Example #1
        private static DateTime?Parse(string input, DateTimeFormatInfo formatInfo, bool throwOnError = true)
            Argument.IsNotNull(() => formatInfo);

            var year      = 0;
            var month     = 0;
            var day       = 0;
            var hour      = 0;
            var minute    = 0;
            var second    = 0;
            var amPm      = default(string);
            var separator = default(string);

            var i         = 0;
            var partValue = default(string);

            for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                separator = formatInfo.GetSeparator(i);

                if (separator != null && separator.Length > 0 && input.Length > 0)
                    if (!input.StartsWith(separator))
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid value. Value does not match format", null, throwOnError));

                    input = input.Substring(separator.Length);

                if (separator == null && i == (formatInfo.MaxPosition + 1) && input.Length > 0)
                    // We have come to the end of format but there is still some characters left in the input.
                    // They are probably AM/PM values even though the format is 24 hours. We will try and parse them correctly

                    formatInfo.AmPmPosition = i;

                    input = input.Trim();

                    if (input.Length == 2)
                        formatInfo.AmPmFormat = "tt";
                    else if (input.Length == 1)
                        formatInfo.AmPmFormat = "t";

                if (i == formatInfo.YearPosition)
                    partValue = new string(input.TakeWhile(x => char.IsDigit(x)).ToArray());

                    if (formatInfo.YearFormat.Length == 1 && (partValue.Length < 1 || partValue.Length > 2)) // 'y'
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid year value. Year must contain 1 or 2 digits", null, throwOnError));
                    else if (formatInfo.YearFormat.Length == 2 && partValue.Length != 2) // 'yy'
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid year value. Year must contain 2 digits", null, throwOnError));
                    else if (formatInfo.YearFormat.Length == 3 && (partValue.Length < 3 || partValue.Length > 5)) // 'yyy'
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid year value. Year must contain 3 or 4 or 5 digits", null, throwOnError));
                    else if (formatInfo.YearFormat.Length == 4 && (partValue.Length < 4 || partValue.Length > 5)) // 'yyyy'
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid year value. Year must contain 4 or 5 digits", null, throwOnError));
                    else if (formatInfo.YearFormat.Length == 5 && partValue.Length != 5) // 'yyyyy'
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid year value. Year must contain 5 digits", null, throwOnError));

                    year = int.Parse(partValue); // There is no reason to fail.

                    year += formatInfo.IsYearShortFormat == true ? 2000 : 0;

                    input = input.Substring(partValue.Length);
                else if (i == formatInfo.MonthPosition)
                    partValue = new string(input.TakeWhile(x => char.IsDigit(x)).ToArray());

                    if (formatInfo.MonthFormat.Length == 1 && (partValue.Length < 1 || partValue.Length > 2)) // 'M'
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid month value. Month must contain 1 or 2 digits", null, throwOnError));
                    else if (formatInfo.MonthFormat.Length == 2 && partValue.Length != 2) // 'MM'
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid month value. Month must contain 2 digits", null, throwOnError));

                    month = int.Parse(partValue); // There is no reason to fail.

                    input = input.Substring(partValue.Length);
                else if (i == formatInfo.DayPosition)
                    partValue = new string(input.TakeWhile(x => char.IsDigit(x)).ToArray());

                    if (formatInfo.DayFormat.Length == 1 && (partValue.Length < 1 || partValue.Length > 2)) // 'd'
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid day value. Day must contain 1 or 2 digits", null, throwOnError));
                    else if (formatInfo.DayFormat.Length == 2 && partValue.Length != 2) // 'dd'
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid day value. Day must contain 2 digits", null, throwOnError));

                    day = int.Parse(partValue); // There is no reason to fail.

                    input = input.Substring(partValue.Length);
                else if (i == formatInfo.HourPosition)
                    partValue = new string(input.TakeWhile(x => char.IsDigit(x)).ToArray());

                    if (formatInfo.HourFormat.Length == 1 && (partValue.Length < 1 || partValue.Length > 2)) // 'h' or 'H'
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid hour value. Hour must contain 1 or 2 digits", null, throwOnError));
                    else if (formatInfo.HourFormat.Length == 2 && partValue.Length != 2) // 'hh' or 'HH'
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid hour value. Hour must contain 2 digits", null, throwOnError));

                    hour = int.Parse(partValue); // There is no reason to fail.

                    if (hour < 0 && hour >= 24)
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid hour value. Hour must be in range <0, 24> for short format", null, throwOnError));

                    input = input.Substring(partValue.Length);
                else if (i == formatInfo.MinutePosition)
                    partValue = new string(input.TakeWhile(x => char.IsDigit(x)).ToArray());

                    if (formatInfo.MinuteFormat.Length == 1 && (partValue.Length < 1 || partValue.Length > 2)) // 'm'
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid minute value. Minute must contain 1 or 2 digits", null, throwOnError));
                    else if (formatInfo.MinuteFormat.Length == 2 && partValue.Length != 2) // 'mm'
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid minute value. Minute must contain 2 digits", null, throwOnError));

                    minute = int.Parse(partValue); // There is no reason to fail.

                    input = input.Substring(partValue.Length);
                else if (i == formatInfo.SecondPosition)
                    partValue = new string(input.TakeWhile(x => char.IsDigit(x)).ToArray());

                    if (formatInfo.SecondFormat.Length == 1 && (partValue.Length < 1 || partValue.Length > 2))
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid second value. Second must contain 1 or 2 digits", null, throwOnError)); // 's'
                    else if (formatInfo.SecondFormat.Length == 2 && partValue.Length != 2)                                                     // 'ss'
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid second value. Second must contain 2 digits", null, throwOnError));

                    second = int.Parse(partValue); // There is no reason to fail.

                    input = input.Substring(partValue.Length);
                else if (i == formatInfo.AmPmPosition)
                    partValue = new string(input.Take(formatInfo.AmPmFormat.Length).ToArray());

                    if (partValue.Length <= 0)
                        // We allow the input string to not have AM/PM even if the format specifies them

                    if (formatInfo.IsAmPmShortFormat == true && !(Meridiems.IsShortAm(partValue) || Meridiems.IsShortPm(partValue)))
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid AM/PM designator value", null, throwOnError));
                    else if (formatInfo.IsAmPmShortFormat == false && !(Meridiems.IsLongAm(partValue) || Meridiems.IsLongPm(partValue)))
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid AM/PM designator value", null, throwOnError));

                    amPm = partValue;

                    // We need to make sure hour is less than 12, because we could accept values like: 05/02/2017 16:41:24 PM
                    hour += (Meridiems.IsPm(amPm) && hour < 12) ? 12 : 0;

                    input = input.Substring(partValue.Length);

            separator = formatInfo.GetSeparator(i);
            if (separator != null && separator.Length > 0)
                if (!input.StartsWith(separator))
                    return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid value. Value does not match to format", null, throwOnError));

                return(new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second));
            catch (Exception exc)
                return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid value. It's not possible to build new DateTime object", exc, throwOnError));
Example #2
        private static DateTime?Parse(string input, DateTimeFormatInfo formatInfo, bool throwOnError)
            Argument.IsNotNull(() => formatInfo);

            var    year   = 0;
            var    month  = 0;
            var    day    = 0;
            var    hour   = 0;
            var    minute = 0;
            var    second = 0;
            string separator;

            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                separator = formatInfo.GetSeparator(i);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(separator) && input.Length > 0)
                    if (!input.StartsWith(separator))
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid value. Value does not match format", null, throwOnError));

                    input = input.Substring(separator.Length);

                if (separator is null && i == formatInfo.MaxPosition + 1 && input.Length > 0)
                    input = ParseAmPmFormat(input, formatInfo, i);

                if (i == formatInfo.YearPosition)
                    var partValue = new string(input.TakeWhile(char.IsDigit).ToArray());
                    if (!formatInfo.CheckYearFormat(partValue, out var errorMessage))
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>(errorMessage, null, throwOnError));

                    input = input.ChunkIntValue(partValue, out year);
                    year += formatInfo.IsYearShortFormat ? 2000 : 0;


                if (i == formatInfo.MonthPosition)
                    var partValue = new string(input.TakeWhile(char.IsDigit).ToArray());
                    if (!formatInfo.CheckMonthFormat(partValue, out var errorMessage))
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>(errorMessage, null, throwOnError));

                    input = input.ChunkIntValue(partValue, out month);


                if (i == formatInfo.DayPosition)
                    var partValue = new string(input.TakeWhile(char.IsDigit).ToArray());
                    if (!formatInfo.CheckDayFormat(partValue, out var errorMessage))
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>(errorMessage, null, throwOnError));

                    input = input.ChunkIntValue(partValue, out day);


                if (i == formatInfo.HourPosition)
                    var partValue = new string(input.TakeWhile(char.IsDigit).ToArray());
                    if (!formatInfo.CheckHourFormat(partValue, out var errorMessage))
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>(errorMessage, null, throwOnError));

                    input = input.ChunkIntValue(partValue, out hour);
                    if (hour < 0 || hour >= 24)
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid hour value. Hour must be in range <0, 24> for short format", null, throwOnError));


                if (i == formatInfo.MinutePosition)
                    var partValue = new string(input.TakeWhile(char.IsDigit).ToArray());
                    if (!formatInfo.CheckMinuteFormat(partValue, out var errorMessage))
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>(errorMessage, null, throwOnError));

                    input = input.ChunkIntValue(partValue, out minute);


                if (i == formatInfo.SecondPosition)
                    var partValue = new string(input.TakeWhile(char.IsDigit).ToArray());
                    if (!formatInfo.CheckSecondFormat(partValue, out var errorMessage))
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>(errorMessage, null, throwOnError));

                    input = input.ChunkIntValue(partValue, out second);


                if (i == formatInfo.AmPmPosition)
                    var partValue = new string(input.Take(formatInfo.AmPmFormat.Length).ToArray());
                    if (partValue.Length <= 0)
                        // We allow the input string to not have AM/PM even if the format specifies them

                    if (!formatInfo.CheckIsAmPmShortFormat(partValue, out var amPmErrorMessage))
                        return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>(amPmErrorMessage, null, throwOnError));

                    var amPm = partValue;

                    // We need to make sure hour is less than 12, because we could accept values like: 05/02/2017 16:41:24 PM
                    hour += Meridiems.IsPm(amPm) && hour < 12 ? 12 : 0;

                    input = input.Substring(partValue.Length);

            separator = formatInfo.GetSeparator(i);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(separator) && !input.StartsWith(separator))
                return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid value. Value does not match to format", null, throwOnError));

                return(new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second));
            catch (Exception exc)
                return(ThrowOnError <FormatException>("Invalid value. It's not possible to build new DateTime object", exc, throwOnError));