Example #1
        public dynamic Render(PropertyContext context, ContentItem contentItem, IFieldTypeEditor fieldTypeEditor, string storageName, Type storageType, ContentPartDefinition part, ContentPartFieldDefinition field) {
            var p = contentItem.Parts.FirstOrDefault( x => x.PartDefinition.Name == part.Name);

            if(p == null) {
                return String.Empty;

            var f = p.Fields.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == field.Name);

            if(f == null) {
                return String.Empty;

            object value = null;

            _contentFieldValueProviders.Invoke(provider => {
                var result = provider.GetValue(contentItem, f);
                if (result != null) {
                    value = result;
            }, Logger);

            if (value == null) {
                value = f.Storage.Get<object>(storageName);

            if (value == null) {
                return null;

            // call specific formatter rendering
            return _propertyFormater.Format(storageType, value, context.State);
Example #2
 public bool CompareContent(ContentItem preContentItem, ContentItem newContentItem)
     var part = newContentItem.Parts.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PartDefinition.Name.Contains(preContentItem.ContentType));
     if (part == null) return false;
     var fieldContext = new PropertyContext
         State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(string.Empty)
     string category = newContentItem.ContentType + "ContentFields";
     var allFielDescriptors = _projectionManager.DescribeProperties().Where(p => p.Category == category).SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).ToList();
     foreach (var field in part.Fields) {
         if (!field.PartFieldDefinition.Settings.ContainsKey(isAuditKey)) continue;
         bool isAudit = bool.Parse(field.PartFieldDefinition.Settings[isAuditKey]);
         if (!isAudit) continue;
         if (_defferences.Keys.Contains(field.Name)) continue;
         var descriptor = allFielDescriptors.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Name.Text == field.Name + ":Value");
         if (descriptor == null) continue;
         var preValue = descriptor.Property(fieldContext, preContentItem);
         var newValue = descriptor.Property(fieldContext, newContentItem);
         if (preValue != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(preValue.ToString())
             && (newValue == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(newValue.ToString())))
             _defferences.Add(field.Name, string.Format("Deleted {1} in {0}.", field.Name, preValue));
         else if (preValue != null && newValue.ToString() != preValue.ToString() ||
             preValue == null && newValue != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(newValue.ToString()))
             _defferences.Add(field.Name, string.Format("Changed {0} from {1} to {2}.", field.Name, preValue, newValue));
     return _defferences.Count == 1;
        public dynamic Render(PropertyContext context, PropertyInfo property, ContentItem contentItem) {
            // creating type for ContentPart<TRecord>, where TRecord is the type of the property
            var partRecordType = typeof (ContentPart<>).MakeGenericType(new [] {property.DeclaringType});

            // get the part for this ContentPart<TRecord>
            var part = contentItem.Parts.FirstOrDefault(p => partRecordType.IsAssignableFrom(p.GetType()));
            var record = partRecordType.GetProperty("Record").GetValue(part, null);
            var value = property.GetValue(record, null);

            if(value == null) {
                return null;

            // call specific formatter rendering
            return _propertyFormater.Format(property.PropertyType, value, context.State);
Example #4
        private IEnumerable<JObject> GetLayoutComponents(ProjectionPart part, int skipCount, int pageCount) {
            // query
            var query = part.Record.QueryPartRecord;

            // applying layout
            var layout = part.Record.LayoutRecord;
            var tokens = new Dictionary<string, object> {{"Content", part.ContentItem}};
            var allFielDescriptors = _projectionManager.DescribeProperties().ToList();
            var fieldDescriptors = layout.Properties.OrderBy(p => p.Position).Select(p => allFielDescriptors.SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).Select(d => new {Descriptor = d, Property = p}).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Descriptor.Category == p.Category && x.Descriptor.Type == p.Type)).ToList();
            fieldDescriptors = fieldDescriptors.Where(c => c != null).ToList();
            var tokenizedDescriptors = fieldDescriptors.Select(fd => new {fd.Descriptor, fd.Property, State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(_tokenizer.Replace(fd.Property.State, tokens))}).ToList();

            // execute the query
            var contentItems = _projectionManager.GetContentItems(query.Id, skipCount, pageCount).ToList();

            // sanity check so that content items with ProjectionPart can't be added here, or it will result in an infinite loop
            contentItems = contentItems.Where(x => !x.Has<ProjectionPart>()).ToList();

            var layoutComponents = contentItems.Select(
                contentItem => {
                    var result = new JObject();
                    result["ContentId"] = contentItem.Id;
                        d => {
                            var fieldContext = new PropertyContext {
                                State = d.State,
                                Tokens = tokens
                            var shape = d.Descriptor.Property(fieldContext, contentItem);
                            string text = (shape == null) ? string.Empty : shape.ToString();
                            var filedName = d.Property.GetFiledName();
                            result[filedName] = text;
                    return result;
            return layoutComponents;
 public LocalizedString DisplayFilter(PropertyContext context, ContentPartDefinition part, ContentPartFieldDefinition fieldDefinition, string storageName) {
     return T("Field {0}: {1}", fieldDefinition.Name, String.IsNullOrEmpty(storageName) ? T("Default value").Text : storageName);
Example #6
 public dynamic RenderProperty(PropertyContext context, ContentItem contentItem) {
     return _contentManager.GetItemMetadata(contentItem).DisplayText;
Example #7
 public LocalizedString DisplayProperty(PropertyContext context) {
     return T("Content: Display Text");
 public dynamic RenderProperty(PropertyContext context, ContentItem contentItem) {
     // don't return empty otherwise the layout won't render the rewritten value
     return " ";
 public LocalizedString DisplayProperty(PropertyContext context) {
     return T("Content: Custom Value");
 public LocalizedString Display(PropertyContext context, PropertyInfo property) {
     return T("{0} {1}", property.DeclaringType.Name, property.Name);
Example #11
        public string Execute(int queryId)
            var projection = this.Services.ContentManager.Query<ProjectionPart>()
                .Where<ProjectionPartRecord>(e => e.QueryPartRecord.Id == queryId)

            var layout = projection.Record.LayoutRecord;

            LayoutDescriptor layoutDescriptor = layout == null ? null :
                _projectionManager.DescribeLayouts().SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == layout.Category && x.Type == layout.Type);

            var tokens = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Content", projection.ContentItem } };
            var allFielDescriptors = _projectionManager.DescribeProperties().ToList();
            var fieldDescriptors = layout.Properties.OrderBy(p => p.Position).Select(p => allFielDescriptors.SelectMany(x => x.Descriptors).Select(d => new { Descriptor = d, Property = p }).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Descriptor.Category == p.Category && x.Descriptor.Type == p.Type)).ToList();
            var tokenizedDescriptors = fieldDescriptors.Select(fd => new { fd.Descriptor, fd.Property, State = FormParametersHelper.ToDynamic(tokenizer.Replace(fd.Property.State, tokens)) }).ToList();

            var limit = projection.Record.MaxItems;
            var items = _projectionManager.GetContentItems(queryId, 0, limit).ToList();

            //var container = _contentManager.Get<Orchard.Projections.Models.QueryPart>(projection.Record.QueryPartRecord.Id);

            var inspector = new ItemInspector(projection, Services.ContentManager.GetItemMetadata(projection), _htmlFilters);

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(sb);

            var display = displayHelperFactory.CreateHelper(new ViewContext { HttpContext = workContextAccessor.GetContext().HttpContext }, new ViewDataContainer());

            using (JsonWriter jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriter(sw))
                jsonWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;



                foreach (var contentItem in items)
                    var contentItemMetadata = Services.ContentManager.GetItemMetadata(contentItem);
                    var propertyDescriptors = tokenizedDescriptors.Select(d =>
                                    var fieldContext = new PropertyContext
                                        State = d.State,
                                        Tokens = tokens

                                    return new { d.Property, Shape = d.Descriptor.Property(fieldContext, contentItem) };

                    var properties = Services.New.Properties(
                            Items: propertyDescriptors.Select(
                                pd => Services.New.PropertyWrapper(
                                    Item: pd.Shape,
                                    Property: pd.Property,
                                    ContentItem: contentItem,
                                    ContentItemMetadata: contentItemMetadata

                    var itemInspector = new ItemInspector(contentItem, contentItemMetadata, _htmlFilters);

                    var propertyShapes = ((IEnumerable<dynamic>)properties.Items)
                        .Select(e => new {
                            Property = ((PropertyRecord)e.Property),
                            Description = ((PropertyRecord)e.Property).Description,
                            Proxy = e,
                            Content = Convert.ToString(display(e))

                    foreach (var field in propertyShapes)





            return sb.ToString();
            //        var projectionId = context.ValueProvider.GetValue("projection");
            //        if (projectionId == null)
            //            return;

            //        var limitValue = context.ValueProvider.GetValue("limit");
            //        var limit = 20;
            //        if (limitValue != null)
            //            limit = (int)limitValue.ConvertTo(typeof(int));

            //        var containerId = (int)projectionId.ConvertTo(typeof(int));
            //        var container = _contentManager.Get<ProjectionPart>(containerId);

            //        if (container == null)
            //        {
            //            return;
            //        }

            //        var inspector = new ItemInspector(container, _contentManager.GetItemMetadata(container), _htmlFilters);