Example #1
        public static void calculateSatellitePosition(string catalogID, Site site)
            // update TLE values
            if (dataObject.getLatestN(satelliteList, numTLEs)) { writeConfigSatelliteFile(); }

            Satellite theSat;
            dataObject.satelliteList.TryGetValue(catalogID, out theSat);
            TLE tle = new TLE(theSat.TLEs[0].name, theSat.TLEs[0].line1, theSat.TLEs[0].line2);

            // Create an orbit object using the TLE object.
            Orbit orbit = new Orbit(tle);

            // Get the location of the satellite from the Orbit object. The
            // earth-centered inertial information is placed into eciSDP4.
            // Here we ask for the location of the satellite 90 minutes after
            // the TLE epoch.
            //EciTime eciSDP4 = orbitSDP4.GetPosition(90.0);
            // get the position, as of NOW!!!
            EciTime eciSDP4 = orbit.GetPosition((DateTime.UtcNow - orbit.EpochTime).TotalMinutes);

            Console.Write("\n      TSINCE                     X                   Y                   Z\n");
            Console.Write("{0,12} {1,19:f8} {2,19:f8} {3,19:f8}\n",
            Console.Write("\n                              XVEL                 YVEL                 ZVEL\n");
            Console.Write("{0,38:f8} {1,20:f8} {2,20:f8}\n",

            // Now get the "look angle" from the site to the satellite.
            // Note that the ECI object "eciSDP4" has a time associated
            // with the coordinates it contains; this is the time at which
            // the look angle is valid.
            Topo topoLook = site.GetLookAngle(eciSDP4);

            // Print out the results. Note that the Azimuth and Elevation are
            // stored in the CoordTopo object as radians. Here we convert
            // to degrees using Rad2Deg()
            Console.Write("\n{0,15} - AZ: {1:f3}  EL: {2:f3}\n", tle.Name, topoLook.AzimuthDeg, topoLook.ElevationDeg);
Example #2
        // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        // Routine to output position and velocity information of satellite
        // in orbit described by TLE information.
        static void PrintPosVel(TLE tle)
            const int Step = 360;

            Orbit orbit = new Orbit(tle);
            List<Eci> coords = new List<Eci>();

            // Calculate position, velocity
            // mpe = "minutes past epoch"
            for (int mpe = 0; mpe <= (Step * 4); mpe += Step)
                // Get the position of the satellite at time "mpe".
                // The coordinates are placed into the variable "eci".
                Eci eci = orbit.GetPosition(mpe);

                // Add the coordinate object to the list

            // Print TLE data
            Console.Write("{0}\n", tle.Name);
            Console.Write("{0}\n", tle.Line1);
            Console.Write("{0}\n", tle.Line2);

            // Header
            Console.Write("\n  TSINCE            X                Y                Z\n\n");

            // Iterate over each of the ECI position objects pushed onto the
            // coordinate list, above, printing the ECI position information
            // as we go.
            for (int i = 0; i < coords.Count; i++)
                Eci e = coords[i] as Eci;

                Console.Write("{0,8}.00 {1,16:f8} {2,16:f8} {3,16:f8}\n",
                              i * Step,

            Console.Write("\n                  XVEL             YVEL             ZVEL\n\n");

            // Iterate over each of the ECI position objects in the coordinate
            // list again, but this time print the velocity information.
            for (int i = 0; i < coords.Count; i++)
                Eci e = coords[i] as Eci;

                Console.Write("{0,24:f8} {1,16:f8} {2,16:f8}\n",
Example #3
 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 protected double GetRad(TLE.Field fld)
     return Tle.GetField(fld, TLE.Unit.Radians);
Example #4
 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 protected double GetDeg(TLE.Field fld)
     return Tle.GetField(fld, TLE.Unit.Degrees);
Example #5
 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 public TLE(TLE tle)
     : this(tle.Name, tle.Line1, tle.Line2)
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Standard constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tle">Two-line element orbital parameters.</param>
        public Orbit(TLE tle)
            Tle     = tle;
             Epoch = Tle.EpochJulian;

             m_Inclination   = GetRad(TLE.Field.Inclination);
             m_Eccentricity  = Tle.GetField(TLE.Field.Eccentricity);
             m_RAAN          = GetRad(TLE.Field.Raan);
             m_ArgPerigee    = GetRad(TLE.Field.ArgPerigee);
             m_BStar         = Tle.GetField(TLE.Field.BStarDrag);
             m_Drag          = Tle.GetField(TLE.Field.MeanMotionDt);
             m_MeanAnomaly   = GetRad(TLE.Field.MeanAnomaly);
             m_TleMeanMotion = Tle.GetField(TLE.Field.MeanMotion);

             // Recover the original mean motion and semimajor axis from the
             // input elements.
             double mm     = TleMeanMotion;
             double rpmin  = mm * Globals.TwoPi / Globals.MinPerDay;   // rads per minute

             double a1     = Math.Pow(Globals.Xke / rpmin, 2.0 / 3.0);
             double e      = Eccentricity;
             double i      = Inclination;
             double temp   = (1.5 * Globals.Ck2 * (3.0 * Globals.Sqr(Math.Cos(i)) - 1.0) /
                         Math.Pow(1.0 - e * e, 1.5));
             double delta1 = temp / (a1 * a1);
             double a0     = a1 *
                        (1.0 - delta1 *
                        ((1.0 / 3.0) + delta1 *
                        (1.0 + 134.0 / 81.0 * delta1)));

             double delta0 = temp / (a0 * a0);

             m_rmMeanMotionRec    = rpmin / (1.0 + delta0);
             m_aeAxisSemiMajorRec = a0 / (1.0 - delta0);
             m_aeAxisSemiMinorRec = m_aeAxisSemiMajorRec * Math.Sqrt(1.0 - (e * e));
             m_kmPerigeeRec       = Globals.Xkmper * (m_aeAxisSemiMajorRec * (1.0 - e) - Globals.Ae);
             m_kmApogeeRec        = Globals.Xkmper * (m_aeAxisSemiMajorRec * (1.0 + e) - Globals.Ae);

             if (Period.TotalMinutes >= 225.0)
            // SDP4 - period >= 225 minutes.
            NoradModel = new NoradSDP4(this);
            // SGP4 - period < 225 minutes
            NoradModel = new NoradSGP4(this);