Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate the image in the render methed
 /// Rely on base class for rendering, set the imageurl here so
 /// that generated ImageURL does not interfere with programatically set imageurl
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="writer"></param>
 protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
     if (_imageType == DynamicImageType.External)
         this.ImageUrl = Source;
     else if (_imageType == DynamicImageType.Static)
         this.ImageUrl = CalculateStaticImageUrl();
     else if (_imageType == DynamicImageType.Database)
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EntityId) || EntityId == "0")
             this.ImageUrl = CalculateStaticImageUrl();
             this.ImageUrl = CalculateDatabaseImageUrl();
         //throw new Exception("Unimplemented dynamic image type");
         throw new HEMessageException(MR.GetMessage(MessageId.UnimplementedImageType));
        // override to create repeated items
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            if (!Visible)
            SelectedIndex = -1;

            object o = ViewStateAttributes.GetFromViewState("NumItems", null);

            if (o != null)
                // get item ids and indexes for supporting ajax list append, insert and remove operations and restoring the exact previous state
                ArrayList itemIds     = GetViewStateItemIds();
                ArrayList itemIndexes = GetViewStateItemIndexes();

                // clear any existing child controls

                int numItems = (int)o;
                int pageSize = this.PageSize;

                for (int i = 0; i < numItems && i < pageSize; i++)
                    // create item
                    RepeaterItem  item    = new RepeaterItem(i, null);
                    InvisibleItem invItem = new InvisibleItem(i, null);

                    try {
                        // initialize item id
                        if (itemIds != null)
                            item.ID    = Iterator.FormatId((int)itemIds[i * 2]);
                            invItem.ID = Iterator.FormatId((int)itemIds[i * 2 + 1]);
                            item.ID    = Iterator.FormatId(i * 2);
                            invItem.ID = Iterator.FormatId(i * 2 + 1);
                        // initialize item index
                        if (itemIndexes != null)
                            item.ItemIndex    = (int)itemIndexes[i * 2];
                            invItem.ItemIndex = (int)itemIndexes[i * 2 + 1];
                    } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {
                        throw new HEMessageException(MR.GetMessage(MessageId.AjaxListModified, "List Records", this.ID));

                    // initialize item from template
                    // add item to the child controls collection
        protected override bool OnBubbleEvent(object source, EventArgs e)
            // set the selected index
            if (e is DataGridCommandEventArgs)
                SelectedIndex = ((DataGridCommandEventArgs)e).Item.ItemIndex;
            else if (e is AjaxEventArgs)
                // ajax bubble up event
                // find the datagriditem that is parent of the sender control to set the selected index
                Control ctrl = source as Control;
                while (!(ctrl is DataGridItem))
                    ctrl = ctrl.Parent;
                SelectedIndex = ((DataGridItem)ctrl).ItemIndex;

                // create a datagrid command ajax event args instance, so that it can be trapped onbubble up by the table records select handler
                e = new DataGridCommandAjaxEventArgs((DataGridItem)ctrl, (Control)source, (AjaxEventArgs)e);
            // set the datasource position so that the current record is set if the list is not empty and in memory
            IOSList rl = DataSource;

            if (rl != null && rl.Length > 0 && SelectedIndex != -1)
                try {
                } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {
                    throw new HEMessageException(MR.GetMessage(MessageId.AjaxListModified, "Table Records", this.ID));

            // keep the current row number of the record list before bubbling up the event
            int beforeBubbleCurrentRowNumber = (rl != null) ? rl.CurrentRowNumber : 0;

            // follow up the event
            bool ret = base.OnBubbleEvent(source, e);

            // store viewstate changes for the current row. Skip if:
            // - the record list is empty
            // - the current row number is not the same as the one before bubbling up event - happens when the list is iterated inside the action
            if (ret && rl != null && (rl.Length > 0) && (SelectedIndex != -1) && (beforeBubbleCurrentRowNumber == rl.CurrentRowNumber))
                SetViewStateStorage(rl.Current, SelectedIndex);

Example #4
        public static OSDataGridTable FromTable(OSDataGrid parent, System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table table, ArrayList rowIds, ArrayList itemIndexes)
            OSDataGridTable osTable = new OSDataGridTable(parent.ClientID);

            // copy everything from table
            // Properties
            osTable.BackImageUrl    = table.BackImageUrl;
            osTable.Caption         = table.Caption;
            osTable.CaptionAlign    = table.CaptionAlign;
            osTable.CellPadding     = table.CellPadding;
            osTable.CellSpacing     = table.CellSpacing;
            osTable.GridLines       = table.GridLines;
            osTable.HorizontalAlign = table.HorizontalAlign;

            // Rows
            TableRow[] tableRows = new TableRow[table.Rows.Count];
            table.Rows.CopyTo(tableRows, 0);

            int i = 0;

            foreach (OSDataGridItem row in tableRows)
                try {
                    // restore the original id of this row, if set
                    if (rowIds != null)
                        row.ID = OSDataGridItem.FormatId((int)rowIds[i], parent.EnableLegacyRendering);
                        row.ID = OSDataGridItem.FormatId(i + 1, parent.EnableLegacyRendering);

                    // set the item index, if set
                    if (itemIndexes != null)
                } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {
                    throw new HEMessageException(MR.GetMessage(MessageId.AjaxListModified, "Table Records", parent.ClientID));


        protected override bool OnBubbleEvent(object sender, EventArgs args)
            if (_itemCommandName == null)

            if (((sender.GetType() == typeof(Button) || sender.GetType() == typeof(LinkButton)) && (args is CommandEventArgs)) ||
                args is AjaxEventArgs)
                // Get the method
                Control    ParentPage = Utils.GetOwnerOfControl(this);
                MethodInfo info       = ParentPage.GetType().GetMethod(_itemCommandName);
                if (info == null)
                    throw (new Exception("Could not find method " + _itemCommandName));
                // Get the item that was clicked
                Control ctrl = (Control)sender;
                while (ctrl.GetType() != typeof(RepeaterItem))
                    ctrl = ctrl.Parent;
                // Set selected item index
                SelectedIndex = ((RepeaterItem)ctrl).ItemIndex;
                // set the datasource position so that the current record is set if the list is not empty and in memory
                IOSList rl = DataSource;
                if (rl != null && rl.Length > 0)
                    try {
                    } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {
                        throw new HEMessageException(MR.GetMessage(MessageId.AjaxListModified, "List Records", this.ID));

                // keep the current row number of the record list before bubbling up the event
                int beforeBubbleCurrentRowNumber = (rl != null) ? rl.CurrentRowNumber : 0;

                try {
                    IteratorCommandEventArgs iteratorArgs;
                    if (args is AjaxEventArgs)
                        // ajax event, must create IteratorCommandAjaxEventArgs to be trapped by the select handler of the iterator
                        iteratorArgs = new IteratorCommandAjaxEventArgs(SelectedIndex, (Control)sender, (AjaxEventArgs)args);
                        // submit event, use IteratorCommandEventArgs
                        iteratorArgs = new IteratorCommandEventArgs(SelectedIndex, (Control)sender);
                    // invoke the select method
                    info.Invoke(ParentPage, new object[] { this, iteratorArgs });
                } catch (Exception exception) {
                    var exceptionAux = exception;
                    while (exceptionAux != null && exception.GetType() == typeof(System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException))
                        exceptionAux = exceptionAux.InnerException;
                    if (exceptionAux.GetType() == typeof(System.Threading.ThreadAbortException))

                // store viewstate changes for the current row. Skip if:
                // - the record list is empty
                // - the current row number is not the same as the one before bubbling up event - happens when the list is iterated inside the action
                if (rl != null && rl.Length > 0 && SelectedIndex != -1 && beforeBubbleCurrentRowNumber == rl.CurrentRowNumber)
                    SetViewStateStorage(rl.Current, SelectedIndex);
