Example #1
        public virtual void TestStateStoreAppLimitLargerThanMemoryAppLimit()
            long          now             = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis();
            RMContext     rmContext       = MockRMContext(10, now - 20000);
            Configuration conf            = new YarnConfiguration();
            int           maxAppsInMemory = 8;

            conf.SetInt(YarnConfiguration.RmMaxCompletedApplications, maxAppsInMemory);
            // larger than maxCompletedAppsInMemory, reset to RM_MAX_COMPLETED_APPLICATIONS.
            conf.SetInt(YarnConfiguration.RmStateStoreMaxCompletedApplications, 1000);
            TestAppManager.TestRMAppManager appMonitor = new TestAppManager.TestRMAppManager(
                this, rmContext, conf);
            AddToCompletedApps(appMonitor, rmContext);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of completed apps incorrect", 10, appMonitor
            int numRemoveApps = 10 - maxAppsInMemory;

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of apps incorrect after # completed check"
                                            , maxAppsInMemory, rmContext.GetRMApps().Count);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of completed apps incorrect after check",
                                            maxAppsInMemory, appMonitor.GetCompletedAppsListSize());
            Org.Mockito.Mockito.Verify(rmContext.GetStateStore(), Org.Mockito.Mockito.Times(numRemoveApps
                                                                                            )).RemoveApplication(Matchers.IsA <RMApp>());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(maxAppsInMemory, appMonitor.GetCompletedAppsInStateStore
Example #2
        public virtual void TestRMAppRetireSomeDifferentStates()
            long now = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis();
            // these parameters don't matter, override applications below
            RMContext     rmContext = MockRMContext(10, now - 20000);
            Configuration conf      = new YarnConfiguration();

            conf.SetInt(YarnConfiguration.RmStateStoreMaxCompletedApplications, 2);
            conf.SetInt(YarnConfiguration.RmMaxCompletedApplications, 2);
            TestAppManager.TestRMAppManager appMonitor = new TestAppManager.TestRMAppManager(
                this, rmContext, conf);
            // clear out applications map
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("map isn't empty", 0, rmContext.GetRMApps().Count
            // 6 applications are in final state, 4 are not in final state.
            // / set with various finished states
            RMApp app = new MockRMApp(0, now - 20000, RMAppState.Killed);

            rmContext.GetRMApps()[app.GetApplicationId()] = app;
            app = new MockRMApp(1, now - 200000, RMAppState.Failed);
            rmContext.GetRMApps()[app.GetApplicationId()] = app;
            app = new MockRMApp(2, now - 30000, RMAppState.Finished);
            rmContext.GetRMApps()[app.GetApplicationId()] = app;
            app = new MockRMApp(3, now - 20000, RMAppState.Running);
            rmContext.GetRMApps()[app.GetApplicationId()] = app;
            app = new MockRMApp(4, now - 20000, RMAppState.New);
            rmContext.GetRMApps()[app.GetApplicationId()] = app;
            // make sure it doesn't expire these since still running
            app = new MockRMApp(5, now - 10001, RMAppState.Killed);
            rmContext.GetRMApps()[app.GetApplicationId()] = app;
            app = new MockRMApp(6, now - 30000, RMAppState.Accepted);
            rmContext.GetRMApps()[app.GetApplicationId()] = app;
            app = new MockRMApp(7, now - 20000, RMAppState.Submitted);
            rmContext.GetRMApps()[app.GetApplicationId()] = app;
            app = new MockRMApp(8, now - 10001, RMAppState.Failed);
            rmContext.GetRMApps()[app.GetApplicationId()] = app;
            app = new MockRMApp(9, now - 20000, RMAppState.Failed);
            rmContext.GetRMApps()[app.GetApplicationId()] = app;
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of apps incorrect before", 10, rmContext.
            // add them to completed apps list
            AddToCompletedApps(appMonitor, rmContext);
            // shouldn't  have to many apps
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of apps incorrect after # completed check"
                                            , 6, rmContext.GetRMApps().Count);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of completed apps incorrect after check",
                                            2, appMonitor.GetCompletedAppsListSize());
            // 6 applications in final state, 4 of them are removed
            Org.Mockito.Mockito.Verify(rmContext.GetStateStore(), Org.Mockito.Mockito.Times(4
                                                                                            )).RemoveApplication(Matchers.IsA <RMApp>());
Example #3
 protected internal virtual void AddToCompletedApps(TestAppManager.TestRMAppManager
                                                    appMonitor, RMContext rmContext)
     foreach (RMApp app in rmContext.GetRMApps().Values)
         if (app.GetState() == RMAppState.Finished || app.GetState() == RMAppState.Killed ||
             app.GetState() == RMAppState.Failed)
Example #4
        public virtual void TestRMAppRetireNullApp()
            long      now       = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis();
            RMContext rmContext = MockRMContext(10, now - 20000);

            TestAppManager.TestRMAppManager appMonitor = new TestAppManager.TestRMAppManager(
                this, rmContext, new Configuration());
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of apps incorrect before", 10, rmContext.
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of completed apps incorrect after check",
                                            0, appMonitor.GetCompletedAppsListSize());
Example #5
        public virtual void SetUp()
            long now = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis();

            rmContext = MockRMContext(1, now - 10);
            ResourceScheduler        scheduler     = MockResourceScheduler();
            Configuration            conf          = new Configuration();
            ApplicationMasterService masterService = new ApplicationMasterService(rmContext,

            appMonitor = new TestAppManager.TestRMAppManager(this, rmContext, new ClientToAMTokenSecretManagerInRM
                                                                 (), scheduler, masterService, new ApplicationACLsManager(conf), conf);
            appId = MockApps.NewAppID(1);
            RecordFactory recordFactory = RecordFactoryProvider.GetRecordFactory(null);

            asContext = recordFactory.NewRecordInstance <ApplicationSubmissionContext>();
            SetupDispatcher(rmContext, conf);
Example #6
 /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
 public virtual void TestRMAppSubmitMaxAppAttempts()
     int[]   globalMaxAppAttempts     = new int[] { 10, 1 };
     int[][] individualMaxAppAttempts = new int[][] { new int[] { 9, 10, 11, 0 }, new
                                                      int[] { 1, 10, 0, -1 } };
     int[][] expectedNums = new int[][] { new int[] { 9, 10, 10, 10 }, new int[] { 1,
                                                                                   1, 1, 1 } };
     for (int i = 0; i < globalMaxAppAttempts.Length; ++i)
         for (int j = 0; j < individualMaxAppAttempts.Length; ++j)
             ResourceScheduler scheduler = MockResourceScheduler();
             Configuration     conf      = new Configuration();
             conf.SetInt(YarnConfiguration.RmAmMaxAttempts, globalMaxAppAttempts[i]);
             ApplicationMasterService masterService = new ApplicationMasterService(rmContext,
             TestAppManager.TestRMAppManager appMonitor = new TestAppManager.TestRMAppManager(
                 this, rmContext, new ClientToAMTokenSecretManagerInRM(), scheduler, masterService
                 , new ApplicationACLsManager(conf), conf);
             ApplicationId appID = MockApps.NewAppID(i * 4 + j + 1);
             if (individualMaxAppAttempts[i][j] != 0)
             appMonitor.SubmitApplication(asContext, "test");
             RMApp app = rmContext.GetRMApps()[appID];
             NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("max application attempts doesn't match", expectedNums
                                             [i][j], app.GetMaxAppAttempts());
             // wait for event to be processed
             int timeoutSecs = 0;
             while ((GetAppEventType() == RMAppEventType.Kill) && timeoutSecs++ < 20)
Example #7
        public virtual void TestRMAppRetireZeroSetting()
            long          now       = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis();
            RMContext     rmContext = MockRMContext(10, now - 20000);
            Configuration conf      = new YarnConfiguration();

            conf.SetInt(YarnConfiguration.RmStateStoreMaxCompletedApplications, 0);
            conf.SetInt(YarnConfiguration.RmMaxCompletedApplications, 0);
            TestAppManager.TestRMAppManager appMonitor = new TestAppManager.TestRMAppManager(
                this, rmContext, conf);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of apps incorrect before", 10, rmContext.
            AddToCompletedApps(appMonitor, rmContext);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of completed apps incorrect", 10, appMonitor
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of apps incorrect after # completed check"
                                            , 0, rmContext.GetRMApps().Count);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of completed apps incorrect after check",
                                            0, appMonitor.GetCompletedAppsListSize());
            Org.Mockito.Mockito.Verify(rmContext.GetStateStore(), Org.Mockito.Mockito.Times(10
                                                                                            )).RemoveApplication(Matchers.IsA <RMApp>());
Example #8
        public virtual void TestRMAppRetireNone()
            long now = Runtime.CurrentTimeMillis();
            // Create such that none of the applications will retire since
            // haven't hit max #
            RMContext     rmContext = MockRMContext(10, now - 10);
            Configuration conf      = new YarnConfiguration();

            conf.SetInt(YarnConfiguration.RmMaxCompletedApplications, 10);
            TestAppManager.TestRMAppManager appMonitor = new TestAppManager.TestRMAppManager(
                this, rmContext, conf);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of apps incorrect before checkAppTimeLimit"
                                            , 10, rmContext.GetRMApps().Count);
            // add them to completed apps list
            AddToCompletedApps(appMonitor, rmContext);
            // shouldn't  have to many apps
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of apps incorrect after # completed check"
                                            , 10, rmContext.GetRMApps().Count);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Number of completed apps incorrect after check",
                                            10, appMonitor.GetCompletedAppsListSize());
            Org.Mockito.Mockito.Verify(rmContext.GetStateStore(), Org.Mockito.Mockito.Never()
                                       ).RemoveApplication(Matchers.IsA <RMApp>());