Example #1
 private void butOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     IsRaw = checkIsRaw.Checked;
     if (!IsRaw)             //do not validate for Raw emails. User is responsible for all validation themselves.
         if (!MarkupL.ValidateMarkup(textContentEmail, true, true, true))
             _isInvalidPreview = true;
         if (_isInvalidPreview)
             MsgBox.Show(this, "This page is in an invalid state and cannot be saved.");
     if (DoCheckForDisclaimer && PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.EmailDisclaimerIsOn) && !textContentEmail.Text.ToLower().Contains("[emaildisclaimer]"))
         MsgBox.Show(this, "Email must contain the \"[EmailDisclaimer]\" tag.");
     HtmlText     = webBrowserEmail.DocumentText;
     MarkupText   = textContentEmail.Text;
     DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Example #2
        ///<summary>Saves the the currently edited Wikipage as a draft. This method is copied from Save_Click with a few modifications.</summary>
        private void SaveDraft_Click(bool showMsgBox = true)
            if (showMsgBox && WikiPageCur.IsNew)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "You may not save a new Wiki page as a draft.  Save the Wiki page, then create a draft.");
            if (!MarkupL.ValidateMarkup(textContent, true, showMsgBox))
            if (showMsgBox && _isInvalidPreview)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "This page is in an invalid state and cannot be saved as a draft.");
            WikiPageCur.PageContent = WikiPages.ConvertTitlesToPageNums(textContent.Text);
            WikiPageCur.UserNum     = Security.CurUser.UserNum;
            Regex regex = new Regex(@"\[\[(keywords:).+?\]\]");          //only grab first match
            Match m     = regex.Match(textContent.Text);

            WikiPageCur.KeyWords = m.Value.Replace("[[keywords:", "").TrimEnd(']'); //will be empty string if no match
            if (WikiPageCur.IsDraft)                                                //If it's already a draft, overwrite the current one.
                WikiPageCur.DateTimeSaved = DateTime.Now;
                try {
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    //should never happen due to the if Draft check above.
                    if (showMsgBox)
            else               //otherwise, set it as a draft, then insert it.
                WikiPageCur.IsDraft = true;
            //HasSaved not set so that the user will stay in FormWikiDrafts when this window closes, causing the grid to update.
Example #3
        private void Save_Click()
            if (!MarkupL.ValidateMarkup(textContent, true))
            if (_isInvalidPreview)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "This page is in an invalid state and cannot be saved.");
            WikiPage wikiPageDB = WikiPages.GetByTitle(WikiPageCur.PageTitle);

            if (wikiPageDB != null && WikiPageCur.DateTimeSaved < wikiPageDB.DateTimeSaved)
                if (WikiPageCur.IsDraft)
                    if (!MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.OKCancel, "The wiki page has been edited since this draft was last saved.  Overwrite and continue?"))
                else if (!MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.OKCancel, "This page has been modified and saved since it was opened on this computer.  Save anyway?"))
            List <string> listInvalidWikiPages = WikiPages.GetMissingPageTitles(textContent.Text);
            string        message = Lan.g(this, "This page has the following invalid wiki page link(s):") + "\r\n" + string.Join("\r\n", listInvalidWikiPages.Take(10)) + "\r\n"
                                    + (listInvalidWikiPages.Count > 10 ? "...\r\n\r\n" : "\r\n")
                                    + Lan.g(this, "Create the wikipage(s) automatically?");

            if (listInvalidWikiPages.Count != 0 && MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, message))
                foreach (string title in listInvalidWikiPages)
                    WikiPage wp = new WikiPage();
                    wp.PageTitle   = title;
                    wp.UserNum     = Security.CurUser.UserNum;
                    wp.PageContent = "[[" + WikiPageCur.WikiPageNum + "]]\r\n" //link back
                                     + "<h1>" + title + "</h1>\r\n";           //page title
            WikiPageCur.PageContent = WikiPages.ConvertTitlesToPageNums(textContent.Text);
            WikiPageCur.UserNum     = Security.CurUser.UserNum;
            Regex regex = new Regex(@"\[\[(keywords:).+?\]\]");          //only grab first match
            Match m     = regex.Match(textContent.Text);

            WikiPageCur.KeyWords = m.Value.Replace("[[keywords:", "").TrimEnd(']');         //will be empty string if no match
            if (WikiPageCur.IsDraft)
                WikiPages.DeleteDraft(WikiPageCur);   //remove the draft from the database.
                WikiPageCur.IsDraft = false;          //no longer a draft
                if (wikiPageDB != null)               //wikiPageDb should never be null, otherwise there was no way to get to this draft.
                //We need to set the draft copy of the wiki page to the WikiPageNum of the real page.
                //This is because the draft is the most up to date copy of the wiki page, and is about to be saved, however, we want to maintain any
                //links there may be to the real wiki page, since we link by WikiPageNum instead of PageTitle (see JobNum 4429 for more info)
                    WikiPageCur.WikiPageNum = wikiPageDB.WikiPageNum;
            //If the form was given an action, fire it.
            FormWiki formWiki = (FormWiki)this.OwnerForm;

            if (formWiki != null && !formWiki.IsDisposed)
            HasSaved = true;
            Close();            //should be dialog result??