public void TestOfferMessageRoundTrip() { MockRawMessage source = new MockRawMessage("", new TwitterMessagePointer(0), new TwitterUserPointer(""), DateTime.Now.ToString()); OfferMessage orig = new OfferMessage(); orig.AddThumbnail("thumb"); // orig.Source = m; orig.RawText = source.Text; orig.Timestamp = source.Timestamp; orig.MessagePointer = source.Pointer; string json = JSON.Serialize(orig); Console.Out.WriteLine(json); OfferMessage deserialized = JSON.Deserialize<OfferMessage>(json); Assert.AreEqual(orig, deserialized); }
static MockData() { MSG_COUNT = 6; Offers = new List<string> { "mulch", "car", "vegetables", "garden supplies", "yams", "squash"}; DateTime fixedStart = DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(365)).ToUniversalTime(); User0 = new TwitterUserPointer("utunga" ); User0.ProfilePicUrl = ""; Location0 = new Location.Location { GeoLat = (decimal)-40.9827820, GeoLong = (decimal)174.9561080, Address = "Paekakariki", Tags = new List<ITag> { (new Tag(TagType.loc, "Paekakariki")), (new Tag(TagType.loc, "New Zealand"))/*, (new Tag(TagType.loc, "NZ"))*/} }; User1 = new TwitterUserPointer("utunga"); User1.ProfilePicUrl = ""; Location1 = new Location.Location { GeoLat = (decimal)-41.2864800, GeoLong = (decimal)174.7762170, Address = "Wellington City", Tags = new List<ITag> {(new Tag(TagType.loc, "Wellington")),/*Accuracy not high enough for this(new Tag(TagType.loc, "Wellington")),*/ (new Tag(TagType.loc, "New Zealand"))/*,(new Tag(TagType.loc, "NZ"))*/} }; //,174.95394&sspn=0.012424,0.027895&ie=UTF8&ll=-36.79609,175.095978&spn=0.204268,0.44632&t=h&z=12 User1 = new TwitterUserPointer("shelly"); User1.ProfilePicUrl = ""; Location2 = new Location.Location { GeoLat = (decimal)/*-36.79609 */- 36.7995140, GeoLong = (decimal)/*175.09597*/ 175.0960576, Address = "Waiheke Island", Tags = new List<ITag> { /*(Accuracy not high enough for thisnew Tag(TagType.loc, "Waiheke")),*//*Accuracy not high enough for this(new Tag(TagType.loc, "Auckland")),*/ (new Tag(TagType.loc, "New Zealand"))/*,(new Tag(TagType.loc, "NZ"))*/} }; User2 = new TwitterUserPointer("utunga"); User2.ProfilePicUrl = ""; // -- setup facets UsedTags= new List<ITag>(); UsedTags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "cash")); UsedTags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "free")); UsedTags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "barter")); foreach (string offer in Offers) { string tagText = offer.Replace(" ", "_"); UsedTags.Add(new Tag(TagType.tag, tagText)); } foreach(ILocation location in new ILocation[] {Location0,Location1,Location2 }) { foreach (ITag locationTag in location.Tags) { UsedTags.Add(locationTag); } } //---- set up the actual (raw) messages MockRawMessage raw; RawMessages = new List<MockRawMessage>(); //--------- 0 raw = new MockRawMessage(0) { Timestamp = fixedStart, // one year ago CreatedBy = User0, Location = Location0, MoreInfoURL = "", OfferText = Offers[0] + " available now", EndByText = null, EndBy = null }; raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(, "ooooby")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "free")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "swap")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "barter")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.tag, Offers[0])); foreach (ITag locationTag in Location0.Tags) { raw.Tags.Add(locationTag); } raw.Text = raw.ToString(); RawMessages.Add(raw); //--------- 1 raw = new MockRawMessage(1) { Timestamp = fixedStart.AddSeconds((365-40)), // more than a month ago CreatedBy = User1, Location = Location1, MoreInfoURL = "", OfferText = Offers[1] + " available now", EndByText = null, EndBy = null }; raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(, "ooooby")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "free")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "barter")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.tag, Offers[1])); foreach (ITag locationTag in Location1.Tags) { raw.Tags.Add(locationTag); } raw.Text = raw.ToString(); RawMessages.Add(raw); //--------- 2 raw = new MockRawMessage(2) { Timestamp = fixedStart.AddDays((365 - 5)), CreatedBy = User2, Location = Location2, MoreInfoURL = "", OfferText = Offers[2] + " available now", EndByText = null, EndBy = null }; raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(, "ooooby")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "free")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "barter")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.tag, Offers[2])); foreach (ITag locationTag in Location2.Tags) { raw.Tags.Add(locationTag); } raw.Text = raw.ToString(); RawMessages.Add(raw); //--------- 3 raw = new MockRawMessage(3) { Timestamp = fixedStart.AddDays(363), CreatedBy = User0, Location = Location0, MoreInfoURL = "", OfferText = Offers[3] + " available now", EndByText = null, EndBy = null }; raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(, "ooooby")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "free")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "barter")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.tag, "garden_supplies")); foreach (ITag locationTag in Location0.Tags) { raw.Tags.Add(locationTag); } raw.Text = raw.ToString(); RawMessages.Add(raw); //--------- 4 raw = new MockRawMessage(4) { Timestamp = fixedStart.AddDays(364.5), CreatedBy = User1, Location = Location2, MoreInfoURL = "", OfferText = Offers[4] + " available now", EndByText = null, EndBy = null }; raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(, "ooooby")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "free")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "barter")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.tag, Offers[4])); foreach (ITag locationTag in Location2.Tags) { raw.Tags.Add(locationTag); } raw.Text = raw.ToString(); RawMessages.Add(raw); //--------- 5 raw = new MockRawMessage(5) { Timestamp = fixedStart.AddDays(365), CreatedBy = User2, Location = Location2, MoreInfoURL = "", OfferText = Offers[5] + " available now", EndByText = null, EndBy = null }; raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(, "ooooby")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.currency, "cash")); raw.Tags.Add(new Tag(TagType.tag, Offers[5])); foreach (ITag locationTag in Location2.Tags) { raw.Tags.Add(locationTag); } raw.Text = raw.ToString(); RawMessages.Add(raw); if (RawMessages.Count != MSG_COUNT) { throw new ApplicationException("Check the MockData class, wrong number of raw messages being returned"); } Users = new List<IUserPointer>() { User0, User1, User2 }; }
public void TestOfferMessageList() { MockRawMessage source = new MockRawMessage("", new TwitterMessagePointer(0), new TwitterUserPointer(""), DateTime.Now.ToString()); OfferMessage originalMessage = new OfferMessage(); //o.Source = m; originalMessage.RawText = source.Text; originalMessage.Timestamp = source.Timestamp; originalMessage.MessagePointer = source.Pointer; List<OfferMessage> messages = new List<OfferMessage> { originalMessage, originalMessage }; string initialMessages = JSON.Serialize(messages); List<OfferMessage> initialMessageobj = JSON.Deserialize<List<OfferMessage>>(initialMessages); //AssertMessagesAreTheSame(messages, initialMessageobj); Assert.AreEqual(messages, initialMessageobj); Console.WriteLine(initialMessages); }