Example #1
 public static Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Protobuf.InjectionPlan Serialize(Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.InjectionPlan.InjectionPlan ip)
     if (ip is Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.InjectionPlan.Constructor)
         Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.InjectionPlan.Constructor     cons = (Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.InjectionPlan.Constructor)ip;
         Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.InjectionPlan.InjectionPlan[] args = cons.GetArgs();
         Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Protobuf.InjectionPlan[] protoArgs = new Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Protobuf.InjectionPlan[args.Length];
         for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
             protoArgs[i] = Serialize(args[i]);
         return(NewConstructor(ip.GetNode().GetFullName(), protoArgs.ToList <Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Protobuf.InjectionPlan>()));
     if (ip is Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.InjectionPlan.Subplan)
         Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.InjectionPlan.Subplan         sp   = (Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.InjectionPlan.Subplan)ip;
         Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Implementations.InjectionPlan.InjectionPlan[] args = sp.GetPlans();
         Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Protobuf.InjectionPlan[] subPlans = new Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Protobuf.InjectionPlan[args.Length];
         for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
             subPlans[i] = Serialize(args[i]);
         return(NewSubplan(ip.GetNode().GetFullName(), sp.GetSelectedIndex(), subPlans.ToList <Org.Apache.REEF.Tang.Protobuf.InjectionPlan>()));
     if (ip is CsInstance)
         CsInstance ji = (CsInstance)ip;
         return(NewInstance(ip.GetNode().GetFullName(), ji.GetInstanceAsString()));
     Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new IllegalStateException(
                                                                "Encountered unknown type of InjectionPlan: " + ip), LOGGER);
Example #2
 private string ShallowArgString(InjectionPlan arg)
     if (arg is Constructor || arg is Subplan)
         return(arg.GetType().Name + ": " + arg.GetNode().GetName());
Example #3
        public object InjectFromPlan(InjectionPlan plan)
            if (!plan.IsFeasible())
                var ex = new InjectionException("Cannot inject " + plan.GetNode().GetFullName() + ": "
                                                + plan.ToCantInjectString());
                Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);

            if (plan.IsAmbiguous())
                var ex = new InjectionException("Cannot inject " + plan.GetNode().GetFullName() + " "
                                                + plan.ToCantInjectString());
                Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);

            if (plan is InjectionFuturePlan)
                InjectionFuturePlan fut = (InjectionFuturePlan)plan;
                INode  node             = fut.GetNode();
                string key = node.GetFullName();
                    Type t        = null;
                    Type nodeType = classHierarchy.ClassForName(node.GetFullName());

                    if (node is IClassNode)
                        t = nodeType;
                    else if (node is INamedParameterNode)
                        var nn = (INamedParameterNode)node;
                        t = classHierarchy.ClassForName(nn.GetFullArgName());
                        if (nn.IsSet())
                            t = typeof(ISet <>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { t });
                        var ex = new ApplicationException("Unexpected node type. Wanted ClassNode or NamedParameterNode.  Got: " + node);
                        Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(ex, LOGGER);

                    // Java - InjectionFuture<?> ret = new InjectionFuture<>(this, javaNamespace.classForName(fut.getNode().getFullName()));
                    // C# - InjectionFuture<object> ret = new InjectionFutureImpl<object>(this, classHierarchy.ClassForName(fut.GetNode().GetFullName()));
                    // We cannot simply create an object from generic with object as <T>
                    // typeof(InjectionFutureImpl<>).MakeGenericType(t) will get the InjectionFutureImpl generic Type with <T> as t
                    // for ClassNode, t is the Type of the class, for NamedParameterNode, t is the Type of the argument
                    // we then use reflection to invoke the constructor
                    // To retain generic argument information??
                    Type injectionFuture          = typeof(InjectionFutureImpl <>).MakeGenericType(t);
                    var  constructor              = injectionFuture.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(IInjector), typeof(Type) });
                    IInjectionFuture <object> ret = (IInjectionFuture <object>)constructor.Invoke(new object[] { this, nodeType });

                catch (TypeLoadException e)
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Caught(e, Level.Error, LOGGER);
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new InjectionException("Could not get class for " + key), LOGGER);
            else if (plan.GetNode() is IClassNode && null != GetCachedInstance((IClassNode)plan.GetNode()))
            else if (plan is CsInstance)
                // TODO: Must be named parameter node.  Check.
                // throw new IllegalStateException("Instance from plan not in Injector's set of instances?!?");
            else if (plan is Constructor)
                Constructor     constructor = (Constructor)plan;
                object[]        args        = new object[constructor.GetArgs().Length];
                InjectionPlan[] argPlans    = constructor.GetArgs();

                for (int i = 0; i < argPlans.Length; i++)
                    args[i] = InjectFromPlan(argPlans[i]);

                    concurrentModificationGuard = true;
                    object ret = null;
                        IConstructorDef def = (IConstructorDef)constructor.GetConstructorDef();
                        ConstructorInfo c   = GetConstructor(def);

                        if (aspect != null)
                            ret = aspect.Inject(def, c, args);
                            ret = c.Invoke(args);
                    catch (ArgumentException e)
                        Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Caught(e, Level.Error, LOGGER);
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Internal Tang error?  Could not call constructor " + constructor.GetConstructorDef() + " with arguments [");
                        foreach (object o in args)
                            sb.Append("\n\t" + o);
                        Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new IllegalStateException(sb.ToString(), e), LOGGER);
                    if (ret is IExternalConstructor <object> )
                        ret = ((IExternalConstructor <object>)ret).NewInstance();
                    instances.Add(constructor.GetNode(), ret);
                catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Caught(e, Level.Error, LOGGER);
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new InjectionException("Could not invoke constructor: " + plan, e), LOGGER);
                    concurrentModificationGuard = false;
            else if (plan is Subplan)
                Subplan ambiguous = (Subplan)plan;
            else if (plan is SetInjectionPlan)
                SetInjectionPlan setPlan   = (SetInjectionPlan)plan;
                INode            n         = setPlan.GetNode();
                string           typeOfSet = null;

                // TODO: This doesn't work for sets of generics (e.g., Set<Foo<int>>
                // because GetFullName and GetFullArgName strip generic info).
                if (n is INamedParameterNode)
                    INamedParameterNode np = (INamedParameterNode)n;
                    typeOfSet = np.GetFullArgName();
                else if (n is IClassNode)
                    typeOfSet = n.GetFullName();
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new ApplicationException("Unknown node type :" + n.ToString()), LOGGER);

                Type t = classHierarchy.ClassForName(typeOfSet);

                // MakeGenericType(t = int: MonotonicHashSet<> -> MonotonicHashSet<int>
                // Get constructor: MonotonicHashSet<int> -> public MonotonicHashSet<int>() { ... }
                // Invoke: public MonotonicHashSet<int> -> new MonotonicHashSet<int>()
                object ret = typeof(MonotonicHashSet <>).MakeGenericType(t).GetConstructor(new Type[] { }).Invoke(new object[] { }); // (this, classHierarchy.ClassForName(fut.GetNode().GetFullName()));

                MethodInfo mf = ret.GetType().GetMethod("Add");

                foreach (InjectionPlan subplan in setPlan.GetEntryPlans())
                    // ret.Add(InjectFromPlan(subplan));
                    mf.Invoke(ret, new object[] { InjectFromPlan(subplan) });
            else if (plan is ListInjectionPlan)
                ListInjectionPlan listPlan   = (ListInjectionPlan)plan;
                INode             n          = listPlan.GetNode();
                string            typeOfList = null;

                if (n is INamedParameterNode)
                    INamedParameterNode np = (INamedParameterNode)n;
                    typeOfList = np.GetFullArgName();
                else if (n is IClassNode)
                    typeOfList = n.GetFullName();
                    Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new ApplicationException("Unknown node type :" + n.ToString()), LOGGER);

                Type   t   = classHierarchy.ClassForName(typeOfList);
                object ret = typeof(List <>).MakeGenericType(t).GetConstructor(new Type[] { }).Invoke(new object[] { });

                MethodInfo mf = ret.GetType().GetMethod("Add");

                foreach (InjectionPlan subplan in listPlan.GetEntryPlans())
                    mf.Invoke(ret, new object[] { InjectFromPlan(subplan) });
                Org.Apache.REEF.Utilities.Diagnostics.Exceptions.Throw(new IllegalStateException("Unknown plan type: " + plan), LOGGER);
            return(null); // should never reach here