Example #1
        /// <summary>Scans the map in chunks, evaluating all actors in each.</summary>
        CPos?FindCoarseAttackLocationToSupportPower(SupportPowerInstance readyPower)
            var powerDecision = powerDecisions[readyPower.Info.OrderName];

            if (powerDecision == null)
                AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} couldn't find powerDecision for {1}", player.PlayerName, readyPower.Info.OrderName);

            var map                 = world.Map;
            var checkRadius         = powerDecision.CoarseScanRadius;
            var suitableLocations   = new List <(MPos UV, int Attractiveness)>();
            var totalAttractiveness = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < map.MapSize.X; i += checkRadius)
                for (var j = 0; j < map.MapSize.Y; j += checkRadius)
                    var tl     = new MPos(i, j);
                    var br     = new MPos(i + checkRadius, j + checkRadius);
                    var region = new CellRegion(map.Grid.Type, tl, br);

                    // HACK: The AI code should not be messing with raw coordinate transformations
                    var wtl     = world.Map.CenterOfCell(tl.ToCPos(map));
                    var wbr     = world.Map.CenterOfCell(br.ToCPos(map));
                    var targets = world.ActorMap.ActorsInBox(wtl, wbr);

                    var frozenTargets = player.FrozenActorLayer != null?player.FrozenActorLayer.FrozenActorsInRegion(region) : Enumerable.Empty <FrozenActor>();

                    var consideredAttractiveness = powerDecision.GetAttractiveness(targets, player) + powerDecision.GetAttractiveness(frozenTargets, player);
                    if (consideredAttractiveness < powerDecision.MinimumAttractiveness)

                    suitableLocations.Add((tl, consideredAttractiveness));
                    totalAttractiveness += consideredAttractiveness;

            if (suitableLocations.Count == 0)

            // Pick a random location with above average attractiveness.
            var averageAttractiveness = totalAttractiveness / suitableLocations.Count;

                   .First(x => x.Attractiveness >= averageAttractiveness)
Example #2
        /// <summary>Scans the map in chunks, evaluating all actors in each.</summary>
        CPos?FindCoarseAttackLocationToSupportPower(SupportPowerInstance readyPower)
            CPos?bestLocation       = null;
            var  bestAttractiveness = 0;
            var  powerDecision      = powerDecisions[readyPower.Info.OrderName];

            if (powerDecision == null)
                AIUtils.BotDebug("Bot Bug: FindAttackLocationToSupportPower, couldn't find powerDecision for {0}", readyPower.Info.OrderName);

            var map         = world.Map;
            var checkRadius = powerDecision.CoarseScanRadius;

            for (var i = 0; i < map.MapSize.X; i += checkRadius)
                for (var j = 0; j < map.MapSize.Y; j += checkRadius)
                    var tl     = new MPos(i, j);
                    var br     = new MPos(i + checkRadius, j + checkRadius);
                    var region = new CellRegion(map.Grid.Type, tl, br);

                    // HACK: The AI code should not be messing with raw coordinate transformations
                    var wtl     = world.Map.CenterOfCell(tl.ToCPos(map));
                    var wbr     = world.Map.CenterOfCell(br.ToCPos(map));
                    var targets = world.ActorMap.ActorsInBox(wtl, wbr);

                    var frozenTargets = player.FrozenActorLayer != null?player.FrozenActorLayer.FrozenActorsInRegion(region) : Enumerable.Empty <FrozenActor>();

                    var consideredAttractiveness = powerDecision.GetAttractiveness(targets, player) + powerDecision.GetAttractiveness(frozenTargets, player);
                    if (consideredAttractiveness <= bestAttractiveness || consideredAttractiveness < powerDecision.MinimumAttractiveness)

                    bestAttractiveness = consideredAttractiveness;
                    bestLocation       = new MPos(i, j).ToCPos(map);

Example #3
        /// <summary>Detail scans an area, evaluating positions.</summary>
        CPos?FindFineAttackLocationToSupportPower(SupportPowerInstance readyPower, CPos checkPos, int extendedRange = 1)
            CPos?bestLocation       = null;
            var  bestAttractiveness = 0;
            var  powerDecision      = powerDecisions[readyPower.Info.OrderName];

            if (powerDecision == null)
                AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} couldn't find powerDecision for {1}", player.PlayerName, readyPower.Info.OrderName);

            var checkRadius = powerDecision.CoarseScanRadius;
            var fineCheck   = powerDecision.FineScanRadius;

            for (var i = 0 - extendedRange; i <= (checkRadius + extendedRange); i += fineCheck)
                var x = checkPos.X + i;

                for (var j = 0 - extendedRange; j <= (checkRadius + extendedRange); j += fineCheck)
                    var y   = checkPos.Y + j;
                    var pos = world.Map.CenterOfCell(new CPos(x, y));
                    var consideredAttractiveness = 0;
                    consideredAttractiveness += powerDecision.GetAttractiveness(pos, player);

                    if (consideredAttractiveness <= bestAttractiveness || consideredAttractiveness < powerDecision.MinimumAttractiveness)

                    bestAttractiveness = consideredAttractiveness;
                    bestLocation       = new CPos(x, y);
