Example #1
        public override FolderMetadata LoadFolderMetadata(string currId, SourceOption option)
            string opt            = (option == SourceOption.SOURCE_ID_NOT_EQUALS) ? " <> " : " = ";
            var    folderMetadata = new FolderMetadata(currId, this.RootPath);

            var db = new SQLiteAccess(Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME), false);

            using (SqliteConnection con = db.NewSQLiteConnection())
                if (con == null)
                    throw new DatabaseException(String.Format(m_ResourceManager.GetString("err_somethingNotFound"), Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME)));

                string cmdText = "SELECT * FROM " + Configuration.TLB_FOLDERMETADATA +
                                 " WHERE " + Configuration.COL_SOURCE_ID + opt + " @sourceId";
                var paramList = new SqliteParameterCollection
                    new SqliteParameter("@sourceId", DbType.String)
                        Value = currId
                db.ExecuteReader(cmdText, paramList, reader => folderMetadata.FolderMetadataItems.Add(
                                     new FolderMetadataItem(
Example #2
        public override FileMetaData LoadFileMetadata(string currId, SourceOption option)
            string opt   = (option == SourceOption.SOURCE_ID_NOT_EQUALS) ? " <> " : " = ";
            var    mData = new FileMetaData(currId, RootPath);

            var db = new SQLiteAccess(Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME), false);

            using (SqliteConnection con = db.NewSQLiteConnection())
                if (con == null)
                    throw new DatabaseException(String.Format(m_ResourceManager.GetString("err_somethingNotFound"), Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME)));

                string cmdText = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1}{2} @sourceId", Configuration.TBL_METADATA, Configuration.COL_SOURCE_ID, opt);

                var paramList = new SqliteParameterCollection
                    new SqliteParameter("@sourceId", DbType.String)
                        Value = currId

                db.ExecuteReader(cmdText, paramList, reader => mData.MetaDataItems.Add(new FileMetaDataItem(
Example #3
        public bool SyncJobExists(string jobName, string id)
            SQLiteAccess db = new SQLiteAccess(Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME), false);

            using (SqliteConnection con = db.NewSQLiteConnection())
                if (con == null)
                    throw new DatabaseException(String.Format(m_ResourceManager.GetString("err_somethingNotFound"), Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME)));

                // TODO: Change sql to SELECT COUNT(*)?
                string cmdText = "SELECT * FROM " + SYNCJOB_TABLE + " WHERE "
                                 + COL_SYNCJOB_NAME + " = @profileName AND " + COL_SYNCJOB_ID + " <> @id";

                SqliteParameterCollection paramList = new SqliteParameterCollection();
                paramList.Add(new SqliteParameter("@profileName", System.Data.DbType.String)
                    Value = jobName
                paramList.Add(new SqliteParameter("@id", System.Data.DbType.String)
                    Value = id

                bool found = false;
                db.ExecuteReader(cmdText, paramList, reader =>
                                 { found = true; return; }

Example #4
        public override IList <SyncAction> Load(string sourceID, SourceOption option)
            string             opt     = (option == SourceOption.SOURCE_ID_NOT_EQUALS) ? " <> " : " = ";
            IList <SyncAction> actions = new List <SyncAction>();

            SQLiteAccess db = new SQLiteAccess(Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME), false);

            using (SqliteConnection con = db.NewSQLiteConnection())
                if (con == null)
                    throw new DatabaseException(String.Format(m_ResourceManager.GetString("err_somethingNotFound"), Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME)));

                string cmdText = "SELECT * FROM " + Configuration.TBL_ACTION +
                                 " WHERE " + Configuration.COL_CHANGE_IN + opt + " @sourceId";

                SqliteParameterCollection paramList = new SqliteParameterCollection();
                paramList.Add(new SqliteParameter("@sourceId", System.Data.DbType.String)
                    Value = sourceID

                db.ExecuteReader(cmdText, paramList, reader =>
                    ChangeType actionType = (ChangeType)reader[Configuration.COL_ACTION_TYPE];

                    if (actionType == ChangeType.DELETED)
                        DeleteAction delAction = new DeleteAction(
                            (string)reader[Configuration.COL_OLD_RELATIVE_PATH], (string)reader[Configuration.COL_OLD_HASH]);
                    else if (actionType == ChangeType.NEWLY_CREATED)
                        CreateAction createAction = new CreateAction(
                            (string)reader[Configuration.COL_NEW_RELATIVE_PATH], (string)reader[Configuration.COL_NEW_HASH]);
                    else if (actionType == ChangeType.RENAMED)
                        RenameAction renameAction = new RenameAction(
Example #5
        public override SyncJob Load(string jobName)
            SyncJob p = null;

            SQLiteAccess db = new SQLiteAccess(Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, DATABASE_NAME), false);

            using (SqliteConnection con = db.NewSQLiteConnection())
                if (con == null)
                    throw new DatabaseException(String.Format(m_ResourceManager.GetString("err_somethingNotFound"), Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME)));
                string cmdText = "SELECT * FROM " + SYNCJOB_TABLE +
                                 " p, " + DATASOURCE_INFO_TABLE +
                                 " d WHERE p" + "." + COL_SYNC_SOURCE_ID + " = d" + "." + COL_SOURCE_ID +
                                 " AND " + COL_SYNCJOB_NAME + " = @pname";

                SqliteParameterCollection paramList = new SqliteParameterCollection();
                paramList.Add(new SqliteParameter("@pname", System.Data.DbType.String)
                    Value = jobName

                db.ExecuteReader(cmdText, paramList, reader =>
                    // TODO: constructor of Profile takes in more arguments to remove dependency on IntermediaryStorage and SyncSource class.
                    SyncSource source            = new SyncSource((string)reader[COL_SYNC_SOURCE_ID], (string)reader[COL_SOURCE_ABS_PATH]);
                    IntermediaryStorage mdSource = new IntermediaryStorage((string)reader[COL_METADATA_SOURCE_LOCATION]);

                    p = new SyncJob((string)reader[COL_SYNCJOB_ID], (string)reader[COL_SYNCJOB_NAME], source, mdSource);

Example #6
        public bool SyncJobExists(string jobName, string id)
            SQLiteAccess db = new SQLiteAccess(Path.Combine (this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME ),false);
            using (SqliteConnection con = db.NewSQLiteConnection ())
                if (con == null)
                    throw new DatabaseException(String.Format(m_ResourceManager.GetString("err_somethingNotFound"), Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME)));

                // TODO: Change sql to SELECT COUNT(*)?
                string cmdText = "SELECT * FROM " + SYNCJOB_TABLE + " WHERE "
                                 + COL_SYNCJOB_NAME + " = @profileName AND " + COL_SYNCJOB_ID + " <> @id";

                SqliteParameterCollection paramList = new SqliteParameterCollection();
                paramList.Add(new SqliteParameter("@profileName", System.Data.DbType.String) { Value = jobName });
                paramList.Add(new SqliteParameter("@id", System.Data.DbType.String) { Value =  id});

                bool found = false;
                db.ExecuteReader(cmdText, paramList, reader =>
                    { found = true; return; }

                return found;
Example #7
        public override SyncJob Load(string jobName)
            SyncJob p = null;

            SQLiteAccess db = new SQLiteAccess(Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, DATABASE_NAME),false);
            using (SqliteConnection con = db.NewSQLiteConnection())
                if (con == null)
                    throw new DatabaseException(String.Format(m_ResourceManager.GetString("err_somethingNotFound"), Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME)));
                string cmdText = "SELECT * FROM " + SYNCJOB_TABLE +
                                 " p, " + DATASOURCE_INFO_TABLE +
                                 " d WHERE p" + "." + COL_SYNC_SOURCE_ID + " = d" + "." + COL_SOURCE_ID +
                                 " AND " + COL_SYNCJOB_NAME + " = @pname";

                SqliteParameterCollection paramList = new SqliteParameterCollection();
                paramList.Add(new SqliteParameter("@pname", System.Data.DbType.String) { Value = jobName });

                db.ExecuteReader(cmdText, paramList, reader =>
                    // TODO: constructor of Profile takes in more arguments to remove dependency on IntermediaryStorage and SyncSource class.
                    SyncSource source = new SyncSource((string)reader[COL_SYNC_SOURCE_ID], (string)reader[COL_SOURCE_ABS_PATH]);
                    IntermediaryStorage mdSource = new IntermediaryStorage((string)reader[COL_METADATA_SOURCE_LOCATION]);

                    p = new SyncJob((string)reader[COL_SYNCJOB_ID], (string)reader[COL_SYNCJOB_NAME], source, mdSource);


            return p;
        public override IList<SyncAction> Load(string sourceID, SourceOption option)
            string opt = (option == SourceOption.SOURCE_ID_NOT_EQUALS) ? " <> " : " = ";
            IList<SyncAction> actions = new List<SyncAction>();

            SQLiteAccess db = new SQLiteAccess(Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME),false);
            using (SqliteConnection con = db.NewSQLiteConnection ())
                if (con == null)
                    throw new DatabaseException(String.Format(m_ResourceManager.GetString("err_somethingNotFound"), Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME)));

                string cmdText = "SELECT * FROM " + Configuration.TBL_ACTION +
                                 " WHERE " + Configuration.COL_CHANGE_IN + opt + " @sourceId";

                SqliteParameterCollection paramList = new SqliteParameterCollection();
                paramList.Add(new SqliteParameter("@sourceId", System.Data.DbType.String) { Value = sourceID });

                db.ExecuteReader(cmdText, paramList, reader =>
                        ChangeType actionType = (ChangeType)reader[Configuration.COL_ACTION_TYPE];

                        if (actionType == ChangeType.DELETED)
                            DeleteAction delAction = new DeleteAction(
                                    (string)reader[Configuration.COL_OLD_RELATIVE_PATH], (string)reader[Configuration.COL_OLD_HASH]);
                        else if (actionType == ChangeType.NEWLY_CREATED)
                            CreateAction createAction = new CreateAction(
                                (string)reader[Configuration.COL_NEW_RELATIVE_PATH], (string)reader[Configuration.COL_NEW_HASH]);
                        else if (actionType == ChangeType.RENAMED)
                            RenameAction renameAction = new RenameAction(

            return actions;
Example #9
        public override FolderMetadata LoadFolderMetadata(string currId, SourceOption option)
            string opt = (option == SourceOption.SOURCE_ID_NOT_EQUALS) ? " <> " : " = ";
            var folderMetadata = new FolderMetadata(currId, this.RootPath);

            var db = new SQLiteAccess(Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME),false);
            using (SqliteConnection con = db.NewSQLiteConnection())
                if (con == null)
                    throw new DatabaseException(String.Format(m_ResourceManager.GetString("err_somethingNotFound"), Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME)));

                string cmdText = "SELECT * FROM " + Configuration.TLB_FOLDERMETADATA +
                    " WHERE " + Configuration.COL_SOURCE_ID + opt + " @sourceId";
                var paramList = new SqliteParameterCollection
                                    {new SqliteParameter("@sourceId", DbType.String) {Value = currId}};
                db.ExecuteReader(cmdText, paramList, reader => folderMetadata.FolderMetadataItems.Add(
                                                                   new FolderMetadataItem(
                                                                       (int)reader[Configuration.COL_IS_FOLDER_EMPTY] )));
            return folderMetadata;
Example #10
        public override FileMetaData LoadFileMetadata(string currId, SourceOption option)
            string opt = (option == SourceOption.SOURCE_ID_NOT_EQUALS) ? " <> " : " = ";
            var mData = new FileMetaData(currId, RootPath);

            var db = new SQLiteAccess(Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME),false);
            using (SqliteConnection con = db.NewSQLiteConnection())
                if (con == null)
                    throw new DatabaseException(String.Format(m_ResourceManager.GetString("err_somethingNotFound"), Path.Combine(this.StoragePath, Configuration.DATABASE_NAME)));

                string cmdText = string.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1}{2} @sourceId", Configuration.TBL_METADATA, Configuration.COL_SOURCE_ID, opt);

                var paramList = new SqliteParameterCollection
                                                              new SqliteParameter("@sourceId", DbType.String)
                                                                  {Value = currId}

                db.ExecuteReader(cmdText, paramList, reader => mData.MetaDataItems.Add(new FileMetaDataItem(
                                                                                           (string) reader[Configuration.COL_SOURCE_ID],
                                                                                           (string) reader[Configuration.COL_RELATIVE_PATH],
                                                                                           (string) reader[Configuration.COL_HASH_CODE],
                                                                                           (DateTime) reader[Configuration.COL_LAST_MODIFIED_TIME],
            return mData;