private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <string> bTN_Name = new List <string>(); List <string> CategoryID = new List <string>(); List <Image> CategoryImg = new List <Image>(); List <string> CateImg = new List <string>(); List <Image> ProductImg = new List <Image>(); List <string> ProImg = new List <string>(); List <string> ProductName = new List <string>(); List <string> ProductPrice = new List <string>(); List <int> CategoryIDOfPr = new List <int>(); List <int> ProductID = new List <int>(); CMS Data = new CMS(bTN_Name, CategoryID, CategoryImg, CateImg, ProductImg, ProImg, ProductName, ProductPrice, CategoryIDOfPr, ProductID); if (textBox1.Text == "Name") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Name of Category", "Error"); } else { int M = 0; bool AddedBefore = false; while (true) { for (int j = 0; j < bTN_Name.Count; j++) { if (textBox1.Text == bTN_Name[j]) { MessageBox.Show("This Category Has Been Added Before", "Error"); AddedBefore = true; break; } } if (AddedBefore == true) { break; } else { bTN_Name.Add(textBox1.Text);//////////////// Category.Add(new Cate(bTN_Name[i])); if (i != 0) { int x = Category[i - 1].Location.X; int y = Category[i - 1].Location.Y + Category[i - 1].Height; //int y = panel5.Controls.Count/2 * 155; Category[i].Location = new Point(150, y); } else { Category[i].Location = new Point(150, i * 140); } // Category[i].Text = textBox1.Text; panel5.Controls.Add(Category[i]); //******************************** Save image into file************************************************ //******************************** Add Form of products for each category ************************ FrmProduct.Add(new Form()); FrmProduct[i].Text = bTN_Name[i]; FrmProduct[i].StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; FrmProduct[i].Width = 400; FrmProduct[i].Height = 550; //********************* Add Button & Text Box to the form of Product ***************************** AddProductBtn.Add(new Button()); AddProductBtn[i].Location = new Point(300, 400); AddProductBtn[i].Text = "Add new Product"; FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(AddProductBtn[i]); ProName.Add(new TextBox()); ProPrice.Add(new TextBox()); ProName[i].Location = new Point(10, 400); ProPrice[i].Location = new Point(10, 430); FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(ProName[i]); FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(ProPrice[i]); ProductContainer.Add(new Panel()); ProductContainer[i].AutoScroll = true; ProductContainer[i].Size = new Size(390, 350); FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(ProductContainer[i]); //************* Add List Boxes to the form of Product whcih would be contain products ************* if (Category[i].Pic == null) { Category[i].Pic = Image.FromFile("111.png"); if (!Directory.Exists("img")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("img"); } Category[i].Pic.Save("img/" + bTN_Name[i] + ".jpg"); } for (int T = 0; T < bTN_Name.Count; T++) { var captured_T = T; // to get the index of clicked Button Category[T].Controls["pictureBox1"].Click += (a, s) => { Category[captured_T].Pic = null; OpenFileDialog Of = new OpenFileDialog(); Of.Filter = "Image Files(*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.bmp)|*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.bmp"; if (Of.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Category[captured_T].Pic = Image.FromFile(Of.FileName); } Of.Dispose(); if (!Directory.Exists("img")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("img"); } Category[captured_T].Pic.Save("img/" + bTN_Name[captured_T] + ".jpg"); // MessageBox.Show("Data has been succefully saved ", textBox1.Text); }; } for (int j = 0; j < bTN_Name.Count; j++) { var captured_j = j; // to get the index of clicked Button AddProductBtn[j].Click += (s2, eao) => { int W = ProductContainer[captured_j].Controls.Count; //ProductUC.Add(new products()); products New = new products(ProName[captured_j].Text, ProPrice[captured_j].Text); New.Location = new Point(20, W * New.Height); // New.Controls["textBox1"].Text = ProName[captured_j].Text; // New.Controls["textBox2"].Text = ProPrice[captured_j].Text + "$"; StreamWriter SW = new StreamWriter("Products.txt", true); SW.WriteLine((captured_j + 1000) + "," + W + "," + ProName[captured_j].Text + "," + New.Controls["textBox2"].Text); SW.Dispose(); ProductContainer[captured_j].Controls.Add(New); }; } for (int j = 0; j < bTN_Name.Count; j++) { var captured_j = j; // to get the index of clicked Button Category[j].Controls[1].Click += (s, ea) => FrmProduct[captured_j].ShowDialog(); //if click on the button or first user control } StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter("CategoryName.txt", true); string Line = "," + (i + 1000).ToString(); sr.WriteLine(bTN_Name[i] + Line); sr.Dispose(); i++; MessageBox.Show("Data Has Been Saved Successfully", "Thank U :)"); break; } M++; } } }
public Form2() { InitializeComponent(); // panel1.AutoScroll = true; InitializeComponent ee = new InitializeComponent(panel1); Data.ReadData(); Data.ReadProducts(); Data.PutProductToEachCategory(); Data.LoadCategoryImg(); Data.LoadProductImg(); int m = 0; for (i = 0; i < Data.Category.Count; i++) { Category.Add(new Cate(Data.Category[i])); Category[i].Location = new Point(150, ((i) * 155)); panel1.Controls.Add(Category[i]); //******************************** Add Form of products for each category ************************ FrmProduct.Add(new Form()); FrmProduct[i].Text = Data.Category[i]; FrmProduct[i].StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; FrmProduct[i].Width = 400; FrmProduct[i].Height = 550; //****************************** Add products for each category ********************************** //********************* Add Button & Panel Container to the form of Product ***************************** AddProductBtn.Add(new Button()); AddProductBtn[i].Location = new Point(300, 400); AddProductBtn[i].Text = "Add new Product"; FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(AddProductBtn[i]); ProName.Add(new TextBox()); ProPrice.Add(new TextBox()); ProName[i].Location = new Point(10, 400); ProPrice[i].Location = new Point(10, 430); FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(ProName[i]); FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(ProPrice[i]); ProductContainer.Add(new Panel()); ProductContainer[i].AutoScroll = true; ProductContainer[i].Size = new Size(390, 350); FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(ProductContainer[i]); /////////////////////////////////////////// //*****************Category images ***************// if (Data.MyPic.Count > i && Data.MyPic[i] == Data.Category[i]) { ////////////////////////////// Category[i].Pic = Data.CategoryImg1[i]; } /////////////////////////////////////////// if (m != Data.CategoryIDOfPr.Count) { while (Data.CategoryIDOfPr[m] == int.Parse(Data.CategoryID1[i])) { products Pro = new products(); Pro.Controls[1].Text = Data.ProductName[m]; Pro.Controls[0].Text = Data.ProductPrice[m]; // Pro.pic = Data.ProductImg[m]; //product image ********** int W = ProductContainer[i].Controls.Count; Pro.Location = new Point(20, W * Pro.Height); ProductContainer[i].Controls.Add(Pro); m++; if (m == Data.ProductName.Count) { break; } } } } for (int j = 0; j < Data.Category.Count; j++) { var captured_j = j; // to get the index of clicked Button Category[j].Controls[1].Click += (s, ea) => FrmProduct[captured_j].ShowDialog(); } for (int j = 0; j < Data.Category.Count; j++) { var captured_j = j; // to get the index of clicked Button AddProductBtn[j].Click += (s2, eao) => { int W = ProductContainer[captured_j].Controls.Count; //to know how many product in this panel(Product container) products New = new products(); New.Location = new Point(20, W * New.Height); New.Controls[1].Text = ProName[captured_j].Text; New.Controls[0].Text = ProPrice[captured_j].Text + "$"; ProductContainer[captured_j].Controls.Add(New); StreamWriter SW = new StreamWriter("Products.txt", true); SW.WriteLine((captured_j + 1000) + "," + W + "," + New.Controls[1].Text + "," + New.Controls[0].Text + "$"); SW.Dispose(); }; } //File.Delete("img//" + Data.Category[0] +".jpg"); for (int T = 0; T < Data.Category.Count; T++) { var captured_T = T; // to get the index of clicked Button Category[T].Controls["pictureBox1"].Click += (a, s) => { OpenFileDialog Of = new OpenFileDialog(); Of.Filter = "Image Files(*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.bmp)|*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.bmp"; if (Of.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Category[captured_T].Pic = Image.FromFile(Of.FileName); } Of.Dispose(); if (!Directory.Exists("img")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("img"); } Category[captured_T].Pic.Save("img/" + Data.Category[captured_T] + ".jpg"); // MessageBox.Show("Data has been succefully saved ", textBox1.Text); }; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <string> bTN_Name = new List <string>(); List <string> CategoryID = new List <string>(); List <Image> CategoryImg = new List <Image>(); List <string> CateImg = new List <string>(); List <Image> ProductImg = new List <Image>(); List <string> ProImg = new List <string>(); List <string> ProductName = new List <string>(); List <string> ProductPrice = new List <string>(); List <int> CategoryIDOfPr = new List <int>(); List <int> ProductID = new List <int>(); CMS Data = new CMS(bTN_Name, CategoryID, CategoryImg, CateImg, ProductImg, ProImg, ProductName, ProductPrice, CategoryIDOfPr, ProductID); button2.BackColor = Color.Transparent; button3.BackColor = Color.Transparent; button1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(44, 146, 234); ShowUser.Visible = false; OnlineOrderPanel.Visible = false; NewCategoryPanel.Visible = true; panel5.AutoScroll = true; panel5.Visible = true; if (panel5.Visible == true) { NewCategoryPanel.Visible = true; } int m = 0; for (i = 0; i < bTN_Name.Count; i++) { Category.Add(new Cate(bTN_Name[i])); if (i % 2 == 1) { x1 = 280; } else { x1 = 0; } if (i == 2) { y2 = 155; } if (i % 2 == 1 && i != 1) { y2 = 155 * v; v++; } Category[i].Location = new Point(x1, y2); panel5.Controls.Add(Category[i]); //******************************** Add Form of products for each category ************************ FrmProduct.Add(new Form()); FrmProduct[i].Text = bTN_Name[i]; FrmProduct[i].StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; FrmProduct[i].Width = 400; FrmProduct[i].Height = 550; //****************************** Add products for each category ********************************** //********************* Add Button & Panel Container to the form of Product ***************************** AddProductBtn.Add(new Button()); AddProductBtn[i].Location = new Point(300, 400); AddProductBtn[i].Text = "Add new Product"; FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(AddProductBtn[i]); ProName.Add(new TextBox()); ProPrice.Add(new TextBox()); ProName[i].Location = new Point(10, 400); ProPrice[i].Location = new Point(10, 430); FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(ProName[i]); FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(ProPrice[i]); ProductContainer.Add(new Panel()); ProductContainer[i].AutoScroll = true; ProductContainer[i].Size = new Size(390, 350); FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(ProductContainer[i]); /////////////////////////////////////////// //*****************Category images *************** for (int j = 0; j <= bTN_Name.Count; j++) { if (Data.MyPic.Count > i && Data.MyPic[j] == bTN_Name[i]) { ////////////////////////////// Category[i].Pic = CategoryImg[j]; break; } } //*************Product Images********************** /////////////////////////////////////////// if (m != CategoryIDOfPr.Count) { while (CategoryIDOfPr[m] == int.Parse(Data.CategoryID1[i])) { Pro.Add(new products(ProductName[m], ProductPrice[m])); // Pro[m].Controls["textBox1"].Text = ProductName[m]; // Pro[m].Controls["textBox2"].Text = ProductPrice[m]; // Pro.pic = Data.ProductImg[m]; //product image ********** int W = ProductContainer[i].Controls.Count; Pro[m].Location = new Point(20, W * Pro[m].Height); ProductContainer[i].Controls.Add(Pro[m]); m++; if (m == ProductName.Count) { break; } } } // for (int j = 0; j < ProductImg.Count; j++) // { // if ( ProImg[j] == ProductName[i]) // { // Pro[j].pic = ProductImg[j]; // } // } } for (int j = 0; j < bTN_Name.Count; j++) { var captured_j = j; // to get the index of clicked Button Category[j].Controls[1].Click += (s, ea) => FrmProduct[captured_j].ShowDialog(); } for (int j = 0; j < bTN_Name.Count; j++) { var captured_j = j; // to get the index of clicked Button AddProductBtn[j].Click += (s2, eao) => { int W = ProductContainer[captured_j].Controls.Count; //to know how many product in this panel(Product container) products New = new products(); New.Location = new Point(20, W * New.Height); New.Controls["textBox1"].Text = ProName[captured_j].Text; New.Controls["textBox2"].Text = ProPrice[captured_j].Text + "$"; ProductContainer[captured_j].Controls.Add(New); StreamWriter SW = new StreamWriter("Products.txt", true); SW.WriteLine((captured_j + 1000) + "," + W + "," + New.Controls["textBox1"].Text + "," + New.Controls["textBox2"].Text); SW.Dispose(); }; } //File.Delete("img//" + Data.Category[0] +".jpg"); for (int T = 0; T < bTN_Name.Count; T++) { var captured_T = T; // to get the index of clicked Button Category[T].Controls["pictureBox1"].Click += (a, s) => { OpenFileDialog Of = new OpenFileDialog(); Of.Filter = "Image Files(*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.bmp)|*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.bmp"; if (Of.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Category[captured_T].Pic = Image.FromFile(Of.FileName); } Of.Dispose(); if (!Directory.Exists("img")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("img"); } Category[captured_T].Pic.Save("img/" + bTN_Name[captured_T] + ".jpg"); // MessageBox.Show("Data has been succefully saved ", textBox1.Text); }; } }
public InitializeComponent(TextBox textBox1, Panel panel1) { int i = Data.Category.Count; if (textBox1.Text == "Name") { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Name of Category", "Error"); } else { int M = 0; bool AddedBefore = false; while (true) { for (int j = 0; j < Data.Category.Count; j++) { if (textBox1.Text == Data.Category[j]) { MessageBox.Show("This Category Has Been Added Before", "Error"); AddedBefore = true; break; } } if (AddedBefore == true) { break; } else { Data.Category.Add(textBox1.Text); Category.Add(new Cate(Data.Category[i])); if (i != 0) { int x = Category[i - 1].Location.X; int y = Category[i - 1].Location.Y + Category[i - 1].Height; Category[i].Location = new Point(20, y); } else { Category[i].Location = new Point(150, (i + 1) * 140); } // Category[i].Text = textBox1.Text; panel1.Controls.Add(Category[i]); //******************************** Save image into file************************************************ //******************************** Add Form of products for each category ************************ FrmProduct.Add(new Form()); FrmProduct[i].Text = Data.Category[i]; FrmProduct[i].StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; FrmProduct[i].Width = 400; FrmProduct[i].Height = 550; //********************* Add Button & Text Box to the form of Product ***************************** AddProductBtn.Add(new Button()); AddProductBtn[i].Location = new Point(300, 400); AddProductBtn[i].Text = "Add new Product"; FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(AddProductBtn[i]); ProName.Add(new TextBox()); ProPrice.Add(new TextBox()); ProName[i].Location = new Point(10, 400); ProPrice[i].Location = new Point(10, 430); FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(ProName[i]); FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(ProPrice[i]); ProductContainer.Add(new Panel()); ProductContainer[i].AutoScroll = true; ProductContainer[i].Size = new Size(390, 350); FrmProduct[i].Controls.Add(ProductContainer[i]); //************* Add List Boxes to the form of Product whcih would be contain products ************* if (Category[i].Pic == null) { Category[i].Pic = Image.FromFile("111.png"); if (!Directory.Exists("img")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("img"); } Category[i].Pic.Save("img/" + Data.Category[i] + ".jpg"); } for (int T = 0; T < Data.Category.Count; T++) { var captured_T = T; // to get the index of clicked Button Category[T].Controls["pictureBox1"].Click += (a, s) => { Category[captured_T].Pic = null; OpenFileDialog Of = new OpenFileDialog(); Of.Filter = "Image Files(*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.bmp)|*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.bmp"; if (Of.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Category[captured_T].Pic = Image.FromFile(Of.FileName); } Of.Dispose(); if (!Directory.Exists("img")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("img"); } Category[captured_T].Pic.Save("img/" + Data.Category[captured_T] + ".jpg"); // MessageBox.Show("Data has been succefully saved ", textBox1.Text); }; } for (int j = 0; j < Data.Category.Count; j++) { var captured_j = j; // to get the index of clicked Button AddProductBtn[j].Click += (s2, eao) => { int W = ProductContainer[captured_j].Controls.Count; //ProductUC.Add(new products()); products New = new products(); New.Location = new Point(20, W * New.Height); New.Controls[1].Text = ProName[captured_j].Text; New.Controls[0].Text = ProPrice[captured_j].Text + "$"; ProductContainer[captured_j].Controls.Add(New); StreamWriter SW = new StreamWriter("Products.txt", true); SW.WriteLine((captured_j + 1000) + "," + W + "," + New.Controls[1].Text + "," + New.Controls[0].Text); SW.Dispose(); }; } for (int j = 0; j < Data.Category.Count; j++) { var captured_j = j; // to get the index of clicked Button Category[j].Controls[1].Click += (s, ea) => FrmProduct[captured_j].ShowDialog(); //if click on the button or first user control } i++; MessageBox.Show("Data Has Been Saved Successfully", "Thank U :)"); break; } M++; } } Data.WriteData(); }