Example #1
        public Cave(ref Random rnd, ref IMapHandler mh, Vector3i StartingPoint)
            mMap = mh;
            rand = rnd;
            // We need at least 4 points.
            int numPoints2Make = rand.Next(3, 10);
            for(int i=0;i<numPoints2Make;i++)
                AddPoint(new Vector3i(StartingPoint.X+rand.Next(-16, 16), StartingPoint.Y+rand.Next(-16, 16), StartingPoint.Z+rand.Next(-16, 16)));
            Profiler profSphere = new Profiler("MakeSphere");
            Profiler profSpline = new Profiler("GetInterpolatedSplinePoint");
            int rad = rand.Next(1, 3);
            for(int p = 0;p<20;p++)
                double t = (double)p/(double)(Points.Count*32);
                // Between 2/10 radius.
                Vector3i derp = this.GetInterpolatedSplinePoint(t);

                mMap.SetBlockAt(derp.X, derp.Y, derp.Z, 0);

                MakeSphere(derp, rad);
                //Console.WriteLine("MakeSphere r={0} @ t={1}", rad, t);
                //t += 0.05;
Example #2
 public dlgReplace(IMapHandler mh)
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// From the VoxelSim project
        /// http://github.com/N3X15/VoxelSim
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="X"></param>
        /// <param name="Z"></param>
        /// <param name="chunksize"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override double[,] Generate(IMapHandler mh, long X, long Z, out double minHeight, out double maxHeight)
            Vector3i chunksize = mh.ChunkScale;
            int      x_o       = (int)(X * chunksize.X);
            int      z_o       = (int)(Z * chunksize.Z);
            int      YH        = (int)chunksize.Y - 2;

            double[,] hm = new double[chunksize.X, chunksize.Z];

            minHeight = (double)chunksize.Y;
            maxHeight = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < chunksize.X; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < chunksize.Z; z++)
                    double height = 1 - Utils.FixLibnoiseOutput(ContinentNoise.GetValue((double)(x + x_o) / 10d, (double)(z + z_o) / 10d, 0));
                    height *= 0.5;
                    height += 0.25;
                    height  = Utils.Clamp(height, 0.1, 1);
                    if (height < minHeight)
                        minHeight = height;
                    if (height > maxHeight)
                        maxHeight = height;

                    hm[x, z] = height;
Example #4
        note, foliage will disintegrate if there is no foliage below, or
        if there is no "log" block within range 2 (square) at the same level or
        one level below
        public override void MakeFoliage(ref IMapHandler map)
            Console.WriteLine("Adding tree at {0}", Pos);
            int topy = (int)Pos.Y + Height - 1;
            int start = topy - 2;
            int end = topy + 2;
            for(int y = start;y<end;y++)
                int rad=0;
                if(y > start + 1)
                    rad = 1;
                    rad = 2;
                for(int xoff = -rad;xoff<rad+1;xoff++)
                    for(int zoff = -rad;zoff<rad+1;zoff++)

                        if (Math.Abs(xoff) == Math.Abs(zoff) && Math.Abs(xoff) == rad)

                        int x = (int)Pos.X + xoff;
                        int z = (int)Pos.Z + zoff;

Example #5
        public override void  MakeFoliage(ref IMapHandler map)
            List <Vector3i> foliage_coords = foliage_cords;

            foreach (Vector3i coord in foliage_coords)
                foliagecluster(ref map, coord);
            foreach (Vector3i cord in foliage_coords)
                map.SetBlockAt(cord.X, cord.Y, cord.Z, 17);
                if (LIGHTTREE == 1)
                    map.SetBlockAt(cord.X, cord.Y + 1, cord.Z, 50);
                    map.SetBlockAt(cord.X, cord.Y + 2, cord.Z, 17);
                else if (LIGHTTREE == 2 || LIGHTTREE == 4)
                    map.SetBlockAt(cord.X + 1, cord.Y, cord.Z, 50);
                    map.SetBlockAt(cord.X - 1, cord.Y, cord.Z, 50);
                    if (LIGHTTREE == 4)
                        map.SetBlockAt(cord.X, cord.Y, cord.Z + 1, 50);
                        map.SetBlockAt(cord.X, cord.Y, cord.Z - 1, 50);
Example #6
        public static void FixPlayerPlacement(ref IMapHandler mh)
            // Thank you #mcp.
            //<_303> [PlayerPos is] on the head
            //<_303> corner pointing toward 0,0,0
            Vector3d pos = mh.PlayerPos;
            //<_303> height of player = [1.8]
            int headblock = mh.GetBlockAt((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, (int)pos.Z);

            switch (headblock)
            case 0:
            case 8:
            case 9:
            case 10:
            case 11:
            for (int y = (int)mh.ChunkScale.Y - 3; y > 1; y--)
                int supportblock = mh.GetBlockAt((int)pos.X, y - 3, (int)pos.Z);

                if (supportblock != 0)
                    mh.PlayerPos.Y = y;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a round section of type matidx in blocklist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        /// <param name="vCenter">the coordinates of the center block</param>
        /// <param name="radius">the radius of the section.</param>
        /// <param name="diraxis">The list index for the axis to make the section perpendicular to.  0 indicates the x axis, 1 the y, 2 the z.  The section will extend along the other two axies.</param>
        /// <param name="mat">What to make the section out of</param>
        public void crossection(ref IMapHandler map, Vector3i vCenter, double radius, int diraxis, byte mat)
            long[] centArray = vCenter.ToArray();
            int    rad       = (int)(radius + .618d);
            int    secidx1   = (diraxis - 1) % 3;
            int    secidx2   = (1 + diraxis) % 3;

            int[] coord = new int [] { 0, 0, 0 };
            for (int off1 = -rad; off1 < rad + 1; off1++)
                for (int off2 = -rad; off2 < rad + 1; off2++)
                    double thisdist = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((double)Math.Abs(off1) + .5d, 2d) + Math.Pow((double)Math.Abs(off2) + .5d, 2));
                    if (thisdist > radius)
                    int pri  = (int)centArray[diraxis];
                    int sec1 = (int)centArray[secidx1] + off1;
                    int sec2 = (int)centArray[secidx2] + off2;
                    coord[diraxis] = pri;
                    coord[secidx1] = sec1;
                    coord[secidx2] = sec2;
                    map.SetBlockAt(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2], mat);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a chunk
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CX">Chunk X</param>
        /// <param name="CZ">Chunk Z</param>
        /// <param name="b">Blocks</param>
        /// <param name="mh">Map handler</param>
        /// <param name="r">Random</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool MakeDungeon(int CX, int CZ, ref byte[, ,] b, ref IMapHandler mh, Random r)
            int CH = (int)mh.ChunkScale.X;
            int CV = (int)mh.ChunkScale.Y;
            int x  = r.Next(0 + DungeonSizeX - 1, CH - DungeonSizeX + 1);
            int y  = r.Next(0 + DungeonSizeY - 1, CV - DungeonSizeY + 1);
            int z  = r.Next(0 + DungeonSizeZ - 1, CH - DungeonSizeZ + 1);

            Vector3i position = mh.Local2Global(CX, CZ, new Vector3i(x, y, z));

            //Console.WriteLine("Creating dungeon in {0}...", position);

            if (!CheckForDungeonSpace(b, x, y, z))

            Vector3i size    = new Vector3i((DungeonSizeX * 2) + 1, (DungeonSizeY * 2) + 1, (DungeonSizeZ * 2) + 1);
            Vector3i sizeAir = new Vector3i(size.X - 1, size.Y - 1, size.Z - 1);

            FillRect(ref b, 48, position, size);   // Do walls (RANDOMIZE)
            FillRect(ref b, 0, position, sizeAir); // Add air

            MobSpawner ms = new MobSpawner();

            ms.Delay    = 20;
            ms.EntityId = Entity.GetRandomMonsterID(r);
            ms.Pos      = mh.Local2Global(CX, CZ, new Vector3i(x, y - DungeonSizeZ + 1, z));
            ms.UUID     = Guid.NewGuid();
            b[x, y - DungeonSizeZ + 1, z] = 52;
Example #9
         * note, foliage will disintegrate if there is no foliage below, or
         * if there is no "log" block within range 2 (square) at the same level or
         * one level below
        public override void MakeFoliage(ref IMapHandler map)
            Console.WriteLine("Adding tree at {0}", Pos);
            int topy  = (int)Pos.Y + Height - 1;
            int start = topy - 2;
            int end   = topy + 2;

            for (int y = start; y < end; y++)
                int rad = 0;
                if (y > start + 1)
                    rad = 1;
                    rad = 2;
                for (int xoff = -rad; xoff < rad + 1; xoff++)
                    for (int zoff = -rad; zoff < rad + 1; zoff++)
                        if (Math.Abs(xoff) == Math.Abs(zoff) && Math.Abs(xoff) == rad)

                        int x = (int)Pos.X + xoff;
                        int z = (int)Pos.Z + zoff;

                        map.SetBlockAt(x, y, z, 18);
Example #10
 public Chunk(IMapHandler mh)
     Map        = mh;
     Overview   = new byte[mh.ChunkScale.X, mh.ChunkScale.Z];
     HeightMap  = new int[mh.ChunkScale.X, mh.ChunkScale.Z];
     WaterDepth = new int[mh.ChunkScale.X, mh.ChunkScale.Z];
Example #11
 public dlgTerrainGen(IMapHandler _mh)
     mh = _mh;
     cmbMapGenSel.DrawMode = System.Windows.Forms.DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed;
     cmbMapGenSel.DrawItem += new DrawItemEventHandler(cmbMapGenSel_DrawItem);
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate branches.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        public void makebranches(ref IMapHandler map)
            long   topy   = Pos[1] + (int)((int)trunkheight + 0.5d);
            double endrad = trunkradius * (1 - trunkheight / Height);

            if (endrad < 1.0)
                endrad = 1.0;
            foreach (Vector3i coord in foliage_cords)
                double dist = Math.Sqrt(
                    Math.Pow(coord.X - Pos.X, 2d) +
                    Math.Pow(coord.Z - Pos.Z, 2d));
                double ydist = coord.Y - Pos.Y;
                double value = (branchdensity * 220 * Height) / Math.Pow((ydist + dist), 3d);
                if (value < rand.NextDouble())

                long   posy  = coord.Y;
                double slope = branchslope + (0.5 - rand.NextDouble()) * .16;
                long   branchy;
                double basesize;
                if (coord.Y - dist * slope > topy)
                    double threshhold = 1d / (double)(Height);
                    if (rand.NextDouble() < threshhold)
                    branchy  = topy;
                    basesize = endrad;
                    branchy  = (long)(posy - dist * slope);
                    basesize = (endrad + (trunkradius - endrad) * (topy - branchy) / trunkheight);
                double startsize = (basesize * (1 + rand.NextDouble()) * .618 *
                                    Math.Pow(dist / Height, 0.618));
                double   rndr       = Math.Sqrt(rand.NextDouble()) * basesize * 0.618;
                double   rndang     = rand.NextDouble() * 2 * Math.PI;
                int      rndx       = (int)(rndr * Math.Sin(rndang) + 0.5);
                int      rndz       = (int)(rndr * Math.Cos(rndang) + 0.5);
                Vector3i startcoord = new Vector3i(Pos[0] + rndx,
                                                   Pos[2] + rndz);
                if (startsize < 1.0)
                    startsize = 1.0;
                double endsize = 1.0;
                taperedlimb(ref map, startcoord, coord, (int)startsize, (int)endsize);
Example #13
        public override void DoBlockLighting(IMapHandler _mh, long X, long Y)
            int csx = (int)_mh.ChunkScale.X;
            int csy = (int)_mh.ChunkScale.Y;
            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                for (int _x = 0; _x < csx; _x++)
                    for (int _y = 0; _y < csy; _y++)
                        int x = (int)(X * _mh.ChunkScale.X) + _x;
                        int y = (int)(Y * _mh.ChunkScale.Y) + _y;
                        for (int z = 0; z < _mh.GetHeightAt(x, y); z++)
                            byte currentBlockLight,currentSkyLight;
                            _mh.GetLightAt(x, y, z, out currentSkyLight, out currentBlockLight);

                            byte currentBlock = _mh.GetBlockAt(x, y, z);

                            Block currentBlockInfo = OpenMinecraft.Blocks.Get(currentBlock);

                            // SUNLIGHT
                            currentSkyLight = (byte)(currentSkyLight - currentBlockInfo.Stop - 1);

                            if (currentBlockInfo.Emit > 0)
                                currentBlockLight = currentBlockInfo.Emit;
                            // Get brightest neighbor
                            if (x < csx - 1 && currentBlockLight < _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x + 1, y, z))
                                currentBlockLight = _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x + 1, y, z);
                            if (y < csy - 1 && currentBlockLight < _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y + 1, z))
                                currentBlockLight = _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y + 1, z);
                            if (z < _mh.ChunkScale.Z - 1 && currentBlockLight < _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y, z + 1))
                                currentBlockLight = _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y, z + 1);
                            if (x > 0 && currentBlockLight < _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x - 1, y, z))
                                currentBlockLight = _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x - 1, y, z);
                            if (y > 0 && currentBlockLight < _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y - 1, z))
                                currentBlockLight = _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y - 1, z);
                            if (z > 0 && currentBlockLight < _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y, z - 1))
                                currentBlockLight = _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y, z - 1);

                            // Drop 1 level of light + lightstop for current block
                            currentBlockLight = (byte)(currentBlockLight - 1 - currentBlockInfo.Stop);

                            if (currentBlockLight < 0) currentBlockLight = 0;
                            if (currentBlockLight > 15) currentBlockLight = 15;

                            if (currentSkyLight < 0) currentSkyLight = 0;
                            if (currentSkyLight > 15) currentSkyLight = 15;

                            _mh.SetBlockLightAt(x, y, z, currentBlockLight);
                            _mh.SetSkyLightAt(x, y, z, currentSkyLight);
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// generate a round cluster of foliage at the location center.
        /// The shape of the cluster is defined by the list foliage_shape.
        /// This list must be set in a subclass of ProceduralTree.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        /// <param name="center"></param>
        public void foliagecluster(ref IMapHandler map, Vector3i center)
            List <int> level_radius = this.foliage_shape;

            foreach (int i in level_radius)
                crossection(ref map, center, (double)i, 1, 18);
Example #15
        public override void DoSkyLighting(IMapHandler _mh, long X, long Y)
            Chunk c = _mh.GetChunk(X, Y);

            if (c == null)
Example #16
 public virtual void ResetLightingData(ref IMapHandler mh)
     mh.ForEachChunk(delegate(IMapHandler _mh, long X, long Y)
         Chunk c = _mh.GetChunk(X, Y);
         c.SkyLight = new byte[c.Size.X, c.Size.Y, c.Size.Z];
         c.BlockLight = new byte[c.Size.X, c.Size.Y, c.Size.Z];
         _mh.SetChunk(X, Y, c);
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize and set up events for this MapChunk.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mc">Parent mapcontrol</param>
 /// <param name="pos">Position of chunk</param>
 /// <param name="sz">Chunk size</param>
 public MapChunkControl(MapControl mc,Vector3i pos,Vector3i sz)
     Map = parent.Map;
     AssignedChunk = pos;
     ChunkSize = sz;
     MyChunk = Map.GetChunk(AssignedChunk);
     //Console.WriteLine("{0}: Chunk ({1},{2}), origin ({3},{4}), size {5}", this, pos.X, pos.Y, pos.X * sz.X, pos.Y * sz.Y, sz);
     Paint += new PaintEventHandler(MapChunkControl_Paint);
Example #18
 public virtual void ResetLightingData(ref IMapHandler mh)
     mh.ForEachChunk(delegate(IMapHandler _mh, long X, long Y)
         Chunk c = _mh.GetChunk(X, Y);
         c.SkyLight   = new byte[c.Size.X, c.Size.Y, c.Size.Z];
         c.BlockLight = new byte[c.Size.X, c.Size.Y, c.Size.Z];
         _mh.SetChunk(X, Y, c);
Example #19
        // CHUNKS(PK(cnkX, cnkZ), cnkTemperatureMap, cnkHumidityMap, cnkOriginalVoxels)
        // TREES(PK(treeX,treeZ), treeHeight, treeType)
        // DUNGEONS(PK(dgnPos), dgnSpawns)
        public MapMetadata(IMapHandler _map, string folder)
            Filename=Path.Combine(folder, "mineedit.cache");
            FirstCache = !File.Exists(Filename);

            string dsn = string.Format(@"Data Source={0};Version=3", Filename);
            database = new SQLiteConnection(dsn);
Example #20
        public override void  MakeTrunk(ref IMapHandler map)
            int x = (int)Pos.X;
            int y = (int)Pos.Y;
            int z = (int)Pos.Z;

            for (int i = 0; i < Height; i++)
                map.SetBlockAt(x, y, z, 17);
                y += 1;
Example #21
        public override void MakeTrunk(ref IMapHandler map)
            int x = (int)Pos.X;
            int y = (int)Pos.Y;
            int z = (int)Pos.Z;

            for (int i = 0; i<Height;i++)
                map.SetBlockAt(x, y, z, 17);
                y += 1;
Example #22
 private bool GetFileHandler(string FileName, out IMapHandler mh)
     mh = null;
     foreach (IMapHandler _mh in FileHandlers)
         if (_mh.IsMyFiletype(FileName))
             mh = _mh;
             return true;
     return false;
Example #23
        // CHUNKS(PK(cnkX, cnkZ), cnkTemperatureMap, cnkHumidityMap, cnkOriginalVoxels)
        // TREES(PK(treeX,treeZ), treeHeight, treeType)
        // DUNGEONS(PK(dgnPos), dgnSpawns)

        public MapMetadata(IMapHandler _map, string folder)
            map        = _map;
            Filename   = Path.Combine(folder, "mineedit.cache");
            FirstCache = !File.Exists(Filename);

            string dsn = string.Format(@"Data Source={0};Version=3", Filename);

            database = new SQLiteConnection(dsn);
Example #24
 public dlgChunk(IMapHandler m,Vector3i pos)
     if (m == null)
     Map = m;
     //mcc.Map = m;
     ChunkPos = pos;
Example #25
 public virtual void AddDungeons(ref byte[, ,] b, ref IMapHandler mh, Random rand, long X, long Z)
     if (!this.GenerateDungeons)
     if (rand.Next(0, 100) == 0)
         int DungeonTries = 128;
         while (!Utils.MakeDungeon((int)X, (int)Z, ref b, ref mh, rand))
             //Console.WriteLine("Making dungeon...");
             if (DungeonTries-- == 0)
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Smooths below-water surfaces and, optionally, adds beaches.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="waterlevel">
        /// A <see cref="System.Single"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="beaches">
        /// A <see cref="System.Boolean"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="Channel"/>
        /// </returns>
        public void Silt(double waterlevel, bool beaches, int X, int Z)
            // 1. Copy Image
            // 2. Apply gauss blur to lower layer
            // 3. Bring back unblurred terrain from above the water level.

            int x_o = X * (int)ChunkScale.X;
            int z_o = Z * (int)ChunkScale.Z;

            double wl = (beaches) ? waterlevel + 6d : waterlevel;

            wl = wl / 256f;

            // Gaussian blur for silt and beaches.
            double[][] gaussian_matrix = new double[3][] {
                new double[3] {
                    1, 2, 1
                new double[3] {
                    2, 4, 2
                new double[3] {
                    1, 2, 1
            IMapHandler Blurred = this;

            Blurred.Convolution(gaussian_matrix, 32f, waterlevel / 2d, X, Z);

            for (int x = 0; x < ChunkScale.X; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < ChunkScale.Z; z++)
                    // If > WL: use unblurred image.
                    // If <=WL: Use blurred image.
                    if (GetPrelimHeightAt(x + x_o, z + z_o) <= wl)
                        SetPrelimHeightAt(x + x_o, z + z_o, Blurred.GetPrelimHeightAt(x + x_o, z + z_o));
Example #27
        public Cave(ref Random rnd, ref IMapHandler mh, Vector3i StartingPoint)
            mMap = mh;
            rand = rnd;
            // We need at least 4 points.
            int numPoints2Make = rand.Next(3, 10);

            for (int i = 0; i < numPoints2Make; i++)
                AddPoint(new Vector3i(StartingPoint.X + rand.Next(-16, 16), StartingPoint.Y + rand.Next(-16, 16), StartingPoint.Z + rand.Next(-16, 16)));
            Profiler profSphere = new Profiler("MakeSphere");
            Profiler profSpline = new Profiler("GetInterpolatedSplinePoint");
            int      rad        = rand.Next(1, 3);

            for (int p = 0; p < 20; p++)
                double t = (double)p / (double)(Points.Count * 32);
                // Between 2/10 radius.
                Vector3i derp = this.GetInterpolatedSplinePoint(t);

                mMap.SetBlockAt(derp.X, derp.Y, derp.Z, 0);

                MakeSphere(derp, rad);
                //Console.WriteLine("MakeSphere r={0} @ t={1}", rad, t);
                //t += 0.05;
Example #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate branches.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        public void makebranches(ref IMapHandler map)
            long topy = Pos[1]+(int)((int)trunkheight + 0.5d);
            double endrad = trunkradius * (1 - trunkheight/Height);
            if(endrad < 1.0)
                endrad = 1.0;
            foreach(Vector3i coord in foliage_cords)
                double dist = Math.Sqrt(
                    Math.Pow(coord.X - Pos.X,2d) +
                    Math.Pow(coord.Z - Pos.Z,2d));
                double ydist = coord.Y-Pos.Y;
                double value = (branchdensity * 220 * Height)/Math.Pow((ydist + dist), 3d);
                if(value < rand.NextDouble())

                long posy = coord.Y;
                double slope = branchslope + (0.5 - rand.NextDouble())*.16;
                long branchy;
                double basesize;
                if(coord.Y - dist*slope > topy)
                    double threshhold = 1d / (double)(Height);
                    if(rand.NextDouble() < threshhold)
                    branchy = topy;
                    basesize = endrad;
                    branchy = (long)(posy-dist*slope);
                    basesize = (endrad + (trunkradius-endrad) * (topy - branchy) / trunkheight);
                double startsize = (basesize * (1 + rand.NextDouble()) * .618 *
                double rndr = Math.Sqrt(rand.NextDouble())*basesize*0.618;
                double rndang = rand.NextDouble()*2*Math.PI;
                int rndx = (int)(rndr*Math.Sin(rndang) + 0.5);
                int rndz = (int)(rndr*Math.Cos(rndang) + 0.5);
                Vector3i startcoord = new Vector3i(Pos[0]+rndx,
                if(startsize < 1.0)
                    startsize = 1.0;
                double endsize = 1.0;
                taperedlimb(ref map, startcoord, coord, (int)startsize, (int)endsize);
Example #29
        public override void  MakeTrunk(ref IMapHandler map)
            int starty = (int)Pos[1];
            int midy   = (int)(Pos[1] + (trunkheight * .382));
            int topy   = (int)(Pos[1] + (trunkheight + 0.5));
            // In this method, x and z are the position of the trunk.
            long   x      = Pos[0];
            long   z      = Pos[2];
            double midrad = trunkradius * .8;
            double endrad = trunkradius * (1 - trunkheight / Height);

            if (endrad < 1.0)
                endrad = 1.0;

            if (midrad < endrad)
                midrad = endrad;

            List <Vector3i> rootbases = new List <Vector3i>();
            // Make the root buttresses, if indicated
            double startrad;

            if (ROOTBUTTRESSES || SHAPE == "mangrove")
                // The start radius of the trunk should be a little smaller if we
                // are using root buttresses.
                startrad = trunkradius * .8;

                // rootbases is used later in makeroots(...) as
                // starting locations for the roots.
                rootbases.Add(new Vector3i(x, z, (long)startrad));

                double buttress_radius = trunkradius * 0.382;
                // posradius is how far the root buttresses should be offset
                // from the trunk.
                double posradius = trunkradius;
                // In mangroves, the root buttresses are much more extended.
                if (SHAPE == "mangrove")
                    posradius = posradius * 2.618;

                int num_of_buttresses = (int)(Math.Sqrt(trunkradius) + 3.5);
                for (int i = 0; i < num_of_buttresses; i++)
                    double rndang        = rand.NextDouble() * 2 * Math.PI;
                    double thisposradius = posradius * (0.9 + rand.NextDouble() * .2);

                    // thisx and thisz are the x and z position for the base of
                    // the root buttress.
                    long thisx = x + (long)(thisposradius * Math.Sin(rndang));
                    long thisz = z + (long)(thisposradius * Math.Cos(rndang));

                    // thisbuttressradius is the radius of the buttress.
                    // Currently, root buttresses do not taper.
                    double thisbuttressradius = buttress_radius * (0.618 + rand.NextDouble());
                    if (thisbuttressradius < 1.0)
                        thisbuttressradius = 1.0;
                    // Make the root buttress.
                    taperedlimb(ref map, new Vector3i(thisx, starty, thisz), new Vector3i(x, midy, z),
                                (int)thisbuttressradius, (int)thisbuttressradius);
                    // Add this root buttress as a possible location at
                    // which roots can spawn.
                    rootbases.Add(new Vector3i(thisx, thisz, (long)thisbuttressradius));
                // If root buttresses are turned off, set the trunk radius
                // to normal size.
                startrad = trunkradius;
                rootbases.Add(new Vector3i(x, z, (long)trunkradius));
            // Make the lower and upper sections of the trunk.
            taperedlimb(ref map, new Vector3i(x, starty, z), new Vector3i(x, midy, z), (int)startrad, (int)midrad);
            taperedlimb(ref map, new Vector3i(x, midy, z), new Vector3i(x, topy, z), (int)midrad, (int)endrad);
            // Make the branches
            makebranches(ref map);
            // Make the roots, if indicated.
            if (ROOTS == "yes" || ROOTS == "tostone" || ROOTS == "hanging")
                makeroots(ref map, rootbases);
Example #30
 //Generate the trunk and enter it in blocklist.
 public virtual void MakeTrunk(ref IMapHandler map)
Example #31
 public virtual void SkylightGlobal(ref IMapHandler mh)
Example #32
        public virtual void AddTrees(ref IMapHandler mh, BiomeType[,] biomes, ref Random rand, int X, int Z, int H)
            int             xo           = (int)(X * mh.ChunkScale.X);
            int             zo           = (int)(Z * mh.ChunkScale.Z);
            List <Vector2i> PlantedTrees = new List <Vector2i>();
            int             DistanceReqd = 3;

            for (int t = 0; t < (int)((HumidityNoise.Noise((double)(xo) / BIOME_SCALE, (double)(zo) / BIOME_SCALE, 0) + HumidityOffset) * 5.0); t++)
                Vector2i me = new Vector2i(rand.Next(0, 15), rand.Next(0, 15));
                if (!Biome.NeedsTrees(biomes[me.X, me.Y]))
                bool tooclose = false;
                foreach (Vector2i tree in PlantedTrees)
                    if (Vector2i.Distance(tree, me) < DistanceReqd)
                        tooclose = true;

                if (tooclose)
                bool founddert = false;
                for (int y = (int)H - 10; y > 0; y--)
                    switch (mh.GetBlockAt(me.X + xo, y, me.Y + zo))
                    case 0:     // Air
                    case 78:    // Snow cover

                    // case 1: // ROCK
                    case 2:                                            // GRASS
                    case 3:                                            // DIRT
                        //Utils.GrowTree(ref blocks, rand, (int)me.X, (int)y + 1, (int)me.Y);
                        mh.SetBlockAt(me.X + xo, y + 1, me.Y + zo, 6); // Sapling
                        mh.SetDataAt(me.X + xo, y + 1, me.Y + zo, 15); // Growth stage 15.

                         * Tree tree = new NormalTree(me.X + xo, y + 1, me.Y + zo, rand.Next(5, 8));
                         * tree.MakeTrunk(ref mh);
                         * tree.MakeFoliage(ref mh);
                        founddert = true;

                    case 11:     // SAND
                        //Utils.GrowCactus(ref b, rand, me.X, y + 1, me.Y);

                        founddert = true;
                    if (founddert)
Example #33
 //Generate the trunk and enter it in blocklist.
 public virtual void MakeTrunk(ref IMapHandler map)
Example #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a tapered cylinder in blocklist.
        /// start and end are the beginning and ending coordinates of form [x,y,z].
        /// startsize and endsize are the beginning and ending radius.
        /// The material of the cylinder is 17, which indicates wood in Minecraft.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="end"></param>
        /// <param name="startsize"></param>
        /// <param name="endsize"></param>
        public void taperedlimb(ref IMapHandler map, Vector3i vStart, Vector3i vEnd, int startsize, int endsize)
            // delta is the coordinate vector for the difference between
            // start and end.
            Vector3i vDelta = vEnd - vStart;

            long[] delta = vDelta.ToArray();
            long[] start = vStart.ToArray();
            long[] end = vEnd.ToArray();

            // primidx is the index (0,1,or 2 for x,y,z) for the coordinate
            // which has the largest overall delta.
            long maxdist = 0;
            int primidx=0;
            for(int i = 0;i<3;i++)
            if(maxdist == 0)

            // secidx1 and secidx2 are the remaining indicies out of [0,1,2].
            int secidx1 = (primidx - 1)%3;
            int secidx2 = (1 + primidx)%3;
            // primsign is the digit 1 or -1 depending on whether the limb is headed
            // along the positive or negative primidx axis.
            long primsign = delta[primidx]/Math.Abs(delta[primidx]);
            // secdelta1 and ...2 are the amount the associated values change
            // for every step along the prime axis.
            long secdelta1 = delta[secidx1];
            double secfac1 = (double)(secdelta1)/delta[primidx];
            long secdelta2 = delta[secidx2];
            double secfac2 = (double)(secdelta2)/delta[primidx];
            // Initialize coord.  These values could be anything, since
            // they are overwritten.
            long[] coord = new long[]{0,0,0};
            // Loop through each crossection along the primary axis,
            // from start to end.
            long endoffset = delta[primidx] + primsign;
            for(long primoffset=0;primoffset<endoffset;primoffset+=primsign)//primoffset in range(0, endoffset, primsign):
                long primloc = start[primidx] + primoffset;
                int secloc1 = (int)(start[secidx1] + primoffset*secfac1);
                int secloc2 = (int)(start[secidx2] + primoffset*secfac2);
                coord[primidx] = primloc;
                coord[secidx1] = secloc1;
                coord[secidx2] = secloc2;
                long primdist = Math.Abs(delta[primidx]);
                int radius = (int)(endsize + (startsize-endsize) * Math.Abs(delta[primidx] - primoffset) / primdist);
                crossection(ref map,new Vector3i(coord[0],coord[1],coord[2]),radius,primidx,17);
Example #35
 public virtual void SkylightGlobal(ref IMapHandler mh)
Example #36
 public virtual void BlocklightGlobal(ref IMapHandler mh)
Example #37
 /// <summary>
 /// generate a round cluster of foliage at the location center.
 /// The shape of the cluster is defined by the list foliage_shape.
 /// This list must be set in a subclass of ProceduralTree.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="map"></param>
 /// <param name="center"></param>
 public void foliagecluster(ref IMapHandler map, Vector3i center)
     List<int> level_radius = this.foliage_shape;
     foreach(int i in level_radius)
         crossection(ref map, center,(double)i,1,18);
Example #38
 /// <param name="X"></param>
 /// <param name="Y"></param>
 /// <param name="chunksize"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public abstract byte[, ,] Generate(ref IMapHandler mh, long X, long Y);
Example #39
        /// <summary>
        /// From the VoxelSim project
        /// http://github.com/N3X15/VoxelSim
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="X"></param>
        /// <param name="Z"></param>
        /// <param name="chunksize"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override double[,] Generate(IMapHandler mh, long X, long Z, out double minHeight, out double maxHeight)
            Vector3i chunksize = mh.ChunkScale;
            int x_o = (int)(X * chunksize.X);
            int z_o = (int)(Z * chunksize.Z);
            int YH = (int)chunksize.Y-2;

            double[,] hm = new double[chunksize.X, chunksize.Z];

            minHeight = (double)chunksize.Y;
            maxHeight = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < chunksize.X; x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < chunksize.Z; z++)

                    double height = 1-Utils.FixLibnoiseOutput(ContinentNoise.GetValue((double)(x + x_o) / 10d, (double)(z + z_o) / 10d, 0));
                    height *= 0.5;
                    height += 0.25;
                    height = Utils.Clamp(height, 0.1, 1);
                    if (height < minHeight) minHeight = height;
                    if (height > maxHeight) maxHeight = height;

                    hm[x, z] = height;
            return hm;
Example #40
        public override void DoBlockLighting(IMapHandler _mh, long X, long Y)
            int csx = (int)_mh.ChunkScale.X;
            int csy = (int)_mh.ChunkScale.Y;

            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                for (int _x = 0; _x < csx; _x++)
                    for (int _y = 0; _y < csy; _y++)
                        int x = (int)(X * _mh.ChunkScale.X) + _x;
                        int y = (int)(Y * _mh.ChunkScale.Y) + _y;
                        for (int z = 0; z < _mh.GetHeightAt(x, y); z++)
                            byte currentBlockLight, currentSkyLight;
                            _mh.GetLightAt(x, y, z, out currentSkyLight, out currentBlockLight);

                            byte currentBlock = _mh.GetBlockAt(x, y, z);

                            Block currentBlockInfo = OpenMinecraft.Blocks.Get(currentBlock);

                            // SUNLIGHT
                            currentSkyLight = (byte)(currentSkyLight - currentBlockInfo.Stop - 1);

                            if (currentBlockInfo.Emit > 0)
                                currentBlockLight = currentBlockInfo.Emit;
                            // Get brightest neighbor
                            if (x < csx - 1 && currentBlockLight < _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x + 1, y, z))
                                currentBlockLight = _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x + 1, y, z);
                            if (y < csy - 1 && currentBlockLight < _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y + 1, z))
                                currentBlockLight = _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y + 1, z);
                            if (z < _mh.ChunkScale.Z - 1 && currentBlockLight < _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y, z + 1))
                                currentBlockLight = _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y, z + 1);
                            if (x > 0 && currentBlockLight < _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x - 1, y, z))
                                currentBlockLight = _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x - 1, y, z);
                            if (y > 0 && currentBlockLight < _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y - 1, z))
                                currentBlockLight = _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y - 1, z);
                            if (z > 0 && currentBlockLight < _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y, z - 1))
                                currentBlockLight = _mh.GetBlockLightAt(x, y, z - 1);

                            // Drop 1 level of light + lightstop for current block
                            currentBlockLight = (byte)(currentBlockLight - 1 - currentBlockInfo.Stop);

                            if (currentBlockLight < 0)
                                currentBlockLight = 0;
                            if (currentBlockLight > 15)
                                currentBlockLight = 15;

                            if (currentSkyLight < 0)
                                currentSkyLight = 0;
                            if (currentSkyLight > 15)
                                currentSkyLight = 15;

                            _mh.SetBlockLightAt(x, y, z, currentBlockLight);
                            _mh.SetSkyLightAt(x, y, z, currentSkyLight);
Example #41
        public void makeroots(ref IMapHandler map, List <Vector3i> rootbases)
            foreach (Vector3i coord in foliage_cords)
                // First, set the threshhold for randomly selecting this
                // coordinate for root creation.
                double dist = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(coord[0] - Pos[0], 2) +
                                        Math.Pow(coord[2] - Pos[2], 2));
                double ydist = coord[1] - Pos[1];
                double value = (branchdensity * 220 * Height) / Math.Pow((ydist + dist), 3d);

                // Randomly skip roots, based on the above threshold
                if (value < rand.NextDouble())

                // initialize the internal variables from a selection of
                // starting locations.
                int      ci             = rand.Next(0, rootbases.Count - 1);
                Vector3i rootbase       = rootbases[ci];
                long     rootx          = rootbase[0];
                long     rootz          = rootbase[1];
                double   rootbaseradius = rootbase[2];
                // Offset the root origin location by a random amount
                // (radialy) from the starting location.
                double   rndr       = (Math.Sqrt(rand.NextDouble()) * rootbaseradius * .618);
                double   rndang     = rand.NextDouble() * 2 * Math.PI;
                int      rndx       = (int)(rndr * Math.Sin(rndang) + 0.5);
                int      rndz       = (int)(rndr * Math.Cos(rndang) + 0.5);
                int      rndy       = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * rootbaseradius * 0.5);
                Vector3i startcoord = new Vector3i(rootx + rndx, Pos[1] + rndy, rootz + rndz);
                // offset is the distance from the root base to the root tip.
                Vector3i offset = startcoord - coord;
                // If this is a mangrove tree, make the roots longer.
                if (SHAPE == "mangrove")
                    offset = (offset * 1.618) - 1.5;
                Vector3i endcoord      = startcoord + offset;
                double   rootstartsize = (rootbaseradius * 0.618 * Math.Abs(offset[1]) / (Height * 0.618));
                if (rootstartsize < 1.0)
                    rootstartsize = 1.0;
                double endsize = 1.0;
                // If ROOTS is set to "tostone" or "hanging" we need to check
                // along the distance for collision with existing materials.
                if (ROOTS == "tostone" || ROOTS == "hanging")
                    double offlength = Math.Sqrt(
                        Math.Pow(offset[0], 2) +
                        Math.Pow(offset[1], 2) +
                        Math.Pow(offset[2], 2));

                    if (offlength < 1)
                    double rootmid = endsize;
                    // vec is a unit vector along the direction of the root.
                    Vector3i vec = offset / offlength;
                    byte     searchindex;
                    if (ROOTS == "tostone")
                        searchindex = 1;
                    else // Hanging
                        searchindex = 0;
                    // startdist is how many steps to travel before starting to
                    // search for the material.  It is used to ensure that large
                    // roots will go some distance before changing directions
                    // or stopping.
                    double startdist = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * 6 * Math.Sqrt(rootstartsize) + 2.8);
                    // searchstart is the coordinate where the search should begin
                    Vector3i searchstart = (startcoord + startdist) * vec;

                    // dist stores how far the search went (including searchstart)
                    // before encountering the expected marterial.
                    dist = startdist + map.DistanceToMaterial(searchstart, vec, searchindex);

                    // If the distance to the materila is less than the length
                    // of the root, change the end point of the root to where
                    // the search found the material.
                    if (dist < offlength)
                        // rootmid is the size of the crossection at endcoord.
                        rootmid += (rootstartsize - endsize) * (1 - dist / offlength);
                    // endcoord is the midpoint for hanging roots,
                    // and the endpoint for roots stopped by stone.
                    endcoord = startcoord + (vec * dist);
                    if (ROOTS == "hanging")
                        // remaining_dist is how far the root had left
                        // to go when it was stopped.
                        double remaining_dist = offlength - dist;
                        // Initialize bottomcord to the stopping point of
                        // the root, and then hang straight down
                        // a distance of remaining_dist.
                        Vector3i bottomcord = endcoord;
                        bottomcord.Y += -(long)remaining_dist;
                        // Make the hanging part of the hanging root.
                        taperedlimb(ref map, endcoord, bottomcord, (int)rootmid, (int)endsize);

                    // make the beginning part of hanging or "tostone" roots
                    taperedlimb(ref map, startcoord, endcoord, (int)rootstartsize, (int)rootmid);

                    // If you aren't searching for stone or air, just make the root.
                    taperedlimb(ref map, startcoord, endcoord, (int)rootstartsize, (int)endsize);
Example #42
 public abstract double[,] Generate(IMapHandler map, long X, long Z, out double min, out double max);
Example #43
		public void Generate(IMapHandler mh, long X, long Y)
			if (_Generator == null) return;
			string lockfile = Path.ChangeExtension(GetChunkFilename((int)X,(int)Y), "genlock");
			if (!_Generator.NoPreservation)
				if (File.Exists(lockfile))
				if (File.Exists(lockfile))
			Chunk _c = mh.NewChunk(X, Y);
			byte[,,] b = _Generator.Generate(ref mh, X, Y);
			if (b == null) return;
				//Console.WriteLine("{0} blocks of stone post-generation.", GetBlockNumbers(b)[1]);
			catch (Exception) { }
			_Generator.AddTrees(ref b, (int)X, (int)Y, (int)ChunkScale.Z);
			_c.Blocks = b;
			File.WriteAllText(lockfile, "");
Example #44
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate the foliage and enter it in blocklist.
 /// Note, foliage will disintegrate if there is no foliage below, or
 /// if there is no "log" block within range 2 (square) at the same level or 
 /// one level below
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="map"></param>
 public virtual void MakeFoliage(ref IMapHandler map)
Example #45
 public abstract void DoSkyLighting(IMapHandler _mh, long X, long Y);
Example #46
 void mh_StatusUpdate(IMapHandler _mh, short status, string message)
     //Console.WriteLine("[STATUSUPDATE] " + message);
     if (status != 0)
         tsbStatus.Text = message.Replace("\r\n"," ");
         tsbProgress.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee;
         if (mStatusWindow == null)
             mStatusWindow = new dlgStatus(_mh, message);
         tsbStatus.Text = "";
         tsbProgress.Style = ProgressBarStyle.Continuous;
Example #47
 public override void MakeFoliage(ref IMapHandler map)
     List<Vector3i> foliage_coords = foliage_cords;
     foreach(Vector3i coord in foliage_coords)
         foliagecluster(ref map,coord);
     foreach(Vector3i cord in foliage_coords)
         if(LIGHTTREE == 1)
         else if (LIGHTTREE == 2 || LIGHTTREE == 4)
             if(LIGHTTREE == 4)
Example #48
 public abstract void DoSkyLighting(IMapHandler _mh, long X, long Y);
Example #49
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a round section of type matidx in blocklist.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="map"></param>
 /// <param name="vCenter">the coordinates of the center block</param>
 /// <param name="radius">the radius of the section.</param>
 /// <param name="diraxis">The list index for the axis to make the section perpendicular to.  0 indicates the x axis, 1 the y, 2 the z.  The section will extend along the other two axies.</param>
 /// <param name="mat">What to make the section out of</param>
 public void crossection(ref IMapHandler map, Vector3i vCenter, double radius, int diraxis, byte mat)
     long[] centArray=vCenter.ToArray();
     int rad = (int)(radius + .618d);
     int secidx1 = (diraxis - 1)%3;
     int secidx2 = (1 + diraxis)%3;
     int[] coord = new int []{0,0,0};
     for(int off1 =-rad; off1<rad+1;off1++)
         for(int off2 =-rad; off2<rad+1;off2++)
             double thisdist = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((double)Math.Abs(off1)+.5d,2d) + Math.Pow((double)Math.Abs(off2) + .5d,2));
             if(thisdist > radius)
             int pri = (int)centArray[diraxis];
             int sec1 = (int)centArray[secidx1] + off1;
             int sec2 = (int)centArray[secidx2] + off2;
             coord[diraxis] = pri;
             coord[secidx1] = sec1;
             coord[secidx2] = sec2;
Example #50
        public override void MakeTrunk(ref IMapHandler map)
            int starty = (int)Pos[1];
            int midy = (int)(Pos[1]+(trunkheight*.382));
            int topy = (int)(Pos[1]+(trunkheight + 0.5));
            // In this method, x and z are the position of the trunk.
            long x = Pos[0];
            long z = Pos[2];
            double midrad = trunkradius * .8;
            double endrad = trunkradius * (1 - trunkheight/Height);

            if(endrad < 1.0)
                endrad = 1.0;

            if(midrad < endrad)
                midrad = endrad;

            List<Vector3i> rootbases = new List<Vector3i>();
            // Make the root buttresses, if indicated
            double startrad;
            if(ROOTBUTTRESSES || SHAPE == "mangrove")
                // The start radius of the trunk should be a little smaller if we
                // are using root buttresses.
                startrad = trunkradius * .8;

                // rootbases is used later in makeroots(...) as
                // starting locations for the roots.
                rootbases.Add(new Vector3i(x,z,(long)startrad));

                double buttress_radius = trunkradius * 0.382;
                // posradius is how far the root buttresses should be offset
                // from the trunk.
                double posradius = trunkradius;
                // In mangroves, the root buttresses are much more extended.
                if(SHAPE == "mangrove")
                    posradius = posradius *2.618;

                int num_of_buttresses = (int)(Math.Sqrt(trunkradius) + 3.5);
                for(int i = 0;i<num_of_buttresses;i++)
                    double rndang = rand.NextDouble()*2*Math.PI;
                    double thisposradius = posradius * (0.9 + rand.NextDouble()*.2);

                    // thisx and thisz are the x and z position for the base of
                    // the root buttress.
                    long thisx = x + (long)(thisposradius * Math.Sin(rndang));
                    long thisz = z + (long)(thisposradius * Math.Cos(rndang));

                    // thisbuttressradius is the radius of the buttress.
                    // Currently, root buttresses do not taper.
                    double thisbuttressradius = buttress_radius * (0.618 + rand.NextDouble());
                    if(thisbuttressradius < 1.0)
                        thisbuttressradius = 1.0;
                    // Make the root buttress.
                    taperedlimb(ref map, new Vector3i(thisx,starty,thisz),new Vector3i(x,midy,z),
                    // Add this root buttress as a possible location at
                    // which roots can spawn.
                    rootbases.Add(new Vector3i(thisx,thisz,(long)thisbuttressradius));
                // If root buttresses are turned off, set the trunk radius
                // to normal size.
                rootbases.Add(new Vector3i(x,z,(long)trunkradius));
            // Make the lower and upper sections of the trunk.
            taperedlimb(ref map, new Vector3i(x,starty,z), new Vector3i(x,midy,z),(int)startrad,(int)midrad);
            taperedlimb(ref map,new Vector3i(x,midy,z),new Vector3i(x,topy,z),(int)midrad,(int)endrad);
            // Make the branches
            makebranches(ref map);
            // Make the roots, if indicated.
            if (ROOTS == "yes" || ROOTS == "tostone" || ROOTS == "hanging")
                makeroots(ref map, rootbases);
Example #51
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate the foliage and enter it in blocklist.
 /// Note, foliage will disintegrate if there is no foliage below, or
 /// if there is no "log" block within range 2 (square) at the same level or
 /// one level below
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="map"></param>
 public virtual void MakeFoliage(ref IMapHandler map)
Example #52
 public virtual void BlocklightGlobal(ref IMapHandler mh)
Example #53
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a tapered cylinder in blocklist.
        /// start and end are the beginning and ending coordinates of form [x,y,z].
        /// startsize and endsize are the beginning and ending radius.
        /// The material of the cylinder is 17, which indicates wood in Minecraft.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        /// <param name="start"></param>
        /// <param name="end"></param>
        /// <param name="startsize"></param>
        /// <param name="endsize"></param>
        public void taperedlimb(ref IMapHandler map, Vector3i vStart, Vector3i vEnd, int startsize, int endsize)
            // delta is the coordinate vector for the difference between
            // start and end.
            Vector3i vDelta = vEnd - vStart;

            long[] delta = vDelta.ToArray();
            long[] start = vStart.ToArray();
            long[] end   = vEnd.ToArray();

            // primidx is the index (0,1,or 2 for x,y,z) for the coordinate
            // which has the largest overall delta.
            long maxdist = 0;
            int  primidx = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                if (Math.Abs(delta[i]) > maxdist)
                    maxdist = delta[i];
                    primidx = i;
            if (maxdist == 0)

            // secidx1 and secidx2 are the remaining indicies out of [0,1,2].
            int secidx1 = (primidx - 1) % 3;
            int secidx2 = (1 + primidx) % 3;
            // primsign is the digit 1 or -1 depending on whether the limb is headed
            // along the positive or negative primidx axis.
            long primsign = delta[primidx] / Math.Abs(delta[primidx]);
            // secdelta1 and ...2 are the amount the associated values change
            // for every step along the prime axis.
            long   secdelta1 = delta[secidx1];
            double secfac1   = (double)(secdelta1) / delta[primidx];
            long   secdelta2 = delta[secidx2];
            double secfac2   = (double)(secdelta2) / delta[primidx];

            // Initialize coord.  These values could be anything, since
            // they are overwritten.
            long[] coord = new long[] { 0, 0, 0 };
            // Loop through each crossection along the primary axis,
            // from start to end.
            long endoffset = delta[primidx] + primsign;

            for (long primoffset = 0; primoffset < endoffset; primoffset += primsign)//primoffset in range(0, endoffset, primsign):
                long primloc = start[primidx] + primoffset;
                int  secloc1 = (int)(start[secidx1] + primoffset * secfac1);
                int  secloc2 = (int)(start[secidx2] + primoffset * secfac2);
                coord[primidx] = primloc;
                coord[secidx1] = secloc1;
                coord[secidx2] = secloc2;
                long primdist = Math.Abs(delta[primidx]);
                int  radius   = (int)(endsize + (startsize - endsize) * Math.Abs(delta[primidx] - primoffset) / primdist);
                crossection(ref map, new Vector3i(coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]), radius, primidx, 17);
Example #54
        public void makeroots(ref IMapHandler map, List<Vector3i> rootbases)
            foreach(Vector3i coord in foliage_cords)
                // First, set the threshhold for randomly selecting this
                // coordinate for root creation.
                double dist = Math.Sqrt(   Math.Pow(coord[0]-Pos[0],2) +
                double ydist = coord[1]-Pos[1];
                double value = (branchdensity * 220 * Height)/Math.Pow((ydist + dist), 3d);

                // Randomly skip roots, based on the above threshold
                if(value < rand.NextDouble())

                // initialize the internal variables from a selection of
                // starting locations.
                int ci = rand.Next(0, rootbases.Count-1);
                Vector3i rootbase = rootbases[ci];
                long rootx = rootbase[0];
                long rootz = rootbase[1];
                double rootbaseradius = rootbase[2];
                // Offset the root origin location by a random amount
                // (radialy) from the starting location.
                double rndr = (Math.Sqrt(rand.NextDouble())*rootbaseradius*.618);
                double rndang = rand.NextDouble()*2*Math.PI;
                int rndx = (int)(rndr*Math.Sin(rndang) + 0.5);
                int rndz = (int)(rndr*Math.Cos(rndang) + 0.5);
                int rndy = (int)(rand.NextDouble()*rootbaseradius*0.5);
                Vector3i startcoord = new Vector3i(rootx+rndx,Pos[1]+rndy,rootz+rndz);
                // offset is the distance from the root base to the root tip.
                Vector3i offset = startcoord-coord;
                // If this is a mangrove tree, make the roots longer.
                if(SHAPE == "mangrove")
                    offset = (offset * 1.618) - 1.5;
                Vector3i endcoord = startcoord+offset;
                double rootstartsize = (rootbaseradius*0.618* Math.Abs(offset[1])/(Height*0.618));
                if(rootstartsize < 1.0)
                    rootstartsize = 1.0;
                double endsize = 1.0;
                // If ROOTS is set to "tostone" or "hanging" we need to check
                // along the distance for collision with existing materials.
                if(ROOTS == "tostone" || ROOTS == "hanging")
                    double offlength = Math.Sqrt(
                        Math.Pow(offset[0],2) +
                        Math.Pow(offset[1],2) +

                    if(offlength < 1)
                    double rootmid = endsize;
                    // vec is a unit vector along the direction of the root.
                    Vector3i vec = offset/offlength;
                    byte searchindex;
                    if(ROOTS == "tostone")
                        searchindex = 1;
                    else // Hanging
                        searchindex = 0;
                    // startdist is how many steps to travel before starting to
                    // search for the material.  It is used to ensure that large
                    // roots will go some distance before changing directions
                    // or stopping.
                    double startdist = (int)(rand.NextDouble()*6*Math.Sqrt(rootstartsize) + 2.8);
                    // searchstart is the coordinate where the search should begin
                    Vector3i searchstart = (startcoord + startdist) * vec;

                    // dist stores how far the search went (including searchstart)
                    // before encountering the expected marterial.
                    dist = startdist + map.DistanceToMaterial(searchstart,vec,searchindex);

                    // If the distance to the materila is less than the length
                    // of the root, change the end point of the root to where
                    // the search found the material.
                    if(dist < offlength)
                        // rootmid is the size of the crossection at endcoord.
                        rootmid +=  (rootstartsize - endsize)*(1-dist/offlength);
                        // endcoord is the midpoint for hanging roots,
                        // and the endpoint for roots stopped by stone.
                        endcoord = startcoord+(vec*dist);
                        if(ROOTS == "hanging")
                            // remaining_dist is how far the root had left
                            // to go when it was stopped.
                            double remaining_dist = offlength - dist;
                            // Initialize bottomcord to the stopping point of
                            // the root, and then hang straight down
                            // a distance of remaining_dist.
                            Vector3i bottomcord = endcoord;
                            bottomcord.Y += -(long)remaining_dist;
                            // Make the hanging part of the hanging root.
                            taperedlimb(ref map, endcoord, bottomcord, (int)rootmid, (int)endsize);

                    // make the beginning part of hanging or "tostone" roots
                        taperedlimb(ref map, startcoord, endcoord, (int)rootstartsize, (int)rootmid);

                // If you aren't searching for stone or air, just make the root.
                    taperedlimb(ref map, startcoord, endcoord, (int)rootstartsize, (int)endsize);
Example #55
        /// <summary>
        /// Gen a dungeon
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CX">Chunk X pos</param>
        /// <param name="CY">Chunk Y pos</param>
        /// <param name="CH">Chunk Horizontal Scale</param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        /// <param name="mh"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="z"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool MakeDungeon(int CX, int CY, ref byte[, ,] b, ref IMapHandler mh, Random r)
            int CH = (int)mh.ChunkScale.X;
            int CV = (int)mh.ChunkScale.Z;
            int x = r.Next(0+DungeonSizeX-1, CH-DungeonSizeX+1);
            int y = r.Next(0+DungeonSizeY-1, CH-DungeonSizeY+1);
            int z = r.Next(0+DungeonSizeZ-1, CV-DungeonSizeZ+1);

            Vector3i position = new Vector3i(x,y,z);
            //Console.WriteLine("Creating dungeon in {0}...", position);
            if (!CheckForDungeonSpace(b, x, y, z)) return false;
            Vector3i size = new Vector3i((DungeonSizeX*2)+1,(DungeonSizeY*2)+1,(DungeonSizeZ*2)+1);
            FillRect(ref b, 0, position, size);
            MakeDungeonWalls(ref b, r, position, size);
            mh.SetTileEntity(new MobSpawner(x+(int)(CX*CH), y+(int)(CY*CH), z-DungeonSizeZ+1, Entity.GetRandomMonsterID(r), 20));
            b[x, y, z - DungeonSizeZ + 1]=52;
            return true;
Example #56
        /// <summary>
        /// From the VoxelSim project
        /// http://github.com/N3X15/VoxelSim
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="X"></param>
        /// <param name="Y"></param>
        /// <param name="chunksize"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override byte[, ,] Generate(ref IMapHandler mh, long X, long Y)
            Vector3i chunksize = mh.ChunkScale;

            int ZH = (int)chunksize.Z;
            byte[, ,] b = new byte[chunksize.X, chunksize.Y, chunksize.Z];
            bool[, ,] cavemap = new bool[chunksize.X, chunksize.Y, chunksize.Z];
            byte Sand=12;
            byte Grass=2;
            byte Soil=3;
            byte Water=9;
            if (HellMode)
                Sand = 49; // Obsidian
                Grass = Soil;
                Water = 11; // Lava
            for (int z = 0; z < ZH; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < chunksize.X; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < chunksize.Y; y++)
                        //Console.WriteLine("HeightOffset {0}",heightoffset);
                        cavemap[x, y, z] = false;
                        if (z == 0)
                            b[x, y, z] = 7; // Adminite layer

                            double _do = ((CaveNoise.GetValue(x + (X * chunksize.X), y + (Y * chunksize.Y), z * 2.0) + 1) / 2.0);
                            bool d3 = _do > CaveThreshold;
                            // XOR?
                            if(z<=WaterHeight+7)//if (!(!d1 || !d2))
                                b[x, y, z] = (d3) ? b[x,y,z] : (byte)1;
                                cavemap[x, y, z] = d3;
                                //if (x == 0|| y == 0)
                                //    b[x, y, z] = 41;
                            else if (z == 1)
                                b[x, y, z] = 11;
            //Console.WriteLine("Done generating chunk.  [{0},{1}]",min,max);
            // Add soil, sand

            for (int x = 0; x < chunksize.X; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < chunksize.Y; y++)
                    bool HavePloppedGrass = false;
                    bool HaveTouchedSoil = false;
                    byte BlockForThisColumn = 0;
                    for (int z = (int)chunksize.Z - 1; z > 0; z--)
                        if (b[x, y, z] == 1)
                            if (z + DERT_DEPTH >= ZH)
                            byte ddt = b[x, y, z + DERT_DEPTH];
                            switch (ddt)
                                case 0: // Air
                                case 8: // Water
                                case 9: // Water
                                    if (BlockForThisColumn == 0)
                                        if (z - DERT_DEPTH <= WaterHeight)
                                            b[x, y, z] = Sand; // Sand
                                            BlockForThisColumn = Sand;
                                            b[x, y, z] = (HavePloppedGrass) ? Soil : Grass; // Dirt or grass
                                            if (!HavePloppedGrass)
                                                BlockForThisColumn = Soil;
                                                HavePloppedGrass = true;
                                        b[x, y, z] = BlockForThisColumn;
                                    z = 0;
                        // Place water
                        else if (b[x, y, z] == 0 && z <= WaterHeight && !HaveTouchedSoil)
                            b[x, y, z] = (cavemap[x,y,z]) ? Soil:Water;
            for (int x = 0; x < chunksize.X; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < chunksize.Y; y++)
                    int z = 1;
                    // TODO Yell at Notch for not making Lava occlude. :|
                    if (b[x, y, z] == 0)
                        b[x, y, z] = 11; // Lava for air.
                    else if (b[x, y, z] == 9)
                        b[x, y, z] = 49; // Obsidian for underwater shit.
            if (rand.Next(0, 10) == 0)
                int DungeonTries = 128;
                while (!Utils.MakeDungeon((int)X, (int)Y, ref b, ref mh, rand))
                    //Console.WriteLine("Making dungeon...");
                    if (DungeonTries-- == 0)
            int StillWater = 0;
            int RunningWater = 0;
            for (int z = 0; z < ZH; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < chunksize.X; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < chunksize.Y; y++)
                        switch (b[x, y, z])
                            case 8:
                            case 9:
            Console.WriteLine("{0} still water, {1} running water", StillWater, RunningWater);*/
            AddTrees(ref b, (int)X, (int)Y, (int)chunksize.Z);
            return b;
Example #57
 public override void DoSkyLighting(IMapHandler _mh, long X, long Y)
     Chunk c = _mh.GetChunk(X, Y);
     if (c == null) return;