public ConsoleChatbag(int channel) : base("Console") { Interaction i; // add "reload console" command i = new Interaction("Reload Config"); i.triggerList.addTrigger(new ChatTrigger("reload_config", channel)); /*i.responses = new Response("The OpenChatbag config file has been reloaded", 0, Response.VolumeType.Private);*/ InteractionList.Add(i); }
public static List<Chatbag> Parse(string filename, string schemaname) { XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings(); readerSettings.IgnoreComments = true; readerSettings.IgnoreWhitespace = true; readerSettings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema; XmlSchema schema = readerSettings.Schemas.Add("",schemaname); XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(filename, readerSettings); List<Chatbag> ret = new List<Chatbag>(); reader.MoveToContent(); if(reader.IsStartElement("config")){ string channelString = reader.GetAttribute("consoleChannel"); int channel; if( channelString == null || !int.TryParse(channelString, out channel) ){ channel = 101010; OpenChatbagModule.os_log.WarnFormat("[Chatbag]: '{0}' is not a valid debug channel, defaulting to 101010", channelString); } ConsoleChatbag console = new ConsoleChatbag(channel); console.AfterInteractionsSet(); ret.Add(console); reader.ReadStartElement("config"); } else throw new XmlException("Document element is not correct"); List<string> bagTypes = new List<string>(new string[] { "globalChatbag", "regionChatbag", "primChatbag" }); while (reader.IsStartElement() && bagTypes.Contains( reader.Name )) { // read Chatbag object Chatbag chatbag; string name = reader.GetAttribute("name"); if( name == null ) name = "unnamed chatbag"; string uuidString = reader.GetAttribute("uuid"); UUID uuid; if (reader.Name == "globalChatbag"){ chatbag = new GlobalChatbag(name); } else if (reader.Name == "regionChatbag") { if( uuidString == null ){ throw new XmlException(String.Format("Region chatbag '{0}' requires a UUID", name)); } if( !UUID.TryParse(uuidString, out uuid) ){ throw new XmlException(String.Format("'{0}' is not a valid UUID", uuidString)); } chatbag = new RegionChatbag(name, uuid); } else if (reader.Name == "primChatbag") { if( uuidString == null ){ throw new XmlException(String.Format("Prim chatbag '{0}' requires a UUID", name)); } if( !UUID.TryParse(uuidString, out uuid) ){ throw new XmlException(String.Format("'{0}' is not a valid UUID", uuidString)); } chatbag = new PrimChatbag(name, uuid); } else throw new XmlException("Invalid Chatbag type"); reader.ReadStartElement(); // read list of interactions while (reader.IsStartElement("interaction")) { name = reader.GetAttribute("name"); if( name == null ) name = "unnamed interaction"; Interaction i = new Interaction( name ); reader.ReadStartElement("interaction"); reader.ReadStartElement("triggers"); if (reader.Name == "fields") { reader.ReadStartElement("fields"); // read fields while (reader.IsStartElement("field")) { string key = reader.GetAttribute("key"); string regex = reader.GetAttribute("regex"); if( key == null || regex == null ) throw new XmlException("Fields must have both a key and an expression"); ChatHandler.Instance.RegisterField(key, regex); reader.ReadStartElement(); // read field } reader.ReadEndElement(); // end fields } List<string> triggerTypes = new List<string>(new string[] { "chatTrigger", "proximityTrigger" }); while (reader.IsStartElement() && triggerTypes.Contains(reader.Name)) { ITrigger t = null; if (reader.Name == triggerTypes[0]) // chatTrigger { string channelString = reader.GetAttribute("channel"); int channel; if( channelString == null || !int.TryParse(channelString, out channel) ){ channel = 0; OpenChatbagModule.os_log.WarnFormat("[Chatbag]: '{0}' is not a valid channel number, defaulting to 0.", channelString); } string phrase = reader.GetAttribute("phrase"); if( phrase == null ) throw new XmlException("Chat triggers require a trigger phrase"); t = new ChatTrigger(phrase, channel); } else if (reader.Name == triggerTypes[1]) // proximityTrigger { if( !(chatbag is PrimChatbag)){ OpenChatbagModule.os_log.WarnFormat( "[Chatbag]: Proximity triggers on {0} will be ignored, they only work on Prim chatbags!", chatbag.Name); } string rangeString = reader.GetAttribute("range"); float range; if( rangeString == null || !float.TryParse(rangeString, out range) ){ range = 10.0f; OpenChatbagModule.os_log.WarnFormat("[Chatbag]: '{0}' is not a valid range (float), defaulting to 10.0", rangeString); } t = new ProximityTrigger(range); } i.triggerList += t; reader.ReadStartElement(); // read trigger } reader.ReadEndElement(); // end triggers // read responses i.responses = ParseResponses(reader); /*reader.ReadStartElement("responses"); // read responses while (reader.IsStartElement("response")) { int channel = 0; Interaction.VolumeType volume = Interaction.Response.ParseVolume(reader.GetAttribute("volume")); if( volume != Interaction.VolumeType.Private ) channel = int.Parse(reader.GetAttribute("channel")); reader.ReadStartElement(); // read response Interaction.Response r = new Interaction.Response(channel, volume, reader.ReadString()); reader.ReadEndElement(); // end response i.responses.Add(r); } reader.ReadEndElement(); // end responses */ reader.ReadEndElement(); // end interaction chatbag.InteractionList.Add(i); } reader.ReadEndElement(); // end chatbag ret.Add(chatbag); chatbag.AfterInteractionsSet(); } reader.ReadEndElement(); // end config reader.Close(); return ret; }