public void BeginContact(Contact contact) { GameObject A = (GameObject)contact.GetFixtureA().GetUserData(); GameObject B = (GameObject)contact.GetFixtureB().GetUserData(); Manifold manifold; Transform xfA; Transform xfB; float radiusA; float radiusB; contact.GetFixtureA().GetBody().GetTransform(out xfA); contact.GetFixtureB().GetBody().GetTransform(out xfB); radiusA = contact.GetFixtureA().GetShape()._radius; radiusB = contact.GetFixtureB().GetShape()._radius; contact.GetManifold(out manifold); WorldManifold worldManifold = new WorldManifold(ref manifold, ref xfA, radiusA, ref xfB, radiusB); Vector2 ptA = worldManifold._points[0]; Vector2 ptB = worldManifold._points[1]; //System.Console.Write(" point {0} {1}\n", ptA, ptB); EvenMessage e = new EvenMessage(A.gameId, B.gameId, ptA); if (A.type == GameObjType.p1Bomb || A.type == GameObjType.p1missiles || A.type == GameObjType.p1ship) { OutQueue.add(e,; } else if (A.type == GameObjType.p2Bomb || A.type == GameObjType.p2missiles || A.type == GameObjType.p2ship) { OutQueue.add(e, PlayerID.two); } else if (B.type == GameObjType.p1Bomb || B.type == GameObjType.p1missiles || B.type == GameObjType.p1ship) { OutQueue.add(e,; } else if (B.type == GameObjType.p2Bomb || B.type == GameObjType.p2missiles || B.type == GameObjType.p2ship) { OutQueue.add(e, PlayerID.two); } else { OutQueue.add(e,; } }
public void process() { int count = inpQ.Count; CollisionManager.GameObjManager pObj = CollisionManager.GameObjManager.Instance(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { qHeader pInstance = inpQ.Dequeue(); switch (pInstance.type) { case QueueType.ship_impulse: ship_impulse imp = (ship_impulse)pInstance.obj; imp.execute(); break; case QueueType.ship_missile: Ship_Create_Missile_Message smiss = (Ship_Create_Missile_Message)pInstance.obj; CollisionManager.Player p2 = PlayerManager.getPlayer(; p2.createMissile(); break; case QueueType.ship_rot_anti: Ship_rot_message srmsg = (Ship_rot_message)pInstance.obj; srmsg.rot = -0.1f; srmsg.execute(); break; case QueueType.ship_bomb: Ship_Create_Bomb_Message smsg = (Ship_Create_Bomb_Message)pInstance.obj; CollisionManager.GameObjManager.Instance().createBomb(; break; case QueueType.EventMessage: EvenMessage msg = (EvenMessage)pInstance.obj; msg.execute(); break; case QueueType.ship_rot_clock: Ship_rot_message p3 = (Ship_rot_message)pInstance.obj; p3.rot = 0.1f; p3.execute(); break; } } }
public EvenMessage(EvenMessage msg) { this.gameIdA = msg.gameIdA; this.gameIdB = msg.gameIdB; this.CollisionPt = msg.CollisionPt; }
void ReadFromServer(LocalNetworkGamer gamer) { // Keep reading as long as incoming packets are available. while (gamer.IsDataAvailable) { NetworkGamer sender; gamer.ReceiveData(Reader, out sender); Player p = gamer.Tag as Player; // This packet contains data about all the players in the session. // We keep reading from it until we have processed all the data. while (Reader.Position < Reader.Length) { qHeader qH; Player player; Ship Player2Ship; qH.type = (QueueType)Reader.ReadInt32(); qH.packetOwner = (PlayerID)Reader.ReadInt32(); qH.inseq = Reader.ReadInt32(); qH.outseq = Reader.ReadInt32(); qH.obj = null; if (qH.packetOwner == { Player2Ship = player1.playerShip; player = player1; } else { Player2Ship = player2.playerShip; player = player2; } switch (qH.type) { case QueueType.ship_impulse: float x = Reader.ReadInt32(); float y = Reader.ReadInt32(); player.playerShip.location.X = Reader.ReadInt32(); player.playerShip.location.Y = Reader.ReadInt32(); player.playerShip.rotation = Reader.ReadInt32(); Vector2 direction = new Vector2((float)(Math.Cos(Player2Ship.physicsObj.body.GetAngle())), (float)(Math.Sin(Player2Ship.physicsObj.body.GetAngle()))); direction.Normalize(); direction *= shipSpeed; ship_impulse p1 = new ship_impulse(player, direction); p1.impulse.X = x; p1.impulse.Y = y; qH.obj = p1; break; case QueueType.ship_rot_anti: float x1 = (int)Reader.ReadInt32(); player.playerShip.location.X = Reader.ReadInt32(); player.playerShip.location.Y = Reader.ReadInt32(); player.playerShip.rotation = Reader.ReadInt32(); Ship_rot_message pShip = new Ship_rot_message(player, x1); pShip.rot = x1; qH.obj = pShip; break; case QueueType.ship_rot_clock: float x2 = (int)Reader.ReadInt32(); player.playerShip.location.X = Reader.ReadInt32(); player.playerShip.location.Y = Reader.ReadInt32(); player.playerShip.rotation = Reader.ReadInt32(); Ship_rot_message pShip1 = new Ship_rot_message(player, x2); pShip1.rot = x2; qH.obj = pShip1; break; case QueueType.ship_bomb: player.playerShip.location.X = Reader.ReadInt32(); player.playerShip.location.Y = Reader.ReadInt32(); player.playerShip.rotation = Reader.ReadInt32(); Ship_Create_Bomb_Message p2 = new Ship_Create_Bomb_Message(player); qH.obj = p2; break; case QueueType.ship_missile: player.playerShip.location.X = Reader.ReadInt32(); player.playerShip.location.Y = Reader.ReadInt32(); player.playerShip.rotation = Reader.ReadInt32(); Ship_Create_Missile_Message p3 = new Ship_Create_Missile_Message(player); qH.obj = p3; break; case QueueType.EventMessage: int a = (int)Reader.ReadInt32(); int b = (int)Reader.ReadInt32(); Vector2 pt = (Vector2)Reader.ReadVector2(); EvenMessage e = new EvenMessage(a, b, pt); qH.obj = e; break; } inQueue.add(qH.obj, qH.type, qH.outseq, qH.packetOwner); } } }
void ReadInputFromClients(LocalNetworkGamer gamer) { while (gamer.IsDataAvailable) { NetworkGamer sender; // Read a single packet from the network. gamer.ReceiveData(Reader, out sender); if (sender.IsLocal) { continue; } qHeader qH; Ship Player2Ship; Player player; qH.type = (QueueType)Reader.ReadInt32(); qH.packetOwner = (PlayerID)Reader.ReadInt32(); qH.inseq = Reader.ReadInt32(); qH.outseq = Reader.ReadInt32(); qH.obj = null; if (qH.packetOwner == { Player2Ship = player1.playerShip; player = player1; } else { Player2Ship = player2.playerShip; player = player2; } switch (qH.type) { case QueueType.ship_impulse: float x = Reader.ReadInt32(); float y = Reader.ReadInt32(); float m = Reader.ReadInt32(); float n = Reader.ReadInt32(); float r = Reader.ReadInt32(); Vector2 direction = new Vector2((float)(Math.Cos(Player2Ship.physicsObj.body.GetAngle())), (float)(Math.Sin(Player2Ship.physicsObj.body.GetAngle()))); direction.Normalize(); direction *= shipSpeed; ship_impulse p = new ship_impulse(player, direction); //update server values p.rot = player.playerShip.rotation; p.x = player.playerShip.location.X; p.y = player.playerShip.location.Y; p.impulse.X = x; p.impulse.Y = y; qH.obj = p; break; case QueueType.ship_rot_anti: float x1 = (int)Reader.ReadInt32(); Ship_rot_message pShip = new Ship_rot_message(player, x1); pShip.rot = x1; //server values pShip.x = player.playerShip.location.X; pShip.y = player.playerShip.location.Y; pShip.serverRotvalue = player.playerShip.rotation; qH.obj = pShip; break; case QueueType.ship_rot_clock: float x2 = (int)Reader.ReadInt32(); Ship_rot_message pShip1 = new Ship_rot_message(player, x2); pShip1.rot = x2; //server values pShip1.x = player.playerShip.location.X; pShip1.y = player.playerShip.location.Y; pShip1.serverRotvalue = player.playerShip.rotation; qH.obj = pShip1; break; case QueueType.ship_bomb: Ship_Create_Bomb_Message p2 = new Ship_Create_Bomb_Message(player); //server values p2.x = player.playerShip.location.X; p2.y = player.playerShip.location.Y; p2.rot = player.playerShip.rotation; qH.obj = p2; break; case QueueType.ship_missile: Ship_Create_Missile_Message p3 = new Ship_Create_Missile_Message(player); //server values p3.x = player.playerShip.location.X; p3.y = player.playerShip.location.Y; p3.rot = player.playerShip.rotation; qH.obj = p3; break; case QueueType.physicsBuffer: //physics_buffer_message p4 = new physics_buffer_message(); //qH.ob = p3; break; case QueueType.EventMessage: int a = (int)Reader.ReadInt32(); int b = (int)Reader.ReadInt32(); Vector2 pt = (Vector2)Reader.ReadVector2(); EvenMessage e = new EvenMessage(a, b, pt); qH.obj = e; break; } inQueue.add(qH.obj, qH.type, qH.outseq, qH.packetOwner); OutQueue.add(qH.type, qH.obj, qH.packetOwner); } }
public void Send(LocalNetworkGamer local, qHeader pHeader) { PacketWriter pWrite = new PacketWriter(); pWrite.Write((int)pHeader.type); pWrite.Write((int)pHeader.packetOwner); pWrite.Write(pHeader.inseq); pWrite.Write(pHeader.outseq); switch (pHeader.type) { case QueueType.ship_rot_clock: Ship_rot_message p1 = (Ship_rot_message)pHeader.obj; pWrite.Write((int)p1.rot); pWrite.Write((int)p1.x); pWrite.Write((int)p1.y); pWrite.Write((int)p1.serverRotvalue); break; case QueueType.ship_rot_anti: Ship_rot_message p4 = (Ship_rot_message)pHeader.obj; pWrite.Write((int)p4.rot); pWrite.Write((int)p4.x); pWrite.Write((int)p4.y); pWrite.Write((int)p4.serverRotvalue); break; case QueueType.ship_missile: Ship_Create_Missile_Message missile = (Ship_Create_Missile_Message)pHeader.obj; pWrite.Write((int)missile.x); pWrite.Write((int)missile.y); pWrite.Write((int)missile.rot); break; case QueueType.ship_impulse: ship_impulse p = (ship_impulse)pHeader.obj; pWrite.Write((int)p.impulse.X); pWrite.Write((int)p.impulse.Y); pWrite.Write((int)p.x); pWrite.Write((int)p.y); pWrite.Write((int)p.rot); break; case QueueType.ship_bomb: Ship_Create_Bomb_Message bomb = (Ship_Create_Bomb_Message)pHeader.obj; pWrite.Write((int)bomb.x); pWrite.Write((int)bomb.y); pWrite.Write((int)bomb.rot); break; case QueueType.EventMessage: EvenMessage e = new EvenMessage((EvenMessage)pHeader.obj); pWrite.Write(e.gameIdA); pWrite.Write(e.gameIdB); pWrite.Write(e.CollisionPt); break; } local.SendData(pWrite, SendDataOptions.InOrder); }