public static Node ContructLineWall(Room room, Vector2R start, Vector2R end, int thickness, Dictionary <dynamic, dynamic> props = null, bool addToWallGroup = true) { float dist = Vector2R.Distance(start, end); int halfheight = (int)(dist / 2); int halfwidth = thickness / 2; float angle = VMath.VectorToAngle(start - end); Node n = new Node(room, props, ShapeType.Polygon); Polygon p = (Polygon)n.body.shape; n.body.orient = angle; p.SetBox(halfwidth, halfheight, false); n.body.pos = (start + end) / 2; n.body.DrawPolygonCenter = false; n.body.SetStatic(); if (addToWallGroup) { room.MasterGroup.childGroups["Wall Group"].IncludeEntity(n); n.OnSpawn(); } return(n); }
public Node SelectNodeAt(Vector2R pos) { Node found = null; float shortedDistance = Int32.MaxValue; for (int i = MasterGroup.fullSet.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Node n = MasterGroup.fullSet.ElementAt(i); // find node that has been clicked, starting from the most recently placed nodes float distsquared = Vector2R.DistanceSquared(n.body.pos, pos); if (distsquared < n.body.radius * n.body.radius) { if (distsquared < shortedDistance) { found = n; shortedDistance = distsquared; } } } return(found); }
internal void Resize(Vector2R resizeVect, bool fillWithGrid = false) { _pendingRoomResize = () => { WorldWidth = (int)resizeVect.X; WorldHeight = (int)resizeVect.Y; int newCellsX = WorldWidth / GridsystemAffect.cellWidth; int gridHeight = fillWithGrid ? WorldHeight : OrbIt.ScreenHeight; GridsystemAffect = new GridSystem(this, newCellsX, new Vector2R(0, WorldHeight - gridHeight), WorldWidth, gridHeight); Level = new Level(this, newCellsX, newCellsX, GridsystemAffect.cellWidth, GridsystemAffect.cellHeight); //roomRenderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(game.GraphicsDevice, worldWidth, worldHeight); CollisionManager.gridsystemCollision = new GridSystem(this, newCellsX, new Vector2R(0, WorldHeight - gridHeight), WorldWidth, gridHeight); fillWithGrid = false; Camera.pos = new Vector2R(WorldWidth / 2f, WorldHeight / 2f); }; }
public virtual void Update() { if (IsPlayer) { body.angularVelocity = 0; } if (!movement.pushable && tempPosition != new Vector2R(0, 0)) { body.pos = tempPosition; body.velocity = Vector2R.Zero; } previousFramePosition = tempPosition; body.effvelocity = body.pos - tempPosition; tempPosition = body.pos; //collision.ClearCollisionList(); collision.ClearCollisionLists(); if (nodeState == || nodeState == state.drawOnly) { return; } if (aOtherProps.Count > 0) { //AffectAlgorithm #2 See Souce History in this file for AffectAlgorithm 1 if (meta.IgnoreAffectGrid) { foreach (Node n in room.MasterGroup.fullSet) { affectAction(body, n.body); } } else { room.GridsystemAffect.retrieveOffsetArraysAffect(body, affectAction, affectionReach); } } if (OnAffectOthers != null) { OnAffectOthers.Invoke(this, null); } foreach (Component component in comps.Values) { component.CaluclateDecay(); Type t = component.GetType(); if (aSelfProps.Contains(t)) { component.AffectSelf(); } } if (IsPlayer) { //player.controller.UpdateNewState(); player.input.SetNewState(); foreach (Type c in playerProps) { comps[c].PlayerControl(player.input); } //player.controller.UpdateOldState(); player.input.SetOldState(); } //AI execution if (IsAI) { foreach (Type c in aiProps) { comps[c].AIControl(AIMode.Agro); } } if ( { movement.AffectSelf(); //temporary until make movement list to update at the correct time } if (triggerSortComponentsUpdate) { SortComponentListsUpdate(); triggerSortComponentsUpdate = false; } if (triggerRemoveComponent) { RemoveComponentTriggered(); } }
public static void cloneNode(Node sourceNode, Node destNode) { List <FieldInfo> fields = sourceNode.GetType().GetFields().ToList(); fields.AddRange(sourceNode.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).ToList()); List <PropertyInfo> properties = sourceNode.GetType().GetProperties().ToList(); /* * foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) * { * //if (property.Name.Equals("compsProp")) continue; * property.SetValue(destNode, property.GetValue(sourceNode, null), null); * * } * //*/ //do not copy parent field foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { //Debug.Assert(!(field.Name == "_name" && field.GetValue(sourceNode).ToString() == "shovel2")); if (field.Name.Equals("_comps")) { Dictionary <Type, Component> dict = sourceNode.comps; foreach (Type key in dict.Keys) { if (key == typeof(Movement) || key == typeof(Collision)) { continue; } destNode.addComponent(key, sourceNode.comps[key].active); Component.CloneComponent(dict[key], destNode.comps[key]); destNode.comps[key].Initialize(destNode); } foreach (Type key in destNode.comps.Keys.ToList()) { if (key == typeof(Movement) || key == typeof(Collision)) { continue; } Component component = destNode.comps[key]; MethodInfo mInfo = component.GetType().GetMethod("AfterCloning"); if (mInfo != null && mInfo.DeclaringType == component.GetType()) { component.AfterCloning(); } } } else if ((field.FieldType == typeof(int)) || (field.FieldType == typeof(Single)) || (field.FieldType == typeof(bool)) || (field.FieldType == typeof(string))) { if (!field.Name.Equals("IsDefault")) { field.SetValue(destNode, field.GetValue(sourceNode)); } } else if (field.FieldType == typeof(Vector2R)) { Vector2R vect = (Vector2R)field.GetValue(sourceNode); Vector2R newvect = new Vector2R(vect.X, vect.Y); field.SetValue(destNode, newvect); } else if (field.FieldType == typeof(Color)) { Color col = (Color)field.GetValue(sourceNode); Color newcol = new Color(col.R, col.G, col.B, col.A); field.SetValue(destNode, newcol); } else if (field.FieldType == (typeof(Collision))) { Component.CloneComponent(sourceNode.collision, destNode.collision); destNode.collision.parent = destNode; destNode.collision.AfterCloning(); } else if (field.FieldType == (typeof(Movement))) { Component.CloneComponent(sourceNode.movement, destNode.movement); destNode.movement.parent = destNode; destNode.movement.AfterCloning(); } else if (field.FieldType == (typeof(Body))) { //Component.CloneComponent(sourceNode.body, destNode.body); Component.CloneObject(sourceNode.body, destNode.body); destNode.body.parent = destNode; destNode.body.shape.body = destNode.body; destNode.body.AfterCloning(); } } }
private Node ConstructWallPoly(Dictionary <dynamic, dynamic> props, float hw, float hh, Vector2R pos) { Node n = new Node(this, props); n.Comp <BasicDraw>().active = false; Polygon poly = new Polygon { body = n.body }; poly.body.pos = pos; poly.SetBox(hw, hh); //poly.SetOrient(0f); n.body.shape = poly; n.body.SetStatic(); n.body.orient = (0); //n.body.restitution = 1f; //n.movement.pushable = false; MasterGroup.childGroups["Wall Group"].entities.Add(n); return(n); }
//this is NOT clone component public static void CloneObject(object sourceObject, object destObject) { List <FieldInfo> fields = sourceObject.GetType().GetFields().ToList(); fields.AddRange(sourceObject.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).ToList()); List <PropertyInfo> properties = sourceObject.GetType().GetProperties().ToList(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { if (property.PropertyType == typeof(ModifierInfo)) { continue; } if (property.PropertyType == typeof(Node)) { continue; } if (property.GetSetMethod() != null) { property.SetValue(destObject, property.GetValue(sourceObject, null), null); } } foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { if (field.Name.Equals("shape")) { continue; } //no longer checking for dictionaries, parent(Node) if ((field.FieldType == typeof(int)) || (field.FieldType == typeof(Single)) || (field.FieldType == typeof(bool)) || (field.FieldType == typeof(string))) { field.SetValue(destObject, field.GetValue(sourceObject)); } else if (field.FieldType == typeof(Vector2R)) { Vector2R vect = (Vector2R)field.GetValue(sourceObject); Vector2R newvect = new Vector2R(vect.X, vect.Y); field.SetValue(destObject, newvect); } else if (field.FieldType == typeof(Color)) { Color col = (Color)field.GetValue(sourceObject); Color newcol = new Color(col.R, col.G, col.B, col.A); field.SetValue(destObject, newcol); } else if (field.FieldType == typeof(Room)) { field.SetValue(destObject, field.GetValue(sourceObject)); } } MethodInfo mInfo = destObject.GetType().GetMethod("InitializeLists"); if (mInfo != null) { mInfo.Invoke(destObject, null); } mInfo = destObject.GetType().GetMethod("AfterCloning"); if (mInfo != null) { mInfo.Invoke(destObject, null); } //destObject.InitializeLists(); //destObject.AfterCloning(); }
public static void CloneComponent(Component sourceComp, Component destComp) { List <FieldInfo> fields = sourceComp.GetType().GetFields().ToList(); fields.AddRange(sourceComp.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).ToList()); List <PropertyInfo> properties = sourceComp.GetType().GetProperties().ToList(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { if (property.PropertyType == typeof(ModifierInfo)) { continue; } if (property.PropertyType == typeof(Node)) { var cust = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CopyNodeProperty), false); if (cust.Length > 0) { Node n = (Node)property.GetValue(sourceComp, null); Node nclone = n.CreateClone(; property.SetValue(destComp, nclone, null); //Console.WriteLine("CLONING : " + property.Name); } continue; } if (Utils.isToggle(property.PropertyType)) { dynamic tog = property.GetValue(sourceComp, null); dynamic newtog = tog.Clone(); property.SetValue(destComp, newtog, null); continue; } if (property.PropertyType.IsClass) { if (!typeof(Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(property.PropertyType) && !(property.PropertyType == typeof(Link))) { //Console.WriteLine("We should be aware of this."); } } if (property.GetSetMethod() != null) { property.SetValue(destComp, property.GetValue(sourceComp, null), null); } } foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { if (field.Name.Equals("shape")) { continue; } if (field.FieldType == typeof(Dictionary <string, ModifierInfo>)) { Modifier mod = (Modifier)sourceComp; Dictionary <string, ModifierInfo> newmodinfos = new Dictionary <string, ModifierInfo>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ModifierInfo> kvp in mod.modifierInfos) { string key = kvp.Key; ModifierInfo modifierInfo = kvp.Value; Dictionary <string, FPInfo> newFpInfos = new Dictionary <string, FPInfo>(); Dictionary <string, object> newFpInfosObj = new Dictionary <string, object>(); foreach (string key2 in modifierInfo.fpInfos.Keys) { FPInfo fpinfo = new FPInfo(modifierInfo.fpInfos[key2]); newFpInfos.Add(key2, fpinfo); newFpInfosObj.Add(key2, null); } Dictionary <string, dynamic> newargs = new Dictionary <string, dynamic>(); foreach (string key2 in modifierInfo.args.Keys) { newargs.Add(key2, modifierInfo.args[key2]); //by reference (for now) } ModifierInfo modInfo = new ModifierInfo(newFpInfos, newFpInfosObj, newargs, modifierInfo.modifierDelegate); modInfo.delegateName = modifierInfo.delegateName; newmodinfos.Add(key, modInfo); } field.SetValue(destComp, newmodinfos); } //no longer checking for dictionaries, parent(Node) if ((field.FieldType == typeof(int)) || (field.FieldType == typeof(Single)) || (field.FieldType == typeof(bool)) || (field.FieldType == typeof(string))) { field.SetValue(destComp, field.GetValue(sourceComp)); } else if (field.FieldType == typeof(Vector2R)) { Vector2R vect = (Vector2R)field.GetValue(sourceComp); Vector2R newvect = new Vector2R(vect.X, vect.Y); field.SetValue(destComp, newvect); } else if (field.FieldType == typeof(Color)) { Color col = (Color)field.GetValue(sourceComp); Color newcol = new Color(col.R, col.G, col.B, col.A); field.SetValue(destComp, newcol); } else { //this would be an object field if (field.Name.Equals("room")) { field.SetValue(destComp, field.GetValue(sourceComp)); } } //field.SetValue(newobj, field.GetValue(obj)); } destComp.InitializeLists(); destComp.AfterCloning(); }