public void AddCustomStyle(FormatStyle customStyle) { if (customStyle == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("customStyle"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customStyle.StyleId)) throw new ArgumentNullException("StyleId"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customStyle.Name)) throw new ArgumentNullException("Name"); StyleCreator styleCreator = new StyleCreator(this._package); styleCreator.AddCustomStyle(customStyle); }
internal void CreateTextParagraph(WordprocessingDocument package, string style, HorizontalAlignmentType alignment, string text, FormatStyle formatStyle) { Body body = package.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(style) && !WordHelper.IsStyleIdInDocument(package, style)) { throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException(style); } Run textRun = new Run(); if (formatStyle != null) { // Get a reference to the RunProperties object. RunProperties runProperties = textRun.AppendChild(new RunProperties()); if (formatStyle.IsBold) { Bold bold = new Bold(); //bold.Val = OnOffValue.FromBoolean(true); runProperties.AppendChild(bold); } } textRun.AppendChild(new Text(text)); // Add a paragraph with a run and some text. Paragraph newParagraph = new Paragraph(textRun); // If the paragraph has no ParagraphProperties object, create one. WordHelper.CreateParagraphPropertiesIfNonExists(newParagraph); // Set paragraph alignment WordHelper.SetParagraphAlignment(newParagraph, alignment); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(style)) { // Get a reference to the ParagraphProperties object. ParagraphProperties pPr = newParagraph.ParagraphProperties; // If a ParagraphStyleId object doesn't exist, create one. if (pPr.ParagraphStyleId == null) pPr.ParagraphStyleId = new ParagraphStyleId(); // Set the style of the paragraph. pPr.ParagraphStyleId.Val = style; } // Append new paragraph body.AppendChild(newParagraph); }
public void CreateTextParagraph(WordprocessingDocument package, TextParagraphType paragraphType, HorizontalAlignmentType alignment, string text, FormatStyle formatStyle) { switch (paragraphType) { case TextParagraphType.Title: CreateTextParagraph(package, StyleCreator.TitleStyle, alignment, text, formatStyle); break; case TextParagraphType.Normal: CreateTextParagraph(package, StyleCreator.NormalStyle, alignment, text, formatStyle); break; case TextParagraphType.Heading1: CreateTextParagraph(package, StyleCreator.HeadingOneStyle, alignment, text, formatStyle); break; case TextParagraphType.Heading2: CreateTextParagraph(package, StyleCreator.HeadingTwoStyle, alignment, text, formatStyle); break; case TextParagraphType.Heading3: CreateTextParagraph(package, StyleCreator.HeadingThreeStyle, alignment, text, formatStyle); break; case TextParagraphType.None: default: CreateTextParagraph(package, string.Empty, alignment, text, formatStyle); break; } }
private Style ParseStyle(FormatStyle customStyle) { // Create a new paragraph style and specify some of the properties. Style style = new Style() { Type = StyleValues.Paragraph, StyleId = customStyle.StyleId, CustomStyle = true }; StyleName styleName1 = new StyleName() { Val = customStyle.Name }; BasedOn basedOn1 = new BasedOn() { Val = customStyle.BasedOn }; NextParagraphStyle nextParagraphStyle1 = new NextParagraphStyle() { Val = customStyle.NextParagraphStyle }; style.Append(styleName1); style.Append(basedOn1); style.Append(nextParagraphStyle1); // Create the StyleRunProperties object and specify some of the run properties. StyleRunProperties styleRunProperties1 = new StyleRunProperties(); string color = string.Format("#{0:X2}{1:X2}{2:X2}", customStyle.Color.R, customStyle.Color.G, customStyle.Color.B); Color color1 = new Color() { Val = color }; RunFonts font1 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = customStyle.FontName }; // Specify a custom point size. FontSize fontSize1 = new FontSize() { Val = customStyle.FontSize.ToString() }; if (customStyle.IsBold) styleRunProperties1.Append(new Bold()); if (customStyle.HighlightColor != FormatStyle.HighlightColors.None) styleRunProperties1.Append(new Highlight() { Val = (HighlightColorValues)(int)customStyle.HighlightColor }); styleRunProperties1.Append(color1); styleRunProperties1.Append(font1); styleRunProperties1.Append(fontSize1); if (customStyle.IsItalic) styleRunProperties1.Append(new Italic()); style.Append(styleRunProperties1); return style; }
internal void AddCustomStyle(FormatStyle customStyle) { var newStyle = ParseStyle(customStyle); RegisterStyles(new Style[] { newStyle }); }
public void CreateTextParagraph(TextParagraphType paragraphType, HorizontalAlignmentType alignment, string text, FormatStyle formatStyle) { var titleCreator = new ParagraphCreator(); titleCreator.CreateTextParagraph(this._package, paragraphType, alignment, text, formatStyle); }
public void CreateTextParagraph(string styleName, string text, FormatStyle formatStyle) { var titleCreator = new ParagraphCreator(); titleCreator.CreateTextParagraph(this._package, styleName, HorizontalAlignmentType.Left, text, formatStyle); }