public override void CalculatePositionDeltas(HalfEdge halfedge,List<ObiClothParticle> particles, float dt) { // We can skip this for fixed particles: if (particles[pIndex].w == 0) return; // Wake the particle up. particles[pIndex].asleep = false; Vector3 positionDiff = particles[pIndex].predictedPosition - point; float distance = positionDiff.magnitude; float surfaceDistance = Vector3.Dot(positionDiff,normal); if (LinearStiffness > 0){ Vector3 correctionVector =; if (distance > radius){ float correctionFactor = distance - radius; correctionVector += positionDiff / distance * correctionFactor; } if (surfaceDistance < backstop){ correctionVector += normal * Mathf.Min(surfaceDistance - backstop,0); } if (correctionVector !={ particles[pIndex].positionDelta -= LinearStiffness * correctionVector; particles[pIndex].numConstraints++; } } }
public override void CalculatePositionDeltas(HalfEdge halfedge, List<ObiClothParticle> particles, float dt) { if (!enabled || restRi == null) return; // Get current center of mass: float totalMass = 0; Vector3 cm =; foreach(ObiClothParticle p in particles){ float mass = 1/(p.w + epsilon); totalMass += mass; cm += p.predictedPosition * mass; } if (totalMass == 0) return; cm /= totalMass; // Get A: Matrix4x4 A =; A[3,3] = 1; foreach(ObiClothParticle particle in particles){ Vector3 q = restRi[particle.index]; Vector3 p = particle.predictedPosition - cm; float mass = 1/(particle.w + epsilon); p *= mass; A[0,0] += p[0] * q[0]; A[0,1] += p[0] * q[1]; A[0,2] += p[0] * q[2]; A[1,0] += p[1] * q[0]; A[1,1] += p[1] * q[1]; A[1,2] += p[1] * q[2]; A[2,0] += p[2] * q[0]; A[2,1] += p[2] * q[1]; A[2,2] += p[2] * q[2]; } // Extract rotation component from matrix: Matrix4x4 R = A.PolarDecomposition(1e-4f); Matrix4x4 D = R; A = A * invRestMatrix; // Mix in the amount of allowed linear deformation: if (linearDeformation > 0){ float detCubicRoot = Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Pow(A.Determinant(),1/3f),0.9f,2); if (!Single.IsNaN(detCubicRoot) && !Single.IsInfinity(detCubicRoot) && detCubicRoot != 0){ // We divide A by the cubic root of the determinant to ensure volume conservation: D = A.MultiplyValue(linearDeformation/detCubicRoot).Add(R.MultiplyValue(1-linearDeformation)); } } foreach(ObiClothParticle particle in particles){ if (particle.w > 0){ Vector3 goal = cm + D.MultiplyPoint3x4(restRi[particle.index]); particle.positionDelta += (goal - particle.predictedPosition) * LinearStiffness; particle.numConstraints++; } } }
public override void CalculatePositionDeltas(HalfEdge halfedge,List<ObiClothParticle> particles, float dt) { // If there is no rigidbody, it is kinematic or is sleeping, and the particle is asleep, we can skip this constraint. if ((rigidbody == null || rigidbody.IsSleeping()) && particle.asleep) return; // If both the particle and the rigidbody are fixed, skip this. if (weightSum == 0) return; //Calculate relative normal and tangent velocities at nearest point: Vector3 rigidbodyVelocityAtContact = (rigidbody == null || rigidbody.isKinematic) ? : transform.InverseTransformVector(rigidbody.GetPointVelocity(wspoint)); Vector3 relativeVelocity = (particle.predictedPosition - particle.position) / dt - rigidbodyVelocityAtContact; float relativeNormalVelocity = Vector3.Dot(relativeVelocity,normal); Vector3 tangentSpeed = relativeVelocity - relativeNormalVelocity * normal; float relativeTangentVelocity = tangentSpeed.magnitude; Vector3 tangent = tangentSpeed / (relativeTangentVelocity + epsilon); //Calculate normal impulse correction: float nvCorrection = relativeNormalVelocity + distance / dt; float niCorrection = nvCorrection / weightSum; //Accumulate impulse: float newImpulse = Mathf.Min(normalImpulse + niCorrection,0); //Calculate change impulse change and set new impulse: float normalChange = newImpulse - normalImpulse; normalImpulse = newImpulse; // If this turns out to be a real (non-speculative) contact, compute friction impulse. float tangentChange = 0; if (nvCorrection < 0 && frictionCoeff > 0){ // Real contact float tiCorrection = - relativeTangentVelocity / weightSum; //Accumulate tangent impulse using coulomb friction model: float frictionCone = - normalImpulse * frictionCoeff; float newTangentImpulse = Mathf.Clamp(tangentImpulse + tiCorrection,-frictionCone, frictionCone); //Calculate change impulse change and set new impulse: tangentChange = newTangentImpulse - tangentImpulse; tangentImpulse = newTangentImpulse; } if (normalChange != 0 || tangentChange != 0){ // wake the particle up: particle.asleep = false; particle.numConstraints++; } //Add impulse to particle and rigidbody Vector3 impulse = (normal * normalChange - tangent * tangentChange); particle.positionDelta -= impulse * particle.w * dt; // add impulse to rigid body, if any: if (rigidbody != null){ rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(transform.TransformVector(impulse),wspoint,ForceMode.Impulse); } }
public override void CalculatePositionDeltas(HalfEdge halfedge,List<ObiClothParticle> particles, float dt) { // If there is no rigidbody, it is kinematic or is sleeping, and the particle is asleep, we can skip this constraint. if (particle1.asleep && particle2.asleep) return; // If both the particle and the rigidbody are fixed, skip this. if (weightSum == 0) return; //Calculate relative normal and tangent velocities at nearest point: Vector3 relativeVelocity = (particle1.predictedPosition - particle1.position) / dt - (particle2.predictedPosition - particle2.position) / dt; float relativeNormalVelocity = Vector3.Dot(relativeVelocity,normal); Vector3 tangentSpeed = relativeVelocity - relativeNormalVelocity * normal; float relativeTangentVelocity = tangentSpeed.magnitude; Vector3 tangent = tangentSpeed / (relativeTangentVelocity + epsilon); //Calculate normal impulse correction: float nvCorrection = relativeNormalVelocity + distance / dt; float niCorrection = nvCorrection / weightSum; //Accumulate impulse: float newImpulse = Mathf.Min(normalImpulse + niCorrection,0); //Calculate change impulse change and set new impulse: float normalChange = newImpulse - normalImpulse; normalImpulse = newImpulse; // If this turns out to be a real (non-speculative) contact, compute friction impulse. float tangentChange = 0; if (nvCorrection < 0){ // Real contact float tiCorrection = - relativeTangentVelocity / weightSum; //Accumulate tangent impulse using coulomb friction model: float frictionCone = - normalImpulse * frictionCoeff; float newTangentImpulse = Mathf.Clamp(tangentImpulse + tiCorrection,-frictionCone, frictionCone); //Calculate change impulse change and set new impulse: tangentChange = newTangentImpulse - tangentImpulse; tangentImpulse = newTangentImpulse; } if (normalChange != 0 || tangentChange != 0){ // wake the particle up: particle1.asleep = false; particle2.asleep = false; particle1.numConstraints++; particle2.numConstraints++; } //Add impulse to both particles: Vector3 impulse = (normal * normalChange - tangent * tangentChange); particle1.positionDelta -= impulse * particle1.w * dt; particle2.positionDelta += impulse * particle2.w * dt; }
public override void CalculatePositionDeltas(HalfEdge halfedge, List<ObiClothParticle> particles, float dt) { if (!enabled || !halfedge.IsClosed) return; float currentVolume = 0; ObiClothParticle p1; ObiClothParticle p2; ObiClothParticle p3; // calculate current mesh volume: foreach(HalfEdge.HEFace face in halfedge.heFaces){ p1 = particles[halfedge.heEdges[face.edges[0]].endVertex]; p2 = particles[halfedge.heEdges[face.edges[1]].endVertex]; p3 = particles[halfedge.heEdges[face.edges[2]].endVertex]; currentVolume += Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(p1.predictedPosition,p2.predictedPosition),p3.predictedPosition)/6f; } // calculate gradients and weighted sum: Vector3[] gradients = new Vector3[particles.Count]; float gradientSum = 0; foreach(HalfEdge.HEFace face in halfedge.heFaces){ p1 = particles[halfedge.heEdges[face.edges[0]].endVertex]; p2 = particles[halfedge.heEdges[face.edges[1]].endVertex]; p3 = particles[halfedge.heEdges[face.edges[2]].endVertex]; Vector3 n = Vector3.Cross(p2.predictedPosition-p1.predictedPosition,p3.predictedPosition-p1.predictedPosition); gradients[p1.index] += n; gradients[p2.index] += n; gradients[p3.index] += n; } for(int i = 0; i < gradients.Length; i++){ gradientSum += particles[i].w * gradients[i].sqrMagnitude; } if (!Mathf.Approximately(gradientSum,0)){ // calculate constraint scaling factor: float s = (currentVolume - pressure * halfedge.MeshVolume) / gradientSum; // apply position correction to all particles: foreach(ObiClothParticle p in particles){ p.positionDelta -= s * p.w * gradients[p.index] * LinearStiffness; p.numConstraints++; } } }
public override void CalculatePositionDeltas(HalfEdge halfedge,List<ObiClothParticle> particles, float dt) { // If both particles are asleep, skip the constraint. if (particles[p1].asleep && particles[p2].asleep) return; // If at least one of the particles is awake, wake the other one up. particles[p1].asleep = false; particles[p2].asleep = false; Vector3 positionDiff = particles[p1].predictedPosition-particles[p2].predictedPosition; float distance = positionDiff.magnitude; if (distance > epsilon && (LinearStiffness > 0 || LinearCompressionStiffness > 0)){ float correctionFactor = (distance - restLenght * scale); Vector3 correctionVector = positionDiff / distance * correctionFactor; float wsum = particles[p1].w + particles[p2].w; if (wsum > 0){ if (correctionFactor > 0){ particles[p1].positionDelta -= LinearStiffness * correctionVector * particles[p1].w/wsum; particles[p2].positionDelta += LinearStiffness * correctionVector * particles[p2].w/wsum; }else{ particles[p1].positionDelta -= LinearCompressionStiffness * correctionVector * particles[p1].w/wsum; particles[p2].positionDelta += LinearCompressionStiffness * correctionVector * particles[p2].w/wsum; } particles[p1].numConstraints++; particles[p2].numConstraints++; } // return false if the spring should break: if (!shouldBreak) shouldBreak = distance >= tearDistance; } }
public override void CalculatePositionDeltas(HalfEdge halfedge,List<ObiClothParticle> particles, float dt) { // move particle to pin position: if (rigidbody != null){ float rigidbodyWeight = (rigidbody == null || rigidbody.isKinematic) ? 0 : 1/rigidbody.mass; float weightSum = particles[pIndex].w + rigidbodyWeight; if (weightSum == 0) return; Vector3 wsOffset = rigidbody.transform.TransformPoint(offset); Vector3 positionChange = (particles[pIndex].predictedPosition-transform.InverseTransformPoint(wsOffset)) / weightSum; if (particles[pIndex].w > 0){ particles[pIndex].positionDelta -= positionChange * particles[pIndex].w; particles[pIndex].numConstraints++; } // apply impulse to rigidbody: if (!rigidbody.isKinematic){ rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(transform.TransformVector(positionChange) / dt,wsOffset,ForceMode.Impulse); } } }
public override void CalculatePositionDeltas(HalfEdge halfedge,List<ObiClothParticle> particles, float dt) { // If all particles are asleep, skip constraint. if (particles[pIndex1].asleep && particles[pIndex2].asleep && particles[pIndex3].asleep) return; // If at least one of the particles is awake, wake the other one up. particles[pIndex1].asleep = false; particles[pIndex2].asleep = false; particles[pIndex3].asleep = false; w = particles[pIndex1].w + particles[pIndex2].w + 2*particles[pIndex3].w; if (w > 0 && LinearStiffness > 0){ Vector3 center = (particles[pIndex1].predictedPosition + particles[pIndex2].predictedPosition + particles[pIndex3].predictedPosition)/3f; Vector3 dirCenter = particles[pIndex3].predictedPosition - center; float distCenter = dirCenter.magnitude; if (distCenter > 0){ float diff = 1.0f - ((K + restLenght) / distCenter); if (diff >= 0){ // remove this to force a certain curvature. Vector3 dirForce = dirCenter * diff; particles[pIndex1].positionDelta += LinearStiffness * (2.0f*particles[pIndex1].w/w) * dirForce; particles[pIndex2].positionDelta += LinearStiffness * (2.0f*particles[pIndex2].w/w) * dirForce; particles[pIndex3].positionDelta -= LinearStiffness * (4.0f*particles[pIndex3].w/w) * dirForce; particles[pIndex1].numConstraints++; particles[pIndex2].numConstraints++; particles[pIndex3].numConstraints++; } } } }
public IEnumerator Generate() { nodes.Clear(); if (mesh == null) yield break; vertices = mesh.vertices; int[] triangles = mesh.triangles; float size = Mathf.Max(mesh.bounds.size.x,mesh.bounds.size.y,mesh.bounds.size.z) + boundsPadding; Bounds bounds = new Bounds(,*size); // Use the half-edge structure to generate angle-weighted normals: HalfEdge he = new HalfEdge(mesh); if (Application.isPlaying){ CoroutineJob.RunSynchronously(he.Generate()); //While playing, do this synchronously. We don't want to wait too much. }else{ CoroutineJob generateHalfEdge = new CoroutineJob(); generateHalfEdge.asyncThreshold = 2000; //If this takes more than 2 seconds in the editor, do it asynchronously. EditorCoroutine.StartCoroutine(generateHalfEdge.Start(he.Generate())); //Wait for the half-edge generation to complete. CoroutineJob.ProgressInfo progress = null; while(!generateHalfEdge.IsDone){ try{ progress = generateHalfEdge.Result as CoroutineJob.ProgressInfo; }catch(Exception e){ Debug.LogException(e); yield break; } yield return progress; } } //Calculate angle weighted normals, for correct inside/outside determination. Vector3[] normals = he.AngleWeightedNormals(); yield return new CoroutineJob.ProgressInfo("Building BIH...",0.1f); // Generate BIH to speed up NN triangle queries. bih = new BIH(); bih.Generate(bounds,vertices,normals,triangles,8,0.8f); // Breadth first construction: Queue<ADFNode> queue = new Queue<ADFNode>(); ADFNode root = new ADFNode(bounds); queue.Enqueue(root); nodes.Add(root); int counter = 0; while(queue.Count > 0) { ADFNode node = queue.Dequeue(); // Here provide an upper-bound estimation of remaining time. Note that in some cases (high maxDepth and high maxError) the process will probably finish sooner than predicted. if (counter % 10 == 0) yield return new CoroutineJob.ProgressInfo("Generating distance field level "+node.depth+"...",0.1f + (node.depth/(float)maxDepth)*0.9f); node.distances = new float[8]; if (highQualityGradient) node.gradients = new Vector3[8]; // Sample distance at the 8 node corners: for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ BIH.SurfaceInfo si = bih.DistanceToSurface( + Vector3.Scale(node.bounds.extents,corners[i])); node.distances[i] = si.signedDistance; if (highQualityGradient) node.gradients[i] = si.vectorToSurface; } if (node.depth >= maxDepth) continue; // Measure distances at the 6 node faces, and the center of the node. float[] realDistances = new float[7]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) realDistances[i] = bih.DistanceToSurface( + Vector3.Scale(node.bounds.extents,errorSamples[i] * 0.5f)).signedDistance; // Get interpolated estimation of distance at the center of possible child nodes: float[] interpolatedDistances = new float[7]; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) interpolatedDistances[i] = node.SampleDistanceAt( + Vector3.Scale(node.bounds.extents,errorSamples[i] * 0.5f)); // Calculate mean squared error between measured distances and interpolated ones: float mse = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++){ float d = realDistances[i] - interpolatedDistances[i]; mse += d*d; } mse /= 7f; // If error > threshold, subdivide the node. if (mse > maxError){ node.children = new int[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ // Calculate child bounds and create the node: Vector3 childCenter = + Vector3.Scale(node.bounds.extents,corners[i] * 0.5f); Vector3 childSize = node.bounds.size*0.5f; ADFNode child = new ADFNode(new Bounds(childCenter,childSize)); child.depth = node.depth+1; // Set our children index. node.children[i] = nodes.Count; // Add it to nodes list and store it for evaluation. nodes.Add(child); queue.Enqueue(child); } } counter++; } // Get rid of octree. bih = null; }
/** * Calculates position deltas (corrections). Will use the provided particle list to * obtain the required particle data, and the half edge structure for fast mesh queries. */ public abstract void CalculatePositionDeltas(HalfEdge halfedge, List<ObiClothParticle> particles, float dt);