Example #1
        public override double findAlphaStar(double[] x, double[] dir)
            // include the first two points in this SortedList (essentially, the a, b and c).
            var alphaAndF = new SortedList <double, double>
                { 0.0, calcF(x, 0.0, dir) },
                { stepSize, calcF(x, stepSize, dir) }

            // third point is based on if second point is better or worse
            if (alphaAndF[stepSize] <= alphaAndF[0.0])
                alphaAndF.Add(3 * stepSize, calcF(x, 3 * stepSize, dir));
                alphaAndF.Add(stepSize / 2, calcF(x, stepSize / 2, dir));

            var k        = 0;
            var fMin     = alphaAndF.Values.Min();
            var minIndex = alphaAndF.IndexOfValue(fMin);

            #region start main loop
            while (((Math.Abs(alphaAndF.Keys[2] - alphaAndF.Keys[0]) / 2) > epsilon) && (k++ < kMax))
                double alphaNew;
                DSCPowellLoopStatus loopStatus;
                #region find new alpha
                if (!quadraticApprox(out alphaNew, alphaAndF))
                    /* if the quadratic approximatoin fails, we make note of it with this enumerator. */
                    loopStatus = DSCPowellLoopStatus.SecondDerivNegative;
                    SearchIO.output("<<< uh-oh! negative 2nd deriv @ k=" + k + "!>>>", 5);
                else if (alphaAndF.Keys.Contains(alphaNew))
                    /* if the alpha is already one of the three, then no point in keeping it. */
                    loopStatus = DSCPowellLoopStatus.NewPointAlreadyFound;
                    SearchIO.output("<<< uh-oh! new point is a repeat @ k=" + k + "!>>>", 5);
                    var fNew = calcF(x, alphaNew, dir);
                    if (fNew > alphaAndF.Values.Min() && NewPointIsFarthest(alphaNew, alphaAndF.Keys, minIndex))
                        SearchIO.output("<<< uh-oh! new point is not best and too far away @ k=" + k + "!>>>", 5);

                        /* the new point is not the best and is farthest from the current best, so it will simply
                         * be deleted after it is added. That's not good. */
                        loopStatus = DSCPowellLoopStatus.NewPointIsFarthest;
                        /* whew! it looks like the new point (point d) is a keeper */
                        loopStatus = DSCPowellLoopStatus.Normal;
                        alphaAndF.Add(alphaNew, fNew);
                #region if alpha via quadratic approximation failed, then set here.
                if (loopStatus != DSCPowellLoopStatus.Normal)
                    switch (minIndex)
                    case 0:
                        alphaNew = alphaAndF.Keys[0] + (alphaAndF.Keys[0] - alphaAndF.Keys[2]);

                    case 1:
                        alphaNew = (alphaAndF.Keys[0] + alphaAndF.Keys[1] + alphaAndF.Keys[2]) / 3;

                    case 2:
                        alphaNew = alphaAndF.Keys[2] + (alphaAndF.Keys[2] - alphaAndF.Keys[0]);
                    alphaAndF.Add(alphaNew, calcF(x, alphaNew, dir));
                #region remove farthest value from min
                fMin     = alphaAndF.Values.Min();
                minIndex = alphaAndF.IndexOfValue(fMin);
                switch (minIndex)
                case 0:
                    alphaAndF.RemoveAt(3); break;

                case 1:
                    if (alphaAndF.Keys[3] - alphaAndF.Keys[1] > alphaAndF.Keys[1] - alphaAndF.Keys[0])

                case 2:
                    if (alphaAndF.Keys[3] - alphaAndF.Keys[2] > alphaAndF.Keys[2] - alphaAndF.Keys[0])

                case 3:
                    alphaAndF.RemoveAt(0); break;
                fMin     = alphaAndF.Values.Min();
                minIndex = alphaAndF.IndexOfValue(fMin);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the specified x star.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xStar">The x star.</param>
        /// <returns>System.Double.</returns>
        protected override double run(out double[] xStar)
            fStar = calc_f(x);
            // Set initial direction vectors to the basis vectors
            var directions       = new double[n][];
            var distanceTraveled = new double[n];
            var steps            = new double[n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                var dir = new double[n];
                dir[i]        = 1.0;
                directions[i] = dir;
            // Now, start the main loop
            while (notConverged(k++, numEvals, fStar, x))
                SearchIO.output("iter=" + k, 2);
                // first, we move in each direction using simple line search
                for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    steps[i]            = initialStepSize;
                    distanceTraveled[i] = 0.0;
                    var oneSuccess = false;
                    var oneFailure = false;
                    while (!(oneFailure && oneSuccess) && Math.Abs(steps[i]) > minimumStepSize)
                        var xNew = x.add(directions[i].multiply(steps[i]));
                        var fNew = calc_f(xNew);
                        if (fNew < fStar)
                            oneSuccess           = true;
                            x                    = xNew;
                            fStar                = fNew;
                            distanceTraveled[i] += steps[i];
                            steps[i]            *= alpha;
                            oneFailure = true;
                            steps[i]  *= beta;
                // finding new search directions
                var newDirs = new double[n][];
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    newDirs[i] = new double[n];
                    for (int j = i; j < n; j++)
                        newDirs[i] = newDirs[i].add(directions[j].multiply(distanceTraveled[j]));
                initialStepSize = newDirs[0].norm2();
                if (initialStepSize < minimumStepSize)
                    stepTooSmallConvergence.hasConverged = true;
                directions[0] = newDirs[0].divide(initialStepSize);
                for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                    var newDir = (double[])newDirs[i].Clone();
                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                        newDir = newDir.subtract(directions[j].multiply(newDirs[i].dotProduct(directions[j])));
                    var length = newDir.norm2();
                    directions[i] = (length == 0) ? new double[n] : newDir.divide(length);
                // Next, we update the directions using the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization
            xStar = x;