Example #1
        public BackPropagationLearning(ActivationNetwork network)
            this.network = network;

            // create error and deltas arrays
            neuronErrors      = new double[network.Layers.Length][];
            weightsUpdates    = new double[network.Layers.Length][][];
            thresholdsUpdates = new double[network.Layers.Length][];

            // initialize errors and deltas arrays for each layer
            for (int i = 0; i < network.Layers.Length; i++)
                ActivationLayer layer = network.Layers[i];

                neuronErrors[i]      = new double[layer.Neurons.Length];
                weightsUpdates[i]    = new double[layer.Neurons.Length][];
                thresholdsUpdates[i] = new double[layer.Neurons.Length];

                // for each neuron
                for (int j = 0; j < weightsUpdates[i].Length; j++)
                    weightsUpdates[i][j] = new double[layer.InputsCount];
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate weights updates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">Network's input vector.</param>
        private void CalculateUpdates(double[] input)
            // 1 - calculate updates for the first layer
            ActivationLayer layer = network.Layers[0];

            double[]   errors = neuronErrors[0];
            double[][] layerWeightsUpdates   = weightsUpdates[0];
            double[]   layerThresholdUpdates = thresholdsUpdates[0];

            // cache for frequently used values
            double cachedMomentum   = learningRate * momentum;
            double cached1mMomentum = learningRate * (1 - momentum);
            double cachedError;

            // for each neuron of the layer
            for (int i = 0; i < layer.Neurons.Length; i++)
                cachedError = errors[i] * cached1mMomentum;
                double[] neuronWeightUpdates = layerWeightsUpdates[i];

                // for each weight of the neuron
                for (int j = 0; j < neuronWeightUpdates.Length; j++)
                    // calculate weight update
                    neuronWeightUpdates[j] = cachedMomentum * neuronWeightUpdates[j] + cachedError * input[j];

                // calculate threshold update
                layerThresholdUpdates[i] = cachedMomentum * layerThresholdUpdates[i] + cachedError;

            // 2 - for all other layers
            for (int k = 1; k < network.Layers.Length; k++)
                ActivationLayer layerPrev = network.Layers[k - 1];
                layer  = network.Layers[k];
                errors = neuronErrors[k];
                layerWeightsUpdates   = weightsUpdates[k];
                layerThresholdUpdates = thresholdsUpdates[k];

                // for each neuron of the layer
                for (int i = 0; i < layer.Neurons.Length; i++)
                    cachedError = errors[i] * cached1mMomentum;
                    double[] neuronWeightUpdates = layerWeightsUpdates[i];

                    // for each synapse of the neuron
                    for (int j = 0; j < neuronWeightUpdates.Length; j++)
                        // calculate weight update
                        neuronWeightUpdates[j] = cachedMomentum * neuronWeightUpdates[j] + cachedError * layerPrev.Neurons[j].Output;

                    // calculate threshold update
                    layerThresholdUpdates[i] = cachedMomentum * layerThresholdUpdates[i] + cachedError;
Example #3
        public ActivationNetwork(SigmoidFunction function, int inputsCount, params int[] neuronsCount)
            ActivationFunction = function;
            InputsCount        = Math.Max(1, inputsCount);
            Layers             = new ActivationLayer[neuronsCount.Length];

            // create each layer
            for (int i = 0; i < Layers.Length; i++)
                Layers[i] = new ActivationLayer(neuronsCount[i], (i == 0) ? inputsCount : neuronsCount[i - 1]);