Example #1
        ///<summary>Builds WHERE clauses appropriate to the type of GlobalFilterType.  Returns empty string if not filtering.  Pass filterClinicFkey=0
        ///and filterRegionFkey=0 to intentionally bypass filtering.</summary>
        public static string BuildFilterWhereClause(long currentUserNum, long filterClinicFkey, long filterRegionFkey)
            string command = string.Empty;

            //Only add WHERE clauses if filtering.  Filtering will never happen if clinics are turned off, because regions link via clinics.
            if ((GlobalTaskFilterType)PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.TasksGlobalFilterType) == GlobalTaskFilterType.Disabled ||
                (filterClinicFkey == 0 && filterRegionFkey == 0) || !PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)
            List <Clinic> listUnrestrictedClinics = Clinics.GetAllForUserod(Userods.GetUser(currentUserNum));
            List <long>   listClinicNums          = new List <long>()
            };                                                           //All users can see Tasks associated to HQ clinic or "0" region.
            List <long> listClinicNumsInRegion = new List <long>()
            };                                                                                                          //All users can see Tasks associated to HQ clinic or "0" region.
            List <long> listUnrestrictedClinicNums         = listUnrestrictedClinics.Select(x => x.ClinicNum).ToList(); //User can view these clinicnums.
            List <long> listUnrestrictedClinicNumsInRegion = listUnrestrictedClinics.FindAll(x => x.Region == filterRegionFkey).Select(x => x.ClinicNum).ToList();

            if (filterClinicFkey.In(listUnrestrictedClinicNums))             //Make sure user is not restricted for this clinic.
            string strClinicFilterNums = string.Join(",", listClinicNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x)));
            string strRegionFilterNums = string.Join(",", listClinicNumsInRegion.Select(x => POut.Long(x)));
            //Clause for TaskLists that have Default filter.
            string cmdFilterTaskListByDefault = "(tasklistfortask.GlobalTaskFilterType=" + POut.Long((long)GlobalTaskFilterType.Default)
                                                + GetDefaultFilterTypeString((GlobalTaskFilterType)PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.TasksGlobalFilterType), strClinicFilterNums, strRegionFilterNums) + ") ";
            //Clause for TaskLists that have None filter.
            string cmdFilterTaskListByNone = "(tasklistfortask.GlobalTaskFilterType=" + POut.Long((long)GlobalTaskFilterType.None) + ")";
            //Clause for TaskLists that have Clinic filter.
            string cmdFilterTaskListByClinic = "(tasklistfortask.GlobalTaskFilterType=" + POut.Long((long)GlobalTaskFilterType.Clinic)
                                               + " AND (patient.ClinicNum IN (" + strClinicFilterNums + ") OR appointment.ClinicNum IN (" + strClinicFilterNums + "))) ";
            //Clause for TaskLists that have Region filter.
            string cmdFilterTaskListByRegion = "(tasklistfortask.GlobalTaskFilterType=" + POut.Long((long)GlobalTaskFilterType.Region)
                                               + " AND (patient.ClinicNum IN (" + strRegionFilterNums + ") OR appointment.ClinicNum IN (" + strRegionFilterNums + "))) ";
            //Clause for Tasks that are not connected to a patient or clinic.
            string cmdTaskClinicIsNull = "((patient.ClinicNum IS NULL) AND (appointment.ClinicNum IS NULL))";

            command = " AND (" + cmdFilterTaskListByDefault + " OR " + cmdFilterTaskListByNone + " OR " + cmdFilterTaskListByClinic + " OR "
                      + cmdFilterTaskListByRegion + "OR " + cmdTaskClinicIsNull + ") ";
Example #2
        public static string GetChangesDescription(TaskHist taskCur, TaskHist taskNext)
            if (taskCur.Descript.StartsWith("This task was cut from task list ") || taskCur.Descript.StartsWith("This task was copied from task "))
            if (taskCur.DateTimeEntry == DateTime.MinValue)
                return(Lans.g("TaskHists", "New task."));
            StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder();

            if (taskNext.TaskListNum != taskCur.TaskListNum)
                string   descOne  = Lans.g("TaskHists", "(DELETED)");
                string   descTwo  = Lans.g("TaskHists", "(DELETED)");
                TaskList taskList = TaskLists.GetOne(taskCur.TaskListNum);
                if (taskList != null)
                    descOne = taskList.Descript;
                taskList = TaskLists.GetOne(taskNext.TaskListNum);
                if (taskList != null)
                    descTwo = taskList.Descript;
                strb.Append(Lans.g("TaskHists", "Task list changed from") + " " + descOne + " " + Lans.g("TaskHists", "to") + " " + descTwo + ".\r\n");
            if (taskNext.ObjectType != taskCur.ObjectType)
                strb.Append(Lans.g("TaskHists", "Task attachment changed from") + " "
                            + taskCur.ObjectType.ToString() + " " + Lans.g("TaskHists", "to") + " " + taskNext.ObjectType.ToString() + ".\r\n");
            if (taskNext.KeyNum != taskCur.KeyNum)
                strb.Append(Lans.g("TaskHists", "Task account attachment changed.") + "\r\n");
            if (taskNext.Descript != taskCur.Descript && !taskNext.Descript.StartsWith("This task was cut from task list ") &&
                !taskNext.Descript.StartsWith("This task was copied from task "))
                //We change the description of a task when it is cut/copied.
                //This prevents the history grid from showing a description changed when it wasn't changed by the user.
                strb.Append(Lans.g("TaskHists", "Task description changed.") + "\r\n");
            if (taskNext.TaskStatus != taskCur.TaskStatus)
                strb.Append(Lans.g("TaskHists", "Task status changed from") + " "
                            + taskCur.TaskStatus.ToString() + " " + Lans.g("TaskHists", "to") + " " + taskNext.TaskStatus.ToString() + ".\r\n");
            if (taskNext.DateTimeEntry != taskCur.DateTimeEntry)
                strb.Append(Lans.g("TaskHists", "Task date added changed from") + " "
                            + taskCur.DateTimeEntry.ToString()
                            + " " + Lans.g("TaskHists", "to") + " "
                            + taskNext.DateTimeEntry.ToString() + ".\r\n");
            if (taskNext.UserNum != taskCur.UserNum)
                strb.Append(Lans.g("TaskHists", "Task author changed from ")
                            + Userods.GetUser(taskCur.UserNum).UserName
                            + " " + Lans.g("TaskHists", "to") + " "
                            + Userods.GetUser(taskNext.UserNum).UserName + ".\r\n");
            if (taskNext.DateTimeFinished != taskCur.DateTimeFinished)
                strb.Append(Lans.g("TaskHists", "Task date finished changed from") + " "
                            + taskCur.DateTimeFinished.ToString()
                            + " " + Lans.g("TaskHists", "to") + " "
                            + taskNext.DateTimeFinished.ToString() + ".\r\n");
            if (taskNext.PriorityDefNum != taskCur.PriorityDefNum)
                strb.Append(Lans.g("TaskHists", "Task priority changed from") + " "
                            + Defs.GetDef(DefCat.TaskPriorities, taskCur.PriorityDefNum).ItemName
                            + " " + Lans.g("TaskHists", "to") + " "
                            + Defs.GetDef(DefCat.TaskPriorities, taskNext.PriorityDefNum).ItemName + ".\r\n");
            if (taskCur.IsNoteChange)              //Using taskOld because the notes changed from the old one to the new one.
                strb.Append(Lans.g("TaskHists", "Task notes changed."));
Example #3
 ///<summary>Checks dependencies first.  Throws exception if can't delete.</summary>
 public static void Delete(Clinic clinic)
     if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
         Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), clinic);
     //Check FK dependencies.
     #region Patients
     string command = "SELECT LName,FName FROM patient WHERE ClinicNum ="
                      + POut.Long(clinic.ClinicNum);
     DataTable table = Db.GetTable(command);
     if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
         string pats = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
             pats += "\r";
             if (i == 15)
                 pats += Lans.g("Clinics", "And") + " " + (table.Rows.Count - i) + " " + Lans.g("Clinics", "others");
             pats += table.Rows[i]["LName"].ToString() + ", " + table.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString();
         throw new Exception(Lans.g("Clinics", "Cannot delete clinic because it is in use by the following patients:") + pats);
     #region Payments
     command = "SELECT patient.LName,patient.FName FROM patient,payment "
               + "WHERE payment.ClinicNum =" + POut.Long(clinic.ClinicNum)
               + " AND patient.PatNum=payment.PatNum";
     table = Db.GetTable(command);
     if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
         string pats = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
             pats += "\r";
             if (i == 15)
                 pats += Lans.g("Clinics", "And") + " " + (table.Rows.Count - i) + " " + Lans.g("Clinics", "others");
             pats += table.Rows[i]["LName"].ToString() + ", " + table.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString();
         throw new Exception(Lans.g("Clinics", "Cannot delete clinic because the following patients have payments using it:") + pats);
     #region ClaimPayments
     command = "SELECT patient.LName,patient.FName FROM patient,claimproc,claimpayment "
               + "WHERE claimpayment.ClinicNum =" + POut.Long(clinic.ClinicNum)
               + " AND patient.PatNum=claimproc.PatNum"
               + " AND claimproc.ClaimPaymentNum=claimpayment.ClaimPaymentNum "
               + "GROUP BY patient.LName,patient.FName,claimpayment.ClaimPaymentNum";
     table = Db.GetTable(command);
     if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
         string pats = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
             pats += "\r";
             if (i == 15)
                 pats += Lans.g("Clinics", "And") + " " + (table.Rows.Count - i) + " " + Lans.g("Clinics", "others");
             pats += table.Rows[i]["LName"].ToString() + ", " + table.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString();
         throw new Exception(Lans.g("Clinics", "Cannot delete clinic because the following patients have claim payments using it:") + pats);
     #region Appointments
     command = "SELECT patient.LName,patient.FName FROM patient,appointment "
               + "WHERE appointment.ClinicNum =" + POut.Long(clinic.ClinicNum)
               + " AND patient.PatNum=appointment.PatNum";
     table = Db.GetTable(command);
     if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
         string pats = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
             pats += "\r";
             if (i == 15)
                 pats += Lans.g("Clinics", "And") + " " + (table.Rows.Count - i) + " " + Lans.g("Clinics", "others");
             pats += table.Rows[i]["LName"].ToString() + ", " + table.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString();
         throw new Exception(Lans.g("Clinics", "Cannot delete clinic because the following patients have appointments using it:") + pats);
     #region Procedures
     //reassign procedure.ClinicNum=0 if the procs are status D.
     command = "SELECT ProcNum FROM procedurelog WHERE ProcStatus=" + POut.Int((int)ProcStat.D) + " AND ClinicNum=" + POut.Long(clinic.ClinicNum);
     List <long> listProcNums = Db.GetListLong(command);
     if (listProcNums.Count > 0)
         command = "UPDATE procedurelog SET ClinicNum=0 WHERE ProcNum IN (" + string.Join(",", listProcNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ")";
     command = "SELECT patient.LName,patient.FName FROM patient,procedurelog "
               + "WHERE procedurelog.ClinicNum =" + POut.Long(clinic.ClinicNum)
               + " AND patient.PatNum=procedurelog.PatNum";
     table = Db.GetTable(command);
     if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
         string pats = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
             pats += "\r";
             if (i == 15)
                 pats += Lans.g("Clinics", "And") + " " + (table.Rows.Count - i) + " " + Lans.g("Clinics", "others");
             pats += table.Rows[i]["LName"].ToString() + ", " + table.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString();
         throw new Exception(Lans.g("Clinics", "Cannot delete clinic because the following patients have procedures using it:") + pats);
     #region Operatories
     command = "SELECT OpName FROM operatory "
               + "WHERE ClinicNum =" + POut.Long(clinic.ClinicNum);
     table = Db.GetTable(command);
     if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
         string ops = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
             ops += "\r";
             if (i == 15)
                 ops += Lans.g("Clinics", "And") + " " + (table.Rows.Count - i) + " " + Lans.g("Clinics", "others");
             ops += table.Rows[i]["OpName"].ToString();
         throw new Exception(Lans.g("Clinics", "Cannot delete clinic because the following operatories are using it:") + ops);
     #region Userod
     command = "SELECT UserName FROM userod "
               + "WHERE ClinicNum =" + POut.Long(clinic.ClinicNum);
     table = Db.GetTable(command);
     if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
         string userNames = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
             userNames += "\r";
             if (i == 15)
                 userNames += Lans.g("Clinics", "And") + " " + (table.Rows.Count - i) + " " + Lans.g("Clinics", "others");
             userNames += table.Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString();
         throw new Exception(Lans.g("Clinics", "Cannot delete clinic because the following Open Dental users are using it:") + userNames);
     #region AlertSub
     command = "SELECT DISTINCT UserNum FROM AlertSub "
               + "WHERE ClinicNum =" + POut.Long(clinic.ClinicNum);
     table = Db.GetTable(command);
     if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
         List <string> listUsers = new List <string>();
         for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
             long   userNum = PIn.Long(table.Rows[i]["UserNum"].ToString());
             Userod user    = Userods.GetUser(userNum);
             if (user == null)                   //Should not happen.
         throw new Exception(Lans.g("Clinics", "Cannot delete clinic because the following Open Dental users are subscribed to it:") + "\r" + String.Join("\r", listUsers.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray()));
     #region UserClinics
     command = "SELECT userod.UserName FROM userclinic INNER JOIN userod ON userclinic.UserNum=userod.UserNum "
               + "WHERE userclinic.ClinicNum=" + POut.Long(clinic.ClinicNum);
     table = Db.GetTable(command);
     if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
         string users = "";
         for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
             if (i > 0)
                 users += ",";
             users += table.Rows[i][0].ToString();
         throw new Exception(
                   Lans.g("Clinics", "Cannot delete clinic because the following users are restricted to this clinic in security setup:") + " " + users);
     //End checking for dependencies.
     //Clinic is not being used, OK to delete.
     //Delete clinic specific program properties.
     command = "DELETE FROM programproperty WHERE ClinicNum=" + POut.Long(clinic.ClinicNum) + " AND ClinicNum!=0";      //just in case a programming error tries to delete an invalid clinic.