LoadImaAdpcmSound() public static method

public static LoadImaAdpcmSound ( byte raw, int &index ) : byte[]
raw byte
index int
return byte[]
Example #1
        void CollectAudioData()
            var audio1     = new MemoryStream();         // left channel / mono
            var audio2     = new MemoryStream();         // right channel
            var adpcmIndex = 0;
            var compressed = false;

            for (var i = 0; i < Frames; i++)
                stream.Seek(offsets[i], SeekOrigin.Begin);
                var end = (i < Frames - 1) ? offsets[i + 1] : stream.Length;

                while (stream.Position < end)
                    var type = stream.ReadASCII(4);
                    if (type == "SN2J")
                        var jmp = int2.Swap(stream.ReadUInt32());
                        stream.Seek(jmp, SeekOrigin.Current);
                        type = stream.ReadASCII(4);

                    var length = int2.Swap(stream.ReadUInt32());

                    switch (type)
                    case "SND0":
                    case "SND2":
                        if (audioChannels == 0)
                            throw new NotSupportedException();
                        else if (audioChannels == 1)
                            var rawAudio = stream.ReadBytes((int)length);
                            var rawAudio = stream.ReadBytes((int)length / 2);
                            rawAudio = stream.ReadBytes((int)length / 2);
                            if (length % 2 != 0)

                        compressed = type == "SND2";

                        if (length + stream.Position > stream.Length)
                            throw new NotSupportedException("Vqa uses unknown Subtype: {0}".F(type));

                    // Chunks are aligned on even bytes; advance by a byte if the next one is null
                    if (stream.Peek() == 0)

            if (audioChannels == 1)
                audioData = compressed ? ImaAdpcmReader.LoadImaAdpcmSound(audio1.ToArray(), ref adpcmIndex) : audio1.ToArray();
                byte[] leftData, rightData;
                if (!compressed)
                    leftData  = audio1.ToArray();
                    rightData = audio2.ToArray();
                    adpcmIndex = 0;
                    leftData   = ImaAdpcmReader.LoadImaAdpcmSound(audio1.ToArray(), ref adpcmIndex);
                    adpcmIndex = 0;
                    rightData  = ImaAdpcmReader.LoadImaAdpcmSound(audio2.ToArray(), ref adpcmIndex);

                audioData = new byte[rightData.Length + leftData.Length];
                var rightIndex = 0;
                var leftIndex  = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < audioData.Length;)
                    audioData[i++] = leftData[leftIndex++];
                    audioData[i++] = leftData[leftIndex++];
                    audioData[i++] = rightData[rightIndex++];
                    audioData[i++] = rightData[rightIndex++];

            hasAudio = audioData.Length > 0;
Example #2
            protected override bool BufferData(Stream baseStream, Queue <byte> data)
                // Decode each block of IMA ADPCM data
                // Each block starts with a initial state per-channel
                for (var c = 0; c < channels; c++)
                    predictor[c] = baseStream.ReadInt16();
                    index[c]     = baseStream.ReadUInt8();
                    baseStream.ReadUInt8();                     // Unknown/Reserved

                    // Output first sample from input
                    data.Enqueue((byte)(predictor[c] >> 8));
                    outOffset += 2;

                    if (outOffset >= outputSize)

                // Decode and output remaining data in this block
                var blockOffset = 0;

                while (blockOffset < blockDataSize)
                    for (var c = 0; c < channels; c++)
                        // Decode 4 bytes (to 16 bytes of output) per channel
                        var chunk   = baseStream.ReadBytes(4);
                        var decoded = ImaAdpcmReader.LoadImaAdpcmSound(chunk, ref index[c], ref predictor[c]);

                        // Interleave output, one sample per channel
                        var interleaveChannelOffset = 2 * c;
                        for (var i = 0; i < decoded.Length; i += 2)
                            var interleaveSampleOffset = interleaveChannelOffset + i;
                            interleaveBuffer[interleaveSampleOffset]     = decoded[i];
                            interleaveBuffer[interleaveSampleOffset + 1] = decoded[i + 1];
                            interleaveChannelOffset += 2 * (channels - 1);

                        blockOffset += 4;

                    var outputRemaining = outputSize - outOffset;
                    var toCopy          = Math.Min(outputRemaining, interleaveBuffer.Length);
                    for (var i = 0; i < toCopy; i++)

                    outOffset += 16 * channels;

                    if (outOffset >= outputSize)

                return(++currentBlock >= numBlocks);
Example #3
        public byte[] DecodeImaAdpcmData()
            var s = new MemoryStream(RawOutput);

            var numBlocks     = DataSize / BlockAlign;
            var blockDataSize = BlockAlign - (Channels * 4);
            var outputSize    = UncompressedSize * Channels * 2;

            var outOffset = 0;
            var output    = new byte[outputSize];

            var predictor = new int[Channels];
            var index     = new int[Channels];

            // Decode each block of IMA ADPCM data in RawOutput
            for (var block = 0; block < numBlocks; block++)
                // Each block starts with a initial state per-channel
                for (var c = 0; c < Channels; c++)
                    predictor[c] = s.ReadInt16();
                    index[c]     = s.ReadUInt8();
                    /* unknown/reserved */ s.ReadUInt8();

                    // Output first sample from input
                    output[outOffset++] = (byte)predictor[c];
                    output[outOffset++] = (byte)(predictor[c] >> 8);

                    if (outOffset >= outputSize)

                // Decode and output remaining data in this block
                var blockOffset = 0;
                while (blockOffset < blockDataSize)
                    for (var c = 0; c < Channels; c++)
                        // Decode 4 bytes (to 16 bytes of output) per channel
                        var chunk   = s.ReadBytes(4);
                        var decoded = ImaAdpcmReader.LoadImaAdpcmSound(chunk, ref index[c], ref predictor[c]);

                        // Interleave output, one sample per channel
                        var outOffsetChannel = outOffset + (2 * c);
                        for (var i = 0; i < decoded.Length; i += 2)
                            var outOffsetSample = outOffsetChannel + i;
                            if (outOffsetSample >= outputSize)

                            output[outOffsetSample]     = decoded[i];
                            output[outOffsetSample + 1] = decoded[i + 1];
                            outOffsetChannel           += 2 * (Channels - 1);

                        blockOffset += 4;

                    outOffset += 16 * Channels;
