private void TranslateEncryptionKey(ref WLANConfiguration config, string key, AuthenticationMode authMode, WEPStatus privacyMode)
            if (privacyMode == WEPStatus.WEPEnabled)
                if ((key.Length != 10) && (key.Length != 26))
                    throw new ArgumentException("The encryption key for WEP must be either 10 or 26 characters");

                byte[] keyMaterial = HexStringToBytes(key);
                config.KeyMaterial = keyMaterial;

                config.CtlFlags |= WZCControl.WEPKPresent | WZCControl.WEPKXFormat;
                if (key.Length == 10)
                    config.CtlFlags |= WZCControl.WEPK40Bit;

                config.KeyMaterial = EncryptKeyMaterial(keyMaterial);
            else if ((privacyMode == WEPStatus.AESEnabled) || (privacyMode == WEPStatus.TKIPEnabled))
                config.KeyLength = key.Length;
                if ((config.KeyLength < 8) || (config.KeyLength > 63))
                    throw new ArgumentException("The encryption key for WPA-PSK/TKIP must be either between 8 and 63");
                WZC.WZCPassword2Key(ref config, key);

                config.CtlFlags      |= WZCControl.WEPKPresent | WZCControl.WEPKXFormat | WZCControl.ONEXEnabled;
                config.WPAMCastCipher = (int)WEPStatus.TKIPEnabled;

                config.KeyMaterial = EncryptKeyMaterial(config.KeyMaterial);
Example #2
        public static int QueryAdapter(string adapterName, out INTF_ENTRY entry)
            // Attempt to get the status of the indicated
            // interface by calling WZCQueryInterface.  If
            // it works, we return true; if not, false.
            // Note that the first parameter, the WZC server,
            // is set to null, apparently indicating that the
            // local machine is the target.
            entry = new INTF_ENTRY();
            INTF_FLAGS flags = 0;

            entry.Guid = adapterName;
            int retVal = 0;

                retVal = WZC.WZCQueryInterface(null, INTF_FLAGS.INTF_ALL, ref entry, out flags);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // on a throw, the return value needs to get set to a non-zero
                    WZC.WZCDeleteIntfObj(ref entry);
                catch { }

Example #3
        internal unsafe void RefreshList(Boolean clearCache)
            // If we are to clear the driver's cache of SSID
            // values, call the appropriate method.
            //Console.WriteLine("Entering RefreshList");
            if (clearCache)

                // This seems to be needed to avoid having
                // a list of zero elements returned.


            if (m_adapter is WirelessZeroConfigNetworkInterface)
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new entry with given name in memory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="guid">Name</param>
        /// <returns>Entry</returns>
        public static INTF_ENTRY GetEntry(string guid)
            INTF_ENTRY entry = new INTF_ENTRY();

            entry.Guid = guid;
            INTF_FLAGS dwOutFlags;
            int        uret = WZC.WZCQueryInterface(null, INTF_FLAGS.INTF_ALL, ref entry, out dwOutFlags);

            if (uret > 0)
                throw new NetworkInformationException(uret);
Example #5
 public void Dispose()
     if (wszDescr != IntPtr.Zero)
     if (wszGuid != IntPtr.Zero)
     if (bInitialized != 0)
         WZC.WZCDeleteIntfObj(ref this);
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes a network from the adapter's preferred list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SSID">The SSID of the network to remove</param>
        public bool RemovePreferredNetwork(string SSID)
            if ((SSID == null) || (SSID == string.Empty))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid SSID");

            // Get the current preferred list of SSID values.
            // First, we need to get an INTF_ENTRY for this adapter.
            INTF_ENTRY entry;
            int        uret = WZC.QueryAdapter(this.Name, out entry);

                if (uret > 0)
                    // There is no list.  Return false.

                // Find the indicated item and remove it from
                // the list by creating a new list and setting
                // that as the preferred list.
                RAW_DATA rdold = entry.rdStSSIDList;
                WLANConfigurationList prefl = new WLANConfigurationList(rdold);

                // If there are no items in the list, return false.
                if (prefl.NumberOfItems == 0)

                // Build the new list.
                WLANConfigurationList prefnew = new WLANConfigurationList(prefl.NumberOfItems - 1);

                // Start at the top of the old list and copy items
                // from old to new, until we find the item to be
                // removed.
                int j = 0;
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < prefl.NumberOfItems; i++)
                    WLANConfiguration item = prefl.Item(i);

                    if (item.SSID == SSID)
                        // Skip to next item without incrementing
                        // j.
                        prefnew.SetItem(j, item);

                // Check for whether the item was found in the
                // list or not.  If not, we don't reset the
                // wireless settings and instead return false.
                if (j == i)

                // Replace the old list with the new one
                // for the rest of the code.  Entry #0
                // is unset.
                prefl = prefnew;

                // Must now copy the new preferred list to the entry that
                // we will send with WZCSetInterface.
                entry.rdStSSIDList = prefl.rawData;

                // Finally, we are ready to select the new SSID as our
                // primary preferred connection.
                uret = WZC.SetAdapter(entry, INTF_FLAGS.INTF_ALL_FLAGS | INTF_FLAGS.INTF_PREFLIST);

                if (uret != 0)
                    throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(uret, "Unable to Set WZC Interface");
            return(uret <= 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets wireless settings associated with a given interface and AP, adding to, rather than replacing the preferred list of APs.  This version of the
        /// method is designed for the case where *all* of  the options are going to be set, where no initial  configuration exists at all and where existing
        /// items in the preferred list should be maintained. After this method executes, if it is successful, the specified SSID will be at the top, highest-
        /// priority, end of the preferred list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SSID">
        /// Target SSID to connect
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="infrastructureMode">
        /// Is infrastructure
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="authKey">
        /// WEP key or WPA shared key string representing hex string (each two characters are converted to a single byte)
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="keyIndex">
        /// Index of the WEP key.  Valid values are 1-4
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="authMode">
        /// Authentication mode for the connection
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="privacyMode">
        /// Privacy (encryption) mode for the connection
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="eapParams">
        /// Parameters describing how the connection should use EAP to authenticate the user to the network
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>true if succeeded</returns>
        public bool AddPreferredNetwork(string SSID,
                                        bool infrastructureMode,
                                        string authKey,
                                        int keyIndex,
                                        AuthenticationMode authMode,
                                        WEPStatus privacyMode,
                                        EAPParameters eapParams)
            if ((keyIndex <= 0) || (keyIndex > 4))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid keyIndex (must be between 1 and 4)");
            if ((SSID == null) || (SSID == string.Empty))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid SSID");

            // We may yet need to do some processing on the key,
            // if it is a WPA key.  We need a WZC_WLAN_CONFIG
            // structure to pass to the WZC routine that does
            // this processing, however, so that is done below.

            // Get the current preferred list of SSID values.
            // First, we need to get an INTF_ENTRY for this adapter.
            INTF_ENTRY entry;
            int        uret = WZC.QueryAdapter(this.Name, out entry);

                if (uret != 0)
                    throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(uret, "No preferred list found");

                // We need to push the indicated item to the top of the
                // preferred list.  Once we do that and call WZCSetInterface
                // the connection will be established to that SSID.
                // The preferred list is in the rdStSSIDList field.
                RAW_DATA rdold = entry.rdStSSIDList;
                WLANConfigurationList prefl = new WLANConfigurationList(rdold);

                // Start at the bottom of the list.  If the current item
                // is the one we want to copy, save it and start copying
                // items down in the list.
                WLANConfiguration targetItem = null;
                int i;
                for (i = (int)prefl.NumberOfItems - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    targetItem = prefl.Item(i);
                    if (targetItem.SSID == SSID)

                // If we get no match for our SSID value, the item
                // is *not* in the preferred list, so we can
                // skip removing it.
                if (i >= 0)
                    // Now, copy the items before i on the
                    // list down to cover i.  This leaves
                    // position 0 in the list as a copy of
                    // position 1.  We'll fill in position 0
                    // with the new most-preferred SSID.
                    for (int j = i; j >= 1; j--)
                        // Copy old list item j-1 to new list item j.
                        prefl.SetItem(j, prefl.Item(j - 1));
                    // The item was not in the list.  We have
                    // to expand the list and move all of
                    // the original items down one spot.
                    WLANConfigurationList prefl2 = new WLANConfigurationList(prefl.NumberOfItems + 1);
                    for (int j = 0; j < (int)prefl.NumberOfItems; j++)
                        // Copy from old list to new list.
                        prefl2.SetItem(j + 1, prefl.Item(j));

                    // Replace the old list with the new one
                    // for the rest of the code.  Entry #0
                    // is unset.
                    prefl = prefl2;

                // Create a new item and put that in the list
                // at item #0, which presently exists but
                // doesn't mean anything (it's either a
                // totally blank item, if the SSID was not
                // in the list before the call, or it's the
                // old first item in the list).

                // Unlike the other SetWirelessSettings versions,
                // we *don't* get the current configuration here;
                // our parameters will set that.
                WLANConfiguration thisConfig = MakeSSIDEntry(SSID, infrastructureMode, authKey, keyIndex, authMode, privacyMode, eapParams);

                // OK, finally, set the item in the preferred
                // list according to the parameters to this
                // call.
                prefl.SetItem(0, thisConfig);

                // Must now copy the new preferred list to the entry that
                // we will sent with WZCSetInterface.
                entry.rdStSSIDList = prefl.rawData;

                // Finally, we are ready to select the new SSID as our
                // primary preferred connection.
                uret = WZC.SetAdapter(entry, INTF_FLAGS.INTF_PREFLIST);
                if (uret != 0)
                    throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(uret, "Unable to Set WZC Interface");

        /// <summary>
        /// Connects to an already-configured wireless network by SSID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SSID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ConnectToPreferredNetwork(string SSID)
            INTF_ENTRY entry;
            int        uret = WZC.QueryAdapter(this.Name, out entry);

                if (uret != 0)
                    throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(uret, "Unable to Query WZC Interface");

                // We need to push the indicated item to the top of the
                // preferred list.  Once we do that and call WZCSetInterface
                // the connection will be established to that SSID.
                // The preferred list is in the rdStSSIDList field.
                RAW_DATA rdold = entry.rdStSSIDList;
                WLANConfigurationList prefl = new WLANConfigurationList(rdold);

                // Start at the bottom of the list.  If the current item
                // is the one we want to copy, save it and start copying
                // items down in the list.
                WLANConfiguration targetItem = null;
                int i;
                for (i = (int)prefl.NumberOfItems - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    targetItem = prefl.Item(i);
                    if (targetItem.SSID == SSID)

                // If we get no match for our SSID value, the item is *not*
                // in the preferred list.  Return false.
                if (targetItem == null)

                // If the SSID is already first in the list, we're done.
                if (i > 0)
                    // Now, copy the rest of the items one place down in the
                    // list.
                    for (int j = i; j >= 1; j--)
                        // Copy old list item j-1 to new list item j.
                        prefl.SetItem(j, prefl.Item(j - 1));

                    // Put the saved target item in index 0 in the new list.
                    prefl.SetItem(0, targetItem);

                uret = WZC.SetAdapter(entry, INTF_FLAGS.INTF_ALL_FLAGS | INTF_FLAGS.INTF_PREFLIST);
                if (uret != 0)
                    throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(uret, "Unable to Set WZC Interface");
        /// <summary>
        /// The ProcessKey routine makes necessary modifications
        /// to the key material of a WPA key before it is passed
        /// to WZC routines.  The processing done to it depends
        /// on how it was generated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kt">
        /// The key type, indicating how the key material in
        /// the structure was originally generated
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="config">
        /// The configuration being changed
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="passphrase">
        /// For WPA-PSK passphrase type, the passphrase.
        /// </param>
        internal void ProcessKey(KeyType kt, ref WLANConfiguration config,
                                 string passphrase)
            // Define fake key material for 'encrypting' the
            // keys.
            byte[] chFakeKeyMaterial = new byte[] { 0x56, 0x09, 0x08, 0x98, 0x4D, 0x08, 0x11, 0x66, 0x42, 0x03, 0x01, 0x67, 0x66 };
            byte[] key;
            uint   i;

            switch (kt)
            case KeyType.WPAPassphrase:
                // We set this explicitly here.  It was set
                // out of line in the NetUI code.
                config.Privacy = WEPStatus.TKIPEnabled;

                config.KeyLength = WLANConfiguration.WZCCTL_MAX_WEPK_MATERIAL;
                config.CtlFlags |= WZCControl.WEPKXFormat | WZCControl.ONEXEnabled | WZCControl.WEPKPresent;

                WZC.WZCPassword2Key(ref config, passphrase);

                // Note that, since the config structure doesn't
                // actually have a byte[] for key material, we
                // can't modify bytes of that 'array' in-place.
                key = config.KeyMaterial;
                for (i = 0; i < WLANConfiguration.WZCCTL_MAX_WEPK_MATERIAL; i++)
                    key[i] ^= chFakeKeyMaterial[(7 * i) % 13];
                config.KeyMaterial = key;

                config.EapolParams.EapFlags    = EAPFlags.Enabled;
                config.EapolParams.EapType     = EAPType.TLS;
                config.EapolParams.Enable8021x = true;
                // config.WPAMCastCipher = Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled;

            case KeyType.WPABinary:
                // We set this explicitly here.  It was set
                // out of line in the NetUI code.
                config.Privacy = WEPStatus.TKIPEnabled;

                config.KeyLength = WLANConfiguration.WZCCTL_MAX_WEPK_MATERIAL;
                config.CtlFlags |= WZCControl.WEPKPresent;

                // Note that, since the config structure doesn't
                // actually have a byte[] for key material, we
                // can't modify bytes of that 'array' in-place.
                key = config.KeyMaterial;
                for (i = 0; i < WLANConfiguration.WZCCTL_MAX_WEPK_MATERIAL; i++)
                    config.KeyMaterial[i] ^= chFakeKeyMaterial[(7 * i) % 13];
                config.KeyMaterial = key;

                config.EapolParams.EapFlags    = EAPFlags.Enabled;
                config.EapolParams.EapType     = EAPType.TLS;
                config.EapolParams.Enable8021x = true;
                // config.WPAMCastCipher = Ndis802_11Encryption2Enabled;
 /// <summary>
 /// Reset WZC configuration data. Wireless card will disconnect if it was connected.
 /// </summary>
 public void Reset()
Example #11
 public static int SetAdapter(INTF_ENTRY entry, INTF_FLAGS flags)
     return(WZC.WZCSetInterface(null, flags, ref entry, null));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns objects that describe the network interfaces on the local computer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface array that contains objects
        /// that describe the available network interfaces, or an empty array if no interfaces
        /// are detected.
        /// </returns>
        public unsafe static INetworkInterface[] GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
            NetworkInterface[] interfaceList;
            uint size;

            // get buffer size requirement
            NativeMethods.GetInterfaceInfo(null, out size);

            byte[] ifTable = new byte[size];
            // pin the table buffer
            fixed(byte *pifTable = ifTable)
                byte *p = pifTable;

                /* table looks like this:
                 *  typedef struct _IP_INTERFACE_INFO {
                 *    LONG NumAdapters;
                 *    IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP Adapter[1];
                 *  typedef struct _IP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP {
                 *    ULONG Index;
                 *    WCHAR Name [MAX_ADAPTER_NAME];

                // get the table data
                NativeMethods.GetInterfaceInfo(pifTable, out size);

                // get interface count
                int interfaceCount = *p;

                interfaceList = new NetworkInterface[interfaceCount];

                p += 4;

                // get each interface
                for (int i = 0; i < interfaceCount; i++)
                    // get interface index
                    int index = (int)*((int *)p);
                    p += 4;

                    // get interface name
                    byte[] nameBytes = new byte[256];
                    Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(p), nameBytes, 0, nameBytes.Length);
                    string name      = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(nameBytes, 0, nameBytes.Length);
                    int    nullIndex = name.IndexOf('\0');
                    if (nullIndex > 0)
                        name = name.Substring(0, nullIndex);
                    p += 256;

                    // check the wireless capabilities
                        NDISUIO.QueryOID(NDIS_OID.WEP_STATUS, name);

                        // didn't throw, so it's wireless - determinine if it's WZC compatible
                        INTF_ENTRY entry;
                        if (WZC.QueryAdapter(name, out entry) == NativeMethods.NO_ERROR)
                            // this is a WZC wireless adapter
                            interfaceList[i] = new WirelessZeroConfigNetworkInterface(index, name);
                            // this is a non-WZC wireless adapter
                            interfaceList[i] = new WirelessNetworkInterface(index, name);
                        // if it's not wireless, it will throw and end up here
                        interfaceList[i] = new NetworkInterface(index, name);
