public static IEnumerable <PackageIdentity> Resolve(this PackageResolver resolver, PackageResolverContext context, CancellationToken token)
     return(resolver.Resolve(context, token));
Example #2
        public async Task <InstallerResult> InstallAsync(
            PackageIdentity package,
            IExtensibleProject project,
            IReadOnlyList <SourceRepository> repositories,
            bool ignoreMissingPackages          = false,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
                // Step 1. Decide what framework version used on package resolving
                // Enforce platform-specific framework for .NET 5.0

                var targetFramework = FrameworkParser.TryParseFrameworkName(project.Framework, _frameworkNameProvider);
                var reducer         = new FrameworkReducer();

                var mostSpecific = reducer.ReduceUpwards(project.SupportedPlatforms).FirstOrDefault();
                targetFramework = mostSpecific;

                _nugetLogger.LogInformation($"Installing package {package}, Target framework: {targetFramework}");

                // Prepare to step 2. Add globals if cache enabled as available repository with highest priority.
                // Note: This part falls under responsibility of RepositoryContextService but the same logic used to determine what packages are found by IPackageLoaderService
                // To not break behavior for now add here
                if (!project.NoCache)
                    var repositoryList = repositories.ToList();
                    repositoryList.Insert(0, new SourceRepository(new PackageSource(DefaultNuGetFolders.GetGlobalPackagesFolder(), ".nuget"), Repository.Provider.GetCoreV3()));
                    repositories = repositoryList;

                // Step 2. Build list of dependencies and determine DependencyBehavior if some packages are misssed in current feed
                Resolver.PackageResolverContext resolverContext = null;

                using (var cacheContext = new SourceCacheContext())
#pragma warning disable IDISP013 // Await in using.
                    var getDependencyResourcesTasks = repositories.Select(repo => repo.GetResourceAsync <DependencyInfoResource>());
#pragma warning restore IDISP013 // Await in using.

                    var dependencyResources = (await getDependencyResourcesTasks.WhenAllOrExceptionAsync()).Where(x => x.IsSuccess && x.Result is not null)
                                              .Select(x => x.Result).ToArray();

                    var dependencyInfoResources = new DependencyInfoResourceCollection(dependencyResources);

                    resolverContext = await ResolveDependenciesAsync(package, targetFramework, PackageIdentityComparer.Default, dependencyInfoResources, cacheContext, project, ignoreMissingPackages, cancellationToken);

                    if (resolverContext is null ||
                        !(resolverContext?.AvailablePackages?.Any() ?? false))
                        var errorMessage = $"Package {package} cannot be resolved with current settings (TFM: {targetFramework}) for chosen destination";
                        return(new InstallerResult(errorMessage));

                    // Step 3. Try to check is main package can be downloaded from resource
                    var mainPackageInfo = resolverContext.AvailablePackages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == package.Id);

                    _nugetLogger.LogInformation($"Downloading {package}...");
                    var mainDownloadedFiles = await DownloadPackageResourceAsync(mainPackageInfo, cacheContext, cancellationToken);

                    _nugetLogger.LogInformation($"{package} download completed");

                    if (!mainDownloadedFiles.IsAvailable())
                        // Downlod failed by some reasons (probably connection issue or package goes deleted before feed updated)
                        var errorMessage = $"Current source lists package {package} but attempts to download it have failed. The source in invalid or required packages were removed while the current operation was in progress";
                        return(new InstallerResult(errorMessage));

                    // Step 4. Check is main package compatible with target Framework
                    var canBeInstalled = await CheckCanBeInstalledAsync(project, mainDownloadedFiles.PackageReader, targetFramework, cancellationToken);

                    if (!canBeInstalled)
                        throw new IncompatiblePackageException($"Package {package} incompatible with project target platform {targetFramework}");

                    // Step 5. Build install list using NuGet Resolver and select available resources.
                    // Track packages which already installed and make sure only one version of package exists
                    var resolver = new Resolver.PackageResolver();
                    var availablePackagesToInstall = await resolver.ResolveWithVersionOverrideAsync(resolverContext, project, DependencyBehavior.Highest,
                                                                                                    (project, conflict) => _fileSystemService.CreateDeleteme(conflict.PackageIdentity.Id, project.GetInstallPath(conflict.PackageIdentity)),

                    // Step 6. Download everything except main package and extract all
                    _nugetLogger.LogInformation($"Downloading package dependencies...");
                    var downloadResults = await DownloadPackagesResourcesAsync(availablePackagesToInstall, cacheContext, cancellationToken);

                    downloadResults[mainPackageInfo] = mainDownloadedFiles;
                    _nugetLogger.LogInformation($"{downloadResults.Count - 1} dependencies downloaded");
                    var extractionContext = GetExtractionContext();
                    await ExtractPackagesResourcesAsync(downloadResults, project, extractionContext, cancellationToken);
                    await CheckLibAndFrameworkItemsAsync(downloadResults, targetFramework, cancellationToken);

                    return(new InstallerResult(downloadResults));
            catch (NuGetResolverInputException ex)
                throw new IncompatiblePackageException($"Package {package} or some of it dependencies are missed for current target framework", ex);
            catch (Exception ex)