefinitionAvailability = totalDefinitionAvailability;
                entity.GoodDefinitionLatency       = goodDefinitionLatency;
                entity.TotalDefinitionLatency      = totalDefinitionLatency;
                entity.GoodDefinitionExperience    = goodDefinitionExperience;
                entity.TotalDefinitionExperience   = totalDefinitionExperience;
                entity.CreatedBy   = user;
                entity.ModifiedBy  = user;
                entity.CreatedOn   = on;
                entity.ModifiedOn  = on;
                entity.Description = name;
                entity.Product     = product;
                entity.Avatar      = "https://d2.alternativeto.net/dist/icons/restpack-html-to-pdf-api_135030.png?width=128&height=128&mode=crop&upscale=false";
Example #2
            public static SourceItemEntity CreateItem(SourceEntity source,
                                                      DateTime target, int?good, int?total, decimal?measeure,
                                                      DateTime on, string createdBy, SourceGroupEnum group)
                if (measeure.HasValue)
                    if (measeure < 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("invalid value measure {0} ", measeure));
                    if (group != SourceGroupEnum.Latency)
                        if (measeure > 1 || measeure < 0)
                            throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("proportion {0} must be between 0 and 1", measeure));
                else if (good.HasValue && total.HasValue)
                    if (good < 0 || total < 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException(
                                  string.Format("good {0} and total {1} must be greater equal than zero", good, total));
                    if (total < good)
                        throw new ApplicationException(
                                  string.Format("good {0} is greater than total {1}", good, total));
                    measeure = QualityUtils.CalculateProportion(total, good);
                    throw new ApplicationException($" no values for measures ${total}, ${good}, ${measeure}");

                var entity = new SourceItemEntity()
                    Target     = target,
                    Good       = good,
                    Total      = total,
                    Measure    = measeure.Value,
                    Source     = source,
                    CreatedBy  = createdBy,
                    ModifiedBy = createdBy,
                    CreatedOn  = on,
                    ModifiedOn = on,
                    Group      = group

            public static ReliabilityRiskEntity Create(SourceEntity source,
                                                       DateTime on, string ModifiedBy, string name, string avatar,
                                                       string reference, string description, string tags,
                                                       decimal ettd, decimal ette, decimal ettf,
                                                       decimal userImpact,
                                                       decimal ettfail)
                var entity = new ReliabilityRiskEntity();

                entity.Source    = source;
                entity.CreatedBy = ModifiedBy;
                entity.CreatedOn = on;
                entity.Update(on, ModifiedBy, name, avatar, reference, description, tags, ettd, ette, ettf, userImpact, ettfail);
Example #4
            public static IndicatorEntity Create(FeatureEntity feature, SourceEntity source, DateTime on,
                                                 string user, string avatar = "https://cdn.iconscout.com/icon/free/png-256/avatar-375-456327.png")
                var entity = new IndicatorEntity()
                    Source     = source,
                    Feature    = feature,
                    CreatedBy  = user,
                    ModifiedBy = user,
                    CreatedOn  = on,
                    ModifiedOn = on,
                    Avatar     = avatar

Example #5
            public static IEnumerable <SourceItemEntity> CreateItemsFromRange(SourceEntity source,
                                                                              DateTime start, DateTime end, int?good, int?total, decimal?measure,
                                                                              DateTime on, string createdBy, SourceGroupEnum group)
                var result = new List <SourceItemEntity>();
                var days   = (decimal)DateTimeUtils.DaysDiff(end, start);

                if (good.HasValue && total.HasValue)
                    if (good < 0 || total < 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException(
                                  string.Format("good {0} and total {1} must be greater equal than zero", good, total));
                    var target_good  = (int)Math.Ceiling(good.Value / days);
                    var target_total = (int)Math.Ceiling(total.Value / days);

                    for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
                        var target = start.AddDays(i);
                        var entity = Factory.CreateItem(source,
                                                        target, target_good, target_total, on, createdBy, group);
                else if (measure.HasValue)
                    for (int i = 0; i < days; i++)
                        var target = start.AddDays(i);
                        var entity = Factory.CreateItem(source,
                                                        target, 0, 0, measure.Value, on, createdBy, group);
                    throw new ApplicationException($" no values for measures ${total}, ${good}, ${measure}");

Example #6
 public static SourceItemEntity CreateItemByMeasure(SourceEntity source,
                                                    DateTime target, decimal measure,
                                                    DateTime on, string createdBy, SourceGroupEnum group)
     return(CreateItem(source, target, null, null, measure, on, createdBy, group));
Example #7
 public static SourceItemEntity CreateItem(SourceEntity source,
                                           DateTime target, int good, int total,
                                           DateTime on, string createdBy, SourceGroupEnum group)
     return(CreateItem(source, target, good, total, null, on, createdBy, group));
Example #8
 public static IEnumerable <SourceItemEntity> CreateItemsFromRangeByMeasure(SourceEntity source,
                                                                            DateTime start, DateTime end, decimal measure,
                                                                            DateTime on, string createdBy, SourceGroupEnum group)
     return(CreateItemsFromRange(source, start, end, null, null, measure, on, createdBy, group));
Example #9
 public static IEnumerable <SourceItemEntity> CreateItemsFromRange(SourceEntity source,
                                                                   DateTime start, DateTime end, int?good, int?total,
                                                                   DateTime on, string createdBy, SourceGroupEnum group)
     return(CreateItemsFromRange(source, start, end, good, total, null, on, createdBy, group));