private BlogAccountFromRsdServiceDescription(RsdServiceDescription rsdServiceDescription)
                // look for supported apis from highest fidelity to lowest
                RsdApi rsdApi = rsdServiceDescription.ScanForApi("WordPress");
                if (rsdApi == null)
                    rsdApi = rsdServiceDescription.ScanForApi("MovableType");
                if (rsdApi == null)
                    rsdApi = rsdServiceDescription.ScanForApi("MetaWeblog");

                if (rsdApi != null)
                    Init(rsdServiceDescription.EngineName, rsdApi.Name, rsdApi.ApiLink, rsdApi.BlogId);
                    // couldn't find a supported api type so we fall through to here
                    throw new NoSupportedRsdClientTypeException();
        private BlogAccount ScanForSupportedRsdApi(RsdServiceDescription rsdServiceDescription)
            // initialize client type mappings (including mapping "implied" from ClientType itself
            ArrayList rsdClientTypeMappings = new ArrayList(_rsdClientTypeMappings);
            rsdClientTypeMappings.Add(new RsdClientTypeMapping(ClientType, ClientType));

            // scan for a match
            foreach (RsdClientTypeMapping mapping in rsdClientTypeMappings)
                RsdApi rsdApi = rsdServiceDescription.ScanForApi(mapping.RsdClientType);
                if (rsdApi != null)
                    // HACK: the internal spaces.msn-int site has a bug that causes it to return
                    // the production API URL, so force to
                    string postApiUrl = rsdApi.ApiLink;
                    if (rsdServiceDescription.HomepageLink.IndexOf("msn-int", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1)
                        postApiUrl = postApiUrl.Replace("", "");

                    return new BlogAccount(Name, mapping.ClientType, postApiUrl, rsdApi.BlogId);

            // no match
            return null;