         * Fetches delta CRLs according to RFC 3280 section 5.2.4.
         * @param currentDate The date for which the delta CRLs must be valid.
         * @param paramsPKIX The extended PKIX parameters.
         * @param completeCRL The complete CRL the delta CRL is for.
         * @return A <code>Set</code> of <code>X509CRL</code>s with delta CRLs.
         * @throws Exception if an exception occurs while picking the delta
         *             CRLs.
        internal static ISet GetDeltaCrls(
            DateTime currentDate,
            PkixParameters paramsPKIX,
            X509Crl completeCRL)
            X509CrlStoreSelector deltaSelect = new X509CrlStoreSelector();

            if (paramsPKIX.Date != null)
                deltaSelect.DateAndTime = paramsPKIX.Date;
                deltaSelect.DateAndTime = new DateTimeObject(currentDate);

            // 5.2.4 (a)
                IList deltaSelectIssuer = new ArrayList();
                deltaSelect.Issuers = deltaSelectIssuer;
            catch (IOException e)
                new Exception("Cannot extract issuer from CRL.", e);

            BigInteger completeCRLNumber = null;

                Asn1Object asn1Object = GetExtensionValue(completeCRL, X509Extensions.CrlNumber);
                if (asn1Object != null)
                    completeCRLNumber = CrlNumber.GetInstance(asn1Object).PositiveValue;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception(
                          "CRL number extension could not be extracted from CRL.", e);

            // 5.2.4 (b)
            byte[] idp = null;

                Asn1Object obj = GetExtensionValue(completeCRL, X509Extensions.IssuingDistributionPoint);
                if (obj != null)
                    idp = obj.GetDerEncoded();
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception(
                          "Issuing distribution point extension value could not be read.",

            // 5.2.4 (d)

            deltaSelect.MinCrlNumber = (completeCRLNumber == null)
                                ?       null
                                :       completeCRLNumber.Add(BigInteger.One);

            deltaSelect.IssuingDistributionPoint        = idp;
            deltaSelect.IssuingDistributionPointEnabled = true;

            // 5.2.4 (c)
            deltaSelect.MaxBaseCrlNumber = completeCRLNumber;

            ISet temp = new HashSet();

            // find delta CRLs
                temp.AddAll(PkixCertPathValidatorUtilities.FindCrls(deltaSelect, paramsPKIX.GetAdditionalStores()));
                temp.AddAll(PkixCertPathValidatorUtilities.FindCrls(deltaSelect, paramsPKIX.GetStores()));
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception("Could not search for delta CRLs.", e);

            ISet result = new HashSet();

            foreach (X509Crl crl in temp)
                if (isDeltaCrl(crl))

         * Fetches complete CRLs according to RFC 3280.
         * @param dp The distribution point for which the complete CRL
         * @param cert The <code>X509Certificate</code> or
         *            {@link org.bouncycastle.x509.X509AttributeCertificate} for
         *            which the CRL should be searched.
         * @param currentDate The date for which the delta CRLs must be valid.
         * @param paramsPKIX The extended PKIX parameters.
         * @return A <code>Set</code> of <code>X509CRL</code>s with complete
         *         CRLs.
         * @throws Exception if an exception occurs while picking the CRLs
         *             or no CRLs are found.
        internal static ISet GetCompleteCrls(
            DistributionPoint dp,
            object cert,
            DateTime currentDate,
            PkixParameters paramsPKIX)
            X509CrlStoreSelector crlselect = new X509CrlStoreSelector();

                ISet issuers = new HashSet();
                if (cert is X509V2AttributeCertificate)
                PkixCertPathValidatorUtilities.GetCrlIssuersFromDistributionPoint(dp, issuers, crlselect, paramsPKIX);
            catch (Exception e)
                new Exception("Could not get issuer information from distribution point.", e);

            if (cert is X509Certificate)
                crlselect.CertificateChecking = (X509Certificate)cert;
            else if (cert is X509V2AttributeCertificate)
                crlselect.AttrCertChecking = (IX509AttributeCertificate)cert;

            if (paramsPKIX.Date != null)
                crlselect.DateAndTime = paramsPKIX.Date;
                crlselect.DateAndTime = new DateTimeObject(currentDate);

            crlselect.CompleteCrlEnabled = true;

            ISet crls = new HashSet();

                crls.AddAll(PkixCertPathValidatorUtilities.FindCrls(crlselect, paramsPKIX.GetStores()));
                crls.AddAll(PkixCertPathValidatorUtilities.FindCrls(crlselect, paramsPKIX.GetAdditionalStores()));
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception("Could not search for CRLs.", e);

            if (crls.IsEmpty)
                throw new Exception("No CRLs found.");
