Example #1
        public static void Display(OnCredentialsEntered onEnter = null)
            // Retrieve window
            AndroidKeystoreCredentialsWindow window = DisplayWizard <AndroidKeystoreCredentialsWindow>("Android Keystore Credentials", "Create", "Cancel");

            // Setup window
            window.errors       = Error.None;
            window.keyAlias     = PlayerSettings.Android.keyaliasName;
            window.afterSuccess = onEnter;
        public override bool PreBuildCheck(out string message)
            // Check if the android credentials are set
            message = null;
            bool returnFlag = AndroidCredentialsFilled;

            if (returnFlag == false)
                // If not, prompt the user to fill in the Android credentials
                message = "Please fill out the Android Keystore credentials first, before building again.";