public static void Main(string[] args) { // Create a new Student object: StudentProperties s = new StudentProperties(); // Setting code, name and the age of the student s.Code = "001"; s.Name = "Zara"; s.Age = 9; Console.WriteLine("*************C# Properties***************"); Console.WriteLine("Student Info: {0}", s); //let us increase age s.Age += 1; Console.WriteLine("Student Info: {0}", s); KushalProperty k = new KushalProperty(); k.Name = "SetKushal"; string GetKushal = k.Name; Console.WriteLine("Set Kushal Prop: {0}", k.Name); Console.WriteLine("Get Kushal Prop: {0}", GetKushal); Console.WriteLine("*************C# Abstract Class***************"); AbstractBaseClass sh; sh = new Rectangle(); sh.draw(); sh = new Circle(); sh.draw(); sh.Pprintline(); Console.WriteLine("*************C# Interface***************"); SubClass inter = new SubClass(); inter.SetTutorial(1, "Interface example"); Console.WriteLine(inter.GetTutorial()); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // Create a new Student object: StudentProperties s = new StudentProperties(); // Setting code, name and the age of the student s.Code = "001"; s.Name = "Zara"; s.Age = 9;// Console.WriteLine("*************C# Properties***************"); Console.WriteLine("Student Info: {0}", s); // //let us increase age s.Age += 1; Console.WriteLine("Student Info: {0}", s); KushalProperty k = new KushalProperty(); k.Name = "SetKushal"; string GetKushal = k.Name; Console.WriteLine("Set Kushal Prop: {0}", k.Name); Console.WriteLine("Get Kushal Prop: {0}", GetKushal); Console.WriteLine("*************C# Abstract Class***************"); AbstractBaseClass sh; sh = new Rectangle(); sh.draw(); sh = new Circle(); sh.draw(); sh.Pprintline(); Console.WriteLine("*************C# Interface***************"); SubClass inter = new SubClass(); inter.SetTutorial(1, "Interface example"); Console.WriteLine(inter.GetTutorial()); Console.WriteLine("*************C# Missing Element Array***************"); ArrayOp ar = new ArrayOp(); ar.ArrayMissingEle(); ar.ArrayReverse(); Console.WriteLine("*************C# string word reverse Element Array***************"); StringOp str = new StringOp(); str.StringRev(); Console.WriteLine("******************C# Default Constructor**********************************"); ConstructorDefault cn = new ConstructorDefault(); cn.Display(); Console.WriteLine("*******************C# Copy Constructor**********************************"); ConstructorCopy pc = new ConstructorCopy(10); pc.Display(); ConstructorCopy pc1 = new ConstructorCopy(pc); pc1.Display(); Console.WriteLine("******************C# Static Constructor**********************************"); ConstructorStatic sc = new ConstructorStatic(); sc.Display(); Console.WriteLine("******************C# Enummmm Under Namespace**********************************"); WeekDays d = WeekDays.Tuesday; Console.WriteLine(d); Console.WriteLine("******************END OF THE PROGRAM**********************************"); }