Example #1
        private void PromptTextASAPList()
            if (!PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.WebSchedAsapEnabled) || Appointments.RefreshASAP(0, 0, _appt.ClinicNum, new List <ApptStatus>()).Count == 0 ||
                !MsgBox.Show("Appointment", MsgBoxButtons.YesNo, "Text patients on the ASAP List and offer them this opening?"))
            DateTime slotStart = AppointmentL.DateSelected.Date;            //Midnight
            DateTime slotEnd   = AppointmentL.DateSelected.Date.AddDays(1); //Midnight tomorrow
            //Loop through all other appts in the op to find a slot that will not overlap.
            List <Appointment> listApptsInOp = Appointments.GetAppointmentsForOpsByPeriod(new List <long> {
            }, _appt.AptDateTime);

            foreach (Appointment otherAppt in listApptsInOp.Where(x => x.AptNum != _appt.AptNum))
                DateTime dateEndApt = otherAppt.AptDateTime.AddMinutes(otherAppt.Pattern.Length * 5);
                if (dateEndApt.Between(slotStart, _appt.AptDateTime))
                    slotStart = dateEndApt;
                if (otherAppt.AptDateTime.Between(_appt.AptDateTime, slotEnd))
                    slotEnd = otherAppt.AptDateTime;
            slotStart = ODMathLib.Max(slotStart, _appt.AptDateTime.AddHours(-1));
            slotEnd   = ODMathLib.Min(slotEnd, _appt.AptDateTime.AddHours(3));
            FormASAP formASAP = new FormASAP(_appt.AptDateTime, slotStart, slotEnd, _appt.Op);

Example #2
        private void ButUpdateProvs_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (IsNew)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "Not for new operatories.");
            //Check against cache. Instead of saving changes, make them get out and reopen. Safer and simpler.
            Operatory op = Operatories.GetOperatory(OpCur.OperatoryNum);

            if (op.OpName != textOpName.Text ||
                op.Abbrev != textAbbrev.Text ||
                op.IsHidden != checkIsHidden.Checked ||
                op.ClinicNum != comboClinic.SelectedClinicNum ||
                op.ProvDentist != comboProv.GetSelectedProvNum() ||
                op.ProvHygienist != comboHyg.GetSelectedProvNum() ||
                op.IsHygiene != checkIsHygiene.Checked ||
                op.SetProspective != checkSetProspective.Checked ||
                op.IsWebSched != checkIsWebSched.Checked)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "Changes were detected above.  Save all changes, get completely out of the operatories window, and then re-enter.");
            if (!Security.IsAuthorized(Permissions.Setup) || !Security.IsAuthorized(Permissions.AppointmentEdit))
            //Operatory operatory=Operatories.GetOperatory(contrApptPanel.OpNumClicked);
            if (Security.CurUser.ClinicIsRestricted && !Clinics.GetForUserod(Security.CurUser).Exists(x => x.ClinicNum == OpCur.ClinicNum))
                MsgBox.Show(this, "You are restricted from accessing the clinic belonging to the selected operatory.  No changes will be made.");
            if (!MsgBox.Show(this, MsgBoxButtons.YesNo,
                             "WARNING: We recommend backing up your database before running this tool.  "
                             + "This tool may take a very long time to run and should be run after hours.  "
                             + "In addition, this tool could potentially change hundreds of appointments.  "
                             + "The changes made by this tool can only be manually reversed.  "
                             + "Are you sure you want to continue?"))
            SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.Setup, 0, Lan.g(this, "Update Provs on Future Appts tool run on operatory ") + OpCur.Abbrev + ".");
            List <Appointment> listAppts = Appointments.GetAppointmentsForOpsByPeriod(new List <long>()
            }, DateTime.Now);                                                                                                                      //no end date, so all future
            List <Appointment> listApptsOld = new List <Appointment>();

            foreach (Appointment appt in listAppts)
            ContrApptRef.MoveAppointments(listAppts, listApptsOld, OpCur);
            MsgBox.Show(this, "Done");