BuildableItems() public method

public BuildableItems ( ) : IEnumerable
return IEnumerable
Example #1
        ActorInfo ChooseUnitToBuild(ProductionQueue queue)
            var buildableThings = queue.BuildableItems();

            if (!buildableThings.Any())

            var myUnits = player.World
                          .ActorsHavingTrait <IPositionable>()
                          .Where(a => a.Owner == player)
                          .Select(a => a.Info.Name).ToList();

            foreach (var unit in Info.UnitsToBuild.Shuffle(world.LocalRandom))
                if (buildableThings.Any(b => b.Name == unit.Key))
                    if (myUnits.Count(a => a == unit.Key) * 100 < unit.Value * myUnits.Count)
                        if (HasAdequateAirUnitReloadBuildings(world.Map.Rules.Actors[unit.Key]))

Example #2
        ActorInfo ChooseRandomUnitToBuild(ProductionQueue queue)
            var buildableThings = queue.BuildableItems();

            if (!buildableThings.Any())

            var unit = buildableThings.Random(world.LocalRandom);

            return(HasAdequateAirUnitReloadBuildings(unit) ? unit : null);
Example #3
        ActorInfo ChooseBuildingToBuild(ProductionQueue queue)
            var buildableThings = queue.BuildableItems();

            // This gets used quite a bit, so let's cache it here
            var power = GetProducibleBuilding(baseBuilder.Info.PowerTypes, buildableThings,
                                              a => a.TraitInfos <PowerInfo>().Where(i => i.EnabledByDefault).Sum(p => p.Amount));

            // First priority is to get out of a low power situation
            if (playerPower != null && playerPower.ExcessPower < minimumExcessPower)
                if (power != null && power.TraitInfos <PowerInfo>().Where(i => i.EnabledByDefault).Sum(p => p.Amount) > 0)
                    AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);

            // Next is to build up a strong economy
            if (!baseBuilder.HasAdequateRefineryCount)
                var refinery = GetProducibleBuilding(baseBuilder.Info.RefineryTypes, buildableThings);
                if (refinery != null && HasSufficientPowerForActor(refinery))
                    AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (refinery)", queue.Actor.Owner, refinery.Name);

                if (power != null && refinery != null && !HasSufficientPowerForActor(refinery))
                    AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (would be low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);

            // Make sure that we can spend as fast as we are earning
            if (baseBuilder.Info.NewProductionCashThreshold > 0 && playerResources.Resources > baseBuilder.Info.NewProductionCashThreshold)
                var production = GetProducibleBuilding(baseBuilder.Info.ProductionTypes, buildableThings);
                if (production != null && HasSufficientPowerForActor(production))
                    AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (production)", queue.Actor.Owner, production.Name);

                if (power != null && production != null && !HasSufficientPowerForActor(production))
                    AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (would be low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);

            // Only consider building this if there is enough water inside the base perimeter and there are close enough adjacent buildings
            if (waterState == WaterCheck.EnoughWater && baseBuilder.Info.NewProductionCashThreshold > 0 &&
                playerResources.Resources > baseBuilder.Info.NewProductionCashThreshold &&
                AIUtils.IsAreaAvailable <GivesBuildableArea>(world, player, world.Map, baseBuilder.Info.CheckForWaterRadius, baseBuilder.Info.WaterTerrainTypes))
                var navalproduction = GetProducibleBuilding(baseBuilder.Info.NavalProductionTypes, buildableThings);
                if (navalproduction != null && HasSufficientPowerForActor(navalproduction))
                    AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (navalproduction)", queue.Actor.Owner, navalproduction.Name);

                if (power != null && navalproduction != null && !HasSufficientPowerForActor(navalproduction))
                    AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (would be low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);

            // Create some head room for resource storage if we really need it
            if (playerResources.Resources > 0.8 * playerResources.ResourceCapacity)
                var silo = GetProducibleBuilding(baseBuilder.Info.SiloTypes, buildableThings);
                if (silo != null && HasSufficientPowerForActor(silo))
                    AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (silo)", queue.Actor.Owner, silo.Name);

                if (power != null && silo != null && !HasSufficientPowerForActor(silo))
                    AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (would be low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);

            // Build everything else
            foreach (var frac in baseBuilder.Info.BuildingFractions.Shuffle(world.LocalRandom))
                var name = frac.Key;

                // Does this building have initial delay, if so have we passed it?
                if (baseBuilder.Info.BuildingDelays != null &&
                    baseBuilder.Info.BuildingDelays.ContainsKey(name) &&
                    baseBuilder.Info.BuildingDelays[name] > world.WorldTick)

                // Can we build this structure?
                if (!buildableThings.Any(b => b.Name == name))

                // Do we want to build this structure?
                var count = playerBuildings.Count(a => a.Info.Name == name);
                if (count * 100 > frac.Value * playerBuildings.Length)

                if (baseBuilder.Info.BuildingLimits.ContainsKey(name) && baseBuilder.Info.BuildingLimits[name] <= count)

                // If we're considering to build a naval structure, check whether there is enough water inside the base perimeter
                // and any structure providing buildable area close enough to that water.
                // TODO: Extend this check to cover any naval structure, not just production.
                if (baseBuilder.Info.NavalProductionTypes.Contains(name) &&
                    (waterState == WaterCheck.NotEnoughWater ||
                     !AIUtils.IsAreaAvailable <GivesBuildableArea>(world, player, world.Map, baseBuilder.Info.CheckForWaterRadius, baseBuilder.Info.WaterTerrainTypes)))

                // Will this put us into low power?
                var actor = world.Map.Rules.Actors[name];
                if (playerPower != null && (playerPower.ExcessPower < minimumExcessPower || !HasSufficientPowerForActor(actor)))
                    // Try building a power plant instead
                    if (power != null && power.TraitInfos <PowerInfo>().Where(i => i.EnabledByDefault).Sum(pi => pi.Amount) > 0)
                        if (playerPower.PowerOutageRemainingTicks > 0)
                            AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (is low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);
                            AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (would be low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);


                // Lets build this
                AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Desired is {2} ({3} / {4}); current is {5} / {4}",
                                 queue.Actor.Owner, name, frac.Value, frac.Value * playerBuildings.Length, playerBuildings.Length, count);

            // Too spammy to keep enabled all the time, but very useful when debugging specific issues.
            // AIUtils.BotDebug("{0} couldn't decide what to build for queue {1}.", queue.Actor.Owner, queue.Info.Group);
Example #4
		ActorInfo ChooseBuildingToBuild(ProductionQueue queue)
			var buildableThings = queue.BuildableItems();

			// This gets used quite a bit, so let's cache it here
			var power = GetProducibleBuilding("Power", buildableThings,
				a => a.TraitInfos<PowerInfo>().Where(i => i.UpgradeMinEnabledLevel < 1).Sum(p => p.Amount));

			// First priority is to get out of a low power situation
			if (playerPower.ExcessPower < ai.Info.MinimumExcessPower)
				if (power != null && power.TraitInfos<PowerInfo>().Where(i => i.UpgradeMinEnabledLevel < 1).Sum(p => p.Amount) > 0)
					HackyAI.BotDebug("AI: {0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);
					return power;

			// Next is to build up a strong economy
			if (!ai.HasAdequateProc() || !ai.HasMinimumProc())
				var refinery = GetProducibleBuilding("Refinery", buildableThings);
				if (refinery != null && HasSufficientPowerForActor(refinery))
					HackyAI.BotDebug("AI: {0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (refinery)", queue.Actor.Owner, refinery.Name);
					return refinery;

				if (power != null && refinery != null && !HasSufficientPowerForActor(refinery))
					HackyAI.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (would be low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);
					return power;

			// Make sure that we can spend as fast as we are earning
			if (ai.Info.NewProductionCashThreshold > 0 && playerResources.Resources > ai.Info.NewProductionCashThreshold)
				var production = GetProducibleBuilding("Production", buildableThings);
				if (production != null && HasSufficientPowerForActor(production))
					HackyAI.BotDebug("AI: {0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (production)", queue.Actor.Owner, production.Name);
					return production;

				if (power != null && production != null && !HasSufficientPowerForActor(production))
					HackyAI.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (would be low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);
					return power;

			// Only consider building this if there is enough water inside the base perimeter and there are close enough adjacent buildings
			if (waterState == Water.EnoughWater && ai.Info.NewProductionCashThreshold > 0
				&& playerResources.Resources > ai.Info.NewProductionCashThreshold
				&& ai.CloseEnoughToWater())
				var navalproduction = GetProducibleBuilding("NavalProduction", buildableThings);
				if (navalproduction != null && HasSufficientPowerForActor(navalproduction))
					HackyAI.BotDebug("AI: {0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (navalproduction)", queue.Actor.Owner, navalproduction.Name);
					return navalproduction;

				if (power != null && navalproduction != null && !HasSufficientPowerForActor(navalproduction))
					HackyAI.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (would be low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);
					return power;

			// Create some head room for resource storage if we really need it
			if (playerResources.AlertSilo)
				var silo = GetProducibleBuilding("Silo", buildableThings);
				if (silo != null && HasSufficientPowerForActor(silo))
					HackyAI.BotDebug("AI: {0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (silo)", queue.Actor.Owner, silo.Name);
					return silo;

				if (power != null && silo != null && !HasSufficientPowerForActor(silo))
					HackyAI.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (would be low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);
					return power;

			// Build everything else
			foreach (var frac in ai.Info.BuildingFractions.Shuffle(ai.Random))
				var name = frac.Key;

				// Can we build this structure?
				if (!buildableThings.Any(b => b.Name == name))

				// Do we want to build this structure?
				var count = playerBuildings.Count(a => a.Info.Name == name);
				if (count > frac.Value * playerBuildings.Length)

				if (ai.Info.BuildingLimits.ContainsKey(name) && ai.Info.BuildingLimits[name] <= count)

				// If we're considering to build a naval structure, check whether there is enough water inside the base perimeter
				// and any structure providing buildable area close enough to that water.
				// TODO: Extend this check to cover any naval structure, not just production.
				if (ai.Info.BuildingCommonNames.ContainsKey("NavalProduction")
					&& ai.Info.BuildingCommonNames["NavalProduction"].Contains(name)
					&& (waterState == Water.NotEnoughWater || !ai.CloseEnoughToWater()))

				// Will this put us into low power?
				var actor = world.Map.Rules.Actors[name];
				if (playerPower.ExcessPower < ai.Info.MinimumExcessPower || !HasSufficientPowerForActor(actor))
					// Try building a power plant instead
					if (power != null && power.TraitInfos<PowerInfo>().Where(i => i.UpgradeMinEnabledLevel < 1).Sum(pi => pi.Amount) > 0)
						if (playerPower.PowerOutageRemainingTicks > 0)
							HackyAI.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (is low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);
							HackyAI.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (would be low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);

						return power;

				// Lets build this
				HackyAI.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Desired is {2} ({3} / {4}); current is {5} / {4}",
					queue.Actor.Owner, name, frac.Value, frac.Value * playerBuildings.Length, playerBuildings.Length, count);
				return actor;

			// Too spammy to keep enabled all the time, but very useful when debugging specific issues.
			// HackyAI.BotDebug("{0} couldn't decide what to build for queue {1}.", queue.Actor.Owner, queue.Info.Group);
			return null;
Example #5
		ActorInfo ChooseUnitToBuild(ProductionQueue queue)
			var buildableThings = queue.BuildableItems();
			if (!buildableThings.Any())
				return null;

			var myUnits = Player.World
				.Where(a => a.Actor.Owner == Player)
				.Select(a => a.Actor.Info.Name).ToList();

			foreach (var unit in Info.UnitsToBuild.Shuffle(Random))
				if (buildableThings.Any(b => b.Name == unit.Key))
					if (myUnits.Count(a => a == unit.Key) < unit.Value * myUnits.Count)
						if (HasAdequateAirUnitReloadBuildings(Map.Rules.Actors[unit.Key]))
							return Map.Rules.Actors[unit.Key];

			return null;
Example #6
		ActorInfo ChooseRandomUnitToBuild(ProductionQueue queue)
			var buildableThings = queue.BuildableItems();
			if (!buildableThings.Any())
				return null;

			var unit = buildableThings.Random(Random);
			return HasAdequateAirUnitReloadBuildings(unit) ? unit : null;
Example #7
        ActorInfo ChooseBuildingToBuild(ProductionQueue queue)
            var buildableThings = queue.BuildableItems();

            // First priority is to get out of a low power situation
            if (playerPower.ExcessPower < ai.Info.MinimumExcessPower)
                var power = GetProducibleBuilding("Power", buildableThings, a => a.Traits.WithInterface<PowerInfo>().Where(i => i.UpgradeMinEnabledLevel < 1).Sum(p => p.Amount));
                if (power != null && power.Traits.WithInterface<PowerInfo>().Where(i => i.UpgradeMinEnabledLevel < 1).Sum(p => p.Amount) > 0)
                    // TODO: Handle the case when of when we actually do need a power plant because we don't have enough but are also suffering from a power outage
                    if (playerPower.PowerOutageRemainingTicks <= 0)
                        HackyAI.BotDebug("AI: {0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);
                        return power;

            // Next is to build up a strong economy
            if (!ai.HasAdequateProc() || !ai.HasMinimumProc())
                var refinery = GetProducibleBuilding("Refinery", buildableThings);
                if (refinery != null)
                    HackyAI.BotDebug("AI: {0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (refinery)", queue.Actor.Owner, refinery.Name);
                    return refinery;

            // Make sure that we can can spend as fast as we are earning
            if (ai.Info.NewProductionCashThreshold > 0 && playerResources.Resources > ai.Info.NewProductionCashThreshold)
                var production = GetProducibleBuilding("Production", buildableThings);
                if (production != null)
                    HackyAI.BotDebug("AI: {0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (production)", queue.Actor.Owner, production.Name);
                    return production;

            // Create some head room for resource storage if we really need it
            if (playerResources.AlertSilo)
                var silo = GetProducibleBuilding("Silo", buildableThings);
                if (silo != null)
                    HackyAI.BotDebug("AI: {0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (silo)", queue.Actor.Owner, silo.Name);
                    return silo;

            // Build everything else
            foreach (var frac in ai.Info.BuildingFractions.Shuffle(ai.Random))
                var name = frac.Key;

                // Can we build this structure?
                if (!buildableThings.Any(b => b.Name == name))

                // Do we want to build this structure?
                var count = playerBuildings.Count(a => a.Info.Name == name);
                if (count > frac.Value * playerBuildings.Length)

                if (ai.Info.BuildingLimits.ContainsKey(name) && ai.Info.BuildingLimits[name] <= count)

                // Will this put us into low power?
                var actor = world.Map.Rules.Actors[frac.Key];
                var pis = actor.Traits.WithInterface<PowerInfo>().Where(i => i.UpgradeMinEnabledLevel < 1);
                if (playerPower.ExcessPower < ai.Info.MinimumExcessPower || playerPower.ExcessPower < pis.Sum(pi => pi.Amount))
                    // Try building a power plant instead
                    var power = GetProducibleBuilding("Power",
                        buildableThings, a => a.Traits.WithInterface<PowerInfo>().Where(i => i.UpgradeMinEnabledLevel < 1).Sum(pi => pi.Amount));
                    if (power != null && power.Traits.WithInterface<PowerInfo>().Where(i => i.UpgradeMinEnabledLevel < 1).Sum(pi => pi.Amount) > 0)
                        // TODO: Handle the case when of when we actually do need a power plant because we don't have enough but are also suffering from a power outage
                        if (playerPower.PowerOutageRemainingTicks > 0)
                            HackyAI.BotDebug("AI: {0} is suffering from a power outage; not going to build {1}", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);
                            HackyAI.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Priority override (would be low power)", queue.Actor.Owner, power.Name);
                            return power;

                // Lets build this
                HackyAI.BotDebug("{0} decided to build {1}: Desired is {2} ({3} / {4}); current is {5} / {4}",
                    queue.Actor.Owner, name, frac.Value, frac.Value * playerBuildings.Length, playerBuildings.Length, count);
                return actor;

            // Too spammy to keep enabled all the time, but very useful when debugging specific issues.
            // HackyAI.BotDebug("{0} couldn't decide what to build for queue {1}.", queue.Actor.Owner, queue.Info.Group);
            return null;