Example #1
        ///<summary>Gets time availalbility for appointment searching. Moved to business layer for unit tests.
        ///Returns the first available time slots for each of the next 10 available days.  This means there will only be one time slot per day and
        ///that time slot will always be the first available time slot within that day regardless of additional time slots being available.
        ///resultCount defaults to preserve old functionality, the UI only holds 10 but this could be changed.</summary>
        public static List <ScheduleOpening> GetSearchResults(long aptNum, DateTime dateStart, DateTime dateEnd, List <long> listProvNums, List <long> listOpNums
                                                              , List <long> listClinicNums, TimeSpan beforeTime, TimeSpan afterTime, long blockoutType = 0, bool hasProvAndBlockout = false, int resultCount = 10)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)           //No call to db but designed to save middle tier trips.
                return(Meth.GetObject <List <ScheduleOpening> >(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), aptNum, dateStart, dateEnd, listProvNums, listOpNums, listClinicNums
                                                                , beforeTime, afterTime, blockoutType, hasProvAndBlockout, resultCount));
            //if they didn't set a before time, set it to a large timespan so that we can use the same logic for checking appointment times.
            if (beforeTime == TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0))
                beforeTime = TimeSpan.FromHours(25);              //bigger than any time of day.
            ApptSearchData         data   = GetDataForSearch(aptNum, dateStart, dateEnd, listProvNums, listOpNums, listClinicNums, blockoutType);
            List <ScheduleOpening> retVal = new List <ScheduleOpening>();

            if (data.AppointmentToAdd == null)           //appointment was deleted after clicking search.
            DateTime dateEvaluating           = data.DateEvaluating;
            SearchBehaviorCriteria searchType = (SearchBehaviorCriteria)PrefC.GetInt(PrefName.AppointmentSearchBehavior);

            if (hasProvAndBlockout)             //searching for intersection of providers and blockouts get as many results as possible.
                while (dateEvaluating < dateEnd)
                    List <ScheduleOpening> listPotentialTimeAvailable = GetProvAndOpAvailabilityHelper(listProvNums, dateEvaluating, data, searchType, listOpNums
                                                                                                       , blockoutType);
                    //At this point listPotentialTimeAvailable is already filtered and only contains appt times that match both provider time and operatory time.
                    List <ScheduleOpening> listOpeningsForEntireDay = AddTimesToSearchResultsHelper(listPotentialTimeAvailable, beforeTime, afterTime);
                    dateEvaluating = dateEvaluating.AddDays(1);
                while (retVal.Count < resultCount && dateEvaluating < dateEnd)
                    List <ScheduleOpening> listPotentialTimeAvailable = GetProvAndOpAvailabilityHelper(listProvNums, dateEvaluating, data, searchType, listOpNums
                                                                                                       , blockoutType);
                    //At this point listPotentialTimeAvailable is already filtered and only contains appt times that match both provider time and operatory time.
                    ScheduleOpening firstOpeningForDay = AddTimeToSearchResultsHelper(listPotentialTimeAvailable, beforeTime, afterTime);
                    if (firstOpeningForDay != null)
                    dateEvaluating = dateEvaluating.AddDays(1);
Example #2
        ///<summary>Gets the data necessary from the database to run the appointment search logic.</summary>
        public static ApptSearchData GetDataForSearch(long aptNum, DateTime dateAfter, DateTime dateBefore, List <long> listProvNums, List <long> listOpNums
                                                      , List <long> listClinicNums, long blockoutType)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetObject <ApptSearchData>(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), aptNum, dateAfter, dateBefore, listProvNums, listOpNums, listClinicNums
                                                       , blockoutType));
            ApptSearchData data = new ApptSearchData();

            data.DateEvaluating   = dateAfter.AddDays(1);
            data.AppointmentToAdd = Appointments.GetOneApt(aptNum);
            data.ListSchedules    = Schedules.GetSchedulesForAppointmentSearch(data.DateEvaluating, dateBefore, listClinicNums, listOpNums
                                                                               , listProvNums, blockoutType);
            //Get all appointments that exist in the operaotries we will be searching to find an opening, not just for provider we're looking for
            //so we can get conflicts when multiple provs work in a single operaotry.
            data.ListAppointments = Appointments.GetForPeriodList(data.DateEvaluating, dateBefore, listOpNums, listClinicNums);
            data.ListSchedOps     = ScheduleOps.GetForSchedList(data.ListSchedules, listOpNums);     //ops filter for case when a prov is scheduled in multiple ops
Example #3
        private static List <ScheduleOpening> GetProvAndOpAvailabilityHelper(List <long> listProvNums, DateTime dateEvaluating, ApptSearchData data,
                                                                             SearchBehaviorCriteria searchType, List <long> listOpNums, long blockoutType)
            //No need to check RemotingRole; no call to db.
            List <ScheduleOpening> listPotentialTimeAvailable = new List <ScheduleOpening>();           //create or clear
            List <ApptSearchProviderSchedule> listProvScheds = new List <ApptSearchProviderSchedule>(); //Provider Bar, ProviderSched Bar, Date and Provider

            listProvScheds = Appointments.GetProviderScheduleForProvidersAndDate(listProvNums, dateEvaluating, data.ListSchedules, data.ListAppointments);
            if (searchType == SearchBehaviorCriteria.ProviderTime)           //Fill the time the provider is available
                listPotentialTimeAvailable = FillProviderTimeHelper(listProvScheds, data.AppointmentToAdd, dateEvaluating, blockoutType);
            //Handle Operatories -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            if (searchType == SearchBehaviorCriteria.ProviderTimeOperatory)                                 //Fill the time the prov and op are available
                List <ApptSearchOperatorySchedule> listOpScheds = new List <ApptSearchOperatorySchedule>(); //filtered based on SearchType
                listOpScheds = GetAllForDate(dateEvaluating, data.ListSchedules, data.ListAppointments, data.ListSchedOps, listOpNums, listProvNums, blockoutType);
                listPotentialTimeAvailable = FillOperatoryTime(listOpScheds, listProvScheds, data.AppointmentToAdd, dateEvaluating, listProvNums, blockoutType
                                                               , data.ListSchedOps, data.ListSchedules);