public WeierstrassCurvePoint(FiniteFieldElement x, FiniteFieldElement y, ICurve curve)
            if (!(curve is WeierstrassCurve))
                throw new ArgumentException("A weierstrass curve point should only be placed on a weierstrass curve, but was placed on " + curve + ".", "curve");

            _x = x;
            _y = y;
            _curve = curve as WeierstrassCurve;
Example #2
 public FiniteFieldElement Add(FiniteFieldElement f2)
     var resultingElement = _field.Add(f2._field) as FpFieldElement;
     return new FiniteFieldElement(resultingElement);
Example #3
        public bool TrySqrt(out FiniteFieldElement result)
            var potential_result = _field.Sqrt();
            result = new FiniteFieldElement(potential_result as FpFieldElement);

            if (potential_result == null)
                return false;

            return true;
Example #4
 public FiniteFieldElement Subtract(FiniteFieldElement f2)
     var resultingElement = _field.Subtract(f2._field) as FpFieldElement;
     return new FiniteFieldElement(resultingElement);
Example #5
 public FiniteFieldElement Multiply(BigInteger x)
     var xInnerField = new FpFieldElement(this._field.Q, x.ToBouncyCastleBigInteger());
     var xAsFiniteFieldElement = new FiniteFieldElement(xInnerField);
     return Multiply(xAsFiniteFieldElement);
Example #6
 public FiniteFieldElement DivideBy(FiniteFieldElement f2)
     var resultingElement = _field.Divide(f2._field) as FpFieldElement;
     return new FiniteFieldElement(resultingElement);
        public override Point Add(Point other)
            if(!(other is WeierstrassCurvePoint))
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add two points that belong to different curve-types. Second point must be WeierstrassCurvePoint.", "other");

            var q = other as WeierstrassCurvePoint;

            if (this._curve != q._curve)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot add two points on different curves.", "other");

            //p + infinity = p
            if (q.Equals(_curve.Infinity))
                return this;

            if (this.Equals(_curve.Infinity))
                return q;

            //p + -p = infinity
            if (this.Equals(-q))
                return _curve.Infinity;

            FiniteFieldElement x3, y3;

            //if p + q where p = q, do point doubling
            if (this.Equals(q))
                var a = new FiniteFieldElement(_curve.A, _curve.Prime);
                var lambda = ((3 * ((this.X) ^ 2) + a) / (2 * this.Y));
                x3 = (lambda ^ 2) - (2 * this.X);
                y3 = (lambda) * (this.X - x3) - this.Y;
                //adding two distinct points.
                var lambda = (q.Y - this.Y) / (q.X - this.X);
                x3 = (lambda ^ 2) - this.X - q.X;
                y3 = (lambda) * (this.X - x3) - this.Y;
            return new WeierstrassCurvePoint(x3, y3, _curve);