Example #1
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldNotBotherSerializingToRealBytesIfFarFromThreshold()
		 public virtual void ShouldNotBotherSerializingToRealBytesIfFarFromThreshold()
			  // given
			  Layout<GenericKey, NativeIndexValue> layout = mock( typeof( Layout ) );
			  doThrow( typeof( Exception ) ).when( layout ).newKey();
			  GenericIndexKeyValidator validator = new GenericIndexKeyValidator( 120, layout );

			  // when
			  validator.Validate( new Value[]{ intValue( 10 ), epochDate( 100 ), stringValue( "abc" ) } );

			  // then no exception should have been thrown
Example #2
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldInvolveSerializingToRealBytesIfMayCrossThreshold()
		 public virtual void ShouldInvolveSerializingToRealBytesIfMayCrossThreshold()
			  // given
			  Layout<GenericKey, NativeIndexValue> layout = mock( typeof( Layout ) );
			  when( layout.NewKey() ).thenReturn(new CompositeGenericKey(3, SpatialSettings()));
			  GenericIndexKeyValidator validator = new GenericIndexKeyValidator( 48, layout );

			  // when
					validator.Validate( new Value[]{ intValue( 10 ), epochDate( 100 ), stringValue( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw" ) } );
					fail( "Should have failed" );
			  catch ( System.ArgumentException e )
					// then good
					assertThat( e.Message, containsString( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw" ) );
					verify( layout, times( 1 ) ).newKey();
Example #3
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldReportCorrectValidationErrorsOnRandomlyGeneratedValues()
		 public virtual void ShouldReportCorrectValidationErrorsOnRandomlyGeneratedValues()
			  // given
			  int slots = Random.Next( 1, 6 );
			  int maxLength = Random.Next( 15, 30 ) * slots;
			  GenericLayout layout = new GenericLayout( slots, SpatialSettings() );
			  GenericIndexKeyValidator validator = new GenericIndexKeyValidator( maxLength, layout );
			  GenericKey key = layout.NewKey();

			  int countOk = 0;
			  int countNotOk = 0;
			  for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
					// when
					Value[] tuple = GenerateValueTuple( slots );
					bool isOk;
						 validator.Validate( tuple );
						 isOk = true;
					catch ( System.ArgumentException )
						 isOk = false;
					int actualSize = actualSize( tuple, key );
					bool manualIsOk = actualSize <= maxLength;

					// then
					if ( manualIsOk != isOk )
						 fail( format( "Validator not validating %s correctly. Manual validation on actual key resulted in %b whereas validator said %b", Arrays.ToString( tuple ), manualIsOk, isOk ) );