public async Task<IActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model, string returnUrl)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         var user = new User { UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email };
         var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);
         if (result.Succeeded)
             await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent: false);
             return RedirectToAction("Index", "App");
     return View(model);
        // Seed db
        public async Task EnsureSeedDataAsync()
            if (await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**") == null)
                // Add the user
                var newUser = new User()
                    UserName = "******",
                    Email = "*****@*****.**"

              await _userManager.CreateAsync(newUser, "P@ssword1");

            if (!_context.LearningPlans.Any())
                // Add new data
                var cSharpLearningPlan = new LearningPlan()
                    Name = "CSharp Learning Plan",
                    Speciality = "Programming Languages",
                    Courses = new List<Course>()
                        new Course() {Name = "CSharp Fundamentals with CSharp 5.0", Url = "",
                        Duration = 14, Order = 1, PlanName = "CSharp Learning Plan", IsActive = false},
                        new Course() {Name = "CSharp Generics", Url = "",
                        Duration = 14, Order = 3, PlanName = "CSharp Learning Plan", IsActive = false},
                        new Course() {Name = "Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals in CSharp", Url = "",
                        Duration = 14, Order = 2, PlanName = "CSharp Learning Plan", IsActive = false},
                        new Course() {Name = "CSharp From Scratch", Url = "",
                        Duration = 14, Order = 0, PlanName = "CSharp Learning Plan", IsActive = false},
                        new Course() {Name = "CSharp Events, Delegates and Lambdas", Url = "",
                        Duration = 14, Order = 4, PlanName = "CSharp Learning Plan", IsActive = false}


                var pythonLearningPlan = new LearningPlan()
                    Name = "Python Fundamentals Learning Plan",
                    Speciality = "Programming Languages/Web Development",
                    Courses = new List<Course>()
                        new Course() {Name = "Programming Foundations with Python", Url = "",
                        Duration = 28, PlanName = "Python Fundamentals Learning Plan", IsActive = false},
                        new Course() {Name = "Intro to Computer Science", Url = "",
                        Duration = 42, PlanName = "Python Fundamentals Learning Plan", IsActive = false},
                        new Course() {Name = "Data stuctures in Python", Url = "",
                        Duration = 14, PlanName = "Python Fundamentals Learning Plan", IsActive = false},
                        new Course() {Name = "Using Databases with Python", Url = "",
                        Duration = 14, PlanName = "Python Fundamentals Learning Plan", IsActive = false},
                        new Course() {Name = "Using Python to Access Web Data", Url = "",
                        Duration = 14, PlanName = "Python Fundamentals Learning Plan", IsActive = false}


                var javaLearningPlan = new LearningPlan()
                    Name = "Java Fundamentals Learning Plan",
                    Speciality = "Programming Languages",
                    Courses = new List<Course>()
                        new Course() {Name = "Java Fundamentals: The Java Language", Url = "",
                        Duration = 28, PlanName = "Java Fundamentals Learning Plan", IsActive = false},
                        new Course() {Name = "Java Fundamentals: Generics", Url = "",
                        Duration = 42, PlanName = "Java Fundamentals Learning Plan", IsActive = false},
                        new Course() {Name = "Java Fundamentals, Part 2", Url = "",
                        Duration = 14, PlanName = "Java Fundamentals Learning Plan", IsActive = false},
                        new Course() {Name = "Java Web Fundamentals", Url = "",
                        Duration = 14, PlanName = "Java Fundamentals Learning Plan", IsActive = false},
                        new Course() {Name = "Introduction to Testing in Java", Url = "",
                        Duration = 14, PlanName = "Java Fundamentals Learning Plan", IsActive = false}

