Example #1
        /// <summary>
        ///   Reads one <c>ZipEntry</c> from the given stream.  The content for
        ///   the entry does not get decompressed or decrypted.  This method
        ///   basically reads metadata, and seeks.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zc">the ZipContainer this entry belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="first">
        ///   true of this is the first entry being read from the stream.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>the <c>ZipEntry</c> read from the stream.</returns>
        internal static ZipEntry ReadEntry(ZipContainer zc, bool first)
            ZipFile zf = zc.ZipFile;
            Stream s = zc.ReadStream;
            System.Text.Encoding defaultEncoding = zc.AlternateEncoding;
            ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry();
            entry._Source = ZipEntrySource.ZipFile;
            entry._container = zc;
            entry._archiveStream = s;
            if (zf != null)
                zf.OnReadEntry(true, null);

            if (first) HandlePK00Prefix(s);

            // Read entry header, including any encryption header
            if (!ReadHeader(entry, defaultEncoding)) return null;

            // Store the position in the stream for this entry
            // change for workitem 8098
            entry.__FileDataPosition = entry.ArchiveStream.Position;

            // seek past the data without reading it. We will read on Extract()
            s.Seek(entry._CompressedFileDataSize + entry._LengthOfTrailer, SeekOrigin.Current);
            // workitem 10178

            // ReadHeader moves the file pointer to the end of the entry header,
            // as well as any encryption header.

            // CompressedFileDataSize includes:
            //   the maybe compressed, maybe encrypted file data
            //   the encryption trailer, if any
            //   the bit 3 descriptor, if any

            // workitem 5306
            // http://www.codeplex.com/DotNetZip/WorkItem/View.aspx?WorkItemId=5306

            if (zf != null)
                zf.OnReadEntry(false, entry);

            return entry;
Example #2
        private static byte[] GenCentralDirectoryFooter(long StartOfCentralDirectory,
                                                        long EndOfCentralDirectory,
                                                        Zip64Option zip64,
                                                        int entryCount,
                                                        string comment,
                                                        ZipContainer container)
            System.Text.Encoding encoding = GetEncoding(container, comment);
            int j = 0;
            int bufferLength = 22;
            byte[] block = null;
            Int16 commentLength = 0;
            if ((comment != null) && (comment.Length != 0))
                block = encoding.GetBytes(comment);
                commentLength = (Int16)block.Length;
            bufferLength += commentLength;
            byte[] bytes = new byte[bufferLength];

            int i = 0;
            // signature
            byte[] sig = BitConverter.GetBytes(ZipConstants.EndOfCentralDirectorySignature);
            Array.Copy(sig, 0, bytes, i, 4);

            // number of this disk
            // (this number may change later)
            bytes[i++] = 0;
            bytes[i++] = 0;

            // number of the disk with the start of the central directory
            // (this number may change later)
            bytes[i++] = 0;
            bytes[i++] = 0;

            // handle ZIP64 extensions for the end-of-central-directory
            if (entryCount >= 0xFFFF || zip64 == Zip64Option.Always)
                // the ZIP64 version.
                for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    bytes[i++] = 0xFF;
                // the standard version.
                // total number of entries in the central dir on this disk
                bytes[i++] = (byte)(entryCount & 0x00FF);
                bytes[i++] = (byte)((entryCount & 0xFF00) >> 8);

                // total number of entries in the central directory
                bytes[i++] = (byte)(entryCount & 0x00FF);
                bytes[i++] = (byte)((entryCount & 0xFF00) >> 8);

            // size of the central directory
            Int64 SizeOfCentralDirectory = EndOfCentralDirectory - StartOfCentralDirectory;

            if (SizeOfCentralDirectory >= 0xFFFFFFFF || StartOfCentralDirectory >= 0xFFFFFFFF)
                // The actual data is in the ZIP64 central directory structure
                for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    bytes[i++] = 0xFF;
                // size of the central directory (we just get the low 4 bytes)
                bytes[i++] = (byte)(SizeOfCentralDirectory & 0x000000FF);
                bytes[i++] = (byte)((SizeOfCentralDirectory & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
                bytes[i++] = (byte)((SizeOfCentralDirectory & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
                bytes[i++] = (byte)((SizeOfCentralDirectory & 0xFF000000) >> 24);

                // offset of the start of the central directory (we just get the low 4 bytes)
                bytes[i++] = (byte)(StartOfCentralDirectory & 0x000000FF);
                bytes[i++] = (byte)((StartOfCentralDirectory & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
                bytes[i++] = (byte)((StartOfCentralDirectory & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
                bytes[i++] = (byte)((StartOfCentralDirectory & 0xFF000000) >> 24);

            // zip archive comment
            if ((comment == null) || (comment.Length == 0))
                // no comment!
                bytes[i++] = (byte)0;
                bytes[i++] = (byte)0;
                // the size of our buffer defines the max length of the comment we can write
                if (commentLength + i + 2 > bytes.Length) commentLength = (Int16)(bytes.Length - i - 2);
                bytes[i++] = (byte)(commentLength & 0x00FF);
                bytes[i++] = (byte)((commentLength & 0xFF00) >> 8);

                if (commentLength != 0)
                    // now actually write the comment itself into the byte buffer
                    for (j = 0; (j < commentLength) && (i + j < bytes.Length); j++)
                        bytes[i + j] = block[j];
                    i += j;

            //   s.Write(bytes, 0, i);
            return bytes;
Example #3
        public static bool WriteCentralDirectoryStructure(Stream s,
                                                          ICollection<ZipEntry> entries,
                                                          uint numSegments,
                                                          Zip64Option zip64,
                                                          String comment,
                                                          ZipContainer container)
            var zss = s as ZipSegmentedStream;
            if (zss != null)
                zss.ContiguousWrite = true;

            // write to a memory stream in order to keep the
            // CDR contiguous
            Int64 aLength = 0;
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                foreach (ZipEntry e in entries)
                    if (e.IncludedInMostRecentSave)
                        // this writes a ZipDirEntry corresponding to the ZipEntry
                var a = ms.ToArray();
                s.Write(a, 0, a.Length);
                aLength = a.Length;

            // We need to keep track of the start and
            // Finish of the Central Directory Structure.

            // Cannot always use WriteStream.Length or Position; some streams do
            // not support these. (eg, ASP.NET Response.OutputStream) In those
            // cases we have a CountingStream.

            // Also, we cannot just set Start as s.Position bfore the write, and Finish
            // as s.Position after the write.  In a split zip, the write may actually
            // flip to the next segment.  In that case, Start will be zero.  But we
            // don't know that til after we know the size of the thing to write.  So the
            // answer is to compute the directory, then ask the ZipSegmentedStream which
            // segment that directory would fall in, it it were written.  Then, include
            // that data into the directory, and finally, write the directory to the
            // output stream.

            var output = s as CountingStream;
            long Finish = (output != null) ? output.ComputedPosition : s.Position;  // BytesWritten
            long Start = Finish - aLength;

            // need to know which segment the EOCD record starts in
            UInt32 startSegment = (zss != null)
                ? zss.CurrentSegment
                : 0;

            Int64 SizeOfCentralDirectory = Finish - Start;

            int countOfEntries = CountEntries(entries);

            bool needZip64CentralDirectory =
                zip64 == Zip64Option.Always ||
                countOfEntries >= 0xFFFF ||
                SizeOfCentralDirectory > 0xFFFFFFFF ||
                Start > 0xFFFFFFFF;

            byte[] a2 = null;

            // emit ZIP64 extensions as required
            if (needZip64CentralDirectory)
                if (zip64 == Zip64Option.Never)
                    throw new ZipException("The archive requires a ZIP64 Central Directory. Consider enabling ZIP64 extensions.");
                    System.Diagnostics.StackFrame sf = new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame(1);
                    if (sf.GetMethod().DeclaringType == typeof(ZipFile))
                        throw new ZipException("The archive requires a ZIP64 Central Directory. Consider setting the ZipFile.UseZip64WhenSaving property.");
                        throw new ZipException("The archive requires a ZIP64 Central Directory. Consider setting the ZipOutputStream.EnableZip64 property.");


                var a = GenZip64EndOfCentralDirectory(Start, Finish, countOfEntries, numSegments);
                a2 = GenCentralDirectoryFooter(Start, Finish, zip64, countOfEntries, comment, container);
                if (startSegment != 0)
                    UInt32 thisSegment = zss.ComputeSegment(a.Length + a2.Length);
                    int i = 16;
                    // number of this disk
                    Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(thisSegment), 0, a, i, 4);
                    i += 4;
                    // number of the disk with the start of the central directory
                    //Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(startSegment), 0, a, i, 4);
                    Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(thisSegment), 0, a, i, 4);

                    i = 60;
                    // offset 60
                    // number of the disk with the start of the zip64 eocd
                    Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(thisSegment), 0, a, i, 4);
                    i += 4;
                    i += 8;

                    // offset 72
                    // total number of disks
                    Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(thisSegment), 0, a, i, 4);
                s.Write(a, 0, a.Length);
                a2 = GenCentralDirectoryFooter(Start, Finish, zip64, countOfEntries, comment, container);

            // now, the regular footer
            if (startSegment != 0)
                // The assumption is the central directory is never split across
                // segment boundaries.

                UInt16 thisSegment = (UInt16) zss.ComputeSegment(a2.Length);
                int i = 4;
                // number of this disk
                Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(thisSegment), 0, a2, i, 2);
                i += 2;
                // number of the disk with the start of the central directory
                //Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt16)startSegment), 0, a2, i, 2);
                Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(thisSegment), 0, a2, i, 2);
                i += 2;

            s.Write(a2, 0, a2.Length);

            // reset the contiguous write property if necessary
            if (zss != null)
                zss.ContiguousWrite = false;

            return needZip64CentralDirectory;
Example #4
        private static System.Text.Encoding GetEncoding(ZipContainer container, string t)
            switch (container.AlternateEncodingUsage)
                case ZipOption.Always:
                    return container.AlternateEncoding;
                case ZipOption.Never:
                    return container.DefaultEncoding;

            // AsNecessary is in force
            var e = container.DefaultEncoding;
            if (t == null) return e;

            var bytes = e.GetBytes(t);
            var t2 = e.GetString(bytes,0,bytes.Length);
            if (t2.Equals(t)) return e;
            return container.AlternateEncoding;
Example #5
        // build the TOC by reading each entry in the file.
        private static void ReadIntoInstance_Orig(ZipFile zf)
            //zf._entries = new System.Collections.Generic.List<ZipEntry>();
            zf._entries = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<String,ZipEntry>();

            ZipEntry e;
            if (zf.Verbose)
                if (zf.Name == null)
                    zf.StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("Reading zip from stream...");
                    zf.StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("Reading zip {0}...", zf.Name);

            // work item 6647:  PK00 (packed to removable disk)
            bool firstEntry = true;
            ZipContainer zc = new ZipContainer(zf);
            while ((e = ZipEntry.ReadEntry(zc, firstEntry)) != null)
                if (zf.Verbose)
                    zf.StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("  {0}", e.FileName);

                firstEntry = false;

            // read the zipfile's central directory structure here.
            // workitem 9912
            // But, because it may be corrupted, ignore errors.
                ZipEntry de;
                // in lieu of hashset, use a dictionary
                var previouslySeen = new Dictionary<String,Object>();
                while ((de = ZipEntry.ReadDirEntry(zf, previouslySeen)) != null)
                    // Housekeeping: Since ZipFile exposes ZipEntry elements in the enumerator,
                    // we need to copy the comment that we grab from the ZipDirEntry
                    // into the ZipEntry, so the application can access the comment.
                    // Also since ZipEntry is used to Write zip files, we need to copy the
                    // file attributes to the ZipEntry as appropriate.
                    ZipEntry e1 = zf._entries[de.FileName];
                    if (e1 != null)
                        e1._Comment = de.Comment;
                        if (de.IsDirectory) e1.MarkAsDirectory();
                    previouslySeen.Add(de.FileName,null); // to prevent dupes

                // workitem 8299
                if (zf._locEndOfCDS > 0)
                    zf.ReadStream.Seek(zf._locEndOfCDS, SeekOrigin.Begin);


                if (zf.Verbose && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(zf.Comment))
                    zf.StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("Zip file Comment: {0}", zf.Comment);
            catch (ZipException) { }
            catch (IOException) { }
