Example #1
 private static extern CgParameter cgGetSamplerStateAssignmentValue(CgStateAssignment stateassignment);
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCallStateResetCallback calls the graphics state resetting callback function for the given state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCallStateResetCallback was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The state assignment handle.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the boolean value returned by the callback function. It should be CG_TRUE upon success. Returns CG_TRUE if no callback function was defined.</returns>
 public static CgBool CallStateResetCallback(CgStateAssignment sa)
     return cgCallStateResetCallback(sa);
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetBoolStateAssignmentValues allows the application to  retrieve the value(s) of a boolean typed state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_INVALID_PARAMETER_ERROR is generated if nvalues is NULL. CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is not a state assignment of a bool type.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetBoolStateAssignmentValues was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The state assignment.</param>
 /// <param name="nvalues">Pointer to integer where the number of returned values will be stored.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a pointer to an array of CgBool values. The number of values in the array is returned via the nvalues param. Returns NULL if an error occurs or if no values are available. nvalues will be 0 in the latter case.</returns>
 public static CgBool[] GetBoolStateAssignmentValues(CgStateAssignment sa, int[] nvalues)
     return cgGetBoolStateAssignmentValues(sa, nvalues);
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgSetIntStateAssignment sets the value of a state assignment of int type.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is not a state assignment of an int type. CG_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is an array and not a scalar.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgSetIntStateAssignment was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">A handle to a state assignment of type CG_INT.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value to which sa will be set.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns CG_TRUE if it succeeds in setting the state assignment. Returns CG_FALSE otherwise.</returns>
 public static CgBool SetIntStateAssignment(CgStateAssignment sa, int value)
     return cgSetIntStateAssignment(sa, value);
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgSetStringStateAssignment sets the value of a state assignment of string type.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is not a state assignment of a string type. CG_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is an array and not a scalar.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgSetStringStateAssignment was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">A handle to a state assignment of type CG_STRING.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value to which sa will be set.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns CG_TRUE if it succeeds in setting the state assignment. Returns CG_FALSE otherwise.</returns>
 public static CgBool SetStringStateAssignment(CgStateAssignment sa, [In]string value)
     return cgSetStringStateAssignment(sa, value);
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgSetBoolArrayStateAssignment sets the value of a state assignment of bool array type.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is not a state assignment of a bool type.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgSetBoolArrayStateAssignment was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">A handle to a state assignment array of type CG_BOOL.</param>
 /// <param name="vals">The values which will be used to set sa.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns CG_TRUE if it succeeds in setting the state assignment. Returns CG_FALSE otherwise.</returns>
 public static CgBool SetBoolArrayStateAssignment(CgStateAssignment sa, [In]CgBool[] vals)
     return cgSetBoolArrayStateAssignment(sa, vals);
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgSetFloatStateAssignment sets the value of a state assignment of float type.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is not a state assignment of a float type. CG_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is an array and not a scalar.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgSetFloatStateAssignment was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">A handle to a state assignment of type CG_FLOAT, CG_FIXED, or CG_HALF.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value to which sa will be set.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns CG_TRUE if it succeeds in setting the state assignment. Returns CG_FALSE otherwise.</returns>
 public static CgBool SetFloatStateAssignment(CgStateAssignment sa, float value)
     return cgSetFloatStateAssignment(sa, value);
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetIntStateAssignmentValues allows the application to  retrieve the value(s) of an integer typed state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_INVALID_PARAMETER_ERROR is generated if nvalues is NULL. CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is not a state assignment of an integer type.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetIntStateAssignmentValues was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The state assignment from which the values will be retrieved.</param>
 /// <param name="nvalues">Pointer to integer where the number of values returned will be stored.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a pointer to an array of int values. The number of values in the array is returned via the nvalues param. Returns NULL if an error occurs or if no values are available. nvalues will be 0 in the latter case.</returns>
 public static int[] GetIntStateAssignmentValues(CgStateAssignment sa, int[] nvalues)
     return cgGetIntStateAssignmentValues(sa, nvalues);
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>The state assignments within a pass can be iterated over by using cgGetNextStateAssignment.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetNextStateAssignment was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The current state assignment.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the next state assignment in the pass' internal sequence of state assignments. Returns NULL when prog is the last state assignment in the pass.</returns>
 public static CgStateAssignment GetNextStateAssignment(CgStateAssignment sa)
     return cgGetNextStateAssignment(sa);
Example #10
 private static extern string cgGetStringStateAssignmentValue(CgStateAssignment stateassignment);
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>State assignments in CgFX files may include references to one or more effect parameters on the right hand side of the state assignment that are used for computing the state assignment's value.</para>
 /// <para>cgGetDependentStateAssignmentParameter returns one of these parameters, as indicated by the given index.</para>
 /// <para>cgGetNumDependentStateAssignmentParameters can be used to determine the total number of such parameters.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_OUT_OF_ARRAY_BOUNDS_ERROR is generated if index is less than zero or greater than or equal to the number of dependent parameters, as returned by cgGetNumDependentStateAssignmentParameters.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetDependentStateAssignmentParameter was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The state assignment handle.</param>
 /// <param name="index">The index of the param to return.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a handle to the selected dependent param on success. Returns NULL if an error occurs.</returns>
 public static CgParameter GetDependentStateAssignmentParameter(CgStateAssignment sa, int index)
     return cgGetDependentStateAssignmentParameter(sa, index);
Example #12
 private static extern CgState cgGetStateAssignmentState(CgStateAssignment stateassignment);
Example #13
 private static extern CgPass cgGetStateAssignmentPass(CgStateAssignment stateassignment);
Example #14
 private static extern int cgGetStateAssignmentIndex(CgStateAssignment stateassignment);
Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetTextureStateAssignmentValue allows the application to  retrieve the value(s) of a state assignment that stores a texture param.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is not a state assignment of a texture type.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetTextureStateAssignmentValue was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The state assignment.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a handle to the texture param associated with this state assignment. Returns NULL if an error occurs.</returns>
 public static CgParameter GetTextureStateAssignmentValue(CgStateAssignment sa)
     return cgGetTextureStateAssignmentValue(sa);
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>State assignments in CgFX passes may include references to one or more effect parameters on the right hand side of the state assignment that are used for computing the state assignment's value.</para>
 /// <para>cgGetNumDependentStateAssignmentParameters returns the total number of such parameters.</para>
 /// <para>cgGetDependentStateAssignmentParameter can then be used to iterate over these parameters.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetNumDependentStateAssignmentParameters was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The state assignment handle.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the number of parameters on which sa depends.</returns>
 public static int GetNumDependentStateAssignmentParameters(CgStateAssignment sa)
     return cgGetNumDependentStateAssignmentParameters(sa);
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgIsStateAssignment returns CG_TRUE if sa references a valid state assignment, CG_FALSE otherwise.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgIsStateAssignment was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The state assignment handle to check.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns CG_TRUE if sa references a valid state assignment. Returns CG_FALSE otherwise.</returns>
 public static CgBool IsStateAssignment(CgStateAssignment sa)
     return cgIsStateAssignment(sa);
Example #18
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetProgramStateAssignmentValue allows the application to  retrieve the value(s) of a state assignment that stores a CgProgram.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is not a state assignment of a program type.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetProgramStateAssignmentValue was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The state assignment.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a CgProgram handle. Returns NULL if an error occurs or no program is available.</returns>
 public static CgProgram GetProgramStateAssignmentValue(CgStateAssignment sa)
     return cgGetProgramStateAssignmentValue(sa);
Example #19
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgSetBoolStateAssignment sets the value of a state assignment of bool type.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is not a state assignment of a bool type. CG_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is an array and not a scalar.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgSetBoolStateAssignment was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">A handle to a state assignment of type CG_BOOL.</param>
 /// <param name="value">The value to which sa will be set.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns CG_TRUE if it succeeds in setting the state assignment. Returns CG_FALSE otherwise.</returns>
 public static CgBool SetBoolStateAssignment(CgStateAssignment sa, CgBool value)
     return cgSetBoolStateAssignment(sa, value);
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetSamplerStateAssignmentValue allows the application to  retrieve the value(s) of a state assignment that stores a sampler.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is not a state assignment of a sampler type.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetSamplerStateAssignmentValue was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The state assignment.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a CgParameter handle for the sampler. Returns NULL if an error occurs.</returns>
 public static CgParameter GetSamplerStateAssignmentValue(CgStateAssignment sa)
     return cgGetSamplerStateAssignmentValue(sa);
Example #21
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgSetIntArrayStateAssignment sets the value of a state assignment of int array type.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is not a state assignment of an int type.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgSetIntArrayStateAssignment was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">A handle to a state assignment array of type CG_INT.</param>
 /// <param name="vals">The values which will be used to set sa.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns CG_TRUE if it succeeds in setting the state assignment. Returns CG_FALSE otherwise.</returns>
 public static CgBool SetIntArrayStateAssignment(CgStateAssignment sa, [In]int[] vals)
     return cgSetIntArrayStateAssignment(sa, vals);
Example #22
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetStateAssignmentIndex returns the array index of a state assignment if the state it is based on is an array type.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetStateAssignmentIndex was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The state assignment.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns an integer index value. Returns 0 if the CGstate for this state assignment is not an array type.</returns>
 public static int GetStateAssignmentIndex(CgStateAssignment sa)
     return cgGetStateAssignmentIndex(sa);
Example #23
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgSetProgramStateAssignment sets the value of a state assignment of program type.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is not a state assignment of a program type. CG_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is an array and not a scalar. CG_INVALID_PROGRAM_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if program is not a valid program handle.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgSetProgramStateAssignment was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">A handle to a state assignment of type CG_PROGRAM_TYPE.</param>
 /// <param name="program">The program object to which sa will be set.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns CG_TRUE if it succeeds in setting the state assignment. Returns CG_FALSE otherwise.</returns>
 public static CgBool SetProgramStateAssignment(CgStateAssignment sa, CgProgram program)
     return cgSetProgramStateAssignment(sa, program);
Example #24
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetStateAssignmentPass allows the application to retrieve a handle to the pass to which a given sa belongs.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetStateAssignmentPass was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The state assignment.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a CGpass handle to the pass. Returns NULL if an error occurs.</returns>
 public static CgPass GetStateAssignmentPass(CgStateAssignment sa)
     return cgGetStateAssignmentPass(sa);
Example #25
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgSetTextureStateAssignment sets the value of a state assignment of texture type to an effect param of type CG_TEXTURE.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is not a state assignment of texture type. CG_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is an array and not a scalar. CG_INVALID_PARAM_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if param is not a valid param.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgSetTextureStateAssignment was introduced in Cg 1.5.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">A state assignment of type CG_TEXTURE.</param>
 /// <param name="param">An effect param of type CG_TEXTURE.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns CG_TRUE if it succeeds in setting the state assignment. Returns CG_FALSE otherwise.</returns>
 public static CgBool SetTextureStateAssignment(CgStateAssignment sa, CgParameter param)
     return cgSetTextureStateAssignment(sa, param);
Example #26
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetStateAssignmentState returns the CGstate object that corresponds to a particular state assignment in a pass.</para>
 /// <para>This object can then be queried to find out its type, giving the type of the state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_INVALID_STATE_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if the effect doesn't contain a state matching the given state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetStateAssignmentState was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The state assignment handle.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the state corresponding to the given state assignment. Returns NULL if an error occurs.</returns>
 public static CgState GetStateAssignmentState(CgStateAssignment sa)
     return cgGetStateAssignmentState(sa);
Example #27
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgCallStateValidateCallback calls the state validation callback function for the given state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>The validation callback will return CG_TRUE or CG_FALSE depending on whether the current hardware and driver support the graphics state set by the state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgCallStateValidateCallback was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The state assignment handle.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the boolean value returned by the validation function. It should be CG_TRUE upon success. Returns CG_TRUE if no callback function was defined.</returns>
 public static CgBool CallStateValidateCallback(CgStateAssignment sa)
     return cgCallStateValidateCallback(sa);
Example #28
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetStringStateAssignmentValue allows the application to  retrieve the value(s) of a string typed state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment. CG_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERROR is generated if sa is not a state assignment of a string type.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetStringStateAssignmentValue was introduced in Cg 1.4.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">The state assignment.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a pointer to a string. Returns NULL if an error occurs.</returns>
 public static string GetStringStateAssignmentValue(CgStateAssignment sa)
     return cgGetStringStateAssignmentValue(sa);
Example #29
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>cgGetConnectedStateAssignmentParameter returns the effect param from which a given state assignment's value is determined.</para>
 /// <para>ERROR: CG_INVALID_STATE_ASSIGNMENT_HANDLE_ERROR is generated if sa is not a valid state assignment.</para>
 /// <para>VERSION: cgGetConnectedStateAssignmentParameter was introduced in Cg 2.0.</para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sa">A state assignment whose value is determined using an effect param.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns the effect param used by sa. Returns 0 if sa is not using a param for its value, if the state assignment is set to an expression, or if an error occurs.</returns>
 public static CgParameter GetConnectedStateAssignmentParameter(CgStateAssignment sa)
     return cgGetConnectedStateAssignmentParameter(sa);
Example #30
 private static extern CgProgram cgGetProgramStateAssignmentValue(CgStateAssignment stateassignment);