Example #1
        protected void InitGrid()
            foreach (StoryData aSD in _stories)
                TimeSpan ts             = DateTime.Now - aSD.StageTimeStamp;
                string   strTimeInState = "";
                if (ts.Days > 0)
                    strTimeInState += String.Format("{0} days, ", ts.Days);
                if (ts.Hours > 0)
                    strTimeInState += String.Format("{0} hours, ", ts.Hours);
                strTimeInState += String.Format("{0} minutes", ts.Minutes);

                StoryStageLogic.StateTransition st = StoryStageLogic.stateTransitions[aSD.ProjStage.ProjectStage];
                object[] aObs = new object[]
                int             nRowIndex = dataGridViewPanorama.Rows.Add(aObs);
                DataGridViewRow aRow      = dataGridViewPanorama.Rows[nRowIndex];
                aRow.Tag    = st;
                aRow.Height = _fontForDev.Height + 4;
Example #2
        private void buttonAddNewMember_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // unselect any member and set the target tab (see
            //  tabControlProjectMetaData_Selected for what happens)
            listBoxTeamMembers.SelectedIndex = -1;

            EditMemberForm dlg = new EditMemberForm(null);

            if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                if (listBoxTeamMembers.Items.Contains(dlg.MemberName))
                    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Oops... you already have a member with the name, '{0}'. If you meant to edit that member, then select the name in the listbox and click the 'Edit Member' button", dlg.MemberName));

                Modified = true;

                TeamMemberData theNewMemberData;
                if (m_mapNewMembersThisSession.TryGetValue(dlg.MemberName, out theNewMemberData))
                    // I don't see how this could happen... this must have been from back when
                    //  you could edit and add in a similar way. Now *Add* means *add a new one*
                    //  and they can't exist in this map...

                    // must just be editing the already added member...

                    theNewMemberData.MemberType   = dlg.MemberType;
                    theNewMemberData.Email        = dlg.Email;
                    theNewMemberData.AltPhone     = dlg.AltPhone;
                    theNewMemberData.Phone        = dlg.Phone;
                    theNewMemberData.BioData      = dlg.BioData;
                    theNewMemberData.SkypeID      = dlg.SkypeID;
                    theNewMemberData.TeamViewerID = dlg.TeamViewerID;

                    // update the role listbox
                    int nIndex = listBoxTeamMembers.Items.IndexOf(dlg.MemberName);
                    listBoxMemberRoles.Items[nIndex] = TeamMemberData.GetMemberTypeAsDisplayString(theNewMemberData.MemberType);
                    // add this new user to the proj file
                    theNewMemberData = new TeamMemberData(dlg.MemberName,
                                                          dlg.MemberType, String.Format("mem-{0}", Guid.NewGuid()),
                                                          dlg.Email, dlg.SkypeID, dlg.TeamViewerID, dlg.Phone, dlg.AltPhone,

                    _dataTeamMembers.Add(dlg.MemberName, theNewMemberData);
                    m_mapNewMembersThisSession.Add(dlg.MemberName, theNewMemberData);
                    listBoxTeamMembers.SelectedItem = dlg.MemberName;
Example #3
        private void buttonEditMember_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // this button should only be enabled if a team member is selected
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(listBoxTeamMembers.SelectedIndex != -1);
            int nIndex = listBoxTeamMembers.SelectedIndex;

            m_strSelectedMember = (string)listBoxTeamMembers.SelectedItem;
            TeamMemberData theMemberData = _dataTeamMembers[m_strSelectedMember];
            EditMemberForm dlg           = new EditMemberForm(theMemberData);

            if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

            Modified = true;

            // if the name of the edited item has been changed and the new name is already
            //  in use, then don't change the name
            if ((dlg.MemberName != m_strSelectedMember) &&
                MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Oops... you already have a member with the name, '{0}'. If you meant to edit that member, then select the name in the listbox and click the 'Edit Member' button.", dlg.MemberName));
                theMemberData.Name = dlg.MemberName;

            theMemberData.MemberType   = dlg.MemberType;
            theMemberData.Email        = dlg.Email;
            theMemberData.AltPhone     = dlg.AltPhone;
            theMemberData.Phone        = dlg.Phone;
            theMemberData.BioData      = dlg.BioData;
            theMemberData.SkypeID      = dlg.SkypeID;
            theMemberData.TeamViewerID = dlg.TeamViewerID;

            // update the role listbox
            listBoxMemberRoles.Items[nIndex] = TeamMemberData.GetMemberTypeAsDisplayString(theMemberData.MemberType);
            if (theMemberData.Name != m_strSelectedMember)
                m_strSelectedMember = theMemberData.Name;
                _dataTeamMembers.Add(m_strSelectedMember, theMemberData);

            listBoxTeamMembers.Items[nIndex] = theMemberData.Name;

            // keep a hang on it so we don't try to, for example, give it a new guid
            if (!m_mapNewMembersThisSession.ContainsKey(dlg.MemberName))
                m_mapNewMembersThisSession.Add(dlg.MemberName, theMemberData);
 // if the coach tries to add a note in the consultant's pane, that should fail.
 // (but it's okay for a project facilitator to add one if they have a question
 //  for the consultant)
 public bool CheckAddNotePrivilege(StoryEditor theSE,
                                   TeamMemberData.UserTypes eLoggedOnMember)
     if (!HasAddNotePrivilege(eLoggedOnMember))
         theSE.SetStatusBar("Error: " + String.Format("You must be logged in as a '{0}' or a '{1}' to add a note here",
Example #5
        public bool IsChangeOfStateAllowed(TeamMemberData loggedOnMember)
            bool bRet = ((loggedOnMember.MemberType == TeamMemberData.UserTypes.eJustLooking) ||
                         (loggedOnMember.MemberType == MemberTypeWithEditToken));

            if (!bRet)

Example #6
        public TeamMemberForm(TeamMembersData dataTeamMembers, string strOKLabel)
            _dataTeamMembers = dataTeamMembers;

            foreach (TeamMemberData aMember in _dataTeamMembers.Values)

            if ((listBoxTeamMembers.Items.Count > 0) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.Settings.Default.LastMemberLogin))
                listBoxTeamMembers.SelectedItem = Properties.Settings.Default.LastMemberLogin;

             * // initialize the keyboard combo list
             * foreach (KeyboardController.KeyboardDescriptor keyboard in
             *      KeyboardController.GetAvailableKeyboards(KeyboardController.Engines.All))
             * {
             *      comboBoxKeyboardVernacular.Items.Add(keyboard.Name);
             *      comboBoxKeyboardNationalBT.Items.Add(keyboard.Name);
             * }
             * // initialize the vernacular language controls
             * if (_projSettings.Vernacular.HasData)
             * {
             *      textBoxVernacular.Text = ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(_projSettings.Vernacular.LangName)) ? _projSettings.ProjectName : _projSettings.Vernacular.LangName);
             *      textBoxVernacularEthCode.Text = _projSettings.Vernacular.LangCode;
             *      // select the configured keyboard in the combo box (this is made complicated by the fact
             *      //  that members may have overridden the default keyboard for their own system)
             *      // First check if the logged in member (which is approximated by being the 'last member')
             *      //  has an override for the keyboard
             *      if ((_tmdLastMember != null)
             *              && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_tmdLastMember.OverrideVernacularKeyboard)
             *              && comboBoxKeyboardVernacular.Items.Contains(_tmdLastMember.OverrideVernacularKeyboard))
             *      {
             *              comboBoxKeyboardVernacular.SelectedItem = _tmdLastMember.OverrideVernacularKeyboard;
             *      }
             *      else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_projSettings.Vernacular.DefaultKeyboard)
             *              && comboBoxKeyboardVernacular.Items.Contains(_projSettings.Vernacular.DefaultKeyboard))
             *      {
             *              comboBoxKeyboardVernacular.SelectedItem = _projSettings.Vernacular.DefaultKeyboard;
             *      }
             *      checkBoxVernacularRTL.Checked = _projSettings.Vernacular.IsRTL;
             *      checkBoxVernacular.Checked = true;
             * }
             * else
             *      checkBoxVernacular.Checked = false;
             * // even if there's no Vern, these should still be set (in case they check the box for Vern)
             * textBoxVernSentFullStop.Font = _projSettings.Vernacular.LangFont;
             * textBoxVernSentFullStop.ForeColor = _projSettings.Vernacular.FontColor;
             * textBoxVernSentFullStop.Text = _projSettings.Vernacular.FullStop;
             * toolTip.SetToolTip(buttonVernacularFont, String.Format(CstrDefaultFontTooltipVernacular,
             *                                                                                                         Environment.NewLine, _projSettings.Vernacular.LangFont,
             *                                                                                                         _projSettings.Vernacular.FontColor,
             *                                                                                                         _projSettings.Vernacular.IsRTL));
             * // if there is a national language configured, then initialize those as well.
             * if (_projSettings.NationalBT.HasData)
             * {
             *      textBoxNationalBTLanguage.Text = _projSettings.NationalBT.LangName;
             *      textBoxNationalBTEthCode.Text = _projSettings.NationalBT.LangCode;
             *      // select the configured keyboard in the combo box (this is made complicated by the fact
             *      //  that members may have overridden the default keyboard for their own system)
             *      // First check if the logged in member (which is approximated by being the 'last member')
             *      //  has an override for the keyboard
             *      if ((_tmdLastMember != null)
             *              && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_tmdLastMember.OverrideNationalBTKeyboard)
             *              && comboBoxKeyboardNationalBT.Items.Contains(_tmdLastMember.OverrideNationalBTKeyboard))
             *      {
             *              comboBoxKeyboardNationalBT.SelectedItem = _tmdLastMember.OverrideNationalBTKeyboard;
             *      }
             *      else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_projSettings.NationalBT.DefaultKeyboard)
             *              && comboBoxKeyboardNationalBT.Items.Contains(_projSettings.NationalBT.DefaultKeyboard))
             *      {
             *              comboBoxKeyboardNationalBT.SelectedItem = _projSettings.NationalBT.DefaultKeyboard;
             *      }
             *      checkBoxNationalRTL.Checked = _projSettings.NationalBT.IsRTL;
             *      checkBoxNationalLangBT.Checked = true;
             * }
             * else
             *      checkBoxNationalLangBT.Checked = false;
             * // even if there's no National language BT, these should still be set (in case they check the box for National language BT)
             * textBoxNationalBTSentFullStop.Font = _projSettings.NationalBT.LangFont;
             * textBoxNationalBTSentFullStop.ForeColor = _projSettings.NationalBT.FontColor;
             * textBoxNationalBTSentFullStop.Text = _projSettings.NationalBT.FullStop;
             * toolTip.SetToolTip(buttonNationalBTFont, String.Format(CstrDefaultFontTooltipNationalBT,
             *                                                                                                         Environment.NewLine, _projSettings.NationalBT.LangFont,
             *                                                                                                         _projSettings.NationalBT.FontColor,
             *                                                                                                         _projSettings.NationalBT.IsRTL));
             * // even if there's no English BT, these should still be set (in case they check the box for English BT)
             * toolTip.SetToolTip(buttonInternationalBTFont, String.Format(CstrDefaultFontTooltipInternationalBT,
             *                                                                                                         Environment.NewLine, _projSettings.InternationalBT.LangFont,
             *                                                                                                         _projSettings.InternationalBT.FontColor,
             *                                                                                                         _projSettings.InternationalBT.IsRTL));
             * textBoxProjectName.Text = _projSettings.ProjectName;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strOKLabel))
                buttonOK.Text = strOKLabel;

             * // if the user hasn't configured the language information, send them there first
             * if (!_projSettings.IsConfigured)
             *      tabControlProjectMetaData.SelectedTab = tabPageLanguageInfo;
             * if (_projSettings.Vernacular.HasData && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxVernacular.Text) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(textBoxVernacularEthCode.Text))
             *      ProposeEthnologueCode(textBoxVernacular.Text, textBoxVernacularEthCode);