Example #1
        public virtual void TestBlocksCounter()
            DatanodeDescriptor dd = BlockManagerTestUtil.GetLocalDatanodeDescriptor(true);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, dd.NumBlocks());
            BlockInfoContiguous blk  = new BlockInfoContiguous(new Block(1L), (short)1);
            BlockInfoContiguous blk1 = new BlockInfoContiguous(new Block(2L), (short)2);

            DatanodeStorageInfo[] storages = dd.GetStorageInfos();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(storages.Length > 0);
            // add first block
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(storages[0].AddBlock(blk) == DatanodeStorageInfo.AddBlockResult
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, dd.NumBlocks());
            // remove a non-existent block
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, dd.NumBlocks());
            // add an existent block
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse(storages[0].AddBlock(blk) == DatanodeStorageInfo.AddBlockResult
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, dd.NumBlocks());
            // add second block
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(storages[0].AddBlock(blk1) == DatanodeStorageInfo.AddBlockResult
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, dd.NumBlocks());
            // remove first block
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, dd.NumBlocks());
            // remove second block
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, dd.NumBlocks());
Example #2
        public virtual DatanodeStorageInfo.AddBlockResult AddBlock(BlockInfoContiguous b)
            // First check whether the block belongs to a different storage
            // on the same DN.
            DatanodeStorageInfo.AddBlockResult result = DatanodeStorageInfo.AddBlockResult.Added;
            DatanodeStorageInfo otherStorage          = b.FindStorageInfo(GetDatanodeDescriptor());

            if (otherStorage != null)
                if (otherStorage != this)
                    // The block belongs to a different storage. Remove it first.
                    result = DatanodeStorageInfo.AddBlockResult.Replaced;
                    // The block is already associated with this storage.
            // add to the head of the data-node list
            blockList = b.ListInsert(blockList, this);
Example #3
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        private void DoTestTwoOfThreeNodesDecommissioned(int testIndex)
            // Block originally on A1, A2, B1
            IList <DatanodeStorageInfo> origStorages = GetStorages(0, 1, 3);
            IList <DatanodeDescriptor>  origNodes    = GetNodes(origStorages);
            BlockInfoContiguous         blockInfo    = AddBlockOnNodes(testIndex, origNodes);
            // Decommission two of the nodes (A1, A2)
            IList <DatanodeDescriptor> decomNodes = StartDecommission(0, 1);

            DatanodeStorageInfo[] pipeline = ScheduleSingleReplication(blockInfo);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Source of replication should be one of the nodes the block "
                                          + "was on. Was: " + pipeline[0], origStorages.Contains(pipeline[0]));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Should have three targets", 3, pipeline.Length);
            bool foundOneOnRackA = false;

            for (int i = 1; i < pipeline.Length; i++)
                DatanodeDescriptor target = pipeline[i].GetDatanodeDescriptor();
                if (rackA.Contains(target))
                    foundOneOnRackA = true;
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Should have at least one target on rack A. Pipeline: "
                                          + Joiner.On(",").Join(pipeline), foundOneOnRackA);
        /// <summary>Remove block from the list of blocks belonging to the data-node.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Remove block from the list of blocks belonging to the data-node. Remove
        /// data-node from the block.
        /// </remarks>
        internal virtual bool RemoveBlock(string storageID, BlockInfoContiguous b)
            DatanodeStorageInfo s = GetStorageInfo(storageID);

            if (s != null)
Example #5
        private BlockInfoContiguous AddBlockToBM(long blkId)
            Block block = new Block(blkId);
            BlockInfoContiguous blockInfo = new BlockInfoContiguous(block, (short)3);
            BlockCollection     bc        = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <BlockCollection>();

            bm.blocksMap.AddBlockCollection(blockInfo, bc);
Example #6
        public virtual void TestAddStorage()
            BlockInfoContiguous blockInfo = new BlockInfoContiguous((short)3);
            DatanodeStorageInfo storage   = DFSTestUtil.CreateDatanodeStorageInfo("storageID",
            bool added = blockInfo.AddStorage(storage);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(storage, blockInfo.GetStorageInfo(0));
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Tell the block manager that replication is completed for the given
 /// pipeline.
 /// </summary>
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 private void FulfillPipeline(BlockInfoContiguous blockInfo, DatanodeStorageInfo[]
     for (int i = 1; i < pipeline.Length; i++)
         DatanodeStorageInfo storage = pipeline[i];
         bm.AddBlock(storage, blockInfo, null);
        /// <summary>Remove block from the list of blocks belonging to the data-node.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Remove block from the list of blocks belonging to the data-node. Remove
        /// data-node from the block.
        /// </remarks>
        internal virtual bool RemoveBlock(BlockInfoContiguous b)
            DatanodeStorageInfo s = b.FindStorageInfo(this);

            // if block exists on this datanode
            if (s != null)
Example #9
        private BlockInfoContiguous AddBlockOnNodes(long blockId, IList <DatanodeDescriptor
                                                                         > nodes)
            BlockCollection bc = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <BlockCollection>();

            BlockInfoContiguous blockInfo = BlockOnNodes(blockId, nodes);

            bm.blocksMap.AddBlockCollection(blockInfo, bc);
Example #10
 public virtual bool RemoveBlock(BlockInfoContiguous b)
     blockList = b.ListRemove(blockList, this);
     if (b.RemoveStorage(this))
Example #11
        private void DoBasicTest(int testIndex)
            IList <DatanodeStorageInfo> origStorages = GetStorages(0, 1);
            IList <DatanodeDescriptor>  origNodes    = GetNodes(origStorages);
            BlockInfoContiguous         blockInfo    = AddBlockOnNodes(testIndex, origNodes);

            DatanodeStorageInfo[] pipeline = ScheduleSingleReplication(blockInfo);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, pipeline.Length);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Source of replication should be one of the nodes the block "
                                          + "was on. Was: " + pipeline[0], origStorages.Contains(pipeline[0]));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Destination of replication should be on the other rack. "
                                          + "Was: " + pipeline[1], rackB.Contains(pipeline[1].GetDatanodeDescriptor()));
 private string FindReasonForNotCaching(CachedBlock cblock, BlockInfoContiguous blockInfo
     if (blockInfo == null)
         // Somehow, a cache report with the block arrived, but the block
         // reports from the DataNode haven't (yet?) described such a block.
         // Alternately, the NameNode might have invalidated the block, but the
         // DataNode hasn't caught up.  In any case, we want to tell the DN
         // to uncache this.
         return("not tracked by the BlockManager");
         if (!blockInfo.IsComplete())
             // When a cached block changes state from complete to some other state
             // on the DataNode (perhaps because of append), it will begin the
             // uncaching process.  However, the uncaching process is not
             // instantaneous, especially if clients have pinned the block.  So
             // there may be a period of time when incomplete blocks remain cached
             // on the DataNodes.
             return("not complete");
             if (cblock.GetReplication() == 0)
                 // Since 0 is not a valid value for a cache directive's replication
                 // field, seeing a replication of 0 on a CacheBlock means that it
                 // has never been reached by any sweep.
                 return("not needed by any directives");
                 if (cblock.GetMark() != mark)
                     // Although the block was needed in the past, we didn't reach it during
                     // the current sweep.  Therefore, it doesn't need to be cached any more.
                     // Need to set the replication to 0 so it doesn't flip back to cached
                     // when the mark flips on the next scan
                     cblock.SetReplicationAndMark((short)0, mark);
                     return("no longer needed by any directives");
Example #13
        private void DoTestSufficientlyReplBlocksUsesNewRack(int testIndex)
            // Originally on only nodes in rack A.
            IList <DatanodeDescriptor> origNodes = rackA;
            BlockInfoContiguous        blockInfo = AddBlockOnNodes(testIndex, origNodes);

            DatanodeStorageInfo[] pipeline = ScheduleSingleReplication(blockInfo);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, pipeline.Length);
            // single new copy
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Source of replication should be one of the nodes the block "
                                          + "was on. Was: " + pipeline[0], origNodes.Contains(pipeline[0].GetDatanodeDescriptor
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Destination of replication should be on the other rack. "
                                          + "Was: " + pipeline[1], rackB.Contains(pipeline[1].GetDatanodeDescriptor()));
Example #14
        private BlockInfoContiguous BlockOnNodes(long blkId, IList <DatanodeDescriptor> nodes
            Block block = new Block(blkId);
            BlockInfoContiguous blockInfo = new BlockInfoContiguous(block, (short)3);

            foreach (DatanodeDescriptor dn in nodes)
                foreach (DatanodeStorageInfo storage in dn.GetStorageInfos())
Example #15
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        private void DoTestOneOfTwoRacksDecommissioned(int testIndex)
            // Block originally on A1, A2, B1
            IList <DatanodeStorageInfo> origStorages = GetStorages(0, 1, 3);
            IList <DatanodeDescriptor>  origNodes    = GetNodes(origStorages);
            BlockInfoContiguous         blockInfo    = AddBlockOnNodes(testIndex, origNodes);
            // Decommission all of the nodes in rack A
            IList <DatanodeDescriptor> decomNodes = StartDecommission(0, 1, 2);

            DatanodeStorageInfo[] pipeline = ScheduleSingleReplication(blockInfo);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Source of replication should be one of the nodes the block "
                                          + "was on. Was: " + pipeline[0], origStorages.Contains(pipeline[0]));
            // Only up to two nodes can be picked per rack when there are two racks.
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Should have two targets", 2, pipeline.Length);
            bool foundOneOnRackB = false;

            for (int i = 1; i < pipeline.Length; i++)
                DatanodeDescriptor target = pipeline[i].GetDatanodeDescriptor();
                if (rackB.Contains(target))
                    foundOneOnRackB = true;
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Should have at least one target on rack B. Pipeline: "
                                          + Joiner.On(",").Join(pipeline), foundOneOnRackB);
            // Mark the block as received on the target nodes in the pipeline
            FulfillPipeline(blockInfo, pipeline);
            // the block is still under-replicated. Add a new node. This should allow
            // the third off-rack replica.
            DatanodeDescriptor rackCNode = DFSTestUtil.GetDatanodeDescriptor("", "/rackC"

            rackCNode.UpdateStorage(new DatanodeStorage(DatanodeStorage.GenerateUuid()));
                DatanodeStorageInfo[] pipeline2 = ScheduleSingleReplication(blockInfo);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(2, pipeline2.Length);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(rackCNode, pipeline2[1].GetDatanodeDescriptor());
Example #16
        public virtual void TestAllReplicasOnSameRack()
            Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();

            fsn = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <FSNamesystem>();
            bm = new BlockManager(fsn, conf);
            // Add nodes on two racks
            // Added a new block in blocksMap and all the replicas are on the same rack
            BlockInfoContiguous blockInfo = AddBlockOnNodes(1, rackA);

            // Since the network toppolgy is multi-rack, the blockHasEnoughRacks
            // should return false.
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("Replicas for block is not stored on enough racks"
                                           , bm.BlockHasEnoughRacks(blockInfo));
Example #17
        /// <summary>Checks whether a block is sufficiently replicated for decommissioning.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Checks whether a block is sufficiently replicated for decommissioning.
        /// Full-strength replication is not always necessary, hence "sufficient".
        /// </remarks>
        /// <returns>true if sufficient, else false.</returns>
        private bool IsSufficientlyReplicated(BlockInfoContiguous block, BlockCollection
                                              bc, NumberReplicas numberReplicas)
            int numExpected = bc.GetBlockReplication();
            int numLive     = numberReplicas.LiveReplicas();

            if (!blockManager.IsNeededReplication(block, numExpected, numLive))
                // Block doesn't need replication. Skip.
                Log.Trace("Block {} does not need replication.", block);
            // Block is under-replicated
            Log.Trace("Block {} numExpected={}, numLive={}", block, numExpected, numLive);
            if (numExpected > numLive)
                if (bc.IsUnderConstruction() && block.Equals(bc.GetLastBlock()))
                    // Can decom a UC block as long as there will still be minReplicas
                    if (numLive >= blockManager.minReplication)
                        Log.Trace("UC block {} sufficiently-replicated since numLive ({}) " + ">= minR ({})"
                                  , block, numLive, blockManager.minReplication);
                        Log.Trace("UC block {} insufficiently-replicated since numLive " + "({}) < minR ({})"
                                  , block, numLive, blockManager.minReplication);
                    // Can decom a non-UC as long as the default replication is met
                    if (numLive >= blockManager.defaultReplication)
Example #18
        public virtual void TestReplaceStorage()
            // Create two dummy storages.
            DatanodeStorageInfo storage1 = DFSTestUtil.CreateDatanodeStorageInfo("storageID1"
                                                                                 , "");
            DatanodeStorageInfo storage2 = new DatanodeStorageInfo(storage1.GetDatanodeDescriptor
                                                                       (), new DatanodeStorage("storageID2"));
            int NumBlocks = 10;

            BlockInfoContiguous[] blockInfos = new BlockInfoContiguous[NumBlocks];
            // Create a few dummy blocks and add them to the first storage.
            for (int i = 0; i < NumBlocks; ++i)
                blockInfos[i] = new BlockInfoContiguous((short)3);
            // Try to move one of the blocks to a different storage.
            bool added = storage2.AddBlock(blockInfos[NumBlocks / 2]) == DatanodeStorageInfo.AddBlockResult

            Assert.AssertThat(added, IS.Is(false));
            Assert.AssertThat(blockInfos[NumBlocks / 2].GetStorageInfo(0), IS.Is(storage2));
Example #19
 /// <summary>Move block to the head of the list of blocks belonging to the data-node.
 ///     </summary>
 /// <returns>the index of the head of the blockList</returns>
 internal virtual int MoveBlockToHead(BlockInfoContiguous b, int curIndex, int headIndex
     blockList = b.MoveBlockToHead(blockList, this, curIndex, headIndex);
        public virtual void TestProcessPendingReplications()
            Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();

            conf.SetLong(DFSConfigKeys.DfsNamenodeReplicationPendingTimeoutSecKey, Timeout);
            MiniDFSCluster      cluster = null;
            Block               block;
            BlockInfoContiguous blockInfo;

                cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).NumDataNodes(DatanodeCount).Build();
                FSNamesystem             fsn                 = cluster.GetNamesystem();
                BlockManager             blkManager          = fsn.GetBlockManager();
                PendingReplicationBlocks pendingReplications = blkManager.pendingReplications;
                UnderReplicatedBlocks    neededReplications  = blkManager.neededReplications;
                BlocksMap blocksMap = blkManager.blocksMap;
                // Add 1 block to pendingReplications with GenerationStamp = 0.
                block     = new Block(1, 1, 0);
                blockInfo = new BlockInfoContiguous(block, (short)3);
                pendingReplications.Increment(block, DatanodeStorageInfo.ToDatanodeDescriptors(DFSTestUtil
                BlockCollection bc = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <BlockCollection>();
                // Place into blocksmap with GenerationStamp = 1
                blocksMap.AddBlockCollection(blockInfo, bc);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Size of pendingReplications ", 1, pendingReplications
                // Add a second block to pendingReplications that has no
                // corresponding entry in blocksmap
                block = new Block(2, 2, 0);
                pendingReplications.Increment(block, DatanodeStorageInfo.ToDatanodeDescriptors(DFSTestUtil
                // verify 2 blocks in pendingReplications
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Size of pendingReplications ", 2, pendingReplications
                // Wait for everything to timeout.
                while (pendingReplications.Size() > 0)
                    catch (Exception)
                // Verify that block moves to neededReplications
                while (neededReplications.Size() == 0)
                    catch (Exception)
                // Verify that the generation stamp we will try to replicate
                // is now 1
                foreach (Block b in neededReplications)
                    NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Generation stamp is 1 ", 1, b.GetGenerationStamp
                // Verify size of neededReplications is exactly 1.
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("size of neededReplications is 1 ", 1, neededReplications
                if (cluster != null)
Example #21
        public virtual void TestBlockListMoveToHead()
            Log.Info("BlockInfo moveToHead tests...");
            int MaxBlocks = 10;
            DatanodeStorageInfo         dd            = DFSTestUtil.CreateDatanodeStorageInfo("s1", "");
            AList <Block>               blockList     = new AList <Block>(MaxBlocks);
            AList <BlockInfoContiguous> blockInfoList = new AList <BlockInfoContiguous>();
            int headIndex;
            int curIndex;

            Log.Info("Building block list...");
            for (int i = 0; i < MaxBlocks; i++)
                blockList.AddItem(new Block(i, 0, GenerationStamp.LastReservedStamp));
                blockInfoList.AddItem(new BlockInfoContiguous(blockList[i], (short)3));
                // index of the datanode should be 0
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Find datanode should be 0", 0, blockInfoList[i].
            // list length should be equal to the number of blocks we inserted
            Log.Info("Checking list length...");
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Length should be MAX_BLOCK", MaxBlocks, dd.NumBlocks
            IEnumerator <BlockInfoContiguous> it = dd.GetBlockIterator();
            int len = 0;

            while (it.HasNext())
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("There should be MAX_BLOCK blockInfo's", MaxBlocks
                                            , len);
            headIndex = dd.GetBlockListHeadForTesting().FindStorageInfo(dd);
            Log.Info("Moving each block to the head of the list...");
            for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < MaxBlocks; i_1++)
                curIndex  = blockInfoList[i_1].FindStorageInfo(dd);
                headIndex = dd.MoveBlockToHead(blockInfoList[i_1], curIndex, headIndex);
                // the moved element must be at the head of the list
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Block should be at the head of the list now.", blockInfoList
                                                [i_1], dd.GetBlockListHeadForTesting());
            // move head of the list to the head - this should not change the list
            Log.Info("Moving head to the head...");
            BlockInfoContiguous temp = dd.GetBlockListHeadForTesting();

            curIndex  = 0;
            headIndex = 0;
            dd.MoveBlockToHead(temp, curIndex, headIndex);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Moving head to the head of the list shopuld not change the list"
                                            , temp, dd.GetBlockListHeadForTesting());
            // check all elements of the list against the original blockInfoList
            Log.Info("Checking elements of the list...");
            temp = dd.GetBlockListHeadForTesting();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNotNull("Head should not be null", temp);
            int c = MaxBlocks - 1;

            while (temp != null)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Expected element is not on the list", blockInfoList
                                                [c--], temp);
                temp = temp.GetNext(0);
            Log.Info("Moving random blocks to the head of the list...");
            headIndex = dd.GetBlockListHeadForTesting().FindStorageInfo(dd);
            Random rand = new Random();

            for (int i_2 = 0; i_2 < MaxBlocks; i_2++)
                int j = rand.Next(MaxBlocks);
                curIndex  = blockInfoList[j].FindStorageInfo(dd);
                headIndex = dd.MoveBlockToHead(blockInfoList[j], curIndex, headIndex);
                // the moved element must be at the head of the list
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Block should be at the head of the list now.", blockInfoList
                                                [j], dd.GetBlockListHeadForTesting());
Example #22
            /// <summary>
            /// Used while checking if decommission-in-progress datanodes can be marked
            /// as decommissioned.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Used while checking if decommission-in-progress datanodes can be marked
            /// as decommissioned. Combines shared logic of
            /// pruneSufficientlyReplicated and handleInsufficientlyReplicated.
            /// </remarks>
            /// <param name="datanode">Datanode</param>
            /// <param name="it">
            /// Iterator over the blocks on the
            /// datanode
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="insufficientlyReplicated">
            /// Return parameter. If it's not null,
            /// will contain the insufficiently
            /// replicated-blocks from the list.
            /// </param>
            /// <param name="pruneSufficientlyReplicated">
            /// whether to remove sufficiently
            /// replicated blocks from the iterator
            /// </param>
            /// <returns>
            /// true if there are under-replicated blocks in the provided block
            /// iterator, else false.
            /// </returns>
            private void ProcessBlocksForDecomInternal(DatanodeDescriptor datanode, IEnumerator
                                                       <BlockInfoContiguous> it, IList <BlockInfoContiguous> insufficientlyReplicated, bool
                bool firstReplicationLog        = true;
                int  underReplicatedBlocks      = 0;
                int  decommissionOnlyReplicas   = 0;
                int  underReplicatedInOpenFiles = 0;

                while (it.HasNext())
                    BlockInfoContiguous block = it.Next();
                    // Remove the block from the list if it's no longer in the block map,
                    // e.g. the containing file has been deleted
                    if (this._enclosing.blockManager.blocksMap.GetStoredBlock(block) == null)
                        DecommissionManager.Log.Trace("Removing unknown block {}", block);
                    BlockCollection bc = this._enclosing.blockManager.blocksMap.GetBlockCollection(block
                    if (bc == null)
                        // Orphan block, will be invalidated eventually. Skip.
                    NumberReplicas num          = this._enclosing.blockManager.CountNodes(block);
                    int            liveReplicas = num.LiveReplicas();
                    int            curReplicas  = liveReplicas;
                    // Schedule under-replicated blocks for replication if not already
                    // pending
                    if (this._enclosing.blockManager.IsNeededReplication(block, bc.GetBlockReplication
                                                                             (), liveReplicas))
                        if (!this._enclosing.blockManager.neededReplications.Contains(block) && this._enclosing
                            .blockManager.pendingReplications.GetNumReplicas(block) == 0 && this._enclosing.
                            // Process these blocks only when active NN is out of safe mode.
                            this._enclosing.blockManager.neededReplications.Add(block, curReplicas, num.DecommissionedReplicas
                                                                                    (), bc.GetBlockReplication());
                    // Even if the block is under-replicated,
                    // it doesn't block decommission if it's sufficiently replicated
                    if (this._enclosing.IsSufficientlyReplicated(block, bc, num))
                        if (pruneSufficientlyReplicated)
                    // We've found an insufficiently replicated block.
                    if (insufficientlyReplicated != null)
                    // Log if this is our first time through
                    if (firstReplicationLog)
                        DecommissionManager.LogBlockReplicationInfo(block, bc, datanode, num, this._enclosing
                        firstReplicationLog = false;
                    // Update various counts
                    if (bc.IsUnderConstruction())
                    if ((curReplicas == 0) && (num.DecommissionedReplicas() > 0))
                datanode.decommissioningStatus.Set(underReplicatedBlocks, decommissionOnlyReplicas
                                                   , underReplicatedInOpenFiles);
        /// <summary>Add new entries to the PendingCached list.</summary>
        /// <param name="neededCached">The number of replicas that need to be cached.</param>
        /// <param name="cachedBlock">The block which needs to be cached.</param>
        /// <param name="cached">A list of DataNodes currently caching the block.</param>
        /// <param name="pendingCached">
        /// A list of DataNodes that will soon cache the
        /// block.
        /// </param>
        private void AddNewPendingCached(int neededCached, CachedBlock cachedBlock, IList
                                         <DatanodeDescriptor> cached, IList <DatanodeDescriptor> pendingCached)
            // To figure out which replicas can be cached, we consult the
            // blocksMap.  We don't want to try to cache a corrupt replica, though.
            BlockInfoContiguous blockInfo = blockManager.GetStoredBlock(new Block(cachedBlock

            if (blockInfo == null)
                Log.Debug("Block {}: can't add new cached replicas," + " because there is no record of this block "
                          + "on the NameNode.", cachedBlock.GetBlockId());
            if (!blockInfo.IsComplete())
                Log.Debug("Block {}: can't cache this block, because it is not yet" + " complete."
                          , cachedBlock.GetBlockId());
            // Filter the list of replicas to only the valid targets
            IList <DatanodeDescriptor> possibilities = new List <DatanodeDescriptor>();
            int numReplicas = blockInfo.GetCapacity();
            ICollection <DatanodeDescriptor> corrupt = blockManager.GetCorruptReplicas(blockInfo
            int outOfCapacity = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numReplicas; i++)
                DatanodeDescriptor datanode = blockInfo.GetDatanode(i);
                if (datanode == null)
                if (datanode.IsDecommissioned() || datanode.IsDecommissionInProgress())
                if (corrupt != null && corrupt.Contains(datanode))
                if (pendingCached.Contains(datanode) || cached.Contains(datanode))
                long pendingBytes = 0;
                // Subtract pending cached blocks from effective capacity
                IEnumerator <CachedBlock> it = datanode.GetPendingCached().GetEnumerator();
                while (it.HasNext())
                    CachedBlock         cBlock = it.Next();
                    BlockInfoContiguous info   = blockManager.GetStoredBlock(new Block(cBlock.GetBlockId
                    if (info != null)
                        pendingBytes -= info.GetNumBytes();
                it = datanode.GetPendingUncached().GetEnumerator();
                // Add pending uncached blocks from effective capacity
                while (it.HasNext())
                    CachedBlock         cBlock = it.Next();
                    BlockInfoContiguous info   = blockManager.GetStoredBlock(new Block(cBlock.GetBlockId
                    if (info != null)
                        pendingBytes += info.GetNumBytes();
                long pendingCapacity = pendingBytes + datanode.GetCacheRemaining();
                if (pendingCapacity < blockInfo.GetNumBytes())
                    Log.Trace("Block {}: DataNode {} is not a valid possibility " + "because the block has size {}, but the DataNode only has {}"
                              + "bytes of cache remaining ({} pending bytes, {} already cached.", blockInfo.GetBlockId
                                  (), datanode.GetDatanodeUuid(), blockInfo.GetNumBytes(), pendingCapacity, pendingBytes
                              , datanode.GetCacheRemaining());
            IList <DatanodeDescriptor> chosen = ChooseDatanodesForCaching(possibilities, neededCached
                                                                          , blockManager.GetDatanodeManager().GetStaleInterval());

            foreach (DatanodeDescriptor datanode_1 in chosen)
                Log.Trace("Block {}: added to PENDING_CACHED on DataNode {}", blockInfo.GetBlockId
                              (), datanode_1.GetDatanodeUuid());
                bool added = datanode_1.GetPendingCached().AddItem(cachedBlock);
            // We were unable to satisfy the requested replication factor
            if (neededCached > chosen.Count)
                Log.Debug("Block {}: we only have {} of {} cached replicas." + " {} DataNodes have insufficient cache capacity."
                          , blockInfo.GetBlockId(), (cachedBlock.GetReplication() - neededCached + chosen.
                                                     Count), cachedBlock.GetReplication(), outOfCapacity);
Example #24
        public virtual void TestSafeModeIBRBeforeFirstFullBR()
            // pretend to be in safemode
            DatanodeDescriptor  node = nodes[0];
            DatanodeStorageInfo ds   = node.GetStorageInfos()[0];

            node.isAlive = true;
            DatanodeRegistration nodeReg = new DatanodeRegistration(node, null, null, string.Empty

            // register new node
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(node, bm.GetDatanodeManager().GetDatanode(node));
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, ds.GetBlockReportCount());
            // Build a incremental report
            IList <ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo> rdbiList = new AList <ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo>();

            // Build a full report
            BlockListAsLongs.Builder builder = BlockListAsLongs.Builder();
            // blk_42 is finalized.
            long receivedBlockId = 42;
            // arbitrary
            BlockInfoContiguous receivedBlock = AddBlockToBM(receivedBlockId);

            rdbiList.AddItem(new ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo(new Block(receivedBlock), ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus
                                                          .ReceivedBlock, null));
            builder.Add(new FinalizedReplica(receivedBlock, null, null));
            // blk_43 is under construction.
            long receivingBlockId = 43;
            BlockInfoContiguous receivingBlock = AddUcBlockToBM(receivingBlockId);

            rdbiList.AddItem(new ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo(new Block(receivingBlock), ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus
                                                          .ReceivingBlock, null));
            builder.Add(new ReplicaBeingWritten(receivingBlock, null, null, null));
            // blk_44 has 2 records in IBR. It's finalized. So full BR has 1 record.
            long receivingReceivedBlockId = 44;
            BlockInfoContiguous receivingReceivedBlock = AddBlockToBM(receivingReceivedBlockId

            rdbiList.AddItem(new ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo(new Block(receivingReceivedBlock),
                                                          ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus.ReceivingBlock, null));
            rdbiList.AddItem(new ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo(new Block(receivingReceivedBlock),
                                                          ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus.ReceivedBlock, null));
            builder.Add(new FinalizedReplica(receivingReceivedBlock, null, null));
            // blk_45 is not in full BR, because it's deleted.
            long ReceivedDeletedBlockId = 45;

            rdbiList.AddItem(new ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo(new Block(ReceivedDeletedBlockId),
                                                          ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus.ReceivedBlock, null));
            rdbiList.AddItem(new ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo(new Block(ReceivedDeletedBlockId),
                                                          ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo.BlockStatus.DeletedBlock, null));
            // blk_46 exists in DN for a long time, so it's in full BR, but not in IBR.
            long existedBlockId = 46;
            BlockInfoContiguous existedBlock = AddBlockToBM(existedBlockId);

            builder.Add(new FinalizedReplica(existedBlock, null, null));
            // process IBR and full BR
            StorageReceivedDeletedBlocks srdb = new StorageReceivedDeletedBlocks(new DatanodeStorage
                                                                                     (ds.GetStorageID()), Sharpen.Collections.ToArray(rdbiList, new ReceivedDeletedBlockInfo

            bm.ProcessIncrementalBlockReport(node, srdb);
            // Make sure it's the first full report
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, ds.GetBlockReportCount());
            bm.ProcessReport(node, new DatanodeStorage(ds.GetStorageID()), builder.Build(), null
                             , false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, ds.GetBlockReportCount());
            // verify the storage info is correct
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(bm.GetStoredBlock(new Block(receivedBlockId)).FindStorageInfo
                                              (ds) >= 0);
                                               (new Block(receivingBlockId))).GetNumExpectedLocations() > 0);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(bm.GetStoredBlock(new Block(receivingReceivedBlockId
                                                                      )).FindStorageInfo(ds) >= 0);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull(bm.GetStoredBlock(new Block(ReceivedDeletedBlockId)
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(bm.GetStoredBlock(new Block(existedBlock)).FindStorageInfo
                                              (ds) >= 0);
 /// <summary>Scan through the cached block map.</summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Scan through the cached block map.
 /// Any blocks which are under-replicated should be assigned new Datanodes.
 /// Blocks that are over-replicated should be removed from Datanodes.
 /// </remarks>
 private void RescanCachedBlockMap()
     for (IEnumerator <CachedBlock> cbIter = cachedBlocks.GetEnumerator(); cbIter.HasNext
         CachedBlock cblock = cbIter.Next();
         IList <DatanodeDescriptor> pendingCached = cblock.GetDatanodes(DatanodeDescriptor.CachedBlocksList.Type
         IList <DatanodeDescriptor> cached = cblock.GetDatanodes(DatanodeDescriptor.CachedBlocksList.Type
         IList <DatanodeDescriptor> pendingUncached = cblock.GetDatanodes(DatanodeDescriptor.CachedBlocksList.Type
         // Remove nodes from PENDING_UNCACHED if they were actually uncached.
         for (IEnumerator <DatanodeDescriptor> iter = pendingUncached.GetEnumerator(); iter
             DatanodeDescriptor datanode = iter.Next();
             if (!cblock.IsInList(datanode.GetCached()))
                 Log.Trace("Block {}: removing from PENDING_UNCACHED for node {} " + "because the DataNode uncached it."
                           , cblock.GetBlockId(), datanode.GetDatanodeUuid());
         BlockInfoContiguous blockInfo = blockManager.GetStoredBlock(new Block(cblock.GetBlockId
         string reason       = FindReasonForNotCaching(cblock, blockInfo);
         int    neededCached = 0;
         if (reason != null)
             Log.Trace("Block {}: can't cache block because it is {}", cblock.GetBlockId(), reason
             neededCached = cblock.GetReplication();
         int numCached = cached.Count;
         if (numCached >= neededCached)
             // If we have enough replicas, drop all pending cached.
             for (IEnumerator <DatanodeDescriptor> iter_1 = pendingCached.GetEnumerator(); iter_1
                 DatanodeDescriptor datanode = iter_1.Next();
                 Log.Trace("Block {}: removing from PENDING_CACHED for node {}" + "because we already have {} cached replicas and we only"
                           + " need {}", cblock.GetBlockId(), datanode.GetDatanodeUuid(), numCached, neededCached
         if (numCached < neededCached)
             // If we don't have enough replicas, drop all pending uncached.
             for (IEnumerator <DatanodeDescriptor> iter_1 = pendingUncached.GetEnumerator(); iter_1
                 DatanodeDescriptor datanode = iter_1.Next();
                 Log.Trace("Block {}: removing from PENDING_UNCACHED for node {} " + "because we only have {} cached replicas and we need "
                           + "{}", cblock.GetBlockId(), datanode.GetDatanodeUuid(), numCached, neededCached
         int neededUncached = numCached - (pendingUncached.Count + neededCached);
         if (neededUncached > 0)
             AddNewPendingUncached(neededUncached, cblock, cached, pendingUncached);
             int additionalCachedNeeded = neededCached - (numCached + pendingCached.Count);
             if (additionalCachedNeeded > 0)
                 AddNewPendingCached(additionalCachedNeeded, cblock, cached, pendingCached);
         if ((neededCached == 0) && pendingUncached.IsEmpty() && pendingCached.IsEmpty())
             // we have nothing more to do with this block.
             Log.Trace("Block {}: removing from cachedBlocks, since neededCached " + "== 0, and pendingUncached and pendingCached are empty."
                       , cblock.GetBlockId());