public static Buffer CreateLutBuffer(float f_x, float f_y) { var filter = //new MitchelFilter(f_x, f_y); new GaussianFilter(f_x, f_y); float[] Gaussian2x2_filterTable = new float[16 * 16]; for (var y = 0; y < 16; ++y) { float fy = (y + 0.5f) * 2.0f / 16.0f; for (var x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { float fx = (x + 0.5f) * 2.0f / 16.0f; Gaussian2x2_filterTable[x + y * 16] = filter.Evaluate(fx, fy); //Max<float>(0.f, expf(-alpha * fx * fx) - expX) *Max<float>(0.f, expf(-alpha * fy * fy) - expY); } } BufferDesc desc = new BufferDesc() { Width = 16 * 16, Type = BufferType.Input, Format = Format.Float }; Buffer res = new Buffer(ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.OptixContext, desc); res.SetData(Gaussian2x2_filterTable); return res; }
public OptixIntersectionDevice(IRayEngineScene scene, bool lowLatency = false) : base(scene) { this.lowLatency = lowLatency; Context = new Context { CpuNumThreads = 4, RayTypeCount = 1, EntryPointCount = 1 }; var rayBufferDesc = new BufferDesc() { Format = Format.User, Width = (uint)(lowLatency ? RayBuffer.RayBufferSize / 8 : RayBuffer.RayBufferSize), Type = BufferType.InputOutput, ElemSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RayData)) }; var rayHitBufferDesc = new BufferDesc() { Format = Format.User, Width = (uint)(lowLatency ? RayBuffer.RayBufferSize / 8 : RayBuffer.RayBufferSize), Type = BufferType.InputOutput, ElemSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RayHit)) }; this.todoRayBuffers = new InputRayBufferCollection(); this.doneRayBuffers = new OutputRayBufferCollection(); this.started = false; Rays = new DeviceBuffer(Context, rayBufferDesc); RayHits = new DeviceBuffer(Context, rayHitBufferDesc); Context["rayHits"].Set(RayHits); Context["rays"].Set(Rays); Builder = AccelBuilder.TriangleKdTree; Traverser = AccelTraverser.KdTree; GeoGroup = new GeometryGroup(Context); this.SetScene(scene); }
public static void InitContext(Context context) { var pbDesc = new BufferDesc() { Format = Format.Int, Width = (ulong)primes.Length, Type = BufferType.Input }; var bp = new Buffer(context, pbDesc); var ps = bp.Map(); for (int i = 0; i < primes.Length; i++) { ps.Write(primes[i]); } bp.Unmap(); context["primes"].Set(bp); }
public void InitializeEngine(Buffer outputBuffer) { var scene = ComponentPipeline.Instance.LoadScene(sceneFile); var frameName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sceneFile); this.Context = ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.OptixContext; if (Config == null) { Config = new RendererConfig() { FramesCount = 1, FrameTime = TimeSpan.Zero, Gamma = 2.4f, SamplesPerPixel = 5000, MaxShadowRays = 1, SavePath = GlobalConfiguration.Instance.ImageSaveDir, SaveOnFinish = true, }; } ComponentPipeline.Instance.CreateEngine(); this.UpdateConfig(); ComponentPipeline.Instance.RenderingEngine.SetOutputBuffer(outputBuffer); ComponentPipeline.Instance.RenderingEngine.Initialize(); //ComponentPipeline.Instance.RenderingEngine.SetCommands(ref Commands); ComponentPipeline.Instance.RenderingEngine.SetupScene(scene); this.activeMaterial = scene.Find<Phantom.Library.Scene.SceneMaterial>(materialName); if (activeMaterial == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Material not found"); } this.MaterialModel.Exponent = (float)activeMaterial["exponent"]; this.MaterialModel.Roughness = activeMaterial.Get("roughness", 1.0f); this.MaterialModel.Reflectivity = activeMaterial.Get("reflectivity", 0.75f); this.MaterialModel.IndexOfRefraction = activeMaterial.Get("index_of_refraction", 1.5f); ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.Frame.CurrentCamera.BuildView(); }
public override void SetupScene(Scene.SceneGraph scene) { Tracer.Print("SceneSetup", "Start building scene data"); this.SafeExec(() => builder.Build(scene), ex => { Trace.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); }); Tracer.Print("SceneSetup", "Creating buffers"); var optixContext = ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.OptixContext; UpdateDescriptionBuffer(); this.Cameras = builder.Cameras; ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.Frame.CurrentCamera = builder.Camera; var spdBuffDesc = new BufferDesc { Width = outputBuffer.Width, Height = outputBuffer.Height, Depth = outputBuffer.Depth, Format = Format.Float3, Type = BufferType.InputOutput }; var sampBuffDesc = new BufferDesc { Width = outputBuffer.Width, Height = outputBuffer.Height, Depth = outputBuffer.Depth, Format = Format.UInt, Type = BufferType.InputOutput }; hdrBuffer = new Buffer(optixContext, spdBuffDesc); hdrBuffer.SetData(new Vector3[spdBuffDesc.Width * spdBuffDesc.Height]); }
protected void UpdateDescriptionBuffer() { var optixContext = ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.OptixContext; var descriptions = builder.MaterialDescriptions.ToArray(); if (mdBuffer != null) { mdBuffer.Destroy(); mdBuffer = null; } var mdBuffDesc = new BufferDesc { Width = (ulong)descriptions.Length, Format = Format.User, Type = BufferType.Input, ElemSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MaterialDescription)) }; mdBuffer = new Buffer(optixContext, mdBuffDesc); mdBuffer.SetData(descriptions); optixContext["materialDescriptions"].Set(mdBuffer); }
protected uint[] GetImageUint(Buffer buffer) { var bufferStream = buffer.Map(); uint[] data = new uint[bufferStream.Length / 4]; int index = 0; while (bufferStream.CanRead && index <= data.Length - 1) { data[index++] = bufferStream.Read<uint>(); } buffer.Unmap(); return data; }
protected Vector4[] GetImage4(Buffer buffer) { var bufferStream = buffer.Map(); Vector4[] data = new Vector4[bufferStream.Length / 16]; int index = 0; while (bufferStream.CanRead && index <= data.Length - 1) { data[index++] = bufferStream.Read<Vector4>(); } buffer.Unmap(); return data; }
private void BuildLights(SceneLightsource[] sceneLights) { var lightInfos = new List<LightInfo>(); foreach (var sceneLightsource in sceneLights) { var lightInfo = sceneLightsource.CreateInfo(); if (lightInfo.type == 5) { EnvMapPath = sceneLightsource.Get("EnvMap.Image", string.Empty); } if (lightInfo.type != 2) { lightInfos.Add(lightInfo); } else { var li = ((Dictionary<string, List<int>>)BuildCache["LightTrianglesIndexes"])[((SceneMeshEntity)sceneLightsource["AreaLight.Mesh"]).Name]; lightInfos.Add(new LightInfo() { type = 2, emission = sceneLightsource.Color, startTriangle = li.Min(), endTriangle = li.Max(), }); } } var triangleInfos = ((List<TriangleLight>)BuildCache["LightTriangles"]).Select(tr => new LightTriangleInfo() { v0 = tr.v1, v1 = tr.v2, v2 = tr.v3, n = tr.normal, area = CalcTriangleArea(tr) }).ToList(); //TODO Index from 1!!! First triangle is fake triangleInfos.Insert(0, new LightTriangleInfo() { area = 1, n = new Vector3(1, 1, 1), v1 = new Vector3(100, 100, 100), v2 = new Vector3(101, 101, 101), v0 = new Vector3(102, 102, 102), }); var triBufferDesc = new BufferDesc { Width = (uint)triangleInfos.Count, Format = Format.User, Type = BufferType.Input, ElemSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(LightTriangleInfo)) }; var triangleBuffer = new Buffer(Session.OptixContext, triBufferDesc); var stream = triangleBuffer.Map(); stream.WriteRange(triangleInfos.ToArray()); triangleBuffer.Unmap(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(EnvMapPath)) { Tracer.Print("BuildLights", "Loading environment map " + EnvMapPath); var sceneEnvMapPath = EnvMapPath; var envmap = TextureCache.Instance.Load(Session.OptixContext, sceneEnvMapPath); //KC_outside_hi.hdr var id = envmap.GetId(); Session.OptixContext["envmapId"].Set((uint)id); Session.OptixContext["use_envmap"].Set(1); var elt = lightInfos.Find(lt => lt.type == 5); var index = lightInfos.IndexOf(elt); lightInfos[index] = new LightInfo { type = 5, samplerId = id, emission = elt.emission }; } else { Session.OptixContext["use_envmap"].Set(0); } var ltBufferDesc = new BufferDesc { Width = (uint)lightInfos.Count, Format = Format.User, Type = BufferType.Input, ElemSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(LightInfo)) }; var lightBuffer = new OptixDotNet.Buffer(Session.OptixContext, ltBufferDesc); var ltStream = lightBuffer.Map(); //LightsCount.LValue += lts.Count; foreach (var lightinfo in lightInfos) { ltStream.Write(lightinfo); } lightBuffer.Unmap(); Session.Frame.LightTrianglesBuffer = triangleBuffer; Session.Frame.LightBuffer = lightBuffer; }
protected virtual void SaveLdrImage(string fileName, Buffer outputBuffer = null) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName)) return; var buffer = outputBuffer ?? OutputBuffer; var bufferStream = buffer.Map(); Vector4[] data = new Vector4[bufferStream.Length / 16]; int index = 0; while (bufferStream.CanRead && index <= data.Length - 1) { data[index++] = bufferStream.Read<Vector4>(); } buffer.Unmap(); //ImageFactory.SaveExr(fileName, Width, Height, data); string stats = GetStats(); ImageFactory.SaveLdr(fileName, this.GlControl.Size.Width, this.GlControl.Size.Height, data, new[] { stats }); Trace.WriteLine(fileName + " saved."); }
public override void Initialize(Action<BoundingBox> setCamera, params object[] parameters) { string rayGenPath = PtxDir + (""); string shaderPath = PtxDir + (""); var objFileName = parameters[0] as string; if (base.Context == null) { this.CreateContext(); } var Context = base.Context; var Width = (int)parameters[1]; var Height = (int)parameters[2]; var desc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint)Width, Height = (uint)Height, Format = Format.Float3, Type = BufferType.InputOutput }; var hdrBuffer = new OptixDotNet.Buffer(Context, desc); Context["hdr_buffer"].Set(hdrBuffer); Context["Y_log_av"].Set(yAvg); // maximum luminance Context["Y_max"].Set(yMax); Context["sig_e"].SetFloat3(new Vector3(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f)); Context["sig_a"].SetFloat3(new Vector3(0.1f, 0.3f, 0.1f)); /*----------------------------------------------- * Create the material that will be executed when there is an intersection *-----------------------------------------------*/ Material material = new Material(Context); material.Programs[0] = new SurfaceProgram(Context, RayHitType.Closest, shaderPath, "diffuse_all"); //glass_refract,diffuse material.Programs[1] = new SurfaceProgram(Context, RayHitType.Any, shaderPath, "shadow"); /*----------------------------------------------- * Create the output buffer *-----------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------- * Create the ray-generation and exception programs *-----------------------------------------------*/ Program rayGen = new Program(Context, rayGenPath, "pathtrace_camera"); Program exception = new Program(Context, rayGenPath, "exception"); Program miss = new Program(Context, shaderPath, "miss"); Context["use_envmap"].Set(0u); Context.SetRayMissProgram(0, miss); Context.SetRayGenerationProgram(0, rayGen); miss["bg_color"].Set(1f,1f,0f); Context.SetExceptionProgram(0, exception); /*----------------------------------------------- * Finally compile the optix context, and build the accel tree *-----------------------------------------------*/ setCamera(Scene.BBox); //skyModel._up = this.Camera.Up; //skyModel.InitContext(Context); Context["directional_light"].SetFloat3(skyModel._sun_dir * 100000f); Context["directional_light_col"].SetFloat3(skyModel._sun_color * (1.0f / 1600000.0f)); Context["directional_light_col"].SetFloat3(skyModel._sun_color * (1.0f / 1600000.0f)); //Context["emission_color"].SetFloat3(skyModel._sun_color * (1.0f / 1600000.0f)); Context["emission_color"].SetFloat3(new Vector3(0,0,0)); Context["top_object"].Set(this.sceneManager.Scene.TopObject); Context["output_buffer"].Set(OutputBuffer); Context["scene_epsilon"].Set(this.SceneEpsilon); Context["rr_begin_depth"].Set(rrBeginDepth); Context["max_depth"].Set(maxDepth); Context["sqrt_num_samples"].Set(sqrtSamples); Context["frame_number"].Set(mFrame); Context["pathtrace_ray_type"].Set(0u); Context["pathtrace_shadow_ray_type"].Set(1u); Context["glass_color"].SetFloat3(new Vector3(0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f)); Context["diffuse_color"].SetFloat3(new Vector3(0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f)); Context["shadow_attenuation"].SetFloat3(new Vector3()); Context["extinction_constant"].SetFloat3(new Vector3() + 0.75f); Context["index_of_refraction"].Set(1.7f); Context["focal_scale"].Set(0.0f); Context["aperture_radius"].Set(apertureSize); Context["bad_color"].SetFloat3(new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f)); Console.Write("Compiling Optix... "); float start = Time.GetTimeInSecs(); //if (!LoadAccelData(model, modelPath, accelCache)) { // model.GeoGroup.Acceleration.MarkAsDirty(); //} // bool accelIsDirty = model.GeoGroup.Acceleration.IsDirty(); Context.Compile(); Context.BuildAccelTree(); Console.WriteLine("{0:0.00}s", Time.GetTimeInSecs() - start); }
protected void CreateOutputBuffer(Format format) { if (UsePBO) { //Allocate first the memory for the gl buffer, then attach it to OptiX. uint pbo = CreatePBO(format); OGLBufferDesc glDesc = new OGLBufferDesc() { Width = (uint)Width, Height = (uint)Height, Format = format, Type = BufferType.Output, Resource = pbo }; OutputBuffer = new OGLBuffer(Context, glDesc); } else { BufferDesc desc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint)Width, Height = (uint)Height, Format = format, Type = BufferType.Output }; OutputBuffer = EngineContext.Instance.ResourceManager.CreateBuffer(Context, desc); } }
public static void InitNoise(Context context) { uint tex_width = 64; uint tex_height = 64; uint tex_depth = 64; var texBuf = new Buffer(context, new BufferDesc() { Width = tex_width, Depth = tex_depth, Height = tex_height, Format = Format.Float, Type = BufferType.Input }); var ts = texBuf.Map(); var rnd = new Random(); float[] b = new float[tex_depth * tex_height * tex_width]; Voronoi_repeat(16, (int)tex_width, (int)tex_height, (int)tex_depth, b); for (int i = 0; i < tex_depth * tex_height * tex_width; i++) { ts.Write(b[i]); //((float)rnd.NextDouble()); } texBuf.Unmap(); var noiseSampler = new TextureSampler(context, new TextureSamplerDesc() { Filter = new FilterMinMagMip() { Mag = FilterMode.Linear, Min = FilterMode.Linear, Mip = FilterMode.None }, Wrap = new WrapUVW() { WrapU = WrapMode.Repeat, WrapV = WrapMode.Repeat }, Index = TextureIndexMode.NormalizeCoords, Read = TextureReadMode.NormalizedFloat, MaxAnisotropy = 1.0f, MipLevels = 1 } ); noiseSampler.SetBuffer(texBuf, 0); context["noise_texture"].Set(noiseSampler); context["origin"].SetFloat3(new Vector3(0, 0, 1)); context["diameter"].Set(0.85f); context["turbulence"].Set(3.5f); /* int tex_width = 64; int tex_height = 64; int tex_depth = 64; Buffer noiseBuffer = m_context->createBuffer(RT_BUFFER_INPUT, RT_FORMAT_FLOAT, tex_width, tex_height, tex_depth); float *tex_data = (float *) noiseBuffer->map(); if (m_parameters.proc == PROCEDURE_VORONOI) { // Distances to Voronoi control points (repeated version, taking the 26 surrounding cubes into account!) Voronoi_repeat(16, tex_width, tex_height, tex_depth, tex_data); } else { // Random noise in range [0, 1] for (int i = tex_width * tex_height * tex_depth; i > 0; i--) { // One channel 3D noise in [0.0, 1.0] range. *tex_data++ = rand_range(0.0f, 1.0f); } } noiseBuffer->unmap(); // Noise texture sampler TextureSampler noiseSampler = m_context->createTextureSampler(); noiseSampler->setWrapMode(0, RT_WRAP_REPEAT); noiseSampler->setWrapMode(1, RT_WRAP_REPEAT); noiseSampler->setFilteringModes(RT_FILTER_LINEAR, RT_FILTER_LINEAR, RT_FILTER_NONE); noiseSampler->setIndexingMode(RT_TEXTURE_INDEX_NORMALIZED_COORDINATES); noiseSampler->setReadMode(RT_TEXTURE_READ_NORMALIZED_FLOAT); noiseSampler->setMaxAnisotropy(1.0f); noiseSampler->setMipLevelCount(1); noiseSampler->setArraySize(1); noiseSampler->setBuffer(0, 0, noiseBuffer); m_context["noise_texture"]->setTextureSampler(noiseSampler); // 1D color ramp buffer, 4 float channels, all entries in the range [0.0, 1.0]. Buffer colorRampBuffer = m_context->createBuffer(RT_BUFFER_INPUT, RT_FORMAT_FLOAT4, 1024); tex_data = (float *) colorRampBuffer->map(); create_color_ramp(m_parameters.ramp, 1024, tex_data); colorRampBuffer->unmap(); */ }
private void SetDefaultMaterialProperties(GeometryInstance instance, Material mtrl, SceneMaterial material) { var brdf = (BrdfTypes)(int)material["brdf_id"]; if (brdf == BrdfTypes.BRDF_TYPE_GLOSSY_REFLECTION_MEASURED) { int th, td, pd; string[] names = { "chrome-steel.binary", "gold-metallic-paint.binary", "green-acrylic.binary", "chrome-steel.binary", "color-changing-paint1.binary", "colonial-maple-223.binary", "dark-blue-paint.binary", "green-fabric.binary", "green-plastic.binary", "hematite.binary", "nylon.binary", "pearl-paint.binary" }; Random rnd = new Random(); string fileName = string.Format(@"F:\3D\Brdfs\merl\{0}", names[rnd.Next(0, names.Length - 1)]); Trace.TraceInformation("Loading material data for " + fileName); var data = OptixMaterialFactory.FileHelper.Read(fileName, out th, out td, out pd) .Select(i => (float)i) .ToArray(); mtrl["nThetaH"].Set(th); mtrl["nThetaD"].Set(td); mtrl["nPhiD"].Set(pd); var bDesc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint)data.Length, Format = Format.Float, Type = BufferType.Input }; var viBuffer = new Buffer(Session.OptixContext, bDesc); viBuffer.SetData(data); mtrl["brdf"].Set(viBuffer); } else { var bDesc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint)1, Format = Format.Float, Type = BufferType.Input }; var viBuffer = new Buffer(Session.OptixContext, bDesc); viBuffer.SetData(new[] { 1u }); mtrl["brdf"].Set(viBuffer); } }
private void BuildMaterials(SceneMaterial[] sceneMaterials, SceneResourceReference[] sceneResources) { foreach (var sceneMaterial in sceneMaterials) { var material = new Material(Session.OptixContext); if (this.Materials == null) { this.Materials = new Dictionary<string, Material>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } this.Materials.Add(sceneMaterial.Name, material); sceneMaterial.ResolveReferences(); if (OnMaterialScriptsResolve != null) { var args = new MaterialResolveArgs { MaterialName = sceneMaterial.Name, IsVolume = MaterialManager.IsVolume(sceneMaterial.Name) }; var scripts = OnMaterialScriptsResolve(args).ToArray(); for (int n = 0; n < RayTypeCount; n++) { material.Programs[n] = new SurfaceProgram(Session.OptixContext, n == 0 ? RayHitType.Closest : RayHitType.Any, scripts[n].PtxPath, scripts[n].Method); //material["diffuse_color"].SetFloat3((Vector3)sceneMaterial["diffuse_color"]); //material["glossy_color"].SetFloat3((Vector3)sceneMaterial["gloss_color"]); //material["specular_color"].SetFloat3((Vector3)sceneMaterial["specular_color"]); //material["index_of_refraction"].Set(1.5f); //material["phong_exp"].Set((float)sceneMaterial["exponent"]); //(Vector3)sceneMaterial["emission_color"] string diffuse_map = sceneMaterial.Get<string>("!diffuse_map", null); string alpha_map = sceneMaterial.Get<string>("!alpha_map", null); string bump_map = sceneMaterial.Get<string>("!bump_map", null); var samplers = LoadTextures(diffuse_map, bump_map, alpha_map, material); var materialDescription = new MaterialDescription() { diffuse = (Vector3)sceneMaterial["diffuse_color"], gloss = (Vector3)sceneMaterial["gloss_color"], specular = (Vector3)sceneMaterial["specular_color"], index_of_refraction = sceneMaterial.Get("index_of_refraction", 1.5f), roughness = sceneMaterial.Get("roughness", 1.0f), reflectivity = sceneMaterial.Get("reflectivity", 0.75f), exponent = (float)sceneMaterial["exponent"], emission = (Vector3)sceneMaterial["emission_color"] }; if (samplers[0] > 0) { materialDescription.diffuse_tex = samplers[0]; materialDescription.use_diffuse = 1; } if (samplers[1] > 0) { materialDescription.bump_tex = samplers[1]; materialDescription.use_bump = 1; } if (samplers[2] > 0) { materialDescription.alpha_tex = samplers[2]; materialDescription.use_alpha = 1; } if (this.MaterialDescriptions == null) { this.MaterialDescriptions = new List<MaterialDescription>(); } this.MaterialDescriptions.Add(materialDescription); material["material_description_id"].Set(this.MaterialDescriptions.IndexOf(materialDescription)); sceneMaterial["MaterialDescriptionIndex"] = this.MaterialDescriptions.IndexOf(materialDescription); if (args.IsVolume) { material["use_density_map"].Set(1); if (densityMap == null) { uint w = 126, h = 126, d = 126; byte[] voxelData = new byte[w * h * d]; //Random rnd = new Random(); //for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) // for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) // for (int k = 0; k < d; k++) // { // voxelData[i + w * (j + k * d)] = (byte)(rnd.Next(255 - i)); // } var voxData = VolumeDataManager.OpenSlab(@"C:\Users\aircraft\Downloads\MagicaVoxel-0.97-win-mac\export\export\maze.slab.vox"); //VolumeDataManager.OpenXRaw(@"C:\Users\aircraft\Downloads\MagicaVoxel-0.97-win-mac\export\export\monu1.xraw"); w = (uint)voxData.Width; h = (uint)voxData.Height; d = (uint)voxData.Depth; voxelData = voxData.Data; var voxDataBuffer = new Buffer(ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.OptixContext, new BufferDesc() { Width = w, Depth = d, Height = h, Format = Format.Byte, Type = BufferType.Input }); voxDataBuffer.SetData(voxelData); densityMap = new TextureSampler(ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.OptixContext, TextureSamplerDesc.Default); densityMap.SetBuffer(voxDataBuffer, 0U); } material["density_map"].Set(densityMap.GetId()); } } } else { throw new ApplicationException("Material resolve event is not initialized"); } //Evaluate programs count - engine dependent //Set programs - dependent on prev. step //END TODO sceneMaterial.InitializeOptixEntity(material, sceneMaterial.Name + " : " + ((BrdfTypes)sceneMaterial["brdf_id"])); } }
private void CreateLights(IEnumerable<TriangleLight> lights) { BufferDesc desc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint)(lights.Count()), Format = Format.User, Type = BufferType.Input, ElemSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TriangleLight)) }; OptixDotNet.Buffer lightBuffer = new OptixDotNet.Buffer(Context, desc); BufferStream stream = lightBuffer.Map(); { foreach (var triangleLight in lights) { triangleLight.normal.Normalize(); stream.Write(triangleLight); } } lightBuffer.Unmap(); Context["lights"].Set(lightBuffer); }
public override void SetScene(IRayEngineScene secn) { string shaderPath = Path.GetFullPath(@"G:\Git\RayDen\RayDen.OptixEngine\Cuda\Scripts\CudaScripts\hitkernel.ptx"); Tracer.TraceLine("OptixIntersectionDevice - Initializing Optix"); this.scene = (RayEngineScene) secn; var scn = scene.SceneGeometry; Material material = new Material(Context); material.Programs[0] = new SurfaceProgram(Context, RayHitType.Closest, shaderPath, "first_hit"); // material.Programs[1] = new SurfaceProgram(Context, RayHitType.Any, shaderPath, "shadow"); var mVertices = scn.Vertices.ToList(); var mNormals = scn.Normals.ToList(); List<UV> mTexcoords = null; mTexcoords = scn.TexCoords == null ? new List<UV>() : scn.TexCoords.Select(it=>new UV(it.x,it.y)).ToList(); var vDesc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint)mVertices.Count, Format = Format.Float3, Type = BufferType.Input }; var nDesc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint)mNormals.Count, Format = Format.Float3, Type = BufferType.Input }; var tcDesc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint)mTexcoords.Count, Format = Format.Float2, Type = BufferType.Input }; // Create the buffers to hold our geometry data var vBuffer = new DeviceBuffer(Context, vDesc); var nBuffer = new DeviceBuffer(Context, nDesc); var tcBuffer = new DeviceBuffer(Context, tcDesc); vBuffer.SetData(mVertices.ToArray()); nBuffer.SetData(mNormals.ToArray()); tcBuffer.SetData(mTexcoords.ToArray()); foreach (var triangleMesh in scene.Meshes.Cast<TriangleMeshInfo>()) { var group = triangleMesh; var viDesc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint)(group.TrianglesCount), Format = Format.Int3, Type = BufferType.Input }; var niDesc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint)(group.TrianglesCount), Format = Format.Int3, Type = BufferType.Input }; var tiDesc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint)(group.TrianglesCount), Format = Format.Int3, Type = BufferType.Input }; var ofsDesc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint) (group.TrianglesCount), Format = Format.UInt, Type = BufferType.Input }; var viBuffer = new DeviceBuffer(Context, viDesc); var niBuffer = new DeviceBuffer(Context, niDesc); var tiBuffer = new DeviceBuffer(Context, tiDesc); var gIndexes = scene.Triangles.ToList().GetRange(group.StartTriangle, group.TrianglesCount) .SelectMany(tri => new [] { tri.v0.VertexIndex, tri.v1.VertexIndex, tri.v2.VertexIndex }) .ToArray(); var gNIndexes = scene.Triangles.ToList().GetRange(group.StartTriangle, group.TrianglesCount) .SelectMany(tri => new[] { tri.v0.NormalIndex, tri.v1.NormalIndex, tri.v2.NormalIndex }) .ToArray(); var gTIndexes = scene.Triangles.ToList().GetRange(group.StartTriangle, group.TrianglesCount) .SelectMany(tri => new [] { tri.v0.TexCoordIndex, tri.v1.TexCoordIndex, tri.v2.TexCoordIndex }) .ToArray(); viBuffer.SetData(Convert(gIndexes).ToArray()); niBuffer.SetData(Convert(gNIndexes).ToArray()); tiBuffer.SetData(Convert(gTIndexes).ToArray()); var geometry = new Geometry(Context); geometry.IntersectionProgram = new Program(Context, IntersecitonProgPath, IntersecitonProgName); geometry.BoundingBoxProgram = new Program(Context, BoundingBoxProgPath, BoundingBoxProgName); geometry.PrimitiveCount = (uint)(group.EndTriangle - group.StartTriangle); geometry["vertex_buffer"].Set(vBuffer); geometry["normal_buffer"].Set(nBuffer); geometry["texcoord_buffer"].Set(tcBuffer); geometry["vindex_buffer"].Set(viBuffer); geometry["nindex_buffer"].Set(niBuffer); geometry["tindex_buffer"].Set(tiBuffer); geometry["mesh_offset"].SetInt4(group.StartTriangle); //geometry[ "material_buffer" ].Set(mtBuffer); //create a geometry instance var instance = new GeometryInstance(Context); instance.Geometry = geometry; instance.AddMaterial(material); //create an acceleration structure for the geometry Acceleration accel = new Acceleration(Context, Builder, Traverser); if (Builder == AccelBuilder.Sbvh || Builder == AccelBuilder.TriangleKdTree) { accel.VertexBufferName = "vertex_buffer"; accel.IndexBufferName = "vindex_buffer"; } //now attach the instance and accel to the geometry group GeoGroup.Acceleration = accel; GeoGroup.AddChildren(new[] { instance }); } Program rayGen = new Program(Context, shaderPath, "intersector_camera"); Program exception = new Program(Context, shaderPath, "exception"); Program miss = new Program(Context, shaderPath, "miss"); Context["intersect_ray_type"].Set(0u); Context["scene_epsilon"].Set(0.0001f); Context.SetRayGenerationProgram(0, rayGen); Context.SetExceptionProgram(0, exception); Context.SetRayMissProgram(0, miss); Context["top_object"].Set(GeoGroup); Tracer.TraceLine("OptixIntersectionDevice - Compiling Optix contex"); Context.Compile(); Context.BuildAccelTree(); Tracer.TraceLine("OptixIntersectionDevice - Complete"); }
public override void SetupScene(SceneGraph scene) { Tracer.Print("SceneSetup", "Start building scene data"); builder.Build(scene); Tracer.Print("SceneSetup", "Creating buffers"); var optixContext = ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.OptixContext; ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.Frame.CurrentCamera = builder.Camera; var spdBuffDesc = new BufferDesc { Width = outputBuffer.Width + 1, Height = outputBuffer.Height + 1, Depth = outputBuffer.Depth, Format = Format.Float3, Type = BufferType.InputOutput }; hdrBuffer = new Buffer(optixContext, spdBuffDesc); hdrBuffer.SetData(new Vector3[spdBuffDesc.Width * spdBuffDesc.Height]); var rndBuffDesc = new BufferDesc { Width = outputBuffer.Width + 1, Height = outputBuffer.Height + 1, Depth = outputBuffer.Depth, Format = Format.UInt, Type = BufferType.InputOutput }; rndBuffer = new Buffer(optixContext, rndBuffDesc); GenerateSeeds(); optixContext["rnd_seeds"].Set(rndBuffer); optixContext["hdr_buffer"].Set(hdrBuffer); optixContext["top_object"].Set(ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.Frame.TopObject); optixContext["output_buffer"].Set(outputBuffer); optixContext["scene_epsilon"].Set(0.00001f); optixContext["rr_begin_depth"].Set(rrBeginDepth); optixContext["max_depth"].Set(maxDepth); optixContext["sqrt_num_samples"].Set(sqrtSamples); optixContext["bad_color"].SetFloat3(new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); //optixContext["bg_color"].Set(100 / 255.0f, 149 / 255.0f, 237 / 255.0f); optixContext["bg_color"].Set(0f,0f,0f); optixContext["lights"].Set(ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.Frame.LightBuffer); optixContext["lightTriangles"].Set(ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.Frame.LightTrianglesBuffer); optixContext["Y_log_av"].Set(yAvg); optixContext["Y_max"].Set(yMax); optixContext["gamma_value"].Set(gamma_value); QMC.InitContext(optixContext); Tracer.Print("SceneSetup", "Optix context compilation."); ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.OptixContext.Compile(); ComponentPipeline.Instance.Session.OptixContext.BuildAccelTree(); Tracer.Print("SceneSetup", "Finished."); }
public virtual void SetOutputBuffer(Buffer outputBuff) { this.outputBuffer = outputBuff; this.Width = (int)outputBuff.Width; this.Height = (int)outputBuff.Height; RaysTracedPerFrame = Width * Height; }
protected virtual void SaveRawImage(string fileName, Buffer outputBuffer = null) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName)) return; var buffer = outputBuffer ?? OutputBuffer; var bufferStream = buffer.Map(); Vector4[] data = new Vector4[bufferStream.Length / 16]; int index = 0; while (bufferStream.CanRead && index <= data.Length - 1) { data[index++] = bufferStream.Read<Vector4>(); } buffer.Unmap(); using (var fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write)) { using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(fs)) { bw.Write(this.GlControl.Size.Width); bw.Write(this.GlControl.Size.Height); foreach (var vector4 in data) { bw.Write(vector4.X); bw.Write(vector4.Y); bw.Write(vector4.Z); bw.Write(vector4.W); } } } Trace.WriteLine(fileName + " raw image saved."); }
private void BuildGeometry(SceneMeshData SceneData, SceneMeshEntity[] sceneMesh, bool hasAreaLights = false, IEnumerable<SceneLightsource> areaLights = null) { topObject = new GeometryGroup(Session.OptixContext); Session.OptixContext["scene_sphere_radius"].Set(SceneData.BoundingSphereRadius); Session.OptixContext["scene_sphere_center"].SetFloat3(SceneData.BoundingSphereCenter); var vDesc = new BufferDesc { Width = (uint)SceneData.Positions.Count, Format = Format.Float3, Type = BufferType.Input }; var nDesc = new BufferDesc { Width = (uint)SceneData.Normals.Count, Format = Format.Float3, Type = BufferType.Input }; var tcDesc = new BufferDesc { Width = (uint)SceneData.TexCoords.Count, Format = Format.Float2, Type = BufferType.Input }; var vBuffer = new Buffer(Session.OptixContext, vDesc); var nBuffer = new Buffer(Session.OptixContext, nDesc); var tcBuffer = new Buffer(Session.OptixContext, tcDesc); vBuffer.SetData(SceneData.Positions.ToArray()); nBuffer.SetData(SceneData.Normals.ToArray()); tcBuffer.SetData(SceneData.TexCoords.ToArray()); var lightTriangleIndexes = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); var instances = new List<GeometryInstance>(); var triLights = new List<TriangleLight>(); int idx = 0; foreach (var group in sceneMesh) { //empty group if (group.VertexIndexes.Count == 0 && group.NormalIndexes.Count == 0 && group.TextureIndexes.Count == 0) continue; var center = new Vector3(); foreach (var vi in group.VertexIndexes) { center += SceneData.Positions[vi.X]; center += SceneData.Positions[vi.Y]; center += SceneData.Positions[vi.Z]; center /= 3.0f; } //ValidateGroup( group ); //var mat = this.ResolveMaterial(group.Material); bool normalsUseVIndices = GenerateNormals && group.NormalIndexes.Count == 0 && SceneData.Normals.Count > 0; if (normalsUseVIndices) Debug.Assert(SceneData.Normals.Count == SceneData.Positions.Count); int numNormIndices = normalsUseVIndices ? group.VertexIndexes.Count : group.NormalIndexes.Count; var viDesc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint)group.VertexIndexes.Count, Format = Format.Int3, Type = BufferType.Input }; var niDesc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint)numNormIndices, Format = Format.Int3, Type = BufferType.Input }; var tiDesc = new BufferDesc() { Width = (uint)group.TextureIndexes.Count, Format = Format.Int3, Type = BufferType.Input }; var viBuffer = new Buffer(Session.OptixContext, viDesc); var niBuffer = new Buffer(Session.OptixContext, niDesc); var tiBuffer = new Buffer(Session.OptixContext, tiDesc); viBuffer.SetData(group.VertexIndexes.ToArray()); niBuffer.SetData(normalsUseVIndices ? group.VertexIndexes.ToArray() : group.NormalIndexes.ToArray()); tiBuffer.SetData(group.TextureIndexes.ToArray()); var geometry = new Geometry(Session.OptixContext); string intersect_program = "mesh_intersect"; string isect_script = IntersectionScript; //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(group.mtrl) && matTypes.ContainsKey(group.mtrl)) //{ // if (matTypes[group.mtrl].Equals("Volume")) // { // intersect_program = "volume_mesh_intersect"; // isect_script = GetScript("triangle_mesh_iterative.ptx"); // } //} geometry.IntersectionProgram = new Program(Session.OptixContext, isect_script, intersect_program); geometry.BoundingBoxProgram = new Program(Session.OptixContext, isect_script, "mesh_bounds"); geometry.PrimitiveCount = (uint)group.VertexIndexes.Count; geometry["vertex_buffer"].Set(vBuffer); geometry["normal_buffer"].Set(nBuffer); geometry["texcoord_buffer"].Set(tcBuffer); geometry["vindex_buffer"].Set(viBuffer); geometry["nindex_buffer"].Set(niBuffer); geometry["tindex_buffer"].Set(tiBuffer); var instance = new GeometryInstance(Session.OptixContext); instance.Geometry = geometry; instance["geometric_center"].SetFloat3(center); //instance.AddMaterial(mat); group.EngineEntity = geometry; if (group.Material != null) { int lindex; if (hasAreaLights && MeshIsLight(group.Name, out lindex)) { instance.AddMaterial(this.GetLightMaterial(group.Material, lindex)); } else { var mtrl = ResolveMaterial(group.Material); if (mtrl != null) { group.Material.EngineEntity = mtrl; instance.AddMaterial(mtrl); SetDefaultMaterialProperties(instance, mtrl, group.Material); } else { Tracer.WriteLine("Mesh {0} missed material {1}", group.Name, group.Material.Name); } } } else { Tracer.WriteLine("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----Mesh {0} missed material {1}", group.Name, group.Material); Console.ReadLine(); } //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(LightNameTemplate)) //{ // Regex lightReg = new Regex(LightNameTemplate, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // if (lightReg.IsMatch(group.Name)) // { // var lt = new Lightsource() // { // Type = LightSourceTypes.Area, // Emission = Scene.LightGain, // Name = group.Name, // }; // lt[Lightsource.AreaMeshName] = group.Name; // Scene.Lights = Scene.Lights.Union(new[] { lt }).ToArray(); // } //} if (hasAreaLights) { var light = areaLights.FirstOrDefault( lt => lt.Name.Equals(group.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); // SetDefaultLightProperties(instance, light); if (light != null) { var ti = new List<int>(); lightTriangleIndexes.Add(group.Name, ti); for (int index = 0; index < group.VertexIndexes.Count; index++) { var vIndex = group.VertexIndexes[index]; var v1 = SceneData.Positions[vIndex.X]; var v2 = SceneData.Positions[vIndex.Y]; var v3 = SceneData.Positions[vIndex.Z]; var e1 = v2 - v3; var e2 = v1 - v3; Vector3 n = Vector3.Cross(ref e1, ref e2);//SceneGraph.LightOrientation * if (group.NormalIndexes.Any()) { n = (SceneData.Normals[group.NormalIndexes[index].X]);//Scene.LightOrientation * } n.Normalize(); ti.Add(idx + 1); triLights.Add(new TriangleLight() { color = light.Color, //Emission * emissionScale, v1 = v1, v2 = v2, v3 = v3, normal = n, idx = idx++ }); } } } instances.Add(instance); } var Builder = AccelBuilder.Sbvh; var Traverser = AccelTraverser.Bvh; //create an acceleration structure for the geometry var accel = new Acceleration(Session.OptixContext, Builder, Traverser); if (Builder == AccelBuilder.Sbvh || Builder == AccelBuilder.TriangleKdTree) { accel.VertexBufferName = "vertex_buffer"; accel.IndexBufferName = "vindex_buffer"; } //now attach the instance and accel to the geometry group topObject.Acceleration = accel; topObject.AddChildren(instances); topObject.Acceleration.MarkAsDirty(); BuildCache.Add("LightTrianglesIndexes", lightTriangleIndexes); BuildCache.Add("LightTriangles", triLights); }